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 A New Type of RP Style

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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeTue Apr 24, 2012 5:30 pm

I'll say right off the bat that this style is for purely recreational and likely totally not-canon combat roleplays.

Okay, I had an idea for a videogame-style combat rp, where each character has set Health Points and Skill Points depending on their strengths and weaknesses. Then there are four different types of commands a player can use each turn; Attack - normal, weak-ish attacks that don't cost any SP; Skill - special abilities, spells, and skills unique to each character, which can cause damage to an opponent or reduce damage to the player, each with its own SP cost; Guard - which reduces some of the damage taken by an attack; and Wait, which is self-explanatory. Each character can also have an inventory, which can contain both items and weapons. There is a rule for taking damage to make it a tad less repetitive: If the first die rolls 1-3, damage is added, if it's 4-6, damage is reduced, then the second die determines by how much. This rule applies to all actions with the tag "dmg" after them.

Reccommended Dice Roller

The system is easiest to use on this site.

Character Creation rules:

-Average stats are HP 120, SP 120. Based on those, one can estimate what their character's stats would be based on strengths and weaknesses, IE magic users would likely have a higher amount of SP, characters that can't take hits well have lower HP. If a character has higher than average HP and SP, they should have some other weakness to balance it out. Each character also needs to have a Size Class of either Tiny, Human, or Giant, for reference.
-Normal Attacks should not have a base dmg value above 30.
-Attack Skills with a base dmg value of 50+ should at the very least have a high SP cost (35+). Attack Skills that have base dmg of 65+ should have a high SP cost as well as other terms of use, such as a charge turn requirement or the use of an activation skill that the move can only be used after, or otherwise have a drawback penalty.
-Characters can have up to two Special Skills, ie. "Combo Attacker", which is a type of general Special Skill that other characters could make use of, or a character-specific Special Skill that pertains to that character's specific powers.
-Characters can have up to three Special Weaknesses, such as "Deep Sleeper" which makes the "Sleep" condition last a maximum of an extra two turns for that character, or perhaps something specific to that character. The weakness can be based on personality, physical weakness, or race.
-In case of using the Chance system, each move a character has that causes damage or an added effect will have a roll value after the 'greater than' sign (>) at the end of the move's description on the character sheet. This represents the chance of the attack landing. (ie. an attack with 90% chance of landing will have a roll value of ">90") Moves that can both cause damage as well as an added effect should have two roll values, unless it is given that the added effect has a 100% chance of occurring as long as the initial attack lands.
-Characters of all Size Classes shall follow these rules. (A rule system for battles between characters of different size classes is already in development)

Battle Rules

Buddy System:
-Meant for those just trying to have fun, players determine when damage and effects are taken on their characters on their own, and trust each other to be fair in judgement.
-To keep it exciting and unrepetitive, players taking damage will use 'dmg rolls' and roll three d6; if the first die outcome is even, damage is reduced. If odd, it is increased. The sum of the other two dice determine by how much. This is to be done for any time a character takes damage from an attack.
-There are 4 different command types that a player can choose from each turn: Attack, Skill, Item, and Wait.
  • The "Attack" command allows characters to perform a basic attack. They do not cost SP but they are generally the weakest in dmg value.
  • The "Skill" command allows characters to use a character-specific skill that they have. They can cause damage as well as added effects, be used to guard against attacks or avoid them, or activate other special abilities.
  • The "Item" command allows characters to use or equip an item or weapon from their inventory.
  • The "Wait" command covers pretty much anything else; a character can hide, run away, feel sorry for another character, play some music, pretty much whatever isn't covered by the other commands.

-Players can only use one command each turn.
-A player's turn goes as follows:
  • Damage phase (dmg due to ailments is noted and calculated, then if attacked during the previous character's turn, either calculates and takes damage or states how they dodge, as well as states whether they are afflicted with an ailment or added effect. )
  • Command Phase (player states which command type they are using and which move or item after it, and if necessary, at whom the move is aimed.)
  • Calculation Phase (Player calculates any difference in HP and SP between this turn and their last turn, and states what their characters current HP and SP are in [brackets]. This marks the end of the player's turn.)
  • If a player opts to use a skill to defend against an incoming attack, then the Damage Phase and Command Phase are switched.

