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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Digi Fairies   Digi Fairies Icon_minitimeWed Apr 29, 2009 8:51 pm

"Greeting Adventurer! Welcome to the mystical land of Felarya!" -Words one should run away from really fast if spoken by a Digi Fairy.
Digi Fairies (Also known as: Digi Sprites, Game Sprites, or "Video Game" Fairies and incorrectly as: Techno Fairies/Sprites) are a "Race" of beings who's appearance actually belittles their mind-bogglingly frighting powers more then their "Analog Relatives".

At first glance, a Digi Fairy looks like a cross between a Regular Fairy and some sort of "Tech" Elemental. (This is NOT the case...)
Most of the time, their bodies (Or Avatars as they call them) appear Humanoid... or not... it's probably best not to think too hard about it...
Rather large, translucent wings that look like some sort of futuristic array of Solar Panels adorn their backs in one or more pairs.
They have Antenna that look like, well... the literal antenna you'd expect on Radio or T.V.
Tails, if apparent, are either appropriate for the Digi Fairy's bodily race or a prehensile, two-pronged Power Plug.

One might think that a Digi Fairy's powers are like those of other Magical Fey species, and for the apparent effects of some this appears true.
They can shrink and grow things, Turn themselves into "Energy", and even create "Illusions".
But these are, in fact, mere parlor tricks in a Digi Fairy's... infinitely long... "Magic" list.
You see, the Digi Fairies real power isn't "Magic"... it's Modifying Reality Itself.
Due to the nature of a Digi Fairy's creation, they become beings that supposedly know everything (Which they will remind you of... Repetitively).
They can use this knowledge to do just about anything, from changing your size to making every Tuesday Pizza Raining Day (As they say, any sufficiently anaylized Apple is indistinguishable from an Orange, or a Cat in a Box).
Of course, there are limits to what they can do.
One of which is the Guardians, who the Digi Fairies greatly respect for letting them "Play in this Sandbox".
It also seems that, like the "Analog" Fairies, a Digi Fairy's power is tied to their wings.
Though, considering the nature of these beings, they may very well be faking this weakness....

(More to come later, I figured these could be a good "Game Master" race for Role Playing and such.)
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Digi Fairies   Digi Fairies Icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 4:50 am

They're creative, I'll give you that. However, I just can't see myself liking them. Maybe it's the omniscience, or maybe the techno-factor in a realm that's average tech level is poorer than us.

Modifying reality isn't something unknown in Felarya: Most Fairy's do it already for their size-shifting magic. As such, provided it isn't overpowered (For instance, no one Technofairy could modify the weather on the fly for all of Felarya, or another turn all doorways in a kingdom into a portal that leads directly to their stomach) there's no issue I can find there.

The Omniscience doesn't fit well with me, mainly because I don't like the thought of all-knowing characters. Plus, I can't think of a good reason for such (power of the internet? Even there there's knowledge beyond that.). Being very intelligent I could manage, or having a 'craving' to learn more (their 'hard drive', which most of the non-tech suave Felaryans assume to mean "stomach").

Techno-Factor just seems off because it makes them look like a created race, and except for a suicidally vengeful Scientist-Mage I can't think of someone who would even think of going "You know what Felarya needs? Even more dangerous Fairies." If you can come up with a plausible excuse of how they came into being, then this issue will be resolved too.

Overall: Love the creativity, think they should be toned down or modified a smidge. With their modify reality capabilities, they are a threat to everyone but the Guardians and other major-reality warpers. They could make the Negav Crystal no longer work, bring all Predators within the influence of Fairy shifting magic, decide to turn the planet into one giant sentient ball of mud that is as hungry as Menyssan, etc.
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: Digi Fairies   Digi Fairies Icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 7:01 am

Malahite wrote:
They're creative, I'll give you that. However, I just can't see myself liking them. Maybe it's the omniscience, or maybe the techno-factor in a realm that's average tech level is poorer than us.

Modifying reality isn't something unknown in Felarya: Most Fairy's do it already for their size-shifting magic. As such, provided it isn't overpowered (For instance, no one Technofairy could modify the weather on the fly for all of Felarya, or another turn all doorways in a kingdom into a portal that leads directly to their stomach) there's no issue I can find there.

