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 Hafri and Raven

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PostSubject: Hafri and Raven   Hafri and Raven Icon_minitimeThu Nov 05, 2015 6:35 am

((decided to start off the family series with Hafri and Raven first. there character bio can be found here, https://felarya.forumotion.com/t3937-character-list ))

Hafri and Raven chapter one: Tag

he had to keep the pace...
Hafri was sweating by the time he even got to the quarter point of where he was running to. three miles of running and jumping from tree to tree, wasn't his idea of fun while trying to get away from a giantess. but lucky him, the boy knew this area like the back of his head, while a really large shadow flung past him, Hafri knew it he had to keep up the pace. or he is going to end up caught earlier then expected.

"heh... damn"

Hafri stopped and moved down the branch of a large tree, deciding to try and hide within the base of the tree at least. while trying to catch his breath for at least a second, he suddenly felt the tree shift! and that was his cue to try and jump quickly to another one or end up in 'her' hands. though while his gear shifted to help him 'jump' further to a different tree, he widened his eyes when instead he was jumping right at a open maw! by the time he could even attempt at trying to dodge in mid flight, the mouth lunged at him while he flew at it with too much speed. there was a small wind of warm breath... followed by the intense heat coming from the mouth that enveloped Hafri and trapped him inside while landing face first into a slimy, saliva covered tongue

"gmph! gah! damn it!"

Hafri struggled to try and crawl out of the maw, only to see that the entrance snapped closed by those powerful looking jaws. instead of freedom, he ended up feeling the tongue slosh him around the mouth. drenching and covering him up in the wet disgusting stuff he hated most about the giant's mouth "fuck... s-stop that!" he tumbled near the back of the throat of the predator who managed to catch him so fast. at this point, one would suspect this is where he would end up dead.

while giggling and drool drenching the human, Raven happily sucked on the little 'treat' that was Hafri for a little longer before she paused, licked his head a few more times, then roughly spat him out of her mouth and back onto the tree that was a little lower then her eye level. licking her lips, the Harpy giantess let out a smirk while watching the human get up and try to dry himself off

"lost again brother. jeez your getting worse!"

Hafri got up a moment and glared her in the eyes

"hey! your just getting faster... not my fault that you cheated and gotten to know the usual rout we take for Tag"

Hafri then started to look down at his drenched form. realizeing that his sister actually over drenched his things "damn it sis! what did i tell you about drenching me!? you know this stuff doesn't dry as fast!"
Raven simply let out a smirk before sticking her tongue out at him

"not my fault your getting worse at this game. i thought you deserved to be drenched for allowing me to catch you with out much of a chase!"

she then smiled a little seductively "besides~ be happy i didn't just eat you for not letting your sister have too much fun"

shaking a bit from that comment, Hafri hated when his sister teased him like that. though it did tell him that she was getting a bit hungry, so was he, after a few more moments of yelling about the game of tag they played, he got everything together to start heading over to negav to feed himself, then his damn cheater of a sister

"alright, lets go to Negav, same as before though... wait outside and i'll see if i can bring a group with me out here."
he then points at a group of trees "there is where you can wait... i'll try to get the group to come with me up there.

she let out a growl while being told what to do... but he had a point, and she hated to admit it but when it came to 'feeding time' her brother was one of the best for planning when she strikes
"i shouldn't even be listening to you since you lost... but alright. you better hurry up though or the next game we play im drenching you again"

sighing, Hafri nods and slid down the tree
"alright, well at least our game ended NEAR the city again. why do you always take me here after the game and while in your mouth?" after a simple grunt coming from Raven, he figured she wasn't in the mood for his staling. so within moments he started to walk up to the city. intent on trying to find his sister as well as himself, something to eat.
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Newbie adventurer
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Hafri and Raven Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hafri and Raven   Hafri and Raven Icon_minitimeSun Dec 27, 2015 7:53 am

Hafri and Raven chapter two: the Bet

Finally slipping past the main entrance to the city, Hafri knew today was a good day while seeing that the streets were busy with new arrivals and traders coming in from different villages to do trade within the lower Tier of the city. or it just could be a day where more then one adventurer came back and now are celebrating at the many inns here. Looking around, Hafri kept to himself while others seemed open to share there tales on how they survived there explorations. just as he passed by a elder looking man talking and gloating on how he alone survived an encounter with a dark elven giantess who was too sleepy to catch him, Hafri simply turned a corner to one of the familiar alleyways heading to one of his favorite Inns that was in the more remote side of town.
"keh... cocky in my eyes."