Chance System:
-Meant for more serious RPers or battlers who just want to use more defined rules, the Chance system applies the use of a d100 to determine the outcomes of attacks and added effects based on specific percentage probability.
-When being attacked, a player will use an 'Accuracy roll' using the d100 to determine whether or not their character is affected. The player must roll equal to or higher than the roll value of the attacker's move in order to avoid the attack. For example, if attacked with a move with a roll value of >75, rolling a 90 will cause the attack to miss and the character take 0 dmg.
-The Chance system does not make use of the Buddy System's 'dmg rolls'.
-Besides the above changes, the system is the same as the Buddy System.

Ailments, Conditions, and Additional Effects:

  • Poison: Roll 2 d6 each turn, sum is subtracted from HP. Lasts for 5 turns unless cured.
  • Fire: Character takes 20 dmg, then 10 dmg each turn for 3 turns or until the fire is put out.
  • Paralyzed: Character becomes paralyzed. Roll a d6 each turn. If the outcome is odd, character is unable to move. If outcome is even, character may move. Lasts for 5 turns unless cured.
  • Dizzy: Character becomes dizzy.
    *Buddy System: Roll a d6 each turn. If outcome is odd, character cannot move. If even, character may move. Lasts for 3 turns unless cured.
    *Chance System: Accuracy rolls for afflicted character's moves decrease by 35. Lasts for 3 turns unless cured.
  • Drowsy: Character will be afflicted with "Sleep" on their next turn if not cured.
  • Sleep: Character falls asleep. Roll a d6 each turn. if the outcome is 1-4, the character stays asleep. If it is 5 or 6, the character wakes up. Lasts for a maximum of 5 turns or until character takes damage.
  • Petrified: Character is unable to move indefinitely until effect is nulled by item, skill, or until 3 turns are up.
  • Hypnotized: Character is hypnotized into carrying out the command of the attacker's choosing (ie "Stare at giant breasts", "Enjoy musical performance"). Roll a d6 each turn. If it is 5 or higher, character snaps out of hypnosis. Lasts for a maximum of 4 turns.
  • Fear: Character becomes paraniod. dmg values of all Attacks and Skills are lowered by half. Roll values of recieved attacks are lowered by 15 if Chance system is active. Lasts for a maximum of 3 turns unless cured.
  • Aggrivated: Character becomes enraged. Only "Attack" command moves are available. dmg values of all Attacks are doubled. Roll Values of afflicted characters moves are decreased by 20 if Chance system is active. Lasts for a maximum of 5 turns unless cured.
  • Calm: Causes peace of mind in character. Afflicted character cannot use moves that cause damage. Lasts for a maximum of 4 turns.
  • Frozen: Character is frozen in ice and is unable to move indefinitely until effect is nulled by item, or an attack that uses heat or flames. Frozen character cannot take damage. Lasts for a maximum of 7 turns.
  • Wet: Character becomes soaked. No additional details.
  • Corrosion: Destroys one Inventory item of the attacker's choosing.
  • Stunned: Ends attacked character's turn after Damage Phase.

Generic Special Skills:
  • Combo Attacker: If the character lands a hit with an "Attack" command move, they may end the opponent's next turn after the Damage Phase and enact another attack. Using Chance system, second attack's Roll Value is decreased by 15, and third attack's is decreased by 30.
  • Dimensional Pocket: Character is immune to additional effect "Corrosion".
  • Hate to be Woken: If character is woken from Sleep by an opponent's attack, his or her attacks' base damage values increase by 20 for the next 4 turns.
  • Fireproof: Character is immune to moves that involve fire, as well as the ailment "Fire".
  • Waterproof: Character is immune to moves involving water, as well as the ailment "Wet".
  • Soundproof: Character is immune to moves that involve the use of sound.
  • Fighting Spirit: Damage Values of character's attacks double while afflicted with an ailment. Character is immune to "Calm" and "Sleep".

Generic Special Weaknesses:
  • Klutz: Character takes 10 dmg each turn he or she is afflicted with "Dizzy".
  • Deep Sleeper: "Sleep" condition will last 2 extra turns.
  • Heavy Sleeper: When afflicted with "Sleep", character will need to roll a 6 to wake up.
  • Lightningrod: Character takes an extra 20 dmg from attacks involving electricity.