The Omniscience doesn't fit well with me, mainly because I don't like the thought of all-knowing characters. Plus, I can't think of a good reason for such (power of the internet? Even there there's knowledge beyond that.). Being very intelligent I could manage, or having a 'craving' to learn more (their 'hard drive', which most of the non-tech suave Felaryans assume to mean "stomach").

Techno-Factor just seems off because it makes them look like a created race, and except for a suicidally vengeful Scientist-Mage I can't think of someone who would even think of going "You know what Felarya needs? Even more dangerous Fairies." If you can come up with a plausible excuse of how they came into being, then this issue will be resolved too.

Overall: Love the creativity, think they should be toned down or modified a smidge. With their modify reality capabilities, they are a threat to everyone but the Guardians and other major-reality warpers. They could make the Negav Crystal no longer work, bring all Predators within the influence of Fairy shifting magic, decide to turn the planet into one giant sentient ball of mud that is as hungry as Menyssan, etc.
*A Digi Fairy Drops a Naga on Malahite for calling her a "Techno Fairy".*
They aren't a Technological Fairy, though Information Technology is an integral part of their creation.
Digi Fairies actually start out as other creatures, who then are "Tested" to see if they are worthy of becoming Digi Fairies.
If they find you worthy, then after the mind screwing ordeal of their test you will find yourself alone with a device.
This device is a small metallic ball with a long Power Plug coming out of it, and you are suppose to figure out what to do from there.
If you do, then the Nano Machines in the ball will "Upgrade" you into a self modifying Processing Machine.
Of course, this creates a drive to keep self improving (Which will probably cause Physical growth), which in turn drives an appetite for materials and energy.
Eventually, you get to the point where you can figure out anything. and that causes an information "Implosion" which transforms you into a Digi Fairy.
As for their being able to Modify everything, they made a promise to the Guardians not to mess with any "Main Characters"... whatever that means.
As for "Hunger"... the Digi Fairies don't actually need food as long as their wings are intact (They are actually some sort of high tech energy gathering array, usually one of the last upgrades a Proto-Digi Fairy develops), and actually eat people just for the feeling.
Of course, they don't really digest who ever they eat.... leading to a trippy experience that some call Nirvana while others say is worst then just being eaten by stomach acid.
One may wonder why such a being would spend time on a physical plain like Felarya... and the truth is, it's because they are lonely.
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PostSubject: Re: Digi Fairies   Digi Fairies Icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 8:39 am

This is a completely omnipotent, omniscient race that have the guardians restraining them as an excuse so that they don't fuck everything up.

Their design doesn't make one bit of sense for Felarya, or their nature for that matter.

Quote :
As for their being able to Modify everything, they made a promise to the Guardians not to mess with any "Main Characters"... whatever that means.

Are you serious?

This design goes beyond ridiculous, and I hope you realize that. :/
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PostSubject: Re: Digi Fairies   Digi Fairies Icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 9:44 am

Once again Whiteagle, you have let out a pile of bull£@$#
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Digi Fairies   Digi Fairies Icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 10:05 am

Yeah...the basic idea is good but I just don't see the need for super fairies. I just don't like the amount of power or the way it manifests. It's really just a ridiculous design and doesn't fit in to the wilds of Felarya at all.

Quote :
As for their being able to Modify everything, they made a promise to the Guardians not to mess with any "Main Characters"... whatever that means.

This suggests some characters are more important than others. This just destroys any sort of excitement of survival on Felarya.

Yeah...beyond ridiculous.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Digi Fairies   Digi Fairies Icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 1:45 pm

Here is a BETTER definition of the Digi Fairies.
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: Digi Fairies   Digi Fairies Icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 7:20 pm

Did you people NOT read the last line?
The one that says "More to come later, I figured these could be a good "Game Master" race for Role Playing and such."?
They are suppose to be a way to create Role Playing Scenarios with-OUT having to use the Guardians or some other Deity (Or provide an in-world explanations for some oddities... like why the four Warhammer Chaos Gods have been turned into Felarya locals).
The reason they are IN "God Mode" is to be as flexible as possible when creating a Role Playing Story line.
I would personally whack anyone who TRIED to write a Digi Fairy Character UP SIDE THE HEAD!!!
If you would have waited until I finished the Bio, you would have learned about how they like to "Assist" a Non-local party who has been transported to Felarya, or that they take guises of Felarya Natives so as to not spook the locals!
Are they God Mode?
Frack YES they are, I'm not denying that!
But they ARE God Mode so they can be used by someone to create a CRAZY adventure!
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PostSubject: Re: Digi Fairies   Digi Fairies Icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 7:56 pm

