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 New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile)

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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile) Empty
PostSubject: New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile)   New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile) Icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 1:56 am

this is my new characters specs and a small amount of additional info.. u can email me to get his story, his current state (what hes doing on that day, and yea, i change it every day lol) and his backstory or anything else..

Age: 88
Height: 6.5'
Creature: Fox-Spirit "brand new species straight from a new world."
Sex: Male
element: unknown

Codda has the same body of a humanoid except for an additional set of grayish fox ears and a large Grey tail, trim look. "normally wears ripped jeans and no shirt."

very calm when in danger."thanks to his special power"

Don't mess with his tail! "he will put a hurting on you."

Dosent like humans much, "except for Lea, but that's another story"

just about every naga knows him and hates him. "except for Crisis, different story."

Codda has the ability to teleport from nearby places at a snap of his fingers. "no, really, he snaps he teleports."

he can teleport himself out of normal predators stomachs. "neat trick huh? but he cant out of angels or elementals, he can also teleport out of plants unless hes retracted"

very agile but can be clumbsy at times. "lol"

((Sorry for the short bio, i am still awaiting permission from karbo to use my origional bio on him because it contains a few of his characters, till then this is all i got..))

Incomplete storyline: (waiting for permission from karbo for full story)

Codda came to felarya chasing down some humans that attcked his world, once he got to Felarya he found out the attackers became Naga food. and he almost did a couple of times himself. He ran into Cody (me) after being a another Naga meal for about 2 minutes, he found cody alittle burnt from the acids but still alive and kicking, he then teleported them both out and took Cody to some Fairies where the healed him and even gave Cody a few powers to help him. Codda and Cody Became very close Compaions after this and Always helped eachother out of trouble.

Last edited by codaman on Sat May 16, 2009 12:10 pm; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : editting..)
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Master cartographer
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New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile) Empty
PostSubject: Re: New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile)   New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile) Icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 7:12 am

teleporting when he snaps, hmmm...what will happen if he snaps to some good music by accident, and he doesn't think about a certain spot to teleport to????
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile) Empty
PostSubject: good point.   New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile) Icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 12:26 pm

yea he did that before. the end result was rather akward.. because if in a panic and he snaps without a destination he will be sent to the farthest random place he can get to... but what happened is when Crisis and Lea were messing around he was just watching and snaped and ended up in crisis's stomach. "oops"

he got out, but that is a good question..

thanks for showing interest.
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Master cartographer
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New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile) Empty
PostSubject: Re: New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile)   New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile) Icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 1:15 pm

do you have any stories with this guy that actually involves how he got to know Crisis and Lea? or is that something you just made up on the spot?

if it's the later, then maybe you wanna talk to karbo about it, to see if he will let him befriend crisis lol!
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile) Empty
PostSubject: yea   New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile) Icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 2:36 pm

im talking with karbo about that, thats why i havent posted my story on how he met everyone.. im also trying to get him in the wiki..
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New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile) Empty
PostSubject: Re: New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile)   New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile) Icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 2:52 pm

You're gonna wanna give us SOME elaboration on his personality and backstory if you want anyone to really....... well..... care about him.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile) Empty
PostSubject: yea   New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile) Icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2009 3:23 pm

his personality is being worked on and his backstory contains events with some of karbos characters that im trying to get permission to use.. but when im done it will all be posted..
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Evil admin
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New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile) Empty
PostSubject: Re: New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile)   New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile) Icon_minitimeSun May 31, 2009 1:58 am

closed at the request of the author
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PostSubject: Re: New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile)   New male character! Codda! (no not named after profile) Icon_minitime

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