Generic Inventory Items:
  • Medicinal Herbs: Restores 20 HP
  • Health Potion: Restores 50 HP
  • Fruit of Vitality: Restores 30 SP
  • Stamina Potion: Restores 70 SP

Here is an example of a character sheet for this RP style, using my own character:
Nyaha's Battle Sheet:

And an example of a test I did with hhhat09.
Test Battle:

Now, the idea is still in development, so any points or comments you guys have to make about it, we'd love to hear it. There's probably more types of stat changes, rules, damage changers, commands, and such that could be added in to the rules, I think. Even if you don't think it's a great idea, at least try to give us the benefit of the doubt, please and thank you, and entertain it for just a bit. ^_^

Last edited by Nyaha on Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:23 am; edited 16 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeTue Apr 24, 2012 7:41 pm

Did you base this off an existing system or did you make it up yourself?
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeTue Apr 24, 2012 8:01 pm

Why didn't you tell me you guys were doing something like this? I could of helped out a bit. I like the idea. Perfect type to put Razor in. But I do reckon that it could use a couple of things added. Mind if I share my ideas with you? If you're using a special character, wouldn't it make sense to give them a special ability that activates when certain conditions are met? Lemme give you an example. I'll show you what Razor's ability would be.

Dragon Soul: When Razor's HP is below 10, damage dealt to opponent is doubled.

This is of course, only an example. It could be anything from immunity to poison to inflicting a final attack in a desperate attempt to take your opponent down with you. (That last one would be perfect for sore losers.) This would force the opponent to think harder in order to find a way around it. This would make the "game" a lot more interesting.

I also think it would be a good idea to add combo attacks. Sort of like sacrificing SP to get a chance to add extra damage. A combo could be added up to let's say... three attacks. (including combo attacks themselves) My suggestion is to make stage 1 combos up to stage three, increasing in damage. But of course, too much damage and it'll be godmodding. Best to set limits on the damage. Like:
stage 1- total x1.25 damage, likelihood of hitting, 1/2
stage 2- total x1.50 damage, likelihood of hitting, 1/3
stage 3- total x2 damage, likelihood of hitting, 1/6

If you still don't understand, I'll give you another example. Razor's four hit combo in this setup.


Gauntlet Rush: 25
-combo, S1- Spiral Ray: -10 SP, Roll a die. If the result is an even number, +6 damage.
-combo, S2- DeathDance: -10 SP, If Spiral Ray was a successful hit, you may roll a die. If the result is a 1 or a 6, +7 damage.
-combo, S3- EX Slash: -20 SP, If DeathDance was a successful hit, you may roll a die. If the result is a four, +12 damage.

Great job thinking up something like this. I think it's pretty neat. Hope you like my ideas, And it's fine if you don't want em. I can make characters like this even without these "added features". I look forward to using this system in the future. *Gives Nyaha a Celebratory Cake for a job well done*
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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeTue Apr 24, 2012 9:00 pm

All I have to say is "LOL Nyan Kick" Laughing
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2012 10:51 am

@ AJ
Actually, I've been playing a lot of One Piece: Unlimited Adventure lately, and the HP/SP bars the characters have in that game inspired the idea. Though, if I had to say which system I've seen that mine is closest to, it'd have to be Paper Mario's Flower Point system. But really, I just kind of put this together in a way that would make it useful and simple, so I guess my answer is I made it up myself. ^^; Basically, I wanted to reduce the complication of character creation in the system, taking out things like DEF and POW and AGL or anything like that to make it more simple.

I actually already started implementing a Special Skill type thing like what you came up with, in Kinara's bio. Her skill also addresses your idea of a combo system. Check it out:

Kinara's Battle Sheet:

Last edited by Nyaha on Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2012 1:54 pm

Having actual stats beyond HP do have an effect on the game. They balance it and provide a base for things.
Having stats like health, agility, etc make things simpler by allowing one number to determine others easily.
For example in GURPS (which I would recommend for this instead), the health stat determines how likely a character is to resist or recover from paralysis, poison, etc as well as determining their stamina.

I see what you're trying to do here and I like it, the problem is that unless you put in the considerable effort required to balance your system, there's not much point.
There are plenty of existing systems that can do what you want to do, use one.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2012 2:17 pm

Well, the next big step I suppose would be to accommodate characters of different sizes. Obviously, larger characters are going to have higher stats and dmg potential and tiny characters will be rather weak, naturally, so I'm thinking of applying a 'size class' system, perhaps, that restricts characters to only fighting in their class. Would that be a good idea?
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2012 2:41 pm

Nyaha wrote:
Well, the next big step I suppose would be to accommodate characters of different sizes. Obviously, larger characters are going to have higher stats and dmg potential and tiny characters will be rather weak, naturally, so I'm thinking of applying a 'size class' system, perhaps, that restricts characters to only fighting in their class. Would that be a good idea?

