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 Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate

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Veteran knight
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Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate Empty
PostSubject: Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate   Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate Icon_minitimeSun Oct 19, 2014 10:11 am

(A MLP OC in Felarya. Rolling Eyes  Look momma, no hands. )

Name: Sybin
Species: Crystal Pony
Gender: female
Age: 45
Size: 3ft 7'
Colouring: Cobalt blue fur, cobalt silver mane and tail, with a crystalline shine.


As an agent of the Order of the Prism Pure, Sybin is responsible for safeguarding the surviving ponies of the Crystal Empire, and to seek new opportunities to help secure their future. As her home world is a pocket dimension that is drifting dangerously close to Felarya, she comes to investigate this world and see if it is dangerous.

One thing that may be hard for many humanoids to understand, is her marital status. Despite being single, she does not, nor ever shall, seek a mate. Ponies are herd creatures and while the gender ratio is 1 male for every 3 females, ponies only wed one partner and polygamy is extremely rare. Crystal ponies are renowned for being masters of their craft, and many devote to it all the attention and energy that otherwise would go into maintaining a marriage. The ones who feel driven to a profession instead of a partner are quite literally married to their work, and receive from it all the satisfaction off a happy relationship.

Being born and raised in the Crystal Empire, she, like all the other ponies in her country, were enthralled by the evil unicorn Sombra. He wiped from their mind the very incentive to rebel, and they labored as his slaves until the neighboring country of  Equestria managed to defeat Sombra. Sadly, they could only banish him and worse yet, he pulled the entire capital with him into banishment.

One thousand years later, agents of the Equestrian crown found the Empire reemerged, but the ponies still ensorcelled. Fortunately, they managed to reignite the kingpin of the Crystal Empire: the Crystal Heart that connects the spirits of the ponies there. The will to protect and nurture, found in every ponies' heart, manifests as a fire radiating love that attacks anything they see as a threat. The Heart utterly vaporized Sombra and broke his spell. Now, the crystal ponies are working to rebuild their homeland, and safeguard it from future threats.

Understandably, they are wary of magic as they have no natural defense against it, and after being mind raped collectively, they see any intrusion into the mind as a grave offense. Mind control in all its forms is abhorrent to them. They know that the Heart can be seen as such, but do not see it so. Their current ruler is capable of controlling not the mind but the heart.


Knights of the Order of the Prism Pure embody the will of the Crystal Heart, which is the will of the people. They reflect the wish to protect and nurture, arming themselves by crystalizing constructs from their spiritual energy around their body that act as their tools and equipment. Calling this energy Incarnum, and themselves Incarnates, each knows how to manifest this as simple tools and armor, or can spend hours in meditation to refine one such constructs into the equivalent of sophisticated equipment. Most can only maintain one or two of such 'soulmelds', but usually this is enough to prepare them for whatever task lies ahead.

She is accompanied at all times by a 'soulspark'. This little translucent flying ball, shaped of her own spiritual energy, acts as her familiar and hands. It has no name, as it has no will of its own but is an extension of hers.

Despite the militaristic name of her order, Incarnates are more alchemist and clerics than soldiers. Ponies' defensive nature places greater importance on mobility and fortifications, on crafting and teamwork, then on power and conquering. They are very self-sufficient, distrusting of non-ponies, and would rather talk than fight.


Stern, but loving, Sybin strives to be a perfect example of how a knight should be. Good but not stupid, forgiving but not forgetting. She does not trust non-ponies, though she will be friendly to them and willing to cooperate--she'll just use her soulspark to keep an eye on her back.

Last edited by Scryangi on Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Eternal Optimist
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Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate   Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate Icon_minitimeSun Oct 19, 2014 11:13 am

To be blunt, I, and I think many others in the Felarya community, have a hard time taking crossover characters seriously. In experience, characters from things like your Dragonball, your DC Comics, and, yes, your MLP never seemed to fit well with their new setting. Now, this has partially been the fault of the writers, many inexperienced, bringing in these characters to defeat or change the setting around them, rather than changing the characters to fit the setting, so I'm trying to be open minded.

