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 Subzone: Angin Plains (Revisited)

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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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Age : 34

Subzone: Angin Plains (Revisited) Empty
PostSubject: Subzone: Angin Plains (Revisited)   Subzone: Angin Plains (Revisited) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 14, 2009 7:50 am

This is a remake of a subzone in Deeper Felarya. I think I let too many ideas flow in the zone for its own good. I'll be trying to capture the feel of danger of Felarya in this zone.

Subzone of: Deeper Felarya
Danger: High

Deep in the unstable forest of Deeper Felarya lies an enormous glade. So big in fact it's simply called a plain. The zone is totally devoid of trees, trading it for a rich amount of tall grass and flowers. The Angin Plains' is notorious for its ever-changing wind, which can range from a breeze to a gale. This zone is particularly dangerous due to the predators of the zone, especially Sylphs, Air Nagas, and Rock Harpies, possessing powerful wind magic and taking full advantage of the flat land combined with the natural wind.

That's all I can think for the moment. I'll try to update it when more ideas will come to mind.
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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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Join date : 2008-01-20
Age : 34

Subzone: Angin Plains (Revisited) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Subzone: Angin Plains (Revisited)   Subzone: Angin Plains (Revisited) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 12:30 pm

A new idea. Credit goes for Zoekin for the idea.

The wind of the Angin Plains is actually a living wind. It can talk, take forms, somewhat interact with the people in the plains, and provides the basic air to create air elementals due to its rich magic nature. There is a rumor that the wind of the Angin Plains is the source of all rumors in Felarya. Nobody knows who or what created or brought this wind to life, or the full extent of its power. Depending on its mood, it may uses its magic on adventurers who reached the plain, which may or may not result in something beneficial for the explorer.
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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Subzone: Angin Plains (Revisited) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Subzone: Angin Plains (Revisited)   Subzone: Angin Plains (Revisited) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 2:00 pm

Mhh I like this idea of the living wind ^_^
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Subzone: Angin Plains (Revisited) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Subzone: Angin Plains (Revisited)   Subzone: Angin Plains (Revisited) Icon_minitime

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