You should have some type of Vore moves still man.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2012 4:41 pm

I know, and I really like the idea you gave me on that. On the other hand, this system is for fun, recreational battles, and really, I think all of us on the forum are in agreement that most human-sized characters can't beat a giant-sized character in a full-on, one-on-one battle. If this system was made to accommodate size differences, more than likely giant characters would have a pretty obvious advantage over characters of other sizes, no?
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2012 4:42 pm

Nyaha wrote:
I know, and I really like the idea you gave me on that. On the other hand, this system is for fun, recreational battles, and really, I think all of us on the forum are in agreement that most human-sized characters can't beat a giant-sized character in a full-on, one-on-one battle. If this system was made to accommodate size differences, more than likely giant characters would have a pretty obvious advantage over characters of other sizes, no?

Oh...Good point, but we shouldnt completely restrict it, mages still have a good chance at killing knocking out giants
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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2012 11:02 pm

GURPS has size modifiers. (9ft is +1, 17ft is +2, etc).
When something big tries to hit something smaller, they take the size difference as a penalty. When something small tries to hit something big, they take the size difference as a bonus.

A problem I see with your system Nyaha is that there's nothing for calculating chance to hit.
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2012 11:43 pm

Nyaha wrote:
Well, the next big step I suppose would be to accommodate characters of different sizes. Obviously, larger characters are going to have higher stats and dmg potential and tiny characters will be rather weak, naturally, so I'm thinking of applying a 'size class' system, perhaps, that restricts characters to only fighting in their class. Would that be a good idea?

Funny that. I always refer to Felaryan inhabititants by classes. Class 1: tinies Class 2: Regular humanoids Class 3: Predators. But I can tell you this, I won't be to happy if that really comes to pass. Seeing as Razor has a bit of Classes 2 AND 3 in him. I'm not quite sure if I'd be able to fight using him if one class could only fight another of the same class. I mean, come on. Who here has a humanoid that is basically a predator DNA container?

My opinion: Sometimes people are gonna want to go up against someone of a different class. Sure, make the classes, but shouldn't ya really leave the choice of whether people want a challenge or not up to themselves? I'd just say it is recommended one goes up against one of the same class. Still a good idea, Imma jus' gon' be p*ssed if it ends up screwing Razor's chances of participation. I had his moveset and everything.
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeThu Apr 26, 2012 10:38 am

@ AJ
For the hit chance, I'm already working on that, and have a system in mind to do that for hardcore RPers. I plan to incorporate the use of the Buddy System, which is basically what most RPs around here use, where the players decide on their own when their character takes damage and such. Then there's the Chance System, which will incorporate probability into each attack and skill, as well as allow for the use of the 'Evasion' Command which will allow a character to increase their chances of avoiding an attack, but not allow them to dodge indefinitely. I was planning to use specific percentage values for this, but I can't find anything that can easily calculate the outcome of an event based on % probability, so it'll be more likely to use a d12 or something. Also, I'd like you to elaborate on that size modifier for me, perhaps we can use something the same, or similar to that for this system.
EDIT: I have found this: http://www.roll-dice-online.com/ . It'll allow for a roll of a thoretical d100 which could be used to calculate the outcomes of events based on specific percentages. All you have to do is take the percentage of the attack or ailment working, ie. 70% accuracy, make the number left, in this case 30, and use that as the minimum roll you need for it to work, and bob's you're uncle! What do you think?

@ Razor
Yeah, that's what I thought. I did have another idea, if the size modifier can't be done, which according to what AJ said we might be able to figure out, to reject the reality of size differences and substitute a reality where giants, human-sized, and tiny characters are all on comparatively equal ground, basically making them all the same size, but I don't know if that'd go over well either.

