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 What Felarya Character are you!?

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Chelsea Nightwind
15 posters
Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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What Felarya Character are you!? Empty
PostSubject: What Felarya Character are you!?   What Felarya Character are you!? Icon_minitimeFri Jan 04, 2008 11:35 pm

Well me and Gregole worked hard on this for 2-3 days so I hope you all like it! btw none of these characters are mind I own none of them so yeah credit to there creators ^^ hope you all like this quiz! ^^


( ) Do you have an unusual family?
( ) Are you very playful?
( ) Have you been called cute?
( ) Do you love music and good singers?
( ) Do you enjoy listening to others peoples stories?
( ) Are you good at sneaking up on people?


( ) Do you have a bad temper?
( ) Do you smoke?
( ) Are you good with machines?
( ) Do you tend to be sarcastic alot?
( ) Do you hate being woken up early?
( ) Are alot of your friends people you don't really like?


( ) Are you modest?
( ) Do you want to be a doctor or nurse?
( ) Are you motherly?
( ) Are you a good leader?
( ) Do you baby your loved ones
( ) Are you opposed to violence?


( ) Do you enjoy telling riddles?
( ) Are you mischievous?
( ) Do you act childish at times?
( ) Do you enjoy tricking people?
( ) Are you manipulative?
( ) Have you been called perverted?

( ) Are you exceptionally well-endowed?
( ) Do you have a seductive nature?
( ) Are you abit lazy?
( ) Do you love waterfalls?
( ) Are you bisexual?
( ) Do you have sex alot?


( ) Are you handicapped?
( ) Do you like swordplay?
( ) Are you blunt?
( ) Do you come off as ruder then you intend?
( ) Do you hang out mostly with girls?
( ) Are you possessive?


( ) Are you calm no matter what?
( ) Are you a good singer?
( ) Are you a good story teller?
( ) Do you have a troubled past?
( ) Do you not care about others problems unless they are close friends of yours?
( ) Have you been tortured before?


( ) Do you like to accessorize?
( ) Are you affectionate and sensitive?
( ) When you're hungry can you think about nothing but eating?
( ) Are you accident-prone?
( ) Do you have a secret that few know about?
( ) Have you been kicked out of someplace before?


( ) Have you been called chaotic before?
( ) Do you tend to lie alot?
( ) Do you like to talk alot?
( ) Do you like to pull pranks on people, despite how they feel about it.
( ) Are you a slacker?
( ) Are you well-endowed but don't show it off.


( ) Are you good at hiding?
( ) Do you tend to be very lazy?
( ) Do you prefer things being brought to you?
( ) Do you enjoy playing in sprinklers?
( ) Have you had a bond with someone in the past?
( ) Do you enjoy camping?


( ) Do you drink alot?
( ) Are you shorter then most your friends?
( ) Do you like to give advice?
( ) Are you energetic
( ) Do you use alot of slang?
( ) Do you like to party?


( ) Are you sadistic?
( ) Are you sarcastic?
( ) Do you have an on and off friendship with someone?
( ) Are you wise for your age?
( ) Do you enjoy messing with peoples heads?
( ) Are you unemployed?


( ) Do you hate confrontations?
( ) Do you make friends easily?
( ) Are you very trusting of others?
( ) Are you a bit shy?
( ) Do you have a crush on someone
( ) Do you cry alot?


( ) Are you in love with someone?
( ) Are you attracted to beautiful women?
( ) Are you in touch with nature?
( ) Do you find magic fascinating?
( ) Do you dislike shallow or vain people?
( ) Do you prefer wearing more earthy color of clothes?


( )Are you extremely good at chess?
( ) Are you a great strategist?
( ) Have you been called gluttonous before?
( ) Do you have a very long tongue?
( ) Are you happy where you live?
( ) Do you have a nice, easy going job?


( ) Do you strive for power?
( ) Are you always trying to overthrow those higher up in power then you to take there place?
( ) Do you like frozen food?
( ) Do you know someone that gives you advice though you rarely listen to it?
( ) Are you skilled in a specific area?
( ) Have you ever sold popsicles?


( ) Do you enjoy the cold?
( ) Have you lost someone dear to you?
( ) Do you hate spiders?
( ) Are you nervous when making new friends?
( ) Do you have a hated enemy?
( ) Was your first kiss with a girl?


( ) Do you not talk much?
( ) Are you very shy?
( ) Are you good at charades?
( ) Are you easily intimidated?
( ) Are you clumsy?
( ) Is someone in your family a bit dim?


( ) Do you trick people alot to get what you want?
( ) Have you been called a jerk?
( ) Are you a mooch?
( ) Are you tall?
( ) Are you good at charming people?
( ) Have you cheated someone out of a good deal before?


( ) Are you very motherly?
( ) Do you feel that you watch over a large group of friends?
( ) Are you very protective of those close to you?
( ) Have you stayed in the same place your whole life
( ) Do you hate harpies?
( ) Are you abit wary of one of your friends?

( ) Do you stubbornly stick to a single philosophy?
( ) Do you have a fear of snakes?
( ) Have you moved around alot?
( ) Do you live somewhere different from where you were born?
( ) Do you suppliment your diet?
( ) Do you or have you ever sleep eaten?


( ) Do you get annoyed easily?
( ) Are you currently looking for something important?
( ) Do you have a traumatic experience in your past that changed you?
( ) Do you dislike whining?
( ) Are you a very good sewer?
( ) Are you cynical?


( ) Have you ever eaten bad food?
( ) Have you ever badly hurt a friend by mistake?
( ) Do you try to protect a group of close friends?
( ) Do you know someone whom is close to you?
( ) Do you have a friend with benefits
( ) Do you sometimes dress up?


( ) Do you enjoy all things sensual and pleasurable?
( ) Do you often like playing practical jokes?
( ) Are you very sexual and playful?
( ) Do you like to punish people who deserve it?
( ) Did you get off on a rough start with one or more of your friends?
( ) Do people look up to you?

( ) Do you enjoy steam baths?
( ) Do you like to play tag?
( ) Do you like to toy with machines and gadgets?
( ) Do you like tea?
( ) Is there someone you have mixed feelings about?
( ) Do you tend to make some of your friends nervous?
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

Posts : 239
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What Felarya Character are you!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Felarya Character are you!?   What Felarya Character are you!? Icon_minitimeFri Jan 04, 2008 11:50 pm


( ) Do you have an unusual family?
( ) Are you very playful?
( ) Have you been called cute?
( ) Do you love music and good singers?
( ) Do you enjoy listening to others peoples stories?
(x) Are you good at sneaking up on people?


( ) Do you have a bad temper?
( ) Do you smoke?
(x) Are you good with machines?
(x) Do you tend to be sarcastic alot?
(x) Do you hate being woken up early?
( ) Are alot of your friends people you don't really like?


( ) Are you modest?
( ) Do you want to be a doctor or nurse?
( ) Are you motherly?
( ) Are you a good leader?
( ) Do you baby your loved ones
(x) Are you opposed to violence?


(x) Do you enjoy telling riddles?
(x) Are you mischievous?
( ) Do you act childish at times?
( ) Do you enjoy tricking people?
(x) Are you manipulative?
( ) Have you been called perverted?

( ) Are you exceptionally well-endowed?
( ) Do you have a seductive nature?
(x) Are you abit lazy?
( ) Do you love waterfalls?
( ) Are you bisexual?
( ) Do you have sex alot?


( ) Are you handicapped?
( ) Do you like swordplay?
( ) Are you blunt?
( ) Do you come off as ruder then you intend?
( ) Do you hang out mostly with girls?
( ) Are you possessive?


( ) Are you calm no matter what?
( ) Are you a good singer?
( ) Are you a good story teller?
( ) Do you have a troubled past?
( ) Do you not care about others problems unless they are close friends of yours?
( ) Have you been tortured before?


( ) Do you like to accessorize?
(x) Are you affectionate and sensitive?
( ) When you're hungry can you think about nothing but eating?
( ) Are you accident-prone?
( ) Do you have a secret that few know about?
( ) Have you been kicked out of someplace before?


( ) Have you been called chaotic before?
( ) Do you tend to lie alot?
( ) Do you like to talk alot?
( ) Do you like to pull pranks on people, despite how they feel about it.
(x) Are you a slacker?
( ) Are you well-endowed but don't show it off.


(x) Are you good at hiding?
(x) Do you tend to be very lazy?
(x) Do you prefer things being brought to you?
( ) Do you enjoy playing in sprinklers?
( ) Have you had a bond with someone in the past?
( ) Do you enjoy camping?


( ) Do you drink alot?
( ) Are you shorter then most your friends?
(x) Do you like to give advice?
( ) Are you energetic
( ) Do you use alot of slang?
( ) Do you like to party?


( ) Are you sadistic?
(x) Are you sarcastic?
( ) Do you have an on and off friendship with someone?
(x) Are you wise for your age?
(x) Do you enjoy messing with peoples heads?
(x) Are you unemployed?


(x) Do you hate confrontations?
( ) Do you make friends easily?
(x) Are you very trusting of others?
(x) Are you a bit shy?
( ) Do you have a crush on someone
( ) Do you cry alot?


( ) Are you in love with someone?
(x) Are you attracted to beautiful women?
(x) Are you in touch with nature?
( ) Do you find magic fascinating?
(x) Do you dislike shallow or vain people?
(x) Do you prefer wearing more earthy color of clothes?


( )Are you extremely good at chess?
(x) Are you a great strategist?
( ) Have you been called gluttonous before?
( ) Do you have a very long tongue?
(x) Are you happy where you live?
( ) Do you have a nice, easy going job?


( ) Do you strive for power?
( ) Are you always trying to overthrow those higher up in power then you to take there place?
(x) Do you like frozen food?
( ) Do you know someone that gives you advice though you rarely listen to it?
( ) Are you skilled in a specific area?
( ) Have you ever sold popsicles?


