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 Second Character

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Naga food

Posts : 43
Join date : 2008-10-15
Age : 33
Location : England

Second Character Empty
PostSubject: Second Character   Second Character Icon_minitimeSat Apr 11, 2009 1:58 pm

Well this is my second character now,
this time i have worked more on the developmet.


Royal Mermaid
Size: 100 feet
Skin: grey
Eyes: Red
Hair: Dark Blue
Lower Body: Dusky Dolphin


Takiko is a curious, playful and easily discouraged Mermaid. She is known for always being honest to everyone she meets, however sometimes because of her being disheartened quite effortlessly she makes a fool out of herself in front of anyone (even Humans and Nekos).
Even though she is a nervous wreck on some occasions, she does overcome it depending on the situation.


Takiko’s childhood was a fun and carefree until she entered her teens, an obnoxious Chlaena started to bully her. He would make fun of her in any way he can, but it was frequently about her blood red eyes that gave the most damage to Takiko confidence. Whenever she used to be around other Merfolk and Aquatic beings she would shield her eyes, afraid that they would make a stop and stare, this does lead to her crashing into things. Over the years the torment got worst and worst with more joining in the Chlaena’s fun, then something inside of her burst out.

One day she was surrounded by a bunch of Aquatic folk which was lead by the bullying Chlaena, he swam towards her and commented on her appearance, Takiko stood there without quivering and tolerated his comments. Realizing that his comments did nothing he looks around her body, seeing a lapis lazuli coloured sand dollar around her neck with a sinister glare he rips the necklace from her ash coated neck, instantaneously cracking it into three pieces.
Not caring of what he did, he threw the pieces back at her while laughing. Takiko building with rage lunged towards the Chlaena, pounding all of her wrath into the boneless boy. After beating him to the verge of being unconscious, she picks him up squeezing his helpless body into her mouth. Gulping repeatedly on the body, she swallows her tormenter whole. After dimming down Takiko suddenly realizes what she had done, the others there were in shock on how Takiko merciless attacked and ate the Chlaena.
In confusion and shame, Takiko picked up the split pieces of her necklace and swam into the night blue sea.
Now she patrols the coastline of the Topazial Sea to the mouth of the jewel river.

Hunting Habits:

Even though being an innocent shy Mermaid that doesn’t mean she can’t hunt. Being a “Tideweaver” she can have a lot of entertainment when catching her food, one of the spells that Takiko uses generates a small narrow whirlpool, this would suck up the chosen meal and lead it towards her mouth. This vortex is strong enough to pull down small animals to medium size ships, however for this spell to work she would have to be in deep water, for two reasons;
1. If she makes it within shallow water, it will backfire and fling whatever trap inside into the horizon
2. It takes about 5minutes to successfully cast and by this time her prey would notice what’s going on and flee

On the other hand she has developed an additional spell for the coastal banks and beaches, channeling all of her magic into the water she forces it onto land and forms a water trap. Depending on the prey that has caught her attention, she morphs the water into something that would get the interest of target. (An example: if it was a Kensha Beast, the trap would look like a drinking whole while on the other hand if it is a human, the trap would be a natural pool or spring)
When the unexpected victim interacts with the trap, the water engulfs them sealing them inside a glob of water. After that Takiko uses her magic to bring the trapped prey back, at that point she could swallow her food whole or she would play around with her food.
Takkio has a mix view on eating Humans and Nekos, she sees some as kind individuals and tries to befriend them (which a majority of times ends up in her feeling gloomy because of their reaction) and the rest she feels uneasy about which ends up with her eating them.

Little facts About Takiko:

• The necklace she wears was given to her by her Father
• Even though Takiko is a Royal Mermaid, she has the lower half of a dolphin
• She often scares Humans and Nekos when she tries to befriend them (sometimes by her red coloured eyes, but most of the time by her nervousness in first impressions)

• She won’t attack or eat injured prey instead she’ll look after it from other hazardous creatures (one reason to suggest why she does this is because they remind her of her past self)

• You say her name like this, Ta-ki-ko

If theres any improvements or changes you want me to
just leave a post Smile
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