I'm currently updating the idea to include basic guidelines for character creation:
-Average stats are HP 110, SP 110. Based on those, one can estimate what their character's stats would be based on strengths and weaknesses, IE magic users would likely have a higher amount of SP, characters that can't take hits well have lower HP. If a character has higher than average HP and SP, they should have some other weakness to balance it out.
-Normal Attacks should not have a base dmg value above 30.
-Attack Skills with a base dmg value of 50+ should at the very least have a high SP cost. Attack Skills that have base dmg of 65+ should have a high SP cost as well as other terms of use, such as a charge turn requirement or the use of an activation skill that the move can only be used after, or otherwise have a drawback penalty.
-Characters can have up to two Special Skills, ie Kinara's "Combo Attacker", which is a type of general Special Skill that other characters could make use of, or a character-specific Special Skill that pertains to that characters specific powers.
-Character can have up to three Special Weaknesses, such as "Deep Sleeper" which makes the "Sleep" condition last a maximum of an extra two turns for that character.
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeThu Apr 26, 2012 4:43 pm

Sweet. Now... Do you have a name for this 'Combat RP' or are you just gonna keep calling it that? Also, if we want to post stats for our characters do we post em in our own topics or can we do it here?
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 3:21 pm

OKAY!!!! I just got done editing the first post! It now includes Character Creation Rules (updated), the rules for the two different types of Battle Systems, and some more Additional Effects! ^.^ I think with this, you guys can start using the basics of the system all on your own as long as you follow the guidelines properly! ^.^

As for the name, I've taken to calling it the Felarya Battle System. Do you think that works or should it be a better name? And if the latter, do you have any suggestions?

To answer your other question, Razor, I'd be delighted if other people posted their character sheets here. That way, they can be evaluated and critiqued for balance, and you can share any ideas you guys have for added effects and ailments, as well as Special Weaknesses and Special Skills, and even generic usable items that your characters could have in your inventory! ^.^ Don't be afraid to be creative!! And in that spirit, I will also post my character sheets for the Felarya Battle System here, too! Though, I ask you, please spoiler them. ;D
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 4:56 pm

Sorry I'm late with this, but maybe you should add a 'frozen' condition and maybe area moves that affect both environment and players in some way, although the latter may be classed as a skill, I'm not sure
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 8:43 pm

Kay... I think maybe I'll post Razor's stats. And I hope you don't mind, but Ima use my combo system... No offense but yours left me scratching my head. Yeah, I'm a bit thick-headed. If this is a problem I can easily change it. Oh and with Razor's character I also threw in the idea for item fusion. Hope you like it.


Last edited by Iamawesome789 on Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:14 am; edited 1 time in total
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeSat Apr 28, 2012 3:27 pm

Okay, Razor, here's my evaluation...

I'm sorry to say I don't like your combo system. First is the fact that "Attack" command moves don't use SP; that alone classifies them as "Skills". Second, the "Combo Attacker" Special Skill is simple, I'll explain in again:

If you use an "Attack" command move and it hits, you can enact your Special Skill to stop the player's turn after they state how much damage they take. You can do this for up to three attacks maximum, as long as each one hits successfully. I'll note this time around that, although it is possible to follow an Attack command with a Skill command using this method, you cannot combo after a Skill command, so using one would end the chain. For those using the Chance system, the second attack's Roll Value is decreased by 15, meaning it has a lower chance of hitting, and the third one decreases by 30.

Speaking of the Chance system, Razor, your character's moves don't seem to have any Roll Values attached to them. That could be a problem later on, unless you only plan to use the Buddy System. Even so, the Roll Values give players using the Buddy System a general idea of how accurate a move is.

Some of your attacks only say "roll a die". In these cases, since there are different types of dice, you should probably state which type of die (d6, as seems to be the case of most of your attacks) is to be rolled.

Your "Item Fusion" system doesn't seem necessary at all, and what's more, it's a little confusing. You can try to explain it to me if you want, but I can't guarantee it'll change my mind. :/ If you want the use of an item like your "Ramen Bowl" to have an extra cost, you can just make it one of Razor's "Skills" that costs a certain amount of SP and however many Ramen Cups to use. ^.^

I do think you've done a good job balancing out the dmg values and SP costs of your skills and attacks, that's well-done. His HP/SP stats seem pretty fair, too.

His Special Weaknesses are okay. The first one doesn't seem to be something that really effects him enough to be of any real use. But the second one where he needs to use one of his items to use any of his Skill command moves is quite inventive, I like it. Same for "Klutz", I'm going to make that a generic one that other characters can use. However, I think I'll up the damage they take for it to 10 dmg so that it's more effective, if that's alright with you.

You'll need a different effect with your "Tao Destroyer" weapon: This system does not have a "Guard" feature.