( ) Do you enjoy the cold?
( ) Have you lost someone dear to you?
( ) Do you hate spiders?
(x) Are you nervous when making new friends?
( ) Do you have a hated enemy?
(x) Was your first kiss with a girl?


( ) Do you not talk much?
( ) Are you very shy?
( ) Are you good at charades?
( ) Are you easily intimidated?
( ) Are you clumsy?
( ) Is someone in your family a bit dim?


( ) Do you trick people alot to get what you want?
( ) Have you been called a jerk?
( ) Are you a mooch?
( ) Are you tall?
( ) Are you good at charming people?
( ) Have you cheated someone out of a good deal before?


( ) Are you very motherly?
( ) Do you feel that you watch over a large group of friends?
( ) Are you very protective of those close to you?
( ) Have you stayed in the same place your whole life
( ) Do you hate harpies?
(x) Are you abit wary of one of your friends?

( ) Do you stubbornly stick to a single philosophy?
( ) Do you have a fear of snakes?
( ) Have you moved around alot?
(x) Do you live somewhere different from where you were born?
( ) Do you suppliment your diet?
( ) Do you or have you ever sleep eaten?


( ) Do you get annoyed easily?
( ) Are you currently looking for something important?
( ) Do you have a traumatic experience in your past that changed you?
( ) Do you dislike whining?
( ) Are you a very good sewer?
( ) Are you cynical?


( ) Have you ever eaten bad food?
(x) Have you ever badly hurt a friend by mistake?
(x) Do you try to protect a group of close friends?
( ) Do you know someone whom is close to you?
( ) Do you have a friend with benefits
( ) Do you sometimes dress up?


( ) Do you enjoy all things sensual and pleasurable?
( ) Do you often like playing practical jokes?
( ) Are you very sexual and playful?
( ) Do you like to punish people who deserve it?
( ) Did you get off on a rough start with one or more of your friends?
( ) Do people look up to you?

(x) Do you enjoy steam baths?
(x) Do you like to play tag?
(x) Do you like to toy with machines and gadgets?
(x) Do you like tea?
(x) Is there someone you have mixed feelings about?
( ) Do you tend to make some of your friends nervous?

hmmmmm i wound up Kahla ... O.o
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Chelsea Nightwind
Helpless prey

Posts : 26
Join date : 2007-12-19
Age : 31

What Felarya Character are you!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Felarya Character are you!?   What Felarya Character are you!? Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2008 12:11 am


( *) Do you have an unusual family?
( *) Are you very playful?
( *) Have you been called cute?
(* ) Do you love music and good singers?
(* ) Do you enjoy listening to others peoples stories?
(* ) Are you good at sneaking up on people?


(* ) Do you have a bad temper?
( ) Do you smoke?
(* ) Are you good with machines?
(* ) Do you tend to be sarcastic alot?
(* ) Do you hate being woken up early?
( ) Are alot of your friends people you don't really like?


(* ) Are you modest?
( ) Do you want to be a doctor or nurse?
(* ) Are you motherly?
(* ) Are you a good leader?
( ) Do you baby your loved ones
( ) Are you opposed to violence?


( ) Do you enjoy telling riddles?
(* ) Are you mischievous?
(* ) Do you act childish at times?
( ) Do you enjoy tricking people?
( ) Are you manipulative?
(* ) Have you been called perverted?

( ) Are you exceptionally well-endowed?
( ) Do you have a seductive nature?
(* ) Are you abit lazy?
(* ) Do you love waterfalls?
(* ) Are you bisexual?
( ) Do you have sex alot?


( ) Are you handicapped?
(* ) Do you like swordplay?
(* ) Are you blunt?
(* ) Do you come off as ruder then you intend?
(* ) Do you hang out mostly with girls?
(* ) Are you possessive?


( ) Are you calm no matter what?
(* ) Are you a good singer?
(* ) Are you a good story teller?
(* ) Do you have a troubled past?
(* ) Do you not care about others problems unless they are close friends of yours?
(* ) Have you been tortured before?


(* ) Do you like to accessorize?
(* ) Are you affectionate and sensitive?
(* ) When you're hungry can you think about nothing but eating?
(* ) Are you accident-prone?
(* ) Do you have a secret that few know about?
(* ) Have you been kicked out of someplace before?


( ) Have you been called chaotic before?
( ) Do you tend to lie alot?
( ) Do you like to talk alot?
( ) Do you like to pull pranks on people, despite how they feel about it.
(* ) Are you a slacker?
( ) Are you well-endowed but don't show it off.


(* ) Are you good at hiding?
(* ) Do you tend to be very lazy?
(* ) Do you prefer things being brought to you?
(* ) Do you enjoy playing in sprinklers?
(* ) Have you had a bond with someone in the past?
(* ) Do you enjoy camping?


( ) Do you drink alot?
( ) Are you shorter then most your friends?
(* ) Do you like to give advice?
( ) Are you energetic
(* ) Do you use alot of slang?
( ) Do you like to party?


( ) Are you sadistic?
(* ) Are you sarcastic?
( ) Do you have an on and off friendship with someone?
(* ) Are you wise for your age?
( ) Do you enjoy messing with peoples heads?
(* ) Are you unemployed?


(* ) Do you hate confrontations?
( ) Do you make friends easily?
( ) Are you very trusting of others?
(* ) Are you a bit shy?
(* ) Do you have a crush on someone
(* ) Do you cry alot?


( ) Are you in love with someone?
(* ) Are you attracted to beautiful women?
(* ) Are you in touch with nature?
(* ) Do you find magic fascinating?
(* ) Do you dislike shallow or vain people?
(* ) Do you prefer wearing more earthy color of clothes?


( )Are you extremely good at chess?
(* ) Are you a great strategist?
( ) Have you been called gluttonous before?
( ) Do you have a very long tongue?
( ) Are you happy where you live?
( ) Do you have a nice, easy going job?


(* ) Do you strive for power?
( ) Are you always trying to overthrow those higher up in power then you to take there place?
(* ) Do you like frozen food?
(* ) Do you know someone that gives you advice though you rarely listen to it?
(* ) Are you skilled in a specific area?
( ) Have you ever sold popsicles?


( ) Do you enjoy the cold?
(* ) Have you lost someone dear to you?
(* ) Do you hate spiders?
(* ) Are you nervous when making new friends?
(* ) Do you have a hated enemy?
( ) Was your first kiss with a girl?


( ) Do you not talk much?
(* ) Are you very shy?
(* ) Are you good at charades?
(* ) Are you easily intimidated?
(* ) Are you clumsy?
(* ) Is someone in your family a bit dim?


( ) Do you trick people alot to get what you want?
( ) Have you been called a jerk?
( ) Are you a mooch?
( ) Are you tall?
( ) Are you good at charming people?
( ) Have you cheated someone out of a good deal before?


(* ) Are you very motherly?
(* ) Do you feel that you watch over a large group of friends?
(* ) Are you very protective of those close to you?
( ) Have you stayed in the same place your whole life
( ) Do you hate harpies?
(* ) Are you abit wary of one of your friends?

( ) Do you stubbornly stick to a single philosophy?
( ) Do you have a fear of snakes?
(* ) Have you moved around alot?
(* ) Do you live somewhere different from where you were born?
( ) Do you suppliment your diet?
( ) Do you or have you ever sleep eaten?


(* ) Do you get annoyed easily?
(* ) Are you currently looking for something important?
(* ) Do you have a traumatic experience in your past that changed you?
(* ) Do you dislike whining?
(* ) Are you a very good sewer?
(* ) Are you cynical?


(* ) Have you ever eaten bad food?
(* ) Have you ever badly hurt a friend by mistake?
(* ) Do you try to protect a group of close friends?
(* ) Do you know someone whom is close to you?
( ) Do you have a friend with benefits
(* ) Do you sometimes dress up?


(* ) Do you enjoy all things sensual and pleasurable?
( ) Do you often like playing practical jokes?
( ) Are you very sexual and playful?
( ) Do you like to punish people who deserve it?
( ) Did you get off on a rough start with one or more of your friends?
( ) Do people look up to you?

(* ) Do you enjoy steam baths?
( ) Do you like to play tag?
(* ) Do you like to toy with machines and gadgets?
(* ) Do you like tea?
(* ) Is there someone you have mixed feelings about?
( ) Do you tend to make some of your friends nervous?

I put down the tortured thing cause...in my oppinion being raped twice in one life time would count as toture.[ no, it wasn't done by the same guy. once by a cousin, and once by my ex]
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Posts : 941
Join date : 2007-12-09
Age : 35
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What Felarya Character are you!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Felarya Character are you!?   What Felarya Character are you!? Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2008 3:16 am

Well my friends... I appear to be several people >.>

In fact: I am...

AND Saya

Pass judgement as you wish Razz


( ) Do you have an unusual family?
(X) Are you very playful?
(X) Have you been called cute?
(X) Do you love music and good singers?
(X) Do you enjoy listening to others peoples stories?
(X) Are you good at sneaking up on people?

Total: 6


( ) Do you have a bad temper?
( ) Do you smoke?
( ) Are you good with machines?
(X) Do you tend to be sarcastic alot?
(X) Do you hate being woken up early?
(X) Are a lot of your friends people you don't really like?

Total: 3


(X) Are you modest?
( ) Do you want to be a doctor or nurse?
( ) Are you motherly?
(X) Are you a good leader?
(X) Do you baby your loved ones
(X) Are you opposed to violence?

Total: 4


(X) Do you enjoy telling riddles?
(X) Are you mischievous?
(X) Do you act childish at times?
(X) Do you enjoy tricking people?
(X) Are you manipulative?
(X) Have you been called perverted?

