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 Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story)

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Tasty morsel

Posts : 6
Join date : 2008-01-05

Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story) Empty
PostSubject: Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story)   Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story) Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2008 4:15 pm

This has a light amount of F/m vore, don't go in expecting much. The story is set in Felarya. I wrote it on a whim over the course of two days. I didn't really proofread it as much as I should have but, obviously, I don't expect too many people to read it. This is a small piece of fanfiction vore. Sorry, no Crisis or Anna (yet), but there is a naga. This is more of a about a boy who winds up with some unexpected friends. I hope someone enjoys it. If that's the case I might continue it in the future. As of right now though it's sort of a standalone tale. Btw, before I forget, thanks for all the awesome artwork Karbo! You're a saint.

Characters of interest (basically in order of importance)

Ryan – A 14/15 year old human male, and basically the main character (for now)
Allison (Ally) - Mysterious, purple haired, human girl
Courtney - A catgirl, because every story needs one. M I RITE?
Tasgall - Evil elf mage (not of the dark variety) who dabbles in the forbidden arts Dietmar - A male drider, roughly human/horse sized

Ryan followed his ‘master’ up the winding staircase. Ryan couldn’t help but stare in silent wonder as the elf in front of him silently progressed up the stairs. He couldn’t hear any footfalls emanating from underneath the man’s robes. Were his feet impacting with the stone at all, or was he somehow levitating? The elf, Tasgall, was an intimidating figure. Yes, he was slender like most of his kind, but he was still substantially taller than young Ryan. That, and there was a dark aura radiating from him, one that you could practically smell or taste. He still appeared regal, with unblemished skin and long golden white hair. But his eyes, they had a soulless quality to them. Ryan had only been able to stare into them once. Now he always avoided eye contact.

They finally emerged into a large chamber filled with tables, covered with all sorts of alchemic instruments. There was already someone in the room. Like Ryan, she appeared to be human. She was also wearing the same strange collar he was…. Except hers had strange glowing runes scrawled across it.

“Allison, I’ve brought you a helper.” The elf explained, in his silky smooth, almost musical, voice. The woman just stared at the two of them, a look of extreme dislike and resentment on her face.

“I’ll leave you at it then….. Remember boy, simply because you’re out of your cage and unsupervised doesn’t mean you have free reign to do as you please. You’ll help ready this laboratory. If you fail to complete it in the allotted time you will be punished, severely, and I’ll replace you with someone more efficient.” With that the mysterious elf seemed to float away back to the stairwell, and then he was gone.

“I really hate him.” Ryan muttered.

“Who doesn’t?” The woman replied. Ryan turned to face her. She was taller than him by nearly a foot. She was also older than him by half a decade, in her late teens or early twenties. Ryan couldn’t tell for sure. The most interesting thing about her though, that instantly caught his attention, was her hair. She had a mop of it that wasn’t too long (only about shoulder length), but she let it fall any which way, obscuring her face. She had a strange hair color, one he’d never seen on a girl before. He wasn’t sure what the color was, but it could probably best be described as a vibrant shade of purple.

“What are you staring at whelp?”

“Sorry, didn’t mean to stare.” Ryan looked away quickly. The girl had given him a look of deepest loathing. He wasn’t sure why. She was obviously a prisoner, like him. He didn’t expect friendship, or even empathy, but he didn’t expect borderline hatred either.

“Here’s the water and rags.” She kicked a nearby bucket with rags lying on the rim, “Get to it, and don’t break anything or he’ll torture both of us.”

“Yeah, okay.” Ryan grabbed a rag and dipped it into the bucket at his feet, “So.. um… My names Ryan. It’s nice to meet you Allison.” He gave her a sideways glance.

“And what’s so nice about it?” The haughty girl snapped, “You’re just one more slave, no different from the others. There’s nothing nice or exceptional about our meeting.” The muscles in her arms flexed and for a moment the boy thought she might go on a rampage, smashing beakers and tossing around test tubes holding unknown potions.

“Wow, you’re a fiery one.” Ryan smirked.

“We’re trapped in a damn mage’s castle, forced to do his bidding. Of course I’m angry…. And don’t talk to me. I don’t associate with food.” She spate the last word, it was clearly meant to be an insult but all it caused Ryan to do was shrug.

“I suppose I am… So are you though, if you hadn’t noticed.”

Allison gritted her teeth, “Please, don’t remind me.”

Ryan thought that was an odd reaction, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, he decided to ask his mysterious workmate how she’d wound up a slave in the first place “So, how did Master Tasgall capture you? He caught me while I was roaming the forest.”

“Didn’t I just say I don’t talk to bite sized morsels? You were put in Felarya for one purpose, to fill a hungry tummy. Not to get on my nerves, understand?”

“Alright, jeez, no need to bite my head off.”

“If it wasn’t for this damned collar I’d do more than that.” The purple haired girl muttered.

The two worked in silence for the rest of the day. Ryan wasn’t sure when the ‘master’ planned on returning. He’d told them to finish in the time allowed, but he hadn’t specified how long that might be. Fortunately Ryan and Allison managed to finish a few minutes before his return. The last few minutes, their free minutes, were spent sitting idly in silence.

Ryan noticed that Allison, like he, was barefoot. She was wiggling her toes, staring at them intently.

“Um, what’re you doing?”

“What does it look like? I’m moving my…. toes back and forth.”

“Neat trick.” Ryan joked. Allison looked up, glaring, “Look, I don’t want to be your enemy. If we can’t be friends, can we at least just tolerate each other?” He asked, a bit uncomfortable due to her mean spirited gaze. Allison finally relented, “We were doing fine earlier when we weren’t talking. We were tolerating each other. It’s not like I pushed you over or threw a rag in your face.”
“True, and I appreciate that.” He smiled.

“You’re a little smartass, aren’t you?” Allison accused.

“I’ve always been a bit of one, yeah.” Ryan admitted, “Can’t we please just talk some?”

“No! …Why do you want to talk so badly?”