For the rest of you, I'm going to start putting generic Special Skills and Weaknesses under the rules on the first post for use in creating your own characters, if you so choose, and will be continuing to accept ideas to add to the list. Also adding "Frozen" to list of ailments.
I also want some advice: I've taken into consideration a system of bonuses and penalties for size differences. The main idea is that when characters of two different size classes battle, the larger one will have increased Damage Values, but decreased Roll Values, and the smaller one will have decreased Damage Values but increased Roll Values. However, I haven't thought of a good ratio for calculating the differences.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeSun Apr 29, 2012 3:29 pm

Because I'm not perfect, and I want other people to learn how to properly evaluate each other's character sheets (Partly because I only have so many hours to be on my mom's computer each day and I don't want to get swamped), I'm going to post my own character sheets here as well, so if you guys have any issues, please, don't hesitate to bring them up for discussion! ^.^

Nyaha's Bio:

Kira's Bio:

Kinara's Bio:
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Roaming thug
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A New Type of RP Style Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeMon Apr 30, 2012 6:37 am

Ok. Changed a couple things. But still no roll values. That will come next... This is just a work in progress. I switched the die term to d6, updated his Klutz weakness, gave him a class, gave him the conduct item fusion skill and moved the following 3 moves to Razor's four hit combo to a separate combo skill section because I have jack sh*t on how I'm gonna make it work out because I now apparently need to trash one of my abilities despite the fact that both are tied to Razor's character, and taking the moves out is a big no-no as they are also a part of Razor's character. I need to think about what to do and what roll values he'll have and stuff yet.

Oh and Nyaha, about the Tao Destroyer's effect:

Nyaha wrote:
Guard - which reduces some of the damage taken by an attack; and Wait, which is self-explanatory.

Was this scrapped or something?
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeMon Apr 30, 2012 11:16 am

Yes it was scrapped. I've done a lot of updating on the first page since that was written, and I'm about to make more updates, including more general skills and weaknesses, a general items list, and another ailment. You ought to read up if you have the time, there's a lot of info there now. ^.^

As for Razor's Special Skills, that occurred to me, too and I've been considering changing the combo system. My thought is to * Attacks that can be used in combos, and during battle, if you're looking to use a combo, you have to state during your turn that "If the attack hits, [so and so] will attempt another attack". How does that sound?

Also, I just finished another character's bio. Take a look everyone, this is likely the first representation of a mage character for the Felarya Battle System! ^.^

Exilon's Bio:
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeMon Apr 30, 2012 4:11 pm

Character: Niles Gavin
HP: 80/80
SP: 100/100

Pistol - 15 damage, 3 shots >50, uses 3 ammo
Sniper - 30 piercing damage >70, uses 1 ammo
Punch - 5 damage >85
Kick - 5 damage >85

Tekkai (Iron Mass) - 15 SP, reduces damage to 0
Tekkai Soujin (Concentrated Iron Mass) - 40 SP, reduces damage to 0 for the next 3 turns, but cannot use any other skill for 5 turns
Tenzi (Shift) - 10 SP can evade a charged attack of any kind
Tekkai Nagiri (Iron Mass Strike) - 20 SP - Deals 50 damage but gains 10 damage vulnerability next turn

Special Skill:
ArchAgent's Perception
At the initial cost of 20 SP, Guarantees all shots when used and can use skills passively three times
ArchAgent's Stamina (Passive)
Recovers 10 SP every passing turn

Special Weakness:
Deep Sleeper
"Sleep" condition will last a maximum of two turns longer on character.
Slow Clotter
Suffers 2 extra damage every turn when cut or stabbed

Plasma Sniper Rifle
Sniper Ammo X8
Plasma Pistol
Pistol Ammo X24
Med Kit X3

Last edited by Beefnautz on Tue May 01, 2012 2:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Eternal Optimist
Eternal Optimist

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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeTue May 01, 2012 11:50 am

If your gun attacks use any ammo, you should probably state how much to discard in the attack descriptions. Other than that, looks good to me.
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Eternal Optimist
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PostSubject: Re: A New Type of RP Style   A New Type of RP Style Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 11:16 am

Okay, right now I haven't anything more to add, and I'm not changing the combo system. I urge you guys to try the system on your own to the best of your ability and see if you like how it works, and if you feel like it, you can post logs of your RPs using the FBS in this thread in spoilers too! ^.^ Hopefully I'll have some more helpful updates for you later, and if any of you work out a way to make battles between different size classes nice and balanced, please don't hesitate to suggest it and I'll take it into consideration! ^.^
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