Total: 6

(X) Are you exceptionally well-endowed?
( ) Do you have a seductive nature?
(X) Are you abit lazy?
(X) Do you love waterfalls?
( ) Are you bisexual?
( ) Do you have sex alot?

Total: 3


( ) Are you handicapped?
( ) Do you like swordplay?
( ) Are you blunt?
( ) Do you come off as ruder then you intend?
(X) Do you hang out mostly with girls?
(X) Are you possessive?

Total: 2


( ) Are you calm no matter what?
( ) Are you a good singer?
(X) Are you a good story teller?
(X) Do you have a troubled past?
( ) Do you not care about others problems unless they are close friends of yours?
(X) Have you been tortured before?

Total: 3


( ) Do you like to accessorize?
(X) Are you affectionate and sensitive?
(X) When you're hungry can you think about nothing but eating?
(X) Are you accident-prone?
(X) Do you have a secret that few know about?
(X) Have you been kicked out of someplace before?

Total: 5


(X) Have you been called chaotic before?
( ) Do you tend to lie alot?
(X) Do you like to talk alot?
( ) Do you like to pull pranks on people, despite how they feel about it.
(X) Are you a slacker?
(X) Are you well-endowed but don't show it off.

Total: 4


(X) Are you good at hiding?
(X) Do you tend to be very lazy?
(X) Do you prefer things being brought to you?
(X) Do you enjoy playing in sprinklers?
(X) Have you had a bond with someone in the past?
(X) Do you enjoy camping?

Total: 6


( ) Do you drink alot?
( ) Are you shorter then most your friends?
(X) Do you like to give advice?
(X) Are you energetic
(X) Do you use alot of slang?
(X) Do you like to party?

Total: 4


( ) Are you sadistic?
(X) Are you sarcastic?
(X) Do you have an on and off friendship with someone?
(X) Are you wise for your age?
(X) Do you enjoy messing with peoples heads?
(X) Are you unemployed?

Total: 5


(X) Do you hate confrontations?
(X) Do you make friends easily?
(X) Are you very trusting of others?
(X) Are you a bit shy?
(X) Do you have a crush on someone
(X) Do you cry alot?

Total: 6


( ) Are you in love with someone?
( ) Are you attracted to beautiful women?
(X) Are you in touch with nature?
(X) Do you find magic fascinating?
(X) Do you dislike shallow or vain people?
( ) Do you prefer wearing more earthy color of clothes?

Total: 3


(X)Are you extremely good at chess?
(X) Are you a great strategist?
(X) Have you been called gluttonous before?
(X) Do you have a very long tongue?
(X) Are you happy where you live?
(X) Do you have a nice, easy going job?

Total: 6


( ) Do you strive for power?
( ) Are you always trying to overthrow those higher up in power then you to take there place?
(X) Do you like frozen food?
(X) Do you know someone that gives you advice though you rarely listen to it?
(X) Are you skilled in a specific area?
(X) Have you ever sold popsicles?

Total: 4


(X) Do you enjoy the cold?
(X) Have you lost someone dear to you?
(X) Do you hate spiders?
( ) Are you nervous when making new friends?
(X) Do you have a hated enemy?
(X) Was your first kiss with a girl?

Total: 5


( ) Do you not talk much?
( ) Are you very shy?
( ) Are you good at charades?
( ) Are you easily intimidated?
( ) Are you clumsy?
( ) Is someone in your family a bit dim?

Total: 0


(X) Do you trick people alot to get what you want?
(X) Have you been called a jerk?
(X) Are you a mooch?
(X) Are you tall?
(X) Are you good at charming people?
(X) Have you cheated someone out of a good deal before?

Total: 6


( ) Are you very motherly?
(X) Do you feel that you watch over a large group of friends?
(X) Are you very protective of those close to you?
(X) Have you stayed in the same place your whole life
( ) Do you hate harpies?
(X) Are you abit wary of one of your friends?

Total: 4

( ) Do you stubbornly stick to a single philosophy?
( ) Do you have a fear of snakes?
( ) Have you moved around alot?
( ) Do you live somewhere different from where you were born?
( ) Do you suppliment your diet?
( ) Do you or have you ever sleep eaten?

Total: 0


(X) Do you get annoyed easily?
( ) Are you currently looking for something important?
(X) Do you have a traumatic experience in your past that changed you?
( ) Do you dislike whining?
( ) Are you a very good sewer?
( ) Are you cynical?

Total: 2


(X) Have you ever eaten bad food?
(X) Have you ever badly hurt a friend by mistake?
(X) Do you try to protect a group of close friends?
(X) Do you know someone whom is close to you?
(X) Do you have a friend with benefits
(X) Do you sometimes dress up?

Total: 6


( ) Do you enjoy all things sensual and pleasurable?
(X) Do you often like playing practical jokes?
(X) Are you very sexual and playful?
( ) Do you like to punish people who deserve it?
( ) Did you get off on a rough start with one or more of your friends?
(X) Do people look up to you?

Total: 3

(X) Do you enjoy steam baths?
(X) Do you like to play tag?
(X) Do you like to toy with machines and gadgets?
( ) Do you like tea?
(X) Is there someone you have mixed feelings about?
(X) Do you tend to make some of your friends nervous?

Total: 5
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Evil admin
Evil admin

Posts : 3812
Join date : 2007-12-08

What Felarya Character are you!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Felarya Character are you!?   What Felarya Character are you!? Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2008 3:46 am

Crisis 3

( ) Do you have an unusual family?
( ) Are you very playful?
( ) Have you been called cute?
(X) Do you love music and good singers?
(X ) Do you enjoy listening to others peoples stories?
(X) Are you good at sneaking up on people?

Anna 1

( ) Do you have a bad temper?
( ) Do you smoke?
( ) Are you good with machines?
( ) Do you tend to be sarcastic alot?
(X) Do you hate being woken up early?
( ) Are alot of your friends people you don't really like?

Temi 0

( ) Are you modest?
( ) Do you want to be a doctor or nurse?
( ) Are you motherly?
( ) Are you a good leader?
( ) Do you baby your loved ones
( ) Are you opposed to violence?

Melany 2

( ) Do you enjoy telling riddles?
( ) Are you mischievous?
( ) Do you act childish at times?
( ) Do you enjoy tricking people?
(X) Are you manipulative?
(X ) Have you been called perverted?

Vivian 2

( ) Are you exceptionally well-endowed?
( ) Do you have a seductive nature?
(X) Are you abit lazy?
(X) Do you love waterfalls?
( ) Are you bisexual?
( ) Do you have sex alot?

Alvar 1

( ) Are you handicapped?
( ) Do you like swordplay?
( ) Are you blunt?
( ) Do you come off as ruder then you intend?
( ) Do you hang out mostly with girls?
(X) Are you possessive?

Lea 0

( ) Are you calm no matter what?
( ) Are you a good singer?
( ) Are you a good story teller?
( ) Do you have a troubled past?
( ) Do you not care about others problems unless they are close friends of yours?
( ) Have you been tortured before?

Aya 1

( ) Do you like to accessorize?
( ) Are you affectionate and sensitive?
( ) When you're hungry can you think about nothing but eating?
( ) Are you accident-prone?
(X) Do you have a secret that few know about?
( ) Have you been kicked out of someplace before?

Anko 1

( ) Have you been called chaotic before?
( ) Do you tend to lie alot?
( ) Do you like to talk alot?
( ) Do you like to pull pranks on people, despite how they feel about it.
(X) Are you a slacker?
( ) Are you well-endowed but don't show it off.

Drayla 3

(X) Are you good at hiding?
( ) Do you tend to be very lazy?
(X) Do you prefer things being brought to you?
( ) Do you enjoy playing in sprinklers?
(X) Have you had a bond with someone in the past?
( ) Do you enjoy camping? hahahaha lol!

Nix 1

( ) Do you drink alot?
( ) Are you shorter then most your friends?
(X) Do you like to give advice?
( ) Are you energetic
( ) Do you use alot of slang?
( ) Do you like to party?

Tanya 0

( ) Are you sadistic?
( ) Are you sarcastic?
( ) Do you have an on and off friendship with someone?
( ) Are you wise for your age?
( ) Do you enjoy messing with peoples heads?
( ) Are you unemployed?

Katrika 3

(X) Do you hate confrontations?
( ) Do you make friends easily?
( ) Are you very trusting of others?
(X) Are you a bit shy?
(X) Do you have a crush on someone
( ) Do you cry alot?

Namesta 4

(X) Are you in love with someone?
(X) Are you attracted to beautiful women?
( ) Are you in touch with nature?
(X) Do you find magic fascinating?
(X) Do you dislike shallow or vain people?
( ) Do you prefer wearing more earthy color of clothes?

Menyssen 1

( )Are you extremely good at chess?
( ) Are you a great strategist?
( ) Have you been called gluttonous before?
( ) Do you have a very long tongue?
(X) Are you happy where you live?
( ) Do you have a nice, easy going job?

Arale 2

( ) Do you strive for power?
( ) Are you always trying to overthrow those higher up in power then you to take there place?
( ) Do you like frozen food?
( ) Do you know someone that gives you advice though you rarely listen to it?
(X) Are you skilled in a specific area?
(X) Have you ever sold popsicles? ^_^

Rin 3

( ) Do you enjoy the cold?
( ) Have you lost someone dear to you?
(X) Do you hate spiders?
( ) Are you nervous when making new friends?
(X) Do you have a hated enemy?
(X) Was your first kiss with a girl?

Sophie 0

( ) Do you not talk much?
( ) Are you very shy?
( ) Are you good at charades?
( ) Are you easily intimidated?
( ) Are you clumsy?
( ) Is someone in your family a bit dim?

Gunther 0

( ) Do you trick people alot to get what you want?
( ) Have you been called a jerk?
( ) Are you a mooch?
( ) Are you tall?
( ) Are you good at charming people?
( ) Have you cheated someone out of a good deal before?