“ It’s just…. I haven’t had anyone to talk to since my village was destroyed more than a month ago. I had to hide out in the woods, and then I got caught be a Drider and brought here. I was stuck in a cage for days. I….. I just want to talk to someone. Just so that this place doesn’t break me, you know?”

She gazed at the boy briefly with something that could be….. sympathy?.... empathy? Whatever it was it was gone in a moment, “Look squirt. Lets just do the job we’re assigned to do. I’m not really the talking type, it’s nothing personal.”

“I….. alright Allison.” The boy bowed his head, disappointed that the first person he’d been able to talk with in weeks didn’t want anything to do with him.

A moment more of silence, then, “You’re name is Ryan, right?”

“Y- yeah.”

“… You did a decent enough job today. Just don’t slouch off tomorrow if we’re partnered up again.” Was that her half assed way of saying thank you? He’d take it.

“No problem.”

The sound of clicking could be heard from the stairwell. Ryan already knew who it was. Dietmar, a male drider, was scuttling up from the dungeon, coming to collect him. Soon enough the foul monstrosity was hovering over him, “Hmmmmm, fair enough work rat. I suppose I won’t whip you tonight. Keep up the good work and you might live for a fortnight or more.” The half dark elf, half spider croaked.

The boy knew better than to respond. He didn’t want a mouth full of the sticky silk like webbing the drider had stored in his bulbous abdomen. He was escorted back down to his cage and locked up.

It was a cold metallic prison. Not much room to move around in. There were other metal cages nearby, all currently empty. Some had dark crusty surfaces within. Ryan could only assume they came from pools of dried blood that had gone unclean. He eventually drifted off into a fitful sleep.

He had trouble sleeping, as usual. The nightmares were a relatively recent phenomenon. He’d been raised by a single parent, his father, in a remote village at the edge of a vast forest. He’d shown unique talent for the written word and it didn’t take long for the village elders to realize they had a considerably bright child on their hands. It wasn’t uncommon for the village to pool their meager money together and send off noteworthy children to more robust castle towns. The most advanced towns and cites, technology wise, were far out of their price range. They were dominated by ‘science’ rather than the old gods. People there had weapons that could shoot fire (aka lasers) and strange armor. The village could never send their favored sons and daughters to such a place, but they could at least get them out of their native backwater village. Such a fate, to be sent away and educated at a prestigious school or to become an apprentice for a well-known tradesman, had been planned for Ryan. He was to be a scribe. At the age of 14, it was a bit late to start preparing for such a future, but the village elders decided to invest in him anyway. Unfortunately, a week before he was to be sent off, disaster had struck.

A little over a month ago a centaur raiding party had decimated his village. He had been forced to flee into the woods. The giants, four total, and all female, had used their hooves to paw off the roofs of the poorly built homes. A few villagers were scooped up with their human hands. Others ate much like how horses might graze in a field. They simply leaned forward, their long hair acting as a barrier, trapping people in. A few tried to dive through the shield of hair but all of them ended up consumed.

Ryan would never forget the horrible moment when he witnessed his father devoured by a silver haired centaur. She had been a bit chubbier than the rest. The horse section of her had a distended brown belly. Probably from gorging on another nearby human village…. Or perhaps it was from a long lifetime of gobbling up tiny squirming meals less than a twentieth her size. She’d leaned forward, her thick lips parting to allow a plump tongue to emerge. His father barely had time to scream as it licked the ground half a foot from his feet. Then it impacted with him and lifted him upwards. The pink muscle was easily twice his size and very skilled and practiced at what is doing. He never stood a chance. Ryan watched as the centaur girl ‘mmmm’d’ to herself before swallowing her mouthful down, whole and alive. A small bulge descended down her throat. There had been a pleasant look on her face as she’d rubbed her human stomach, then a light burp had escaped from her lips. She looked slightly embarrassed, probably because she was in the presence of other centaur friends and not simply food, but she didn’t excuse herself and soon went back to grazing. Ryan had stayed just long enough to see her shatter the roofing of his next-door neighbors, and devour the occupants; husband, wife, and children. He ran off into the woods without looking back.

Felarya was a dangerous place, especially for humans. As Allison had been so kind to point out, he was bite sized for most of the world’s occupants. Just a meal, one of three, which were to be consumed daily. Hell, he hardly qualified as a single meal! Most predators would devour a group or so of humans in a single sitting.

Last edited by on Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Tasty morsel

Posts : 6
Join date : 2008-01-05

Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story)   Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story) Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2008 4:16 pm

All those lives, with years of memories, families who cared for them, thoughts, hopes, and dreams, wiped out in a single moment. One meal for a giant who’d have thousands of other, similar meals, not thinking about the lives they were snuffing out. Under different circumstances, or if they’d been born a different size or species, perhaps the part human part equine girls could have been kind loving individuals. Perhaps they were, to each other. But they clearly didn’t pay much mind to their meals. Humans, to them, were just food. Something to be put in their mouth, masticated or swallowed whole, digested, and then (for whatever wasn’t absorbed or added to their waistline) shat out. Did they ever stop to think about what they did, eating sapient beings like themselves? Or, since they were raised to eat people smaller than them since birth, did they never even think about it? Was the giant silver haired centaur a cruel, ruthless predator who enjoyed the suffering of those smaller than her? Or was she a friendly girl who, if she’d been Ryan’s size, would have stuck up a conversation with him? Did she have a family? Friends? Memories, hopes, ambitions? Was their only difference size? Ryan didn’t know. All he knew was she’d taken his father from her, the only family he’d even known since his mother had died giving birth to him, and he hated the humongous centaur girl for it. All he could do was replay the scene in his mind again and again. Her swallowing his father, sending him down to her human belly for a merciless acid bath, followed by a trip to her equine midsection. It was too horrible to contemplate, but it was the only thing he could do.

“Hey, wake up already!”

Ryan sat up, “Wha?”

The cage next to him had an occupant.

“Hiya!” A yellow furred neko smiled at him cheerfully. Looking her up and down she appeared to be about his age and size.

“Umm… Hi?”

“Sorry about waking you up, but you were mumbling in your sleep.” She explained.

“I see. Well thanks… uh….”

