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 aging process of Felarya.

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French snack
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aging process of Felarya. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: aging process of Felarya.   aging process of Felarya. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 31, 2009 6:23 pm

Even those that do learn about it, and reach it, probably won't stay. They'll try to get back home.

See, in a closed market you'd be right. But the ascarlin and treasure doesn't drop in value because it sells to other dimensions. There are infinite dimensions, and many won't have any other means of getting Ascarlin. Therefore, the price stays high. Therefore, there doesn't necessarily have to be a poor group of Negavians.

Of course, there definitely are poor people in Negav. Those who are unsuccessful treasure hunters (Unsuccessful only in that they couldn't find treasure, they're still lucky to have survived) and miners who can't find anything worthwhile. And of course, most criminals aren't exactly rolling in treasure.

Now, I will admit that there are those who don't adventure or leave in any way. These would be the people who run the various establishments and eateries, as well as those who serve in the Town Watch, and the mages, scholars, scientists, librarians, and many others who have no reason to leave. They get paid by the Magiocrats to do what they do.

And those last few examples I gave never get laid anyway, so population growth isn't that bad. ;P
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French snack
French snack

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aging process of Felarya. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: aging process of Felarya.   aging process of Felarya. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 01, 2009 12:02 am

Silent_eric wrote:

But remember. The only people who would live in Negav are people who want to come to Felarya. And the only reason you'd live in Felarya is for two things. To get wealth, and to live forever. So normal people wouldn't go there. Only people willing to treasure hunt, and risk their lives would even be in Negav in the first place, so they would of course leave from time to time.

That's not the way I see it. To me, most of the people living in Negav are those who were born there - and very few of those would ever leave. Negav's been around for ages, and presumably has its own resident, local-born population. I take an opposite view to yours: I believe Negav mostly consists in homes. Many of them going back centuries, although many others are more recent, towering upwards to gain space.

Quote :

Now, I will admit that there are those who don't adventure or leave in any way. These would be the people who run the various establishments and eateries, as well as those who serve in the Town Watch, and the mages, scholars, scientists, librarians, and many others who have no reason to leave. They get paid by the Magiocrats to do what they do.

I doubt the ordinary operators of shops and services get paid by the Magiocrats. I assume they run small businesses of their own.

I see Negav as being an ancient and genuine city, with a permenant population that's been there for generations. These people often have little access to the wealth you mentioned, which is concentrated in the hands of bold, lucky adventurers and the hereditarily rich. Most Negavians would live fairly ordinary lives, never setting foot outside the city.
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Friend of the Jotun
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aging process of Felarya. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: aging process of Felarya.   aging process of Felarya. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 01, 2009 12:16 am

I agree with French Snack. I can't see the population becoming that low. There would be enough people who just consider staying in Negav the best option, especially if they were born there. It's also a good place to live if you don't intend to go adventuring, but want in on related businesses. I do understand there is probably a huge business in renting houses as well - all the more reason for people to need room to build more houses for themselves.
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PostSubject: Re: aging process of Felarya.   aging process of Felarya. - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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