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 Jeice the Summoner

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Jeice the Summoner
Tasty morsel

Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-03-02

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PostSubject: Jeice the Summoner   Jeice the Summoner Icon_minitimeTue Mar 02, 2010 11:00 am

Name: Jeice

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Nationality: Native American

Age: 25

Height: 6"1'

Hair: black, straight, shoulder-length.

Build: Athletic

Dimension of Origin: Earth A05 (A story in of itself. Suffice to say it is a version of Earth where magic ruled for a time, but was almost completely destroyed during the Spanish Inquisition, and again during the New England Shaman Trials)

Current Location: Just entered Felarya

Current equipment: The clothes on his back, a Staff of the Journeyman, and a Dagger of Our Ancestors.

Jeice was born into a Native American tribe who practice the Art of Summoning. That is to say, they Bind the spirit of beasts to themselves, allowing them to Call them to their side for aid. This particular tribe long ago discovered a way to travel to a dangerous, feral world, known as as Felarya. Ever since then, it has been Tradition to send Aspirants there, who must then successfully tame and Bind one of the many creatures there. This is the final test to becoming a Summoner. Understandably, very few pass this test, the Rite of Ascension.

Traditionally, the age most Aspirants travel to Felarya varies, but not much. The truly gifted go there when they are 15-16. Your average Aspirant goes there when they are 18-20.

Jeice was 25 when he first stepped foot into Felarya.

To say Jeice is an untalented Summoner isn't entirely accurate, however. In fact, he has the potential to become the greatest Summoner since High Summoner Evaldon. The Art of Summoning requires great focus, and strict mental discipline, Which makes it difficult for Jeice, an abstract, free-thinker, to advance. This weakness, however, is also his greatest strength. His thesis, administered shortly after his 16th birthday, proved once and for all that a Summoner could, in fact, Bind an inanimate object with no soul, or spirit, to the Summoner, when he Called a Rubber Ducky to his side, which then began to recite Plato's Republic from memory. It is his policy of challenging standards and ancient traditions that has kept him from taking his Rite of Ascension, as every test before it took 2 or 3 times longer than normal, and any roadblock, stipulation, or forbidden act, was often challenged with "Why not?". Fortunatly, Jeice was wise enough to discern when something was forbidden, simply because it was much to dangerous for an Aspirant to attempt.

The other reason it took so long for Jeice to begin is Rite of Ascension, was because every Summoner who had been there before knew Jeice would have a difficult time in Felarya. For it didnt take long after he first entered the strange dimension that he said to himself, "I bet I can tame one of the bigger ones"

This is a work in progress, though I believe this is enough for initial critique.
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