“Courtney!” She said, enthusiastically.


“Nice to meetcha Ryan!” She tried to reach a clawed hand through the bars for a handshake, but the distance was too great, “Ooooh… Hey, I know.” The energetic catgirl pressed her rump up against the bars.

‘What the hell?’ Ryan thought.

Her tell snaked through the bars towards him, it had a decently longer reach. He extended his own hand and the tail wrapped around it. They shook, hand and tail, much to Ryan’s amusement.

“… I guess you’re new here. Well Courtney, welcome to chateau d’ Tasgall. A fun little retreat where you can relaxed while being tortured, maimed, and experimented on.”

The catgirl’s smile faltered, but only for a second, “Well that doesn’t sound like very much fun, does it? I should have known something was up when that drider stuffed me into this itty bitty cage. Hmmmmm, Oh well!” She said cheerily.

“Glad to see you’re taking this so well.”

“Hey, well, you know. You’ve gotta just take whatever life throws at you.” The bubbly catgirl replied.

“True. Word of caution, don’t try escaping. Your collar-“

“Nyagh?! When did this get here?” Courtney asked, noticing the collar at her throat for the very first time, and pawing at it.

“They stick it on you when they first capture you. You… er…. Hadn’t noticed?”

“Noticed what?” The girl asked, losing interest with the contraption around her neck and turning her attention back to Ryan.

“……. Okay then.” Courtney was certainly an interesting one, “Look, just don’t try to go anywhere you’re not supposed to. You’ll get a shock through your necklace. There was a guy here when I first came in who tried to make a break for it. I saw Dietmar bring back his body from outside. There was smoke rising from his neck, under the collar, and it smelled like charred meat.”

“Oh, don’t talk like that! You’re making my belly all rumbly.” She rubbed both paws on her belly simultaneously.

“…. Okay then. Just don’t try to escape, think you can remember that?”

“Gotcha!” She winked. Ryan seriously doubted it, the neko seemed a tad scatterbrained.

“So am I really, really, a prisoner?”
“Yep, sorry.”

“Awwww, that dumb old creepy drider tricked me! He promised he’d give me a human to munch on if I followed him back to this stupid castle.” The catgirl pouted cutely, plopping down on her behind.

“Human? But you’re my size, in fact a little smaller. How could you eat a human?”

Courtney giggled, “With my mouth silly.”

“Of course, how foolish of me…. Honestly now, how would he or she even fit?”

“Well, my tribe has always had a special ability. We can crack our jaws, and our bellies are reeeeeeeeally stretchy! Some of the older hunters can gobble three or four at a time!”

“Wow, that’s…. impressive.” He was serious too. If Courtney could be believed, she and her Neko tribe feasted on people of the same height and weight. He tried to envision the small yellow furred catgirl with a huge squirming gut nearly her size. How would she even walk? Or was her stomach so tight, her stomach muscles so powerful, that her prey was compacted into a ball (the fetal position) and only formed a modest bulge? He was pulled from his thoughts when he noticed the neko girl was licking her lips.

“What? Do I look tasty to you?”

He couldn’t really see beneath her fur, but he assumed Courtney was blushing, “Er… yeah, sorry. I like brown haired boys, they’re extra wiggly!”

“Are we?” Ryan wouldn’t think hair color would determine such a thing but, then again, he wasn’t a predator.

“Would you eat me right now if I was in that cage with you?” He asked curiously, still marveling at the idea she could swallow something his size.”

“Yup!” She stuffed a hand into her mouth pretending it was him, “I’d go glomp, glomp, glomp, and you’d be all gone!” She giggled.

“Without chewing?”

“Ewww!” She stuck her tongue out at him, “I’d never chew! Blood tastes so gross. You’d think it would taste like strawberry or cherry, but it doesn’t.” She pawed at her tongue, trying to get ride of the imagined taste.

“Sorry, I’m kind of stuck over here and you’re over there, so I guess there well be no glomping me tonight. Would you settle for a friend instead of a meal? It gets kind of lonely sitting here with no one to talk to.”

Courtney rose a finger to her pursed lips, in thought, “Hmmmm, okay! We can be best buds for now! But if I get a chance I can’t promise I won’t send you on a one-way trip to my tummy. It really likes humans.” She giggled, giving it a poke.

“Deal.” Hey, it was better than nothing.

The next day it was back cleaning. Ryan had to polish a dozen suits of armor that lined a hall. It was grueling work, but it was better than being experimented on. He’d had a few nearby cellmates when he’d first arrived, but they’d slowly disappeared. Dietmar had told him humans, and other humanoids that were captured, were often harvested for their organs. Such things were useful for spell components and certain elixirs. It was a fate he wanted to avoid for as long as possible, so he worked diligently. He finished in what he felt had to be record time. He sat down to wait for his retrieval when he heard soft grunts echoing from above him. They sounded like they were coming from a woman….. Allison? He wasn’t sure how much of a radius his collar had, but Allison was above him. Hopefully he could move up without receiving a nasty shock. He made his way into a winding stairwell and ascended to the next floor.

There Allison was, scrubbing a floor ferociously. She looked a bit white, perhaps she’d fallen behind schedule? She wasn’t the most sociable woman, but he’d hate to see her punished.

“Need some help with that?”

“Is that you bite sized?” She glanced over her shoulder briefly, “Humph! No, I don’t need YOUR help. Go do whatever job you were assigned.” Ryan took a few steps forward. He could see she was panting slightly, “This is stupid, you need help.”

“I don’t need anyone’s help!” Yet she didn’t try to stop him when he got a rag and fell on his knees, next to her. The two worked side by side once again. They managed to finish up before being checked on. Both had worked up quite a sweat.

She turned to the boy. It looked like she was struggling with something. Finally she opened her mouth, “Thanks….. Ryan.” She said gruffly.

“Anytime, I’m sure you would have done the same for me.” She smirked at him cynically. He returned it; they both knew she wouldn’t have.

“I’d better head on back downstairs. Take care Allison.”

“Ally. You…. You can call me Ally. No one really calls me Allison.” She explained.