Cypress 1

( ) Are you very motherly?
( ) Do you feel that you watch over a large group of friends?
( ) Are you very protective of those close to you?
( ) Have you stayed in the same place your whole life
( ) Do you hate harpies?
(X) Are you abit wary of one of your friends?

Elle 1

( ) Do you stubbornly stick to a single philosophy?
(X) Do you have a fear of snakes?
( ) Have you moved around alot?
( ) Do you live somewhere different from where you were born?
( ) Do you suppliment your diet?
( ) Do you or have you ever sleep eaten?

Artemia 1

( ) Do you get annoyed easily?
( ) Are you currently looking for something important?
( ) Do you have a traumatic experience in your past that changed you?
(X) Do you dislike whining?
( ) Are you a very good sewer?
( ) Are you cynical?

Saya 3

(X) Have you ever eaten bad food?
( ) Have you ever badly hurt a friend by mistake?
( ) Do you try to protect a group of close friends?
(X) Do you know someone whom is close to you?
(X) Do you have a friend with benefits
( ) Do you sometimes dress up?

Kallisti 2

(X) Do you enjoy all things sensual and pleasurable?
( ) Do you often like playing practical jokes?
( ) Are you very sexual and playful?
( ) Do you like to punish people who deserve it?
(X) Did you get off on a rough start with one or more of your friends?
( ) Do people look up to you?

Kahla 2
(X) Do you enjoy steam baths?
( ) Do you like to play tag?
( ) Do you like to toy with machines and gadgets?
( ) Do you like tea?
(X) Is there someone you have mixed feelings about?
( ) Do you tend to make some of your friends nervous?[/quote]

Well I am Namesta.. surprising uh XD
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Veteran knight
Veteran knight

Posts : 310
Join date : 2007-12-11

What Felarya Character are you!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Felarya Character are you!?   What Felarya Character are you!? Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2008 4:15 am


I ended up with chrisis, all of them, to be fair, I dont think chrisis is very unique,
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Master cartographer
Master cartographer

Posts : 1842
Join date : 2007-12-08
Age : 40

What Felarya Character are you!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Felarya Character are you!?   What Felarya Character are you!? Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2008 4:53 am


( ) Do you have an unusual family?
(x) Are you very playful?
( ) Have you been called cute?
(x) Do you love music and good singers?
(x) Do you enjoy listening to others peoples stories?
( ) Are you good at sneaking up on people?


(x) Do you have a bad temper?
( ) Do you smoke?
( ) Are you good with machines?
(x) Do you tend to be sarcastic alot?
(x) Do you hate being woken up early?
(x) Are alot of your friends people you don't really like?


(x) Are you modest?
( ) Do you want to be a doctor or nurse?
( ) Are you motherly?
( ) Are you a good leader?
( ) Do you baby your loved ones
(x) Are you opposed to violence?


( ) Do you enjoy telling riddles?
( ) Are you mischievous?
( ) Do you act childish at times?
( ) Do you enjoy tricking people?
(x) Are you manipulative?
(x) Have you been called perverted?

( ) Are you exceptionally well-endowed?
( ) Do you have a seductive nature?
(x) Are you abit lazy?
(x) Do you love waterfalls?
( ) Are you bisexual?
( ) Do you have sex alot?


( ) Are you handicapped?
( ) Do you like swordplay?
( ) Are you blunt?
(x) Do you come off as ruder then you intend?
( ) Do you hang out mostly with girls?
(x) Are you possessive?


( ) Are you calm no matter what?
( ) Are you a good singer?
( ) Are you a good story teller?
( ) Do you have a troubled past?
(x) Do you not care about others problems unless they are close friends of yours?
( ) Have you been tortured before?


( ) Do you like to accessorize?
( ) Are you affectionate and sensitive?
(x) When you're hungry can you think about nothing but eating?
( ) Are you accident-prone?
( ) Do you have a secret that few know about?
( ) Have you been kicked out of someplace before?


( ) Have you been called chaotic before?
(x) Do you tend to lie alot?
(x) Do you like to talk alot?
( ) Do you like to pull pranks on people, despite how they feel about it.
( ) Are you a slacker?
( ) Are you well-endowed but don't show it off.


( ) Are you good at hiding?
(x) Do you tend to be very lazy?
(x) Do you prefer things being brought to you?
( ) Do you enjoy playing in sprinklers?
( ) Have you had a bond with someone in the past?
( ) Do you enjoy camping?


( ) Do you drink alot?
( ) Are you shorter then most your friends?
( ) Do you like to give advice?
(x) Are you energetic
( ) Do you use alot of slang?
( ) Do you like to party?


(x) Are you sadistic?
(x) Are you sarcastic?
( ) Do you have an on and off friendship with someone?
( ) Are you wise for your age?
( ) Do you enjoy messing with peoples heads?
(x) Are you unemployed?


(x) Do you hate confrontations?
(x) Do you make friends easily?
(x) Are you very trusting of others?
( ) Are you a bit shy?
( ) Do you have a crush on someone
( ) Do you cry alot?


( ) Are you in love with someone?
(x) Are you attracted to beautiful women?
( ) Are you in touch with nature?
( ) Do you find magic fascinating?
( ) Do you dislike shallow or vain people?
( ) Do you prefer wearing more earthy color of clothes?


( )Are you extremely good at chess?
( ) Are you a great strategist?
(x) Have you been called gluttonous before?
( ) Do you have a very long tongue?
(x) Are you happy where you live?
( ) Do you have a nice, easy going job?


( ) Do you strive for power?
( ) Are you always trying to overthrow those higher up in power then you to take there place?
(x) Do you like frozen food?
( ) Do you know someone that gives you advice though you rarely listen to it?
( ) Are you skilled in a specific area?
( ) Have you ever sold popsicles?


( ) Do you enjoy the cold?
(x) Have you lost someone dear to you?
( ) Do you hate spiders?
( ) Are you nervous when making new friends?
( ) Do you have a hated enemy?
( ) Was your first kiss with a girl?


(x) Do you not talk much?
( ) Are you very shy?
( ) Are you good at charades?
( ) Are you easily intimidated?
(x) Are you clumsy?
( ) Is someone in your family a bit dim?


( ) Do you trick people alot to get what you want?
( ) Have you been called a jerk?
( ) Are you a mooch?
(x) Are you tall?
( ) Are you good at charming people?
( ) Have you cheated someone out of a good deal before?


( ) Are you very motherly?
( ) Do you feel that you watch over a large group of friends?
( ) Are you very protective of those close to you?
( ) Have you stayed in the same place your whole life
( ) Do you hate harpies?
(x) Are you abit wary of one of your friends?

( ) Do you stubbornly stick to a single philosophy?
( ) Do you have a fear of snakes?
( ) Have you moved around alot?
( ) Do you live somewhere different from where you were born?
( ) Do you suppliment your diet?
( ) Do you or have you ever sleep eaten?


( ) Do you get annoyed easily?
( ) Are you currently looking for something important?
( ) Do you have a traumatic experience in your past that changed you?
( ) Do you dislike whining?
( ) Are you a very good sewer?
( ) Are you cynical?


( ) Have you ever eaten bad food?
( ) Have you ever badly hurt a friend by mistake?
( ) Do you try to protect a group of close friends?
( ) Do you know someone whom is close to you?
( ) Do you have a friend with benefits
( ) Do you sometimes dress up?


( ) Do you enjoy all things sensual and pleasurable?
( ) Do you often like playing practical jokes?
( ) Are you very sexual and playful?
(x) Do you like to punish people who deserve it?
( ) Did you get off on a rough start with one or more of your friends?
( ) Do people look up to you?

( ) Do you enjoy steam baths?
( ) Do you like to play tag?
(x) Do you like to toy with machines and gadgets?
( ) Do you like tea?
( ) Is there someone you have mixed feelings about?
(x) Do you tend to make some of your friends nervous?

Oh my god! I'm Anna Shocked
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

Posts : 3229
Join date : 2007-12-09

What Felarya Character are you!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Felarya Character are you!?   What Felarya Character are you!? Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2008 5:01 am



(X) Do you have a bad temper?
( ) Do you smoke?
(X) Are you good with machines?
( ) Do you tend to be sarcastic alot?
(X) Do you hate being woken up early?
(X (but they're still my good friends) ) Are alot of your friends people you don't really like?





( ) Are you handicapped?
(X) Do you like swordplay?
( ) Are you blunt?
( ) Do you come off as ruder then you intend?
( ) Do you hang out mostly with girls?
( ) Are you possessive?


( ) Are you calm no matter what?
( ) Are you a good singer?
( ) Are you a good story teller?
(X) Do you have a troubled past?
( ) Do you not care about others problems unless they are close friends of yours?
(X) Have you been tortured before?




( ) Are you good at hiding?
(X) Do you tend to be very lazy?
( ) Do you prefer things being brought to you?
( ) Do you enjoy playing in sprinklers?
( ) Have you had a bond with someone in the past?
( ) Do you enjoy camping?





( ) Are you in love with someone?
( ) Are you attracted to beautiful women?
( ) Are you in touch with nature?
( ) Do you find magic fascinating?
(X) Do you dislike shallow or vain people?
( ) Do you prefer wearing more earthy color of clothes?




( ) Do you enjoy the cold?
(X) Have you lost someone dear to you?
(X) Do you hate spiders?
( ) Are you nervous when making new friends?
( ) Do you have a hated enemy?
( ) Was your first kiss with a girl?


(X) Do you not talk much?
(X) Are you very shy?
( ) Are you good at charades?
( ) Are you easily intimidated?
( ) Are you clumsy?
( ) Is someone in your family a bit dim?



