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 Character Profile: Kron

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Posts : 1171
Join date : 2008-01-09
Age : 33
Location : Spy checking

Character Profile: Kron Empty
PostSubject: Character Profile: Kron   Character Profile: Kron Icon_minitimeWed Feb 11, 2009 7:43 pm

Right. It's time I made an original Felarya character instead of basing them off of games, movies, etc.

Name: Kron
Age: 25
Height: 6 feet
Race: Human
Appearance: Caucasian skin, unkempt short brown hair, green eyes, slight muscular build
Clothing: Long sleeved dark green cloth shirt, tan cloth pants, brown leather boots, black cloth belt.
Weapons: Yew crossbow, Steel longsword
Special abilities: Magic
Biography: Kron is a powerfull mage who is a master of swordplay and archery. Born in Negav, Kron decided to become an adventurer at the age of 17. For years he has admired the predators of Felarya, and has learned to respect them.

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