“All right… Ally. Catch you later.”

He returned to his post and waited for the sounds of Dietmar scuttling to collect him. He didn’t need to wait long.
Over the next few days his relationship with Courtney, and the older Ally, improved significantly. Ally opened up, and Courtney was always happy to talk. She would talk a mile a minute about her family, what it was like hunting with her tribe, and about all the humans she’d packed away into her little belly. She also drilled Ryan for information. What was his family like? Were they tasty? Why was the sky blue? Why didn’t humans like getting eaten? Was there a heaven, and was it filled with balls of yarn? Why did it hurt every time she stuck her tail into her tribe’s campfire? He was assaulted with those, and many similar, questions. All of which he was willing to try to answer, regardless of their ridiculousness. He liked the bouncy catgirl, and found it easy kill the hours talking to her.

It was to great surprise that, one day, when he was ordered to clean a particular corridor, he found Courtney there waiting. She had bounded forward and given his nose a quick lick with her sandpapery tongue, “Yummers! Hey Ryan, has anyone ever told you you’re delish?”

“J- just you.” Ryan replied nervously. He had grown so comfortable with Courtney he had practically forgotten she was a man eating neko. Now, here she was, face to face with him. No steel bars to protect him. Once more he’d been reminded of his place in Felarya’s foodchain hierarchy, the bottom rung, “….. Are you going to eat me Courtney?” He asked, seriously.

The neko gave it some genuine thought then, “Nah, I suppose I like you a bit too much to narf you down.”

“Thanks Courtney. I prefer remaining in boy form rather than being converted into hairball form.” He scratched her behind her ears and she closed her eyes, mewing happily, “Rowr! Don’t even mention it, ‘kay? Just keep scratching, it feels great!” When Dietmar came to collect the pair that evening he had seemed somewhat surprised to see Ryan alive and well, on the outside of Courtney’s gut.
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Tasty morsel

Posts : 6
Join date : 2008-01-05

Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story)   Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story) Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2008 4:17 pm

The day after he was paired with Ally once more.

“So there were a few more slaves brought in today. All human, none like Courtney. It’s nice that there are more people to talk to…. If you don’t mind me asking, why doesn’t Tasgall keep you down in the dungeon with the rest of us Ally?”

“I suppose it’s because I’m a bit more of a risk.” She smiled inwardly. The two sat side-by-side eating their bowl of soup, and bread, that had been provided as their midday meal. While dunking his bread into the flavorless broth Ryan go some on his fingers.

Ally noticed, “Here, allow me.” She popped his fingers into her mouth and suckled them gently. He couldn’t help but giggle lightly, her tongue weaving in-between his fingers, tickling them. She finally released them, “Has anyone ever told you you’re delicious?”

“Sadly yes, Courtney did.”


“That neko girl I told you about a few days ago.” Ryan reminded.

“Ah, that’s right.” Ally brushed her purple locks out of her eyes and smiled down at her shorter companion. She wrapped her arm around him, and placed her hand on his shoulder, “All right, finish up your food kiddo. We’re going to need to haul ass if we’re going to finish on time today. That annoying little elf has really been piling on the work lately.” Ryan drained his meager helping and they got back to work.

That day, instead of Dietmar, Tasgall appeared to collect him… or so he thought.

“We’ve gotten a new shipment of humans in today.” He explained in his melodious voice, “Mercenaries traveling through the mountains that border the forest, I believe. I’m not sure; I didn’t interrogate them. It doesn’t really matter what they are…. I believe I promised you something when I got my next slave shipment in, didn’t I?” Ryan looked over at Ally, who’d licked her lips lightly in response, “You’ve been a good girl, no longer fighting me when I’ve come to collect blood samples. Research has gone well as of late, the draught I’ve conceived is progressing magnificently, so I suppose I’ll give you that reward I promised.” A hungry look glazed over Ally’s eyes, “Yes… you may have the boy beside you. If we go out to the courtyard I’ll deactivate that collar for you.” He plucked a strange rune stone from on of his robe’s pockets, “Of course there are magical protections in the courtyard so, even though you’ll be returning to your natural form, don’t think I haven’t taken the proper precautions.”

“I…. t- this boy?” The hunger had disappeared from Ally’s eyes. She turned to Ryan looking worried. The boy looked from Tasgall to Ally, confused.

“Yes, you heard me.”

“…… No, someone else. One of the mercs you caught. They’re beefier, much less scrawny I’m sure.” Ally insisted.

Tasgall’s eyes narrowed menacingly. Though he was what many would consider a beautiful fey specimen, both Ryan and Ally thought he suddenly looked very ugly. A much truer representation of what lay underneath his unmarred flesh, “You would spit my generosity back in my face?”

“N-no, not at all!”

“The boy or nothing at all then!” Tasgall hissed.

Ally seemed to deflate. She looked up at Ryan than reached over and ruffled his hair, “Nothing.” She muttered.

“Fine then. I’ll send up Dietmar to collect the boy. Don’t expect a second offering, you had your chance and you turned me down.” With that Tasgall walked, or more accurately floated, away.

“What was that all about? Ally, if you need me for something I’d be more than happy to-”

“Don’t worry about it Ryan, it’s nothing.” She smiled weakly, “I’ll….. see you tomorrow, hopefully.”

“Yeah.” For some reason Ryan had the sudden urge to huge her, so he did. She returned it. When he pulled away she had a genuine smile, “You’re a cute kid Ryan. I could just eat you up with a spoon, but I think I’m going to pass.” With those cryptic words they parted, and Ryan was taken back to the dungeon where a pent up Courtney was pacing furiously.

Another month went by and Ryan’s birthday came. Courtney was ecstatic. She was literally bouncing off her cage walls with excitement. She sang for Ryan what he assumed was her people’s version of ‘happy birthday’. He appreciated the gesture, but the actually song was several hundred verses long, and it sounded like someone was trying to drown a cat.

