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 Phione Bio

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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Phione Bio Empty
PostSubject: Phione Bio   Phione Bio Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 5:02 pm

Late thread is late, seeing as I've actually had this character bio posted up on my DeviantArt for.....pretty much ever.

Name: Phione
Species: Chilotaur
Height: 10 Ft.
Length: 30ft
Hair color: Light Orange
Eye Color: Deep brown
Skin Color: Dark hued
Age: 38, physically 20


As one could well imagine, growing up in a place such as Felarya is no picnic. As one could also very well visualize, being one of the smaller species in Felarya is no blessing in itself. However, despite the inherent dangers of living in such a place, Phione has managed to survive in Felarya quite well, and one could even go as far as to refer to her as a threatening predator (At least for her size). Although, she did not grow into the predator she is today overnight, and started from a childhood spent in the Bulvon Wood zone.

Being one of a batch of forty little chilotaurs, Phione never got a lot of face time with her parents, who were perpetually tending to the rest of the young. Although, this never seemed to bother Phione much, as she greatly preferred the company of her siblings to that of her mother and father. It was soon well established amongst the lot of young though, that Phione's was truly the strongest of their wills, as she quite easily dominated her brothers and sisters. She always had first pickings of food, kept herself the second largest chamber in the family's underground nest, and her word was inferior only to that of her parents themselves. Perplexingly though, Phione was possibly the smallest of the entire group, ruling sheerly by virtue of her great physical strength, which quite frankly amazed her family. As a result, she quickly developed a dominating personality, though not cruel by any means, she did, and still does, greatly enjoy feeling in control of her situation, and the people around her.

Holding the title of dominant in her own environment was no great achievement though, a fact that Phione knew well enough. Several species of larger beings called the wood home as well, and none of them would've passed up the tasty little meal that a young chilotaur represented. Due to this natural tension between the races, Phione spent her youth quite wary of any species she knew could do her harm, and was much happier associating with what she viewed as "harmless" kinds of animals (Most anything human sized or smaller fell into the harmless category to her). While this caution did help her survive, it unfortunately implanted the idea that all larger creatures were to be avoided in her mind. On the flip side of this, she grew to be oblivious to the great danger smaller races could potentially represent as well. Fortunately, however, neither of those ideas have lead to too much complication for her.

Phione's life in the wood came to an end though, as she, along with most all her brothers and sisters, instinctively left their home upon turning ten years of age. After this, she adopted a nomadic style of living, and regularly shifted hunting grounds, creating a temporary dwelling and draining all the prey from the area over the course of a week or two before moving on and repeating. All of this she did under cover of darkness, due to her species' natural dislike for bright light. This way she lived and continues to live, traveling in more safety during the night, and sleeping hidden either underground or in caves during the day. Her encounters with larger predators are few and far between because of her nocturnal life, and her run-ins with humans and other creatures are even fewer. However, she is normally content in the absence of company, having grown used to being alone.

Social habits:

To describe Phione as a loner would be incorrect. While she can indeed function without anyone for companionship, she does so only because there is not much opportunity for socialization. If the circumstances were ever appropriate though (for instance, if she did not have to sustain herself by eating them) she would be happy to have the presence of a similarly sized being, or a smaller one even.

Unfortunately, due to her spending her life almost entirely within the wilds of Felarya, she lacks almost all understanding of the workings of most civilized races. Such things as technologies, social etiquette, and indeed most things the average person would find commonplace are a mystery to her entirely. As a result of this, social behavior, while well intended, would be awkward at best.

Hunting Habits:

Just like most everything she does, Phione hunts near exclusively at night, emerging from the safety of her day-time hiding place in order to obtain food. Needless to say though, the amount of light left to see by is very minimal during this time. However, this serves as no real complication to her, as she utilizes the two antennae atop her head to sense out the location of her intended meals.

As far as the meals themselves are concerned, Phione doesn't have a great amount of preference in food, and will normally consume the first edible thing she comes across during her nightly hunt. However, she does feel a bit of compassion for the sentient creatures that constitute part of her diet, and doesn't take any great joy in knowing she has taken a life merely to preserve her own. Though, at the end of the day, she knows she has to eat something, and so she does, if only to survive.


Like all Chilotaurs, Phione possesses the ability to inject venom into targets, via her two front 'legs', which are actually a powerful delivery system for the aforementioned toxin. Albeit a useful idea in theory, she rarely has to utilize it, as she hardly encounters creatures that pose that much of a threat to her, and even upon one of these rare meetings, she would much rather just turn tail and flee.

However, she does have a much more unusual trait, one that aids her greatly in hunting. Phione's jaws are able to unhinge and stretch a great deal, allowing her to easily take prey that predators of her size would perceive as inedible otherwise. This ability also allows her to save the precious resource of time during the night, as she is able to simply devour one large creature, as apposed to having to go through the troubles of hunting down several smaller ones.

What think?
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