( ) Do you stubbornly stick to a single philosophy?
( ) Do you have a fear of snakes?
( ) Have you moved around alot?
(X) Do you live somewhere different from where you were born?
( ) Do you suppliment your diet?
( ) Do you or have you ever sleep eaten?


( ) Do you get annoyed easily?
( ) Are you currently looking for something important?
( ) Do you have a traumatic experience in your past that changed you?
( ) Do you dislike whining?
( ) Are you a very good sewer?
( ) Are you cynical?




( ) Do you enjoy steam baths?
( ) Do you like to play tag?
(X) Do you like to toy with machines and gadgets?
( ) Do you like tea?
( ) Is there someone you have mixed feelings about?
(X) Do you tend to make some of your friends nervous?

Awesome! I relate to Anna the most!
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Seasoned adventurer
Seasoned adventurer

Posts : 178
Join date : 2007-12-09
Age : 38
Location : Nuremberg

What Felarya Character are you!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Felarya Character are you!?   What Felarya Character are you!? Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2008 8:11 am

I'm Tanya, Katrika and Crisis ^^


( ) Do you have an unusual family?
(x ) Are you very playful?
( ) Have you been called cute?
(x ) Do you love music and good singers?
(x ) Do you enjoy listening to others peoples stories?
(x ) Are you good at sneaking up on people?


(x ) Do you have a bad temper?
( ) Do you smoke?
( ) Are you good with machines?
(x ) Do you tend to be sarcastic alot?
(x ) Do you hate being woken up early?
( ) Are alot of your friends people you don't really like?


( ) Are you modest?
( ) Do you want to be a doctor or nurse?
( ) Are you motherly?
( ) Are you a good leader?
( ) Do you baby your loved ones
(x ) Are you opposed to violence?


( ) Do you enjoy telling riddles?
( ) Are you mischievous?
(x ) Do you act childish at times?
( ) Do you enjoy tricking people?
( ) Are you manipulative?
(x ) Have you been called perverted?

( ) Are you exceptionally well-endowed?
( ) Do you have a seductive nature?
(x ) Are you abit lazy?
(x ) Do you love waterfalls?
( ) Are you bisexual?
( ) Do you have sex alot?


( ) Are you handicapped?
(x ) Do you like swordplay?
( ) Are you blunt?
( ) Do you come off as ruder then you intend?
( ) Do you hang out mostly with girls?
( ) Are you possessive?


( ) Are you calm no matter what?
( ) Are you a good singer?
(x ) Are you a good story teller?
(x ) Do you have a troubled past?
(x ) Do you not care about others problems unless they are close friends of yours?
( ) Have you been tortured before?


( ) Do you like to accessorize?
( ) Are you affectionate and sensitive?
( ) When you're hungry can you think about nothing but eating?
( ) Are you accident-prone?
(x ) Do you have a secret that few know about?
( ) Have you been kicked out of someplace before?


(x ) Have you been called chaotic before?
( ) Do you tend to lie alot?
(x ) Do you like to talk alot?
( ) Do you like to pull pranks on people, despite how they feel about it.
( ) Are you a slacker?
( ) Are you well-endowed but don't show it off.


( ) Are you good at hiding?
( ) Do you tend to be very lazy?
(x ) Do you prefer things being brought to you?
( ) Do you enjoy playing in sprinklers?
(x ) Have you had a bond with someone in the past?
(x ) Do you enjoy camping?


(x ) Do you drink alot?
( ) Are you shorter then most your friends?
(x ) Do you like to give advice?
(x ) Are you energetic
( ) Do you use alot of slang?
(x ) Do you like to party?


(x ) Are you sadistic?
(x ) Are you sarcastic?
(x ) Do you have an on and off friendship with someone?
(x ) Are you wise for your age?
( ) Do you enjoy messing with peoples heads?
(x ) Are you unemployed?


( ) Do you hate confrontations?
(x ) Do you make friends easily?
(x ) Are you very trusting of others?
(x ) Are you a bit shy?
(x ) Do you have a crush on someone
( ) Do you cry alot?


( ) Are you in love with someone?
(x ) Are you attracted to beautiful women?
( ) Are you in touch with nature?
(x ) Do you find magic fascinating?
(x ) Do you dislike shallow or vain people?
( ) Do you prefer wearing more earthy color of clothes?


( )Are you extremely good at chess?
( ) Are you a great strategist?
( ) Have you been called gluttonous before?
( ) Do you have a very long tongue?
(x ) Are you happy where you live?
( ) Do you have a nice, easy going job?


( ) Do you strive for power?
( ) Are you always trying to overthrow those higher up in power then you to take there place?
( ) Do you like frozen food?
( ) Do you know someone that gives you advice though you rarely listen to it?
( ) Are you skilled in a specific area?
( ) Have you ever sold popsicles?


( ) Do you enjoy the cold?
(x ) Have you lost someone dear to you?
(x ) Do you hate spiders?
( ) Are you nervous when making new friends?
(x ) Do you have a hated enemy?
(x ) Was your first kiss with a girl?


( ) Do you not talk much?
( ) Are you very shy?
( ) Are you good at charades?
( ) Are you easily intimidated?
( ) Are you clumsy?
( ) Is someone in your family a bit dim?


( ) Do you trick people alot to get what you want?
( ) Have you been called a jerk?
( ) Are you a mooch?
(x ) Are you tall?
(x ) Are you good at charming people?
(x ) Have you cheated someone out of a good deal before?


( ) Are you very motherly?
( ) Do you feel that you watch over a large group of friends?
(x ) Are you very protective of those close to you?
( ) Have you stayed in the same place your whole life
( ) Do you hate harpies?
( ) Are you abit wary of one of your friends?

( ) Do you stubbornly stick to a single philosophy?
( ) Do you have a fear of snakes?
(x ) Have you moved around alot?
( ) Do you live somewhere different from where you were born?
( ) Do you suppliment your diet?
( ) Do you or have you ever sleep eaten?


( ) Do you get annoyed easily?
( ) Are you currently looking for something important?
( ) Do you have a traumatic experience in your past that changed you?
( ) Do you dislike whining?
( ) Are you a very good sewer?
(x ) Are you cynical?


(x ) Have you ever eaten bad food?
(x ) Have you ever badly hurt a friend by mistake?
( ) Do you try to protect a group of close friends?
(x ) Do you know someone whom is close to you?
( ) Do you have a friend with benefits
( ) Do you sometimes dress up?


( ) Do you enjoy all things sensual and pleasurable?
(x ) Do you often like playing practical jokes?
( ) Are you very sexual and playful?
(x ) Do you like to punish people who deserve it?
( ) Did you get off on a rough start with one or more of your friends?
( ) Do people look up to you?

( ) Do you enjoy steam baths?
( ) Do you like to play tag?
( ) Do you like to toy with machines and gadgets?
(x ) Do you like tea?
(x ) Is there someone you have mixed feelings about?
( ) Do you tend to make some of your friends nervous?
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Posts : 943
Join date : 2007-12-08
Age : 34
Location : Heckville

What Felarya Character are you!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Felarya Character are you!?   What Felarya Character are you!? Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2008 9:08 am


(X) Do you have an unusual family?
(X) Are you very playful?
(X) Have you been called cute?
(X) Do you love music and good singers?
(X) Do you enjoy listening to others peoples stories?
(X) Are you good at sneaking up on people?

Total: 6


( ) Do you have a bad temper?
( ) Do you smoke?
( ) Are you good with machines?
(X) Do you tend to be sarcastic alot?
(X) Do you hate being woken up early?
( ) Are alot of your friends people you don't really like?

Total: 2


(X) Are you modest?
( ) Do you want to be a doctor or nurse?
( ) Are you motherly?
( ) Are you a good leader?
(X) Do you baby your loved ones
( ) Are you opposed to violence?

Total: 2


(X) Do you enjoy telling riddles?
(X) Are you mischievous?
( ) Do you act childish at times?
(X) Do you enjoy tricking people?
( ) Are you manipulative?
( ) Have you been called perverted?

Total: 3

( ) Are you exceptionally well-endowed?
( ) Do you have a seductive nature?
(X) Are you abit lazy?
(X) Do you love waterfalls?
( ) Are you bisexual?
( ) Do you have sex alot?

Total: 2


( ) Are you handicapped?
( ) Do you like swordplay?
( ) Are you blunt?
(X) Do you come off as ruder then you intend?
(X) Do you hang out mostly with girls?
( ) Are you possessive?

Total: 2


( ) Are you calm no matter what?
( ) Are you a good singer?
(X) Are you a good story teller?
( ) Do you have a troubled past?
( ) Do you not care about others problems unless they are close friends of yours?
( ) Have you been tortured before?

Total: 1


( ) Do you like to accessorize?
(X) Are you affectionate and sensitive?
(X) When you're hungry can you think about nothing but eating?
(X) Are you accident-prone?
(X) Do you have a secret that few know about?
( ) Have you been kicked out of someplace before?

Total: 4


( ) Have you been called chaotic before?
( ) Do you tend to lie alot?
(X) Do you like to talk alot?
( ) Do you like to pull pranks on people, despite how they feel about it.
(X) Are you a slacker?
( ) Are you well-endowed but don't show it off.

Total: 2


( ) Are you good at hiding?
(X) Do you tend to be very lazy?
(X) Do you prefer things being brought to you?
(X) Do you enjoy playing in sprinklers?
(X) Have you had a bond with someone in the past?
( ) Do you enjoy camping?

Total: 4


( ) Do you drink alot?
( ) Are you shorter then most your friends?
(X) Do you like to give advice?
(X) Are you energetic
(X) Do you use alot of slang?
(X) Do you like to party?

Total: 4


( ) Are you sadistic?
(X) Are you sarcastic?
(X) Do you have an on and off friendship with someone?
(X) Are you wise for your age?
(X) Do you enjoy messing with peoples heads?
( ) Are you unemployed?