Later he got to join up with Ally. The two had to sort through a huge mess of assorted stones that had been collected, determining which had potential as spell components and which needed to be discarded. When Ally learned it was Ryan’s birthday she offered him her food at lunch, but he wasn’t willing to accept. He’d really grown closer to her. He felt she was sort of like the big sister he never had and his feelings were reciprocated.

“No, really, I don’t want it. You eat it.” Ryan pushed the bowl away.

“Don’t make me force this down your throat kiddo! I know it’s not a proper gift but it’s all I’ve got. You’re eating it and that’s that!” She tried to bring the rim of the bowl to his lips but he refused to part them.

“Quit it!” He laughed, “I’m not going to let you go hungry just because I’m 15. That would be a real crumby way to spend my b-day, feeling terrible for depriving you lunch.”

Ally stopped, she hesitated for a moment, “….. Well, if that’s the case, give me your portion as well.”

“….?!!! What the hell? No!” Ally playfully lunged for his bowl, “Hey, get off you crumby bandit!”

“Come on, just give me half!” She teased, trying to wrestle his bowl away.

After lunch they managed to finish working relatively early. Sitting on the pile of discarded stones, Ryan stretched out and leaned backwards, “You know, this isn’t as comfortable as you’d think.”

“Really?” Ally asked sarcastically, she giggled a bit.

“Yeah…. I should probably move before I do some permanent damage to my spine.”

“Psssh!” Ally jerked backwards sharply, Ryan sat up instantly, “What happened, are you all right?!”

“Yeah. I just cut the bottom of my foot. That’s all.” Ally looked at the trickle of blood flowing from the sole of her foot. Ryan cursed Tasgall under his breath; he had no idea why the sadistic elfin mage hadn’t let them keep their shoes. They could hardly be used as weapons, or as a place to hide things, “I hate this body.” Ally mumbled as she watched specks of blood drip to the floor.

“Here, give it to me.” She hesitated, than put her bare foot in his lap. Ripping off a piece of his shirt her wrapped it around her wound, “If I put a little pressure on it, the bleeding should stop….. Does Tasgall still collect blood samples from you?”


Ryan cringed, “I’m sorry Ally. I…. Well, our blood’s probably similar, right? I’ll just offer mine and mayb-“

She scratched the back of his head gently, “It’s nothing Ry, don’t worry about it. It doesn’t hurt.” She reassured, calling him by his nickname. It didn’t seem right though. Why should she be the only one forced to have a needle stuck in the arm? He’d gladly share his blood if it meant Ally got a reprieve. For some reason though their self described ‘masters’ had only ever seemed interested in Ally.

“Sorry kid, not much of a birthday party huh? Just you and me, with my foot in your lap.” She grinned sardonically.

“Meh, well it beats being alone out in the woods. Truth be told, I’m glad Dietmar caught me. I wouldn’t have lasted that long in the wild be myself, all manner of beastie would have been on my heels. Harpies, centaurs, fairies, nagas, I’d be a meal for something.

“Yeah.” Ally said softly. Ryan thought that, for some reason, she looked a bit guilty. He ignored it, “I’m glad I got caught though, as odd sounding as that is. If I hadn’t I wouldn’t have met you or Courtney.”

“Well, I would have preferred not to have been caught at all…. But I’m glad you’re here Ryan.”

A week later Ryan woke up with an ominous feeling in the pit of his stomach. He wasn’t sure why but he had a terrible sense of foreboding, “Ryan, you awake?” His neko friend from the cage over asked, “Next time when we’re partnered up do you mind if I suck on your head a little? It’s been so long since I’ve had a human in my belly, I’m afraid I might forget what they taste like.”

Ryan shook his head with a sigh, “……. Fine.”

“Yaaaaay!!!! I promise not to nibble too much.” She winked.

“You better not, or I won’t scratch you behind your ears for a week!” the boy threatened playfully, Courtney eeped.

When Dietmar came for him the queasy feeling in his stomach, and the uneasiness he was feeling, was exacerbated. The Drider was wearing a truly devilish grin, one Ryan wasn’t sure he’d ever seen before.

“Time to go kid.” Instead of allowing Ryan to follow behind him, like usual, Dietmar sprayed the boy with webbing. Ryan fell backwards, shocked. There wasn’t much he could do though. The webbing of a drider is incredibly dexterous and durable. The half silk cocoon he was trapped in was more than enough to keep his arms pinned to his sides. Courtney became agitated and demanded an explanation. She was ignored. Scooped up by the laughing Dietmar, he was carried off. Along the way they passed by Ally who looked very alarmed that Ryan had been subdued. Dietmar didn’t stop to explain, there was no reason to. Leaving her behind they made their way to the center of the complex. Going out through a set of balcony doors, he scrambled down a wall into the castle’s inner courtyard.

Ryan was dropped on the ground suddenly and his teeth rattled from the impact. Due to the sticky substance covering him, he couldn’t turn his head more than an inch in either direction. He could, however, see the end of Tasgall’s black robe.

“Stand freely child.” The wicked elf said in a deceptively gentile voice, he waved his wand. The webbing disappeared and Ryan was able to, clumsily, get to his feet.

“How long have I kept you here boy?” He asked.

“I’m not sure sir, a couple months?” Ryan proposed meekly.

The mage clucked in disappointment. Whether if it was with him, or with himself, Ryan wasn’t certain, “Children, they’re easy to manipulate. Too young and they’ll whine and scream, you won’t be able to get anything out of them, but at the right age they’re very malleable. Willing to do whatever one programs them to do.” He mused more to himself than to Ryan, “I’m sorry my boy, but you’ve outlived your usefulness. I don’t like to keep my human stock around for too long you see; turnover here is usually rather high, as I’m sure you’ve surmised… You’ve been something of an anomaly though. I suppose that it’s because my belief that children are naturally more subservient than their grown counterparts. Regardless, I’ve decided to eliminate you today. Keep the same slaves too long and they conspire against you.” The color drained from the boys face.

“As you can see you’re standing on a glyph. It needs to receive a sacrifice of life to become active.” Ryan looked down at his feet, noticing the giant ruin etched into the courtyard for the very first time, “That is an odd word to use under the present circumstances, is it not? Sacrifice, as if you parting with your life meant anything to me. I suppose, in that sense, it’s not really a sacrifice at all. Simply an offering of something I don’t need anymore.”

