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 Fallen's bio

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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

Posts : 113
Join date : 2008-04-26
Age : 35
Location : in you bed, stealing your sleeps

Fallen's bio Empty
PostSubject: Fallen's bio   Fallen's bio Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2009 7:41 pm

Now with visual aid! http://zalzas.deviantart.com/art/Zit-growing-up-146455880

Zietra Destructicus Brightshine

“Zit”, as she would be called by her peers, was an energetic girl, always fluttering from one thought to the next like a hummingbird on speed, like most children her age tend to. She had grown up on listing to the tails of adventure and heroism her mother had gone on through her long life, and seeing as how it was an account of the experiences from the person who actually lived through them the exaggerations was only slightly excessive. These stories carved a thirst for adventure in the young angel, and she had a habit of throwing herself at danger whenever the opportunity presented its self, and even times when it didn’t. She had the habit of taking her wooden sword, a gift her mother gave her to help her practices her fighting skills, and using it to whack anyone or anything whom she considered to be the “bad guys” What made someone constitute being a “bad guy” seemed to be entirely dependent on both whether that person resemble a bad guy in any fable she has heard, and on her own whim. Despite her adorably violent tendencies, she was a kind girl who always wished to bring joy and happiness to the world.

Destructicus the destroyer

A few years can drastically change a person’s outlook on life, especially if those years are the years in which you become a teenager. Zit become quite moody and irritable in these years, shaking off her heroic antics but still keeping her aptitude for violence. She became a bit of a punk, and claimed to be “the toughest thirteen year old in all of eternity” She became openly defiant and contemptuous of any authority figure and sought to brake any rule imposed upon her, no matter how minor or in her best interest the rule was. One faithful day the young angel got into a fight with her mother, and shouted “you don’t get me, you just don’t understand my PAIN” he shouting was accompanied by a large amount of dramatic flair “I should just cast myself from Heaven, that would show you all!” Her mother, being the wise sort of parent who knew better then to bow to such silly dramatics replied “if you want to cast yourself out from heaven, go right on ahead” and then portly sat down in her chair and ignored her daughters whining. “Fine! I’ll go do just that!” Zit said before storming out of the house, making sure to slam the door on her way out. Zit’s mother simply stayed seated in her chair, waiting for her daughter to return with her tail between her legs. She had underestimated the stubbornness of her daughter, and she did not realize her mistake until she heard her daughter scream as she fell from heaven into the mortal word. There was nothing more for her mother to do besides to sigh and hope that he daughter managed to get her fool self killed in a relatively painless manor soon so she could return to heaven.


Her wings burnt, her body bruised, and lost in a perilous forest, Zit was right on track to starve to death had she not been unfortunate enough to stumble into the hunting grounds of a rather savage pack of druids. She soon found herself, quite littler, in the jaws of a viscous and gigantic wolf. Tired, scared, and just an inch away from being eaten, Zit made one last stand against the world and began sticking the wolf with her wooden sword. The wolf was forced to let go of Zit, not because the strikes where painful but because Zit’s pitiful attack was making the wolf laugh so hard it was having a hard time standing up, none the less holding the young girl in its jaws. The wolf was a druid named Melina, and she was rather impressed with Zit’s tenacity. Melina decided that she wouldn’t eat Zit then and there, but rather play with her a bit and see how long this young girl could survive out here in the wilderness. For several years Zit fled, hid, and fought against Melina and the other druids in the area, barley managing to escape with her life with each encounter. For her part Melina had a tendency to go easy on the child, always holding herself back just a bit so as to give Zit a fighting chance for survival. That is not to say she wouldn’t devour the child where she not able to meet up with Melina’s expectation, Melina didn’t want to taint this test of survival by removing the danger of death, or else Zit wouldn’t truly learn anything about what it meant to be a creature of nature.

It was two years since coming to earth that Zit was to first officially start training to become a druid. Melina had become impressed with the young girl’s ability to survive, and had gown a little found of her in all those years she spent hunting her. When Melina offered to officially start training Zit into become a druid the former angel was understandably wary. She trusted Melina’s offer much more when Melina added that just because she was going to be trained did not mean that she would stop hunting her, if anything Melina was going to hunt Zit down with even more fervor. Zit realized quite quickly that she did not have much of a choice in the matter, she would need the skill Melina would teach her in order to keep out of Melina’s jaws. Zit accepted her new mentor, and started her first lesions as a druid in training. Her first lesion being, never get within arm’s reach of the teacher if you want to live.
Zietra would continue her training for several years before she would become accepted by nature as a druid. She would then go on small quests on behalf of her pack, quests that would help test and improve her abilities. Eventually she even started protecting a small forests from intrudes, bandits, and annoying elves. Unless the elves had cookies, who could say no to cookies.

Zit’ flare for dramatics never lessoned with age, nor did her desire for adventure. After going through several name and costume changes, Zit decided to call herself Fallen. Her costume was not so much a intentional choice as it was an accident. During a brawl in a rather rowdy tavern Fallen, whom at the time was calling herself “Bloodfang”, got thrown into a fireplace and had the outer layer of her leather armor burnt off. She staggered out, still on fire, with the bones she had used to add additional strength to the armor showing. She felt the look had a cretin sinister feel to it, and it matched her wings, so she decided to keep it.

It was not too much longer after becoming a semi nuisance to the locals that she met up with a band of adventures and, on the wishes of the head druid, she joined them in order to learn from the harrowing travels she was sure to endure. She stayed with the band of adventures for many years, and though many adventures, until one unwise journey left her alone in a most dangerous dimension.
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