Total: 4


( ) Do you hate confrontations?
(X) Do you make friends easily?
( ) Are you very trusting of others?
(X) Are you a bit shy?
( ) Do you have a crush on someone
( ) Do you cry alot?

Total: 2


( ) Are you in love with someone?
(X) Are you attracted to beautiful women?
(X) Are you in touch with nature?
(X) Do you find magic fascinating?
(X) Do you dislike shallow or vain people?
( ) Do you prefer wearing more earthy color of clothes?

Total: 4


( )Are you extremely good at chess?
( ) Are you a great strategist?
(X) Have you been called gluttonous before?
(X) Do you have a very long tongue?
( ) Are you happy where you live?
(X) Do you have a nice, easy going job?

Total: 3


( ) Do you strive for power?
( ) Are you always trying to overthrow those higher up in power then you to take there place?
( ) Do you like frozen food?
( ) Do you know someone that gives you advice though you rarely listen to it?
(X) Are you skilled in a specific area?
( ) Have you ever sold popsicles?

Total: 1


( ) Do you enjoy the cold?
(X) Have you lost someone dear to you?
( ) Do you hate spiders?
(X) Are you nervous when making new friends?
(X) Do you have a hated enemy?
(X) Was your first kiss with a girl?

Total: 4


( ) Do you not talk much?
(X) Are you very shy?
( ) Are you good at charades?
( ) Are you easily intimidated?
(X) Are you clumsy?
( ) Is someone in your family a bit dim?

Total: 2


( ) Do you trick people alot to get what you want?
( ) Have you been called a jerk?
( ) Are you a mooch?
(X) Are you tall?
( ) Are you good at charming people?
( ) Have you cheated someone out of a good deal before?

Total: 1


(X) Are you very motherly?
( ) Do you feel that you watch over a large group of friends?
(X) Are you very protective of those close to you?
( ) Have you stayed in the same place your whole life
( ) Do you hate harpies?
(X) Are you abit wary of one of your friends?

Total: 2

( ) Do you stubbornly stick to a single philosophy?
( ) Do you have a fear of snakes?
( ) Have you moved around alot?
(X) Do you live somewhere different from where you were born?
(X) Do you suppliment your diet?
( ) Do you or have you ever sleep eaten?

Total: 2


( ) Do you get annoyed easily?
( ) Are you currently looking for something important?
( ) Do you have a traumatic experience in your past that changed you?
( ) Do you dislike whining?
( ) Are you a very good sewer?
( ) Are you cynical?

Total: 0 (I Could make a joke, but I won't)


( ) Have you ever eaten bad food?
( ) Have you ever badly hurt a friend by mistake?
( ) Do you try to protect a group of close friends?
(X) Do you know someone whom is close to you?
( ) Do you have a friend with benefits
( ) Do you sometimes dress up?

Total: 1


( ) Do you enjoy all things sensual and pleasurable?
(X) Do you often like playing practical jokes?
( ) Are you very sexual and playful?
( ) Do you like to punish people who deserve it?
( ) Did you get off on a rough start with one or more of your friends?
( ) Do people look up to you?

Total: 1

(X) Do you enjoy steam baths?
(X) Do you like to play tag?
( ) Do you like to toy with machines and gadgets?
(X) Do you like tea?
(X) Is there someone you have mixed feelings about?
( ) Do you tend to make some of your friends nervous?

Total: 4

Sweet! I'm Crisis 100% -flips back blonde hair-
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Posts : 493
Join date : 2007-12-08

What Felarya Character are you!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Felarya Character are you!?   What Felarya Character are you!? Icon_minitimeTue Jan 08, 2008 6:52 pm

THE FELARYA QUIZ What Character Are You?


(x) Do you have an unusual family?
( ) Are you very playful?
( ) Have you been called cute?
(x) Do you love music and good singers?
(x) Do you enjoy listening to other peoples stories?
(x) Are you good at sneaking up on people?


(x) Do you have a bad temper?
( ) Do you smoke?
( ) Are you good with machines?
(x) Do you tend to be sarcastic a lot?
(x) Do you hate being woken up early?
( ) Are a lot of your friends people you don't really like?


(x) Are you modest?
( ) Do you want to be a doctor or nurse?
( ) Are you motherly?
( ) Are you a good leader?
( ) Do you baby your loved ones?
(x) Are you opposed to violence?


( ) Do you enjoy telling riddles?
( ) Are you mischievious
(x) Do you act childish at times?
( ) Do you enjoy thrinking people?
(x) Are you Manipulative?
(x) Have you been called perverted?


( ) Are you exceptionally well-endowed?
( ) Do you have a seductive nature?
(x) Are you a bit lazy?
(x) Do you love waterfalls?
( ) Are you bisexual?
( ) Do you have sex a lot?


(x) Are you handicapped?
(x) Do you like swordplay?
( ) Are you blunt?
(x) Do you come off as ruder than you intend
( ) Do you hang out mostly with girls?
(x) Are you possesive?


( ) Are you calm no matter what?
( ) Are you a good singer?
(x) Are you a good story teller?
(x) Do you have a troubled past?
( ) Do you not care about others problems unless they are close friends of yours?
(x) Have you been tortured before?


( ) Do you like to accessorize?
(x) Are you affectionate and sensitive?
( ) When you are hungry can you think of nothing but eating?
(x) Arer you accident-prone?
(x) Do you have a secret that few know about?
(x) Have you been kicked out of someplace before?


(x) Have you been called chaotic before?
( ) Do you tend to lie a lot?
( ) Do you like to talk a lot?
( ) Do you like to play pranks on people despite how they feel about it?
( ) Are you a slacker?
( ) Are you well-endowed but don't show it off?


(x) Are you good at hiding?
( ) Do you tend to be very lazy?
(x) Do you prefer things to be brought to you?
( ) Do you enjoy playing in sprinklers?
(x) Have you had a bound with someone in the past?
(x) Do you enjoy camping?


(x) Do you drink a lot?
( ) Are you shorter than most of your friends?
(x) Do you like to give advice?
( ) Are you energetic?
( ) Do you use a lot of slang?
( ) Do you like to party?


(x) Are you sadisitic?
(x) Are you sarcastic?
(x) Do you an on and off friendship with someone?
( ) Do you enjoy messing with people's heads?
( ) Are you unemployed?


(x) Do you hate confrontations?
( ) Do you make friends easily?
(x) Are you very trusting of others?
(x) Are you a bit shy?
(x) Do you have a crush on someone?
( ) Do you cry a lot?


( ) Are you in love with someone?
(x) Are you attracted to beautiful woman?
(x) Are you in touch with nature?
(x) Do you find magic fasinating?
(x) Do you dislike shallow or vain people?
(x) Do you prefer wearing more earthly colours of clothes?


( ) Are you extremely good at chess?
( ) Are you a great strategist?
(x) Have you been called gluttonous before?
( ) Do you have a very long tongue?
( ) Are you happy where you live?
( ) Do you have a nice easy going job?


( ) Do you strive for power?
( ) Are you always trying to overthrow those higher up in power than you to take their place?
(x) Do you like frozen food?
( ) Do you know someone that gives you advice though you rarely listen to it?
(x) Are you skilled in a specific area?
( ) Have you ever sold popsicles?


(x) Do you enjoy the cold?
(x) Have you lost someone dear to you?
(x) Do you hate spiders?
(x) Are you nervous when making new friends?
(x) Do you have a hated enemy?
(x) Was your first kiss with a girl?


( ) Do you not talk much?
(x) Are you very shy?
( ) Are you good at charades?
(x) Are you easily intimidated?
(x) Are you clumsy?
(x) Is someone in your family a bit dim?


( ) Do you trick people a lot to get what you want?
(x) Have you been called a jerk?
( ) Are you a mooch?
(x) Are you tall?
( ) Are you good at charming people?
( ) Have you cheated someone out of a good deal before?


( ) Are you very motherly
( ) Do you fell that you watch over a large group of friends?
(x) Are you very protective of those close to you?
( ) Have you stayed in the same place your whole life?
( ) Do you hate Harpies?
( ) Are you a bit wary of one of your friends?


( ) Do you stubbonly stick to a single philosophy?
( ) Do you have a fear of snakes?
( ) Have you moved around a lot?
(x) Do you live somewhere different from where you where born?
(x) Do you or have you ever sleep eaten?


(x) Do you get annoyed easily?
( ) Are you currently looking for something important?
(x) Do you have a traumatic experiance in your past that changed you?
( ) Do you dislike whining?
( ) Are you a good sewer?
(x) Are you cynical?


(x) Have you ever eaten bad food?
(x) Have you ever badly hurt a friend by mistake?
( ) Do you tru to protect a group of close friends?
( ) Do you know someone whom is close to you?
(x) Do you have a friend with benefits?
( ) Do you sometimes dress up?


(x) Do you enjoy all things sensual and pleasurable?
( ) Do you often like playing practical jokes?
( ) Are you very sexual and playful?
(x) Do you like to punish people who deserve it?
(x) Did you get off on a rough start with one or more of your friends?
( ) Do people look up to you?


(x) Do you enjoy steam baths?
(x) Do you like to play tag?
( ) Do you like to toy with machines and gadjets?
(x) Do you like tea?
(x) Is there someone you have mixed feelings about?
(x) Do you tend to make some of your friends nervous?

Great! I'm Rin! (freezes passing neko into a popsicle)

Katrika-"You two-timer! How could you?"
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Helpless prey

Posts : 15
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What Felarya Character are you!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Felarya Character are you!?   What Felarya Character are you!? Icon_minitimeSun Jan 13, 2008 11:49 pm


(x) Do you have an unusual family?
(x) Are you very playful?
(x) Have you been called cute?
(x) Do you love music and good singers?
(x) Do you enjoy listening to others peoples stories?
(x) Are you good at sneaking up on people?