Hafri muttered a bit more every time he heard some of the tales and finally got to the tavern. True, this tavern was high priced a bit and had many of the guards and thugs within, but it was well worth it since the maids wouldn't be hands full with orders. He sat down at the darker part of the room. Quickly ordering a cocktail and forking over the gold needed to pay for the drink. Hari looked to see a small group of adventurers talking and playing what looked like KengĂ´. sighing, Hafri then moved a bit closer to see what exactly they were betting on and who was winning. just as a winner was placed. he saw a total of four people were playing. two guys and two girls. Well.... more like two guys and one girl since the other just lost everything she had. the girl packed up but sat and watched the other three play, by the looks of it the bet was up to 4,000, and the last female, who looked more like a veteran explorer with all that tattered gear and clothing was smiling and holding her smug look. Hafri couldn't help but watch the game
"alright... put in all your gold, and i'll throw in the half of the map to the Thousand Crypt."

While the girl still held her smile, the two guys looked at each other a bit nervously, one didn't look too convinced.
"Oh please Sherina, you wouldn't part with that unless you KNOW your winning the game... you may have one of us beat... but i know i have the next card to capture your's"

The other man sighed, cursing a bit before throwing in 1,000 gold into the pile.
"Damn it all... worth the money, especially when i know where the other half of the map is"

the man who wasn't convinced looked at the two looking back at him for a LONG moment... then sighed before he forked over the five hundred gold he had left. and just as they began to play again, Hafri moved closer. Looking more at the map then anything just as he was arm's reach of it, Sherina smirks and looked over at him "Wanna play friend? or have your arm cut for trying to steal the map?"

the other two guys stared at Hafri as well, Hafri. couldent help but smile nervously and back up
"w-well i would, but i clearly don't have the gold for the game."

he started to explain but Sherina suddenly shushed him
"well... then i guess you can bet everything you have, cause you seem interested in my half of the map"

she offered him a seat while Hafri sat down, defeated in trying to convince the others that he wasn't really in the playing mood. the game took at least 30 minutes, but soon all that was left of the game were Hafri and the girl. "Hmm, your lasting longer then the usual experienced players in this place. Have to give ya credit" Sherina insisted while Hafri smiled and rubbed the back of his head nervously.
"W-well i did play this one other time with my mother and brother once. otherwise this is sort of my first game"

he admitted he never actually WON the game before since both were smarter and more clever then Hafri when it came to strategy. but they were able to trump Hafri's luck. this girl obviously couldn't as she seemed to lose her nerve, focusing more on the game But before long, just as she thought she had captured his card, he pulled out his counter on her! the other two guys widened there eyes while the girl sat there stunned as Hafri casually took her card!
"th-... how!?..."
the girl's face turned from confusion to a low growl. she didn't look too happy while losing this game. Hafri quickly took the map but left the gold "hey, i just want the map, you can have the go-" just then a dagger was stabbed into the spot of the table where his hand with the map was! and he quickly pulled back with it. confused but not surprised by the rage Sherina was showing him. she began to get up, and Hafri was already up and backed up while the two guys muttered to each other of how much of a sore loser Sherina was when it came to maps.
"you cheater! give me my map back!"

Hafri only smirked while placing it in his bag and moving back to the entrance of the place
"no, I won fair and square"

he smiled a bit deviously that really got to Sherina's nerves. and next thing he knows, hes off running in town with an angry girl chasing him with a few throwing daggers.
"damn... looks like i found a meal for sis..."

he let out an 'ack' while seeing a dagger fly and miss his head, hitting a store sign instead as he ran past the owner. the game of chase was on! and Hafri knew exactly who wins games like these.
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Hafri and Raven Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hafri and Raven   Hafri and Raven Icon_minitimeSun Dec 27, 2015 12:53 pm

Not to be overly critical, but I find that, at least for me, the near-constant spelling, grammar, and capitalization mistakes make it hard for me to actually immerse myself in the story. I'm going to guess English isn't your first language, which is fine; you might just want to have someone proofread your stories for you.
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PostSubject: Re: Hafri and Raven   Hafri and Raven Icon_minitime

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