this is one of my first pots, but i would like to become an active contributer to this forum. here it goes.
the krishien mimic is a creature that appears in the form of a human and despite not being able to talk or interact well with real humans is not that different, appearense wise. the reason it mimics a human, is because it allows it to get close to its favorite food source. no. not humans. the krishien mimic has a very hardy appatite for nagas.
of couse being the size of a human it can't possibly hope to kill a naga, but truthfully it wants the naga to eat it. krishien mimics are actually parasitic reptiles that attempt to get eaten by a naga so they can kill it from the inside and eat there way back out. althouggh they prefure nagas, becuase of there appearence there natturally going to get eaten by other races as well. they don't mind eating a mermaid here and a drider there.
luckilly for most nagas a krishien mimic doesn't eat but 3 times a year thanks to a super slow matabalism. dispite looking like a human they share little in common with one physically. there central nervous system(brain) is located in there chest cavity and there eyes are located on there back(the ones on there head are just for show), although they don't actually use the eyes on there back that much either. they mostly see thanks to a heat sensing pit on there forehead. the human looking head you see is actually there mouth and the entire head can sepperate into 5 seperate jaws that it eats with.
other than that theres not much else to them. they like to keep to themselves and have no formal language nor can they speek other languages. plus because of there deceptive nature many races find it hard enough to locate one non the less find out anything about there culture if they have one.