( ) Do you have a bad temper?
( ) Do you smoke?
(x) Are you good with machines?
( ) Do you tend to be sarcastic alot?
(x) Do you hate being woken up early?
( ) Are alot of your friends people you don't really like?


( ) Are you modest?
( ) Do you want to be a doctor or nurse?
( ) Are you motherly?
( ) Are you a good leader?
( ) Do you baby your loved ones
(x) Are you opposed to violence?


(x) Do you enjoy telling riddles?
(x) Are you mischievous?
(x) Do you act childish at times?
(x) Do you enjoy tricking people?
(x) Are you manipulative?
(xxx) Have you been called perverted? (*blush*)

( ) Are you exceptionally well-endowed?
(x) Do you have a seductive nature?
(x) Are you abit lazy?
(x) Do you love waterfalls?
(x) Are you bisexual?
(x) Do you have sex alot?


( ) Are you handicapped?
(x) Do you like swordplay?
( ) Are you blunt?
( ) Do you come off as ruder then you intend?
(x) Do you hang out mostly with girls?
( ) Are you possessive?


( ) Are you calm no matter what?
( ) Are you a good singer?
(x) Are you a good story teller?
( ) Do you have a troubled past?
( ) Do you not care about others problems unless they are close friends of yours?
( ) Have you been tortured before?


( ) Do you like to accessorize?
(x) Are you affectionate and sensitive?
( ) When you're hungry can you think about nothing but eating?
(x) Are you accident-prone?
(x) Do you have a secret that few know about?
(x) Have you been kicked out of someplace before?


(x) Have you been called chaotic before?
(x) Do you tend to lie alot?
(x) Do you like to talk alot?
(x) Do you like to pull pranks on people, despite how they feel about it.
(x) Are you a slacker?
(x) Are you well-endowed but don't show it off.


(x) Are you good at hiding?
( ) Do you tend to be very lazy?
( ) Do you prefer things being brought to you?
(x) Do you enjoy playing in sprinklers?
( ) Have you had a bond with someone in the past?
( ) Do you enjoy camping?


( ) Do you drink alot?
( ) Are you shorter then most your friends?
(x) Do you like to give advice?
(x) Are you energetic
( ) Do you use alot of slang?
(x) Do you like to party?


( ) Are you sadistic?
( ) Are you sarcastic?
( ) Do you have an on and off friendship with someone?
(x) Are you wise for your age?
( ) Do you enjoy messing with peoples heads?
( ) Are you unemployed?


(x) Do you hate confrontations?
(x) Do you make friends easily?
(x) Are you very trusting of others?
(x) Are you a bit shy?
(x) Do you have a crush on someone
( ) Do you cry alot?


(x) Are you in love with someone?
(x) Are you attracted to beautiful women?
( ) Are you in touch with nature?
(x) Do you find magic fascinating?
(x) Do you dislike shallow or vain people?
( ) Do you prefer wearing more earthy color of clothes?


(x)Are you extremely good at chess?
(x) Are you a great strategist?
( ) Have you been called gluttonous before?
( ) Do you have a very long tongue?
(x) Are you happy where you live?
( ) Do you have a nice, easy going job?


( ) Do you strive for power?
( ) Are you always trying to overthrow those higher up in power then you to take there place?
( ) Do you like frozen food?
( ) Do you know someone that gives you advice though you rarely listen to it?
( ) Are you skilled in a specific area?
( ) Have you ever sold popsicles?


(x) Do you enjoy the cold?
(x) Have you lost someone dear to you?
(x) Do you hate spiders?
(x) Are you nervous when making new friends?
(x) Do you have a hated enemy?
(x) Was your first kiss with a girl?


( ) Do you not talk much?
(x) Are you very shy?
( ) Are you good at charades?
(x) Are you easily intimidated?
(x) Are you clumsy?
(x) Is someone in your family a bit dim?


( ) Do you trick people alot to get what you want?
( ) Have you been called a jerk?
(x) Are you a mooch?
( ) Are you tall?
(x) Are you good at charming people?
( ) Have you cheated someone out of a good deal before?


( ) Are you very motherly?
( ) Do you feel that you watch over a large group of friends?
(x) Are you very protective of those close to you?
( ) Have you stayed in the same place your whole life
( ) Do you hate harpies?
( ) Are you abit wary of one of your friends?

( ) Do you stubbornly stick to a single philosophy?
( ) Do you have a fear of snakes?
( ) Have you moved around alot?
( ) Do you live somewhere different from where you were born?
( ) Do you suppliment your diet?
(x) Do you or have you ever sleep eaten? (*blushies* once....)


( ) Do you get annoyed easily?
( ) Are you currently looking for something important?
( ) Do you have a traumatic experience in your past that changed you?
(x) Do you dislike whining?
( ) Are you a very good sewer?
( ) Are you cynical?


(x) Have you ever eaten bad food?
( ) Have you ever badly hurt a friend by mistake?
( ) Do you try to protect a group of close friends?
( ) Do you know someone whom is close to you?
(x) Do you have a friend with benefits
(x) Do you sometimes dress up?


(x) Do you enjoy all things sensual and pleasurable?
(x) Do you often like playing practical jokes?
(x) Are you very sexual and playful?
(x) Do you like to punish people who deserve it?
(x) Did you get off on a rough start with one or more of your friends?
(x) Do people look up to you?

(x) Do you enjoy steam baths? (^.^ Lots!)
(X) Do you like to play tag?
(x) Do you like to toy with machines and gadgets?
(x) Do you like tea?
(x) Is there someone you have mixed feelings about?
(x) Do you tend to make some of your friends nervous?

((*giggles* in other words! I am lots of peoples! ^.^;; ))
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The Nordic Ninja
valiant swordman
valiant swordman
The Nordic Ninja

Posts : 242
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What Felarya Character are you!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Felarya Character are you!?   What Felarya Character are you!? Icon_minitimeMon Jan 14, 2008 3:53 am

Crisis 4

(X) Do you have an unusual family?
( ) Are you very playful?
( ) Have you been called cute?
(X) Do you love music and good singers?
(X) Do you enjoy listening to others peoples stories?
(X) Are you good at sneaking up on people?

Anna 2

( ) Do you have a bad temper?
( ) Do you smoke?
( ) Are you good with machines?
(X) Do you tend to be sarcastic alot?
(X) Do you hate being woken up early?
( ) Are alot of your friends people you don't really like?

Temi 1

( ) Are you modest?
( ) Do you want to be a doctor or nurse?
( ) Are you motherly?
(X) Are you a good leader?
( ) Do you baby your loved ones
( ) Are you opposed to violence?

Melany 2

( ) Do you enjoy telling riddles?
(X) Are you mischievous?
( ) Do you act childish at times?
(X) Do you enjoy tricking people?
( ) Are you manipulative?
( ) Have you been called perverted?

Vivian 1

( ) Are you exceptionally well-endowed?
( ) Do you have a seductive nature?
(X) Are you abit lazy?
( ) Do you love waterfalls?
( ) Are you bisexual?
( ) Do you have sex alot?

Alvar 1

( ) Are you handicapped?
(X) Do you like swordplay?
( ) Are you blunt?
( ) Do you come off as ruder then you intend?
( ) Do you hang out mostly with girls?
( ) Are you possessive?

Lea 2

( ) Are you calm no matter what?
(X) Are you a good singer?
( ) Are you a good story teller?
( ) Do you have a troubled past?
( ) Do you not care about others problems unless they are close friends of yours?
(X) Have you been tortured before?

Aya 1

( ) Do you like to accessorize?
( ) Are you affectionate and sensitive?
( ) When you're hungry can you think about nothing but eating?
( ) Are you accident-prone?
(X) Do you have a secret that few know about?
( ) Have you been kicked out of someplace before?

Anko 1

( ) Have you been called chaotic before?
( ) Do you tend to lie alot?
( ) Do you like to talk alot?
( ) Do you like to pull pranks on people, despite how they feel about it.
(X) Are you a slacker?
( ) Are you well-endowed but don't show it off.

Drayla 2

(X) Are you good at hiding?
(X) Do you tend to be very lazy?
( ) Do you prefer things being brought to you?
( ) Do you enjoy playing in sprinklers?
( ) Have you had a bond with someone in the past?
( ) Do you enjoy camping?

Nix 3

( ) Do you drink alot?
( ) Are you shorter then most your friends?
(X) Do you like to give advice?
( ) Are you energetic
(X) Do you use alot of slang?
(X) Do you like to party?

Tanya 4

( ) Are you sadistic?
(X) Are you sarcastic?
( ) Do you have an on and off friendship with someone?
(X) Are you wise for your age?
(X) Do you enjoy messing with peoples heads?
(X) Are you unemployed?

Katrika 1

( ) Do you hate confrontations?
(X) Do you make friends easily?
( ) Are you very trusting of others?
( ) Are you a bit shy?
( ) Do you have a crush on someone
( ) Do you cry alot?

Namesta 2

( ) Are you in love with someone?
(X) Are you attracted to beautiful women?
( ) Are you in touch with nature?
( ) Do you find magic fascinating?
(X) Do you dislike shallow or vain people?
( ) Do you prefer wearing more earthy color of clothes?

Menyssen 1

( )Are you extremely good at chess?
( ) Are you a great strategist?
( ) Have you been called gluttonous before?
( ) Do you have a very long tongue?
(X) Are you happy where you live?
( ) Do you have a nice, easy going job?

Arale 0

( ) Do you strive for power?
( ) Are you always trying to overthrow those higher up in power then you to take there place?
( ) Do you like frozen food?
( ) Do you know someone that gives you advice though you rarely listen to it?
( ) Are you skilled in a specific area?
( ) Have you ever sold popsicles?