They boy didn’t know what to say. What could be said to prevent the fallen fey from extinguishing his life? Nothing he could think of.
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Tasty morsel

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Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story)   Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story) Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2008 4:17 pm

The elf didn’t bother to explain exactly what the glyph would do, if anything. There was no incentive to explain such things to the soon to be deceased. He raised his wand to perform the deed, but paused for a moment, “I might as well get something more out of you. No need an entirely good human body when your life alone is a sufficient offering for the glyph….. You might be able to help me with my necromancy. I’m thinking….. perhaps, limb regeneration? Not that I’d ever need it for myself, but it doesn’t hurt to expand ones knowledge base.” The elf nodded, deciding that this was indeed the best course of action, “Yes. Well, hold still well I remove your arms and legs from your torso. This might sting just a little.”

“If you so much as remove a hair from his head, I’ll remove your head from you shoulders. A voice behind Ryan growled, he turned to see Ally approaching, “A- Ally? …. No! Get out of here, save yourself!”

“Allison, dear, you seem to be abusing the extra freedom I granted you. Perhaps you’d like your collar readjusted so that you’re unable to leave the room I assign you to?”

Ally calmed herself down some and wetted her lips. Her outburst would do either of them any favors, she had to be smart, “Young human males aren’t exactly hard to come by. Why use him when you could use someone else just as easily?”

“Why not?” The elf replied, “Don’t question my authority or my actions Allison, you’ll find that I can make you suffer unendurably without leaving a mark on your body.

Ally bit her lip nervously, but she didn’t back down, “You… you can use anyone. He’s just a boy.”

“Just a boy.” Tasgall repeated softly. He raised a hand skyward, his eyes meeting Ryan’s. He muttered a few words in a long dead language. Suddenly Ryan found his body was racked with pain. He went riggid as torrents of energy washed over and through him. He opened his mouth to cry out, but the shock was too powerful and his throat muscles betrayed him.
“You little bastard!!! You disgusting little elfin roach!!!!” Ally looked crazed with anger. She hurled herself at the man but she was deflected and sent flying backwards by I single flick of his wand wielding wrist.

“Such insults, you wound me! Let me remind you that lightening is far less corrosive than what you’ve forced most of your victims to endure. How do you presume to judge me when you’ve sent countless humans, more than a few younger than Ryan here, I’m sure, to an acidic oblivion?”

Tasgall didn’t receive a response. At that moment the fates had decided to intervene. A large screeching could be heard overhead. Tasgall ignored it at first, more intent on the task at hand. Yet he was forced to stop disciplining his slaves and look above when several dark shadows passed above, blocking out the sun. He stared up into the sky at the giant bird like humanoids, “Harpies! But why are they here?... Perhaps the tome I unearthed the other day, The Rancid Feathers of Dormir, is calling to them? Is the text some sort of beacon for the foul beasts?... Curse their feeble minds for being seduced and summoned by a mere book!”

Three humongous harpy girls were hovering above, occasionally swooping to slash at tower spires with their talons. Coughing up a bit of blood, Ryan was able to push himself up to his knees. He’d never thought he’d be so happy to see some of Felarya’s hungry predators.

“Filthy birds!” The elf began to chant in a far deeper voice than normal. The sky seemed to loose some of its radiance, and mist started to spread outward. One of the harpies, letting loose a high-pitched screech, slammed into one of the thicker towers causing its foundation to splinter. The tower fell inward, falling into the open courtyard. Tasgall’s manner of speech changed instantly. He issued a quick, frantic spell and seemed to dissolve where he stood. A strange liquid flowed from his robes, and seeped into the cracks in the floor, right before the falling tower impacted where he stood. Dietmar was not so lucky. A falling chunk of stone came hurtling down. It struck his arachnid half crushing it like a…. well, like a spider.

Ryan curled into a ball as debris sprayed him. Fortunately only a few small fragments struck him. The blows would cause welts and a few open wounds, but things could have been much worse. Looking up he saw Ally rise up from the wreckage, “We have to get out of here Ry!” She called.

Ryan got to his feet. Only of few paces away were Tasgall’s abandoned robes. He quickly went over and rummaged through their pockets, pulling out 3 rune stones and ignoring their other contents.

“Ryan!” Ally called desperately as another chunk of stone crashed into the ground.

“I’m coming!” The two made their escape back into the castle.

“Now’s our chance to escape.” Ally explained.

“Our collars though….” Pointed out the boy.

Ally cussed mightily as the building suffered a slight tremor from the carnage outside, “Damn that pitiful little worm. We can’t get out of here with these things on.”

“I- I snatched these out of his robe pockets before we left the courtyard.” The boy presented his older friend with the stones.

“…….. Ry, you’re my hero.” She scooped him up in her arms and gave him an affectionate kiss on the forehead, “now give them to me.” He quickly handed over the rune stones and Ally examined them closely. Ryan was surprised when she started to chant. She pressed her thumb to one of the stones, circling it with her fingertip. Eventually its vibrant lettering faded, but nothing happened. Ally moved to the next one. Finally, when the last stone had been used, Ryan’s collar popped open and the strange lettering on Ally’s vanished as she popped the device off.

A strange distant smile stole across her face. Ryan tugged her arm nervously as he felt another tremor, “We’ve got to get going. Those harpies are really enraged. If this keeps up the entire castle is going to come crashing down on our heads!”

That pulled Ally from her thoughts, “Yes, you’re right. We need to make haste.” Fortunately they were on the ground level so they didn’t have far to go. Ryan, however, stopped in his tracks.

“Go on ahead, I forgot about Courtney.”

“It’s too late for the neko, we’ve got to save ourselves.” Ally said sharply, “Just go on without me. I’ll catch up, I swear!” Ally looked as if she was about to protest but a sudden vibration shook her. She looked up at the ceiling worriedly, as if afraid she was currently too confined, “Damn it Ryan, I can’t go with. Come out quickly, okay? If you get yourself killed I won’t forgive you!”

