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 Terror of the Topazial...

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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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PostSubject: Terror of the Topazial...   Terror of the Topazial... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2009 4:57 pm

When you live or work on board a boat, miles and miles from shore, rumors are going to begin. In a place like the Topazial Sea, it is no wonder that there are so many legends and rumors that abound upon these dangerous waters.

Terror of the Topazial
The Terror of the Topazial was a mighty pirate ship, sailing fluidly over the rugged waters. She rarely lost crew to the beasts below the wave, and pillaged many unlucky ships. Her Captain was Ucila, a fairy with torn wings. The teamwork and loyalty the pirates displayed to one another was unheard of from lawless sea bandits, but was most likely the reason as to why the ship managed to escape capture.
Finally though, the Terror of the Topazial met her end in a climatic battle with the SS Herald. As she took on water, the ship was said to slowly descend into the water, her captain standing on the highest point with her few surviving men.
Captain Ucila is said to have sworn that she and her crew will continue to sail for as long as the Topazial Sea exists.

Legend holds that during a heavy storm, a fog will appear in the distance seemingly untouched by the rain. From the fog, the Terror of the Topazial herself will emerge, manned by her crew and lead onwards by the unstoppable Captain. All the windows will be dark, but occasionally some have reported seeing lights flash from the bow in the code warning for heavy predator activity. Another reported action of the ship is to turn towards the ship of the living, and seemingly blown by a ethereal wind will come towards the other ship, then veer off course and continue to the distance, disappearing as a soft green light.
Another legend says that also, on perfectly clear sunny days, one will hear music from nowhere. It will grow louder and louder until all on deck can hear it. The cause of the noise will be a ship in the far far distance, moving towards a wall of black clouds. The unlucky ship to have seen this will soon be in the grip of a terrible storm.

Either way, sight of the Terror of the Topazial is a death omen. Any ship to have spotted her is fated to be brought below the waters by storm or by predator. Those who die are fated to become part of the crew of the Terror, forever to be a dog of the sea.

Thus, this phantom ship is greatly feared by superstitious sailors. Although some claim that there is no such thing as the Terror of the Topazial, even they will often keep a sharp eye out for a fog during storms...

((It's like the Flying Dutchman for Felarya!))
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PostSubject: Re: Terror of the Topazial...   Terror of the Topazial... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2009 5:17 pm

As if the Topazial Sea needed to be even more dangerous, while rather generic I do like the idea.
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Evil admin
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Terror of the Topazial... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terror of the Topazial...   Terror of the Topazial... Icon_minitimeMon Jun 29, 2009 2:53 am

That's a nice idea Smile
I love the legend feeling to it ^_^
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PostSubject: Re: Terror of the Topazial...   Terror of the Topazial... Icon_minitime

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