Rin 3

( ) Do you enjoy the cold?
(X) Have you lost someone dear to you?
( ) Do you hate spiders?
( ) Are you nervous when making new friends?
(X) Do you have a hated enemy?
(X) Was your first kiss with a girl?

Sophie 1

(X) Do you not talk much?
( ) Are you very shy?
( ) Are you good at charades?
( ) Are you easily intimidated?
( ) Are you clumsy?
( ) Is someone in your family a bit dim?

Gunther 1

( ) Do you trick people alot to get what you want?
( ) Have you been called a jerk?
( ) Are you a mooch?
(X) Are you tall?
( ) Are you good at charming people?
( ) Have you cheated someone out of a good deal before?

Cypress 3

( ) Are you very motherly?
( ) Do you feel that you watch over a large group of friends?
(X) Are you very protective of those close to you?
( ) Have you stayed in the same place your whole life
(X) Do you hate harpies?
(X) Are you abit wary of one of your friends?

Elle 1

( ) Do you stubbornly stick to a single philosophy?
( ) Do you have a fear of snakes?
( ) Have you moved around alot?
(X) Do you live somewhere different from where you were born?
( ) Do you suppliment your diet?
( ) Do you or have you ever sleep eaten?

Artemia 1

( ) Do you get annoyed easily?
( ) Are you currently looking for something important?
( ) Do you have a traumatic experience in your past that changed you?
(X) Do you dislike whining?
( ) Are you a very good sewer?
( ) Are you cynical?

Saya 2

(X) Have you ever eaten bad food?
( ) Have you ever badly hurt a friend by mistake?
(X) Do you try to protect a group of close friends?
( ) Do you know someone whom is close to you?
( ) Do you have a friend with benefits
( ) Do you sometimes dress up?

Kallisti 0

( ) Do you enjoy all things sensual and pleasurable?
( ) Do you often like playing practical jokes?
( ) Are you very sexual and playful?
( ) Do you like to punish people who deserve it?
( ) Did you get off on a rough start with one or more of your friends?
( ) Do people look up to you?

Kahla 0

( ) Do you enjoy steam baths?
( ) Do you like to play tag?
( ) Do you like to toy with machines and gadgets?
( ) Do you like tea?
( ) Is there someone you have mixed feelings about?
( ) Do you tend to make some of your friends nervous?

It seems I'm Crisis/Tanya......um...Tanyis?
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The Rev
The Rev

Posts : 1005
Join date : 2007-12-10
Location : Eugene's Trick Bag

What Felarya Character are you!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Felarya Character are you!?   What Felarya Character are you!? Icon_minitimeMon Jan 21, 2008 8:02 am

I'm most like Drayla, and least like Cypress.. but they are both dryads!
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Great warrior
Great warrior

Posts : 538
Join date : 2009-10-24
Age : 29

What Felarya Character are you!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What Felarya Character are you!?   What Felarya Character are you!? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 26, 2009 3:12 pm


(x) Do you have an unusual family?
(x) Are you very playful?
(x) Have you been called cute? (several times when I was a little kid and sometimes by girls)
(x) Do you love music and good singers? (do video game and anime osts count?)
(x) Do you enjoy listening to others peoples stories?
(x) Are you good at sneaking up on people?


(x) Do you have a bad temper?
( ) Do you smoke?
( ) Are you good with machines?
(x) Do you tend to be sarcastic alot?
(x) Do you hate being woken up early?
( ) Are alot of your friends people you don't really like?


(x) Are you modest?
(x) Do you want to be a doctor or nurse? (vetrinarian to be exact)
( ) Are you motherly?
(x) Are you a good leader?
(x) Do you baby your loved ones
( ) Are you opposed to violence?


(x) Do you enjoy telling riddles?
(x) Are you mischievous?
(x) Do you act childish at times?
(x) Do you enjoy tricking people?
( ) Are you manipulative?
( ) Have you been called perverted?

( ) Are you exceptionally well-endowed?
( ) Do you have a seductive nature?
(x) Are you abit lazy?
(x) Do you love waterfalls?
( ) Are you bisexual?
( ) Do you have sex alot?


( ) Are you handicapped?
(x) Do you like swordplay? (yep and I even have a real Master Sword)
(x) Are you blunt?
(x) Do you come off as ruder then you intend? (I even am called rude when I'm not at all)
(x) Do you hang out mostly with girls? (my entire family is made up of women tell me about it)
( ) Are you possessive?


( ) Are you calm no matter what?
( ) Are you a good singer?
(x) Are you a good story teller?
( ) Do you have a troubled past?
( ) Do you not care about others problems unless they are close friends of yours?
(x) Have you been tortured before? (several times almost to death by my older sister)


( ) Do you like to accessorize?
(x) Are you affectionate and sensitive?
( ) When you're hungry can you think about nothing but eating?
( ) Are you accident-prone?
(x) Do you have a secret that few know about? (none shall know this secret)
( ) Have you been kicked out of someplace before?


( ) Have you been called chaotic before?
( ) Do you tend to lie alot?
( ) Do you like to talk alot?
(x) Do you like to pull pranks on people, despite how they feel about it.
( ) Are you a slacker?
( ) Are you well-endowed but don't show it off.


(x) Are you good at hiding?
(x) Do you tend to be very lazy?
( ) Do you prefer things being brought to you?
(x) Do you enjoy playing in sprinklers?
( ) Have you had a bond with someone in the past?
( ) Do you enjoy camping?


( ) Do you drink alot?
( ) Are you shorter then most your friends?
(x) Do you like to give advice?
( ) Are you energetic
(x) Do you use alot of slang?
(x) Do you like to party? (if mario party counts then yes)


( ) Are you sadistic?
(x) Are you sarcastic?
( ) Do you have an on and off friendship with someone?
(x) Are you wise for your age? (I'm almost as wise as my retirement age Grandpa)
( ) Do you enjoy messing with peoples heads?
(x) Are you unemployed? (I'm 14 so it's natural)


( ) Do you hate confrontations?
(x) Do you make friends easily?
(x) Are you very trusting of others?
( ) Are you a bit shy?
( ) Do you have a crush on someone
( ) Do you cry alot?


( ) Are you in love with someone?
( ) Are you attracted to beautiful women?
( ) Are you in touch with nature?
(x) Do you find magic fascinating?
(x) Do you dislike shallow or vain people? (my mortal enemies)
( ) Do you prefer wearing more earthy color of clothes?


( )Are you extremely good at chess?
(x) Are you a great strategist? (I'm like a Yu-GI-Oh champion in my school and only lost a few times to my classmates)
( ) Have you been called gluttonous before?
( ) Do you have a very long tongue?
(x) Are you happy where you live?
( ) Do you have a nice, easy going job? (I don't have one at all)


( ) Do you strive for power? (nope I'm perfectly fine with the power I've got and it corrupts so I don't want any more)
( ) Are you always trying to overthrow those higher up in power then you to take there place?
(x) Do you like frozen food? (I eat the frozen cheese off of frozen pizzas until the oven is heated up so yeah)
( ) Do you know someone that gives you advice though you rarely listen to it?
(x) Are you skilled in a specific area? (do video games and Yu-Gi-Oh count?)
( ) Have you ever sold popsicles?


(x) Do you enjoy the cold? (I enjoy the cold a lot)
(x) Have you lost someone dear to you? (do pets count?)
(x) Do you hate spiders? (HATE EM HATE EM HATE EM!!)
( ) Are you nervous when making new friends?
(x) Do you have a hated enemy?
(x) Was your first kiss with a girl? (Um... yeah?)


(x) Do you not talk much?
( ) Are you very shy?
(x) Are you good at charades?
( ) Are you easily intimidated?
( ) Are you clumsy? (I used to be clumsy but gymnastics changed that for me)
( ) Is someone in your family a bit dim?


( ) Do you trick people alot to get what you want?
(x) Have you been called a jerk? (by my sister after pranking her)
( ) Are you a mooch?
(x) Are you tall?
(x) Are you good at charming people?
( ) Have you cheated someone out of a good deal before?


( ) Are you very motherly?
( ) Do you feel that you watch over a large group of friends?
(x) Are you very protective of those close to you? (I'd beat my little sister's boyfriend with a spaghetti scooper if I had to)
( ) Have you stayed in the same place your whole life
( ) Do you hate harpies?
( ) Are you abit wary of one of your friends?

(x) Do you stubbornly stick to a single philosophy?
( ) Do you have a fear of snakes?
( ) Have you moved around alot?
(x) Do you live somewhere different from where you were born?
(x) Do you suppliment your diet? (vitamins)
( ) Do you or have you ever sleep eaten? (not that I'm aware of)


(x) Do you get annoyed easily?
( ) Are you currently looking for something important?
( ) Do you have a traumatic experience in your past that changed you?
( ) Do you dislike whining?
( ) Are you a very good sewer?
( ) Are you cynical?


( ) Have you ever eaten bad food?
(x) Have you ever badly hurt a friend by mistake? (my little sister got half her pinky chopped off in the car door because of me)
( ) Do you try to protect a group of close friends?
( ) Do you know someone whom is close to you?
( ) Do you have a friend with benefits
( ) Do you sometimes dress up?


( ) Do you enjoy all things sensual and pleasurable?
(x) Do you often like playing practical jokes?
( ) Are you very sexual and playful?
( ) Do you like to punish people who deserve it?
(x) Did you get off on a rough start with one or more of your friends? (one of my forum friends and I came into a rather strong and bloody disagreement once and now we're buds(x) Do people look up to you?

( ) Do you enjoy steam baths?
( ) Do you like to play tag?
( ) Do you like to toy with machines and gadgets?
( ) Do you like tea?
( ) Is there someone you have mixed feelings about?
( ) Do you tend to make some of your friends nervous?

LOL I'm Crisis!
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