That said, I think you have presented something interesting here. The image of a pony interacting with humans, nekos, tomthumbs, and various predatory races is definitely an odd one, but I think this character has something more than what the series she's based off of has. You seem to have given your own touch here, a touch that, in my opinion, might make her interaction with the setting more organic and believable. So yeah, I'm not going to shoot down your crossover idea here, and I hope other people around here give the pony a chance, too.

Still, the dissonance between the mature way you type and your apparent fascination with MLP is starting to creep me out. XD But don't get me wrong, I'm not judging you for what you like! o.o;
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Veteran knight
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Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate   Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate Icon_minitimeSun Oct 19, 2014 1:19 pm

Oh, I get what you are saying about cross-overs, especially if 'teleportation goes wrong' is involved. That said, I had the impression that Felarya is a dimensional nexus so besides not being a humanoid, I think that she is more likely to be seen as an animal than as an alien.

Would people try to capture or sell her?  Shocked

But yes, she's here in the role of investigator, and not trying to make waves, or quest for some artifact. I just want to see her interact with the great variety of locals.

Nyaha wrote:
Still, the dissonance between the mature way you type and your apparent fascination with MLP is starting to creep me out. XD But don't get me wrong, I'm not judging you for what you like! o.o;

You sir, do not seem to grasp what MLP means. It's not about the show, but more a movement. It's when people say "screw this, I'm doing what I like. If you like it too, join me. If you don't, well I'm not going to push it in your face, but don't bother me about it either.' That's what Love and Tolerance means, baby.

Not that the ponies follow this slogan themselves. Laughing They are hypocritical xenophobes, but if they were perfect then there would be no lessons to be taught to the kids. Cool

Of course, it started with the show choosing the exact same route. According to legend, the creator of the show was forced by her parents to be girly, and got MLPonies instead of the toys she wanted. Therefore, she just made them into cool characters. Now years later, she finally got the chance to make this canon. Just look at the wide variety of character and sides to each of the main protagonists, and the villains. I did not exaggerate the slavery and mind rape, you know?

*Edit* Great, now I'm sounding like a recruiter. By all means, ignore this message.
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Eternal Optimist
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Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate   Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate Icon_minitimeSun Oct 19, 2014 5:29 pm

Scryangi wrote:
Would people try to capture or sell her?  Shocked
Depends on the individual characters' views on sapient life, but yes, it is possible. XD

Scryangi wrote:
You sir, do not seem to grasp what MLP means. It's not about the show, but more a movement. It's when people say "screw this, I'm doing what I like. If you like it too, join me. If you don't, well I'm not going to push it in your face, but don't bother me about it either.' That's what Love and Tolerance means, baby.

I'll just say this for now: try to make that not all people see about you. The more time you spend talking about MLP, the less time you're spending showing them who you are and what you're like. I think there's a lot more to you than liking MLP, and that needs to be the majority of what you show people, otherwise, frankly, they might start thinking you're weird in a bad way instead of in a good way. >w<

Scryangi wrote:
Of course, it started with the show choosing the exact same route. According to legend, the creator of the show was forced by her parents to be girly, and got MLPonies instead of the toys she wanted. Therefore, she just made them into cool characters. Now years later, she finally got the chance to make this canon. Just look at the wide variety of character and sides to each of the main protagonists, and the villains. I did not exaggerate the slavery and mind rape, you know?

I hope I get to marry a cool woman like Lauren Faust. <3 Too bad she herself is taken already. Stupid awesome Craig McCracken...
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Felarya cartographer
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Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate   Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate Icon_minitimeMon Oct 20, 2014 9:46 pm

You know it's possible to ascend concepts that have a basis in other universes if you want to use them in Felarya. It's a mater of figuring out what race,class and abilities most closely match the first concept. For example Nergal used to RP with his main OC under the designation Sith while in Felarya. Later he turned Nergal into a Psion and actually made him not only fit in but increased the range of his usability and power set without turning him OP. Myself I do this with a "homeless" OC or two every now and then and find it a good process to keep a character's name, class and such without the stigma fan-characters in Felarya often get. ^^; For your Sybin pony haracter there's two lines of thought:

A: As giant centaur with magical powers.
This method is logical and popular enough, though some might argue over a centaur having powerful Crystal based magic would be OP, but I point out Nagas have this ability and haven't wrecked the world, and sides you can say she comes from a world where her size and powers are normal but say there's not many like her in Felarya.