Ryan didn’t have time to reply, he was already on his way towards the underground dungeon where Courtney was waiting. He actually didn’t have to go as far as he imagined. The neko came bounded up the stairs, “Wow, everything has gotten so shaky!”

“H- how did you get out?!”

“Dunno, more door just opened by itself.” She replied, unconcernedly.

Did one of the tremors shake it loose? Or perhaps that first rune stone controlled the locked cage doors. Whatever the case, Ryan wasn’t just going to sit there and contemplate this latest instance of dues ex machina. Grabbing the catgirl’s arm he gave her a tug, and off they went for the front gates.

They were almost home free. They had to get out the door and disappear into the woods. Hopefully the harpies would be too preoccupied with whatever was attracting them to the tower, and Tasgall too preoccupied with the harpies. The front portal was already wide open and Ryan and Courtney broke into a sprint. Courtney tried her best to zig and zag, mock dodging the falling chunks of ceiling, but the human boy held onto her tightly to keep the decidedly oblivious catgirl on track. They rushed out the front door before the harpies could bring the entire structure crumbling down on their heads. Great! Now they just needed-

Ryan froze in his tracks. There, before him, was a towering entity. It seemed that harpies weren’t the only preds drawn to the castle. Standing before him, in a manner of speaking, was perhaps the most feared (or at least infamous) man eater in Felarya……. It was a naga. Ryan was so shocked he tried to take a step backwards but fell on his behind.

The snake tail whipped out, and the very tip of it gently wrapped around him. So the naga had noticed him. This was it; he was about to suffer the same fate as his father and village. He closed his eyes, expecting to have the life squeezed out of him, or to be raised into the air and then dropped, plummeting down a throat to his doom. Instead the tail tip lightly held him, as if to just keep him in place and out of harms way for the time being. He opened his eyes and stared at the nagas mammoth sized lower half. He knew he should be terrified but there was something very comforting about the scales hue. Looking upwards he got a good look of the nagas face for the first time, he gasped.
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Tasty morsel

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Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story)   Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story) Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2008 4:18 pm

“A- Ally?” She gave him a playful smirk, then shifted her gaze elsewhere. Ryan could only gaze at her for a few seconds, breasts bared in naked glory, before he was forced to look away, blushing. Ally scanned the castle’s perimeter, looking for something. Her playful smile turned vicious and cruel when she finally honed in on what she was looking for. Making a fist she punched through an already half shattered pane of stained glass. Her hands wrapped around something that emitted a high-pitched squeal, much like a frightened piglet. Withdrawing it Ryan was shocked to see it had come from Tasgall, the regal and refined elf, himself.

“Four months I wasted in your pitiful little keep. Having to walk around in the form of some appetizer, ugh, it was degrading!”

He wiggled weakly in her grip, “I…u g h…. p – pleeease.” Her fingers only tightened. Ally smiled with somewhat sadistic glee as she heard his bones pop. A bit more pressure and she could crush them into a fine powder. She wasn’t that merciful though. She’d been denied her favorite meal for a third of a year and it seemed fitting that Tasgall should be the one to break that long streak. He panted, too exhausted and hurt to even attempt a protective barrier ore an offensive burst of fire. Ally raised the tiny robe-less elf to her lips. He looked so defeated between her fingers but Ryan had trouble conjuring up any pity. She brushed her purple locks out of her eyes and looked down at the boy, giving him a wink. Sticking out her tongue she gently placed the broken wizard on the center of her tongue like a piece of hard candy. She closed her lips, cutting off his only light source, and started sucking.

It wasn’t too terrible for the mage. Her breath was decent enough, and the slick saliva being liberally applied to his torso and limbs actually seemed to help lessen the pain her punishing grip had inflicted. The unbearable pain changed into a dull soreness. The muscle moved him back and forth, it rubbed and massaged his chest and gently pressed him up against the roof of his captor’s palate.

Ally was more interested in savoring her meal than revenge, “Mmmmmmmmm.” She closed her and enjoyed the taste; it had been ages since she’d last feasted on one of Felarya’s tiny inhabitants.

Finally she decided to finish him. Sparing him her teeth (she didn’t want to mar her first elfin meal in half a year by adding blood to it) she gave a curt swallow. Ryan watched in morbid fascination as the small lump descended down her throat and into her belly. The tiny elf didn’t really even make an impression. Her stomach remained thin and taut. Ryan knew though that, somewhere past her impressively sized navel, the cruel mage was trapped and awaiting digestion.

“Well, I suppose that’s that.” She grinned maliciously down at her tiny companion, “Surprised Ry?” She asked in a somewhat intimidating voice.

“H- honestly? Yeah.”

She leaned in some while simultaneously raising her tail closer to her lips, “Scared?” she asked, slyly.

“I don’t know, should I be?”

“Don’t avoid the question kiddo. Go ahead, tell me the truth.”

Ryan exhaled deeply, “….. No, not really. I…. trust you.”

“Foolish hon, very foolish. I snack on humans all the time.” And she did. Some nagas were good natured and those smaller than them simply to survive, or without really considering the implication of their actions. Allison wasn’t one such naga. She was, historically, a bit more on the cruel side. She liked to play with her prey and she wasn’t one for mercy. That didn’t mean that she was heartless. The boy had one her over months ago and she found herself feeling very protective of him. She was, however, not above teasing him.

“I like you Ry, so I’ll give you a choice. Head first or feet first?”

“Is neither an option?” He asked, nervously grinning. He felt like Ally was teasing him but he wasn’t certain of what his friend was capable of. She raised him to her lips and, for some reason, he wasn’t afraid. Pressing them against the boy lightly, she gave him a light kiss. She exchanged him from her tail to her human hand. A harpy shrieked above them, getting ready to renew her assault on the mysterious tower she was being drawn to, “Lets get out of here.” Ally offered.

“Yeah.” Ryan felt his eyes water slightly. They were out of Tasgall’s castle and, though she’d returned to her true form, she still cared about him enough to get him to safety.

