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 Talktoungeions, a horrifically stupid idea that is awesome

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3 posters
Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Talktoungeions, a horrifically stupid idea that is awesome Empty
PostSubject: Talktoungeions, a horrifically stupid idea that is awesome   Talktoungeions, a horrifically stupid idea that is awesome Icon_minitimeTue Mar 31, 2009 6:37 pm

“Ok brain, get over her. I SAID GET OVER HERE! don’t make me get my phone out!”

“Your phone? What the heck would you do with your phone?”

“I don’t know, its YOUR job to figure shit like that out!”

“Alright…um…what was it you wanted from me again?”

“Ok, so I haven’t really contributed to Felarya fauna that much, I need an idea that is so full of utter AWSOME that people will WEEP when they see it. WEEP!”

“Alright, so how about this giant wang that goes around doing…things. Wang things.”

“No, no wangs. that’s just stupid”

“Oh, well then….how about a Tit-annosaurus Rex!”

“A what?”

“A Tit-annosaurus Rex! Its like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, only made out of boobs! Its brilant!”

“No, no….cthulhuion boob abominations. Seriously, what is wrong with you?”

“Hey! Tit-annosaurus Rex is the best idea EVER! If you cant appreciate its subtle genius then you can suck my spinal cord!”

“that’s it! You give me an AWSOME idea or I will destroy you with the ultimate form of brain torture.”

“You wouldn’t dare, I hold all your everything!”


“AHHHHHH!!!! Oh dear GOD its boring into me like a horrific annoying drill! AHHHHH!!! Ok! Um…. How about a parasite! That like….it looks like a normal human but when a predator puts it into her mouth she starts eating the predator’s tongue! that’s hardcore and awesome right? And then the parasite attaches her legs to where the predators tongue was and kind of fuses with the predator, becoming her new tongue. So you have predators walking around with people for tongues! And they have arguments, WITH THEIR TONGUES! The predator can still taste and all, the parasites skin is just as sensitive as a normal tongue. And the predator feels everything the parasite feels, so if she tires to remove the parasite its like removing her own tongue. See? This is a pretty awesome idea! We will call its species talktoungeions! Its gross, but the comedic potential is golden! Right? And its original! And its even based off a REAL parasite that does that with fish! So is that good? Can you PLEASE stop torturing me now?”

“Fine, for now. But I want to see a LOT more ideas from you, and they BETTER all be awesome!”

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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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Talktoungeions, a horrifically stupid idea that is awesome Empty
PostSubject: Re: Talktoungeions, a horrifically stupid idea that is awesome   Talktoungeions, a horrifically stupid idea that is awesome Icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2009 2:48 am

Impressive Laughing

Maybe would be better to make those parasites capable of shape-shifting

(reason one: because it's not easy to keep hold on a giant predator's tongue. You need damn claws and lotsa strenght)

(reason two: if the "new tongue" was still human form, it would be likely, ripped, and eaten again XD)
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Talktoungeions, a horrifically stupid idea that is awesome Empty
PostSubject: Re: Talktoungeions, a horrifically stupid idea that is awesome   Talktoungeions, a horrifically stupid idea that is awesome Icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2009 7:33 pm

"What in god's name do you call that thing?"

"I call him 'tongue-y' "

"I should not have asked."
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PostSubject: Re: Talktoungeions, a horrifically stupid idea that is awesome   Talktoungeions, a horrifically stupid idea that is awesome Icon_minitime

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