B: As a human sized centaur mage.
This option means she'd be more likely to be on the menu, which in and of itself isn't a bad thing since it puts the character into dangerous situations and allows for some challenge and growth, but means she'll also have easier access to human sized zones and her Crystal magic would be unique and interesting. I'd still say she's either part of a small herd stranded in Felarya or just say she'd nearly the only one though.

Either way you'd need to re-format your bio to include some extra details. We have centaur templates in the wiki though so it wouldn't be too much of a challenge in my opinion.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate   Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate Icon_minitimeTue Oct 21, 2014 3:21 am

Wow. I thank you for the advice and shall take it to heart. I had not really envisioned Sybin as more then just a test run character--I really want to see a paranoid prey animal's take on Felarya. lol! --but yes it's possible.

First off, the easiest way to make crystal based magic less likely to be OP or setting disrupting is if it resembles...gardening. Cool With how voracious nature is here, I bet most crystals are either low-quality or imported. Someone who grows not only arcane components but might actually improve on them could have a good living. Of course, there is lot's of inspiration out there to make a memorable race of centaurs that have offensive geomancy.

But is it that expected for all sapient races to be humanoid here? With all the different world Felarya contacts, I would expect tool using dolphins. Then again, with so many worlds, there are literally unlimited worlds with only humanoid life.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate   Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate Icon_minitimeTue Oct 21, 2014 8:24 pm

Scryangi wrote:
Wow. I thank you for the advice and shall take it to heart. I had not really envisioned Sybin as more then just a test run character--I really want to see a paranoid prey animal's take on Felarya. lol! --but yes it's possible.

First off, the easiest way to make crystal based magic less likely to be OP or setting disrupting is if it resembles...gardening. Cool  With how voracious nature is here, I bet most crystals are either low-quality or imported. Someone who grows not only arcane components but might actually improve on them could have a good living. Of course, there is lot's of inspiration out there to make a memorable race of centaurs that have offensive geomancy.

But is it that expected for all sapient races to be humanoid here? With all the different world Felarya contacts, I would expect tool using dolphins. Then again, with so many worlds, there are literally unlimited worlds with only humanoid life.

You are quite welcome. I pride myself on helping people who need it in character development. ^_^ It brings me joy to see my experience benefit another! So here's another one: Most people don't use semi-sentient or sentient animals but the Wiki has many choices in the fauna section if you look carefully: http://www.felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Fauna

Hmm interesting. I've never thought about a crystal grower as a occupation. It gets points for originality I must admit and wouldn't be too OP. A bit of a money maker but eh nothing in the rules against that. Though I was referring to the Crystal Magic that Diamon Nagas use which absorbs magical power through crystals grown on their bodies and in fact can then be used to grow more or just simply as a anti-magic shield till the mage's power is drained. Though they are still crystals. Depending on the density a powerful heavy weapon or just a nice blast from some high tech missiles can put an end to that annoyance so don't think if you add that attribute they'd be able to take on a trained unit of Battle mages or even a competent group of mercs without a fight.

Well it's more the fact that non-humanoids have harder time in Felarya. IE: the Forum and member RP and writing based communities. Mostly people are uncomfortable using non-humanoids for some odd reason, but it's not un-heard of. I myself have serval non-humanoids of varrying intelligence including some AI powered machines like Faychaser who's basically a giant mech with abandonment issues XD Darn I need to write about it sometime. Thanks for reminding me of that. TuT *Is buried in a mountain of unwritten bios*
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PostSubject: Re: Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate   Scryangi''s OC: Sybin the Incarnate Icon_minitime

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