Whiteagle wrote:
Did you people NOT read the last line?
The one that says "More to come later, I figured these could be a good "Game Master" race for Role Playing and such."?
They are suppose to be a way to create Role Playing Scenarios with-OUT having to use the Guardians or some other Deity (Or provide an in-world explanations for some oddities... like why the four Warhammer Chaos Gods have been turned into Felarya locals).
The reason they are IN "God Mode" is to be as flexible as possible when creating a Role Playing Story line.
I would personally whack anyone who TRIED to write a Digi Fairy Character UP SIDE THE HEAD!!!
If you would have waited until I finished the Bio, you would have learned about how they like to "Assist" a Non-local party who has been transported to Felarya, or that they take guises of Felarya Natives so as to not spook the locals!
Are they God Mode?
Frack YES they are, I'm not denying that!
But they ARE God Mode so they can be used by someone to create a CRAZY adventure!

So you defend them being so powerful and omniscient by the excuse that they are not even meant to be an accessible race (fail), but to serve as nothing more than some sort of contrived plot device machine? (WTF)

You can create a 'CRAZY' adventure without needing to resort to god-mode beings to influence the plot, you know. Or at least other people can.

As a base idea, I think they'd actually be interesting if they were toned down to a point where they are balanced as a race (that could potentially be used in canon-compatible stories, not just roleplays) in relation to Felarya and accessible as a character.


Link related, it's a digital fairy.
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Re: Digi Fairies   Digi Fairies Icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 8:00 pm

/Fish/ wrote:
Whiteagle wrote:
Did you people NOT read the last line?
The one that says "More to come later, I figured these could be a good "Game Master" race for Role Playing and such."?
They are suppose to be a way to create Role Playing Scenarios with-OUT having to use the Guardians or some other Deity (Or provide an in-world explanations for some oddities... like why the four Warhammer Chaos Gods have been turned into Felarya locals).
The reason they are IN "God Mode" is to be as flexible as possible when creating a Role Playing Story line.
I would personally whack anyone who TRIED to write a Digi Fairy Character UP SIDE THE HEAD!!!
If you would have waited until I finished the Bio, you would have learned about how they like to "Assist" a Non-local party who has been transported to Felarya, or that they take guises of Felarya Natives so as to not spook the locals!
Are they God Mode?
Frack YES they are, I'm not denying that!
But they ARE God Mode so they can be used by someone to create a CRAZY adventure!

So you defend them being so powerful and omniscient by the excuse that they are not even meant to be an accessible race (fail), but to serve as nothing more than some sort of contrived plot device machine? (WTF)

You can create a 'CRAZY' adventure without needing to resort to god-mode beings to influence the plot, you know. Or at least other people can.

As a base idea, I think they'd actually be interesting if they were toned down to a point where they are balanced as a race (that could potentially be used in canon-compatible stories, not just roleplays) in relation to Felarya and accessible as a character.


Link related, it's a digital fairy.
You are probably right Fish.
Please Private Message me any ideas you have to balance them as a race.
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Digi Fairies   Digi Fairies Icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 9:35 pm

Yeah, that picture is what came to mind when I first heard about this. Something close to that would be cooler. We already have stuff like succubuses for god mode. Try to balance it and it will be a worthwhile idea. That picture alone should be inspiration enough. Maybe a fairy that can go into human devices and hijack them? Or at least hide in them - pretty horrific when your computer spits a fairy out of the screen that proceeds to eat you...
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Roaming thug
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PostSubject: Re: Digi Fairies   Digi Fairies Icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 9:36 pm

Jætte_Troll wrote:
Yeah, that picture is what came to mind when I first heard about this. Something close to that would be cooler. We already have stuff like succubuses for god mode. Try to balance it and it will be a worthwhile idea. That picture alone should be inspiration enough. Maybe a fairy that can go into human devices and hijack them? Or at least hide in them - pretty horrific when your computer spits a fairy out of the screen that proceeds to eat you...
Storm Sprites...
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PostSubject: Re: Digi Fairies   Digi Fairies Icon_minitimeFri May 01, 2009 3:43 pm

Yeah, godmodes are pretty much never a good idea in a world owned and made by someone else.
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PostSubject: Re: Digi Fairies   Digi Fairies Icon_minitime

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