“Oh, but what’s this? Am I getting two meals today?” Ally asked gleefully.

“Huh?” Ryan looked down to see a petrified neko staring up at them “Wait, no Ally, that’s Courtney! I’ve told you about her, she’s my friend.”

“Oh!” Ally looked momentarily disappointed but nodded her understanding, “All right, come her little girl.” She wrapped the fingers of her free hand around the tiny catgirl. Courtney wasn’t willing to go quietly. Hissing, she started clawing and gnawing at the giant naga’s exposed index finger, “Gah! You little rat!”

“Courtney isn’t a rat you stupid snake woman, she’s a neko!” Courtney called up angrily, in the third person.

“Hey, cut it Courtney. Ally is just trying to help.” The young boy called over from Ally’s opposite hand.

“…. THIS is Ally? I thought you told me she was a human… Drat.”

“What’s wrong?” Ryan asked, surprised.

“Well, I was actually planning to chow down on her.” Courtney admitted sheepishly.

“What?! On my friend?!!”

“Well she’s not MY friend.” The catgirl said defensively.

“The little furball makes a good point.” Ally smiled evilly, “She isn’t MY friend.”

“Come on you two, lets just get out of here.”

Ally looked as if she might protest but suddenly her tummy vibrated violently. Eventually the rumbling stopped and she opened her mouth to release a smoke filled belch.

“Ugh, I suppose Targall had enough time to pull off one final spell. What a disagreeable man. I hope he doesn’t give me indigestion.” The harpies shrieked above them. One was eyeing Ally confrontationally, clearly still aggravated by whatever had summoned them to the castle in the first place.

“Perhaps you’re right. Lets just leave for now.” Ally slithered away into the trees.

They made their way deeper into Felarya’s deep dark forest. Eventually, when Ally deemed it safe, she stopped and set the two down on the forest floor. Courtney gave a little shriek at being released and quickly ran at Ryan, hiding behind him.

“Hey, get off the back of my shirt. What are you doing?”

“Nagas are scary!”

“Of course we are.” Ally said proudly, “We’re the top of the food chain.”

“So… what happens now?” Ryan asked, “I don’t mean to be a bother Ally but do you think you could take me to the closest human town and drop me off? …. Courtney too I guess, as long as she doesn’t mention she eats people she should be fine.”

Ally looked highly offended, “You think I’m going to take you all the way to a human village and just leave you there?”

“I… well… er..”

“Ridiculous, you’re coming with me.” There was an air of finality about her declaration, it wasn’t up for debate. Ryan wouldn’t have wanted to though, “Do you mean that?! You… don’t mind taking a human with you?”

“Course not.” Ally smiled, “At least not you kiddo. I tried not to grow attached but you won me over. You’re like an edible little brother; I couldn’t just let you go off on your own again. You’d be eaten.”

“Thanks… I think.”

“No problem..... I’m sure you’ll prove to be a good pet.” She sneered.

“Like hell I will!”

“What about me?” Courtney asked shyly, staring at Ally from behind Ryan’s back, “Are you going to quit chewing on me?!” Ally growled.

“Ummm…….. Yes?” Courtney crossed her furred digits, hoping she’d guessed the right answer.

“…. Fine, you can come too… for now.”

“Yay!” She bit down on the back of Ryan’s head excitedly, “AAAAHHH! Get off me you psycho!”

With that Ally scooped them up once more. She had two new charges to look after, a first, but her affection for Ryan was genuine. Nagas had been known to befriend their food every once in a while. Though she usually heckled such nagas she’d now joined their ranks. It was all right though, she’d take a little ridicule and humiliation for Ryan’s sake.

“All right kids, lets go home.”

“Home?” Courtney asked curiously.

“Well, my home to be specific. I suppose it’s yours too now.”

“So are there any giant naga clothing stores where you live?” He was still a bit uncomfortable seeing his friend completely in the buff.

“No, deal with it.” Ally said gruffly, a smile playing at the edge of her lips. And with that the odd trio started their journey through the Felaryan forest, back to Ally’s home.

THE END (for now)
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story)   Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story) Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2008 6:14 pm

Wow nice !

I haven't read all yet because it's pretty late where I live but this really start very well Smile

Very nice job on depicting the characters, they seem really interesting ^_^
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Tasty morsel

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PostSubject: Re: Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story)   Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story) Icon_minitimeSat Jan 05, 2008 9:04 pm

Gee, thanks Karbo lol!

I don't think it's too good but, in my defense, I wrote it in two sittings and didn't proofread. I felt the ending suffered the most because of it. sort of consider it a rough draft so, if anyone has any suggestions, feel free to post where/how the plot could be improved. The second chapter (if there is one) will have a lot more vore. This one was more of a introduction for my characters. I was thinking of just jumping ahead in the story but figured a human-naga-neko relationship needed some sort of back story to be a believable group in Felarya......... So I wrote a backstory filled with unbelievable Dues Ex Machina events to intrduce them Mad Yeah, there were a bit too many coincidences and plot devices. Sometimes I'm inconsistent like that. So feel free to offer up ideas, improvements for this 'draft', and suggestions for plot/character development in future chapters.

I won't be able to make changes soon. I'm losing access to the internet for about a week or so (maybe longer), so don't expect immediate feedback or changes. Also I'm a fairly poor writer so don't get your expectations up. That being said I hope someone enjoys it. Thanks!
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story)   Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story) Icon_minitimeSun Jan 06, 2008 2:02 am

Well I finished it and it's definitely a great story Smile

I do agree that some part looked they may use some works ( the attack of the harpies for example that seemed to come a bit "out of the blue" )
But you did a superb job on the characters and dialogs, making them really lively and interesting ^_^

and your story was very well told as well, with no downtimes. Great job Razz

I also added the grazing part on the wiki for centaurs. I find the idea fascinating ^^
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Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story)   Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story) Icon_minitimeSat May 17, 2008 7:38 pm

loved it.its a shame i won't see more since i don't knoa your DA account and the fact your not online anymore
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PostSubject: Re: Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story)   Escaping Tasgall's Castle (new story) Icon_minitime

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