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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Negav landmarks   Negav landmarks - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 24, 2009 5:43 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Negav landmarks   Negav landmarks - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 26, 2009 5:28 pm

The Investigators:

The Investigators were once a secret police organization used by the Ps’isol Magiocrats to keep watch on all the mages who took residence in Negav, making sure no one grew too powerful. Only the best and the brightest of mages were recruited into the Investigators, usually under the false promise of one day becoming a Magiocrat themselves; this allowed the Magiocrats to keep a close eye to any potential rivals as they served under them. To be an Investigator is a great honour, and allows a comfortable lifestyle within the city providing they obey their Magiocrat masters. However with the completion of the Isolon Eye the Investigators fell into obsolescence as few now wished to challenge the Magiocrats for rule of Negav. The organization still exists but is far less aggressive in its duties, acting more as a registry for the mages of Negav, while keeping some of more powerful mages occupied right under the watchful eye of the Magiocrats. The Investigators can be identified by their dark grey uniform with purple trim.

The Investigator's Building:

The Investigator's Building appears to be an oversized slab of smooth white marble. While large in size, the building is extremely bland; its only external features are a polished silver door and a glowing red orb which hangs above it. The door is the building's only entrance and exit, while the orb above acts as a security device; reading the minds of those who stand beneath it, allowing access only to the Investigators and the Magiocrats. Others may entre but only if they are summoned by a Magiocrat. The marble walls are charged with different layers of protective magics, making the building highly resistant to damage. Those who attempt to storm the door will be forcibly repulsed by the orb which is capable of emitting arcs of lightening, these security measures make the Investigator's building one of the most fortified in all of Negav.
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Newbie adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Negav landmarks   Negav landmarks - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 26, 2009 8:34 pm

Surrounding Symbol A vast symbol embedded over the city grounds. It wraps around the area and as the Negav grows twists onto new territory. By various angles it connects to all, then as lines fall from Isolon Eye it delivers a second force transferring a magic throughout the land. Directly connected it serves as backup of power. A mysterious craft, although recognized none can seem recall the day of its addition. Buried within the memories of the people even the highest of Ps'isol Magiocrats can only know that it has always been. Their suspicion is well founded, how can what was never simple be. Perhaps the answer remains on a single fragment, to a gain of sand, disconnected and away in the flows of time.

I would like some feedback please. (The design is unfinished as with its name.)
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Negav landmarks   Negav landmarks - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 26, 2009 10:36 pm

The Adventurers Guild

The Guild is housed in a long, low building with a distinctive red peaked roof. Inside are shops selling equipment, a bar and meeting lounge and various offices of specialist Adventurers. The Guild was set up by a group of seasoned adventurers who were concerned with the high death rate among people outside of Negav. They created the Guild to impart the knowledge of the oldest Adventurers on Felarya. There are various ranks of these "Masters". The highest level include some adventurers that are over 100 years old! Ranking is determined by age and/or distance travelled from Negav. The Adventurers Guild is known to build some of the best survival gear, often modified to be more effective in Felarya.

The Negav Eye

This tall, rounded and oval building is the housing place of the Negav Eye, the best-selling newspaper in Negav. The paper has been accused of relying on sensationalism to attract customers, publishing stories of crazy conspiracies, hidden treasures and dubious reports on predator behavior. It is also the only paper in Negav that will run stories on events outside of Negav - no other company is willing to go through that large an amount of employees each year. This work has paid off, as apparently some reporters have succeeded in actually getting interviews with predators! A very famous expedition was the horrific failure of an attempt to interview Anna Demorah.

The Negav Circle Temple

A small, unassuming white building, constructed as a circle with a circular courtyard in the middle. This is the gathering place for the percentage of the Negavian population that follows the creed of the Jotun. While it is not as magnificent as an edifice such as the temple of Oth, it has made progress in gathering a small flock from all walks of Negav life. The temple is unique among the other places of worship in that the inner courtyard is used as a combat training ground. Many people simply sign up for the temple because of the excellent fighting instructors.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Negav landmarks   Negav landmarks - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Aug 27, 2009 3:01 am

Some more great ideas here !

The adventurer guild is classic but makes sense in a world like Felarya
and the newspaper idea is great lol! I love the link to the Anna bio XD

I think the investigator is also a nice idea for a rival mage faction when we'll work in more detail in the power struggle of Negav ^^
The symbol idea is intriguing but how do you see it working exactly ?
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PostSubject: Re: Negav landmarks   Negav landmarks - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Aug 27, 2009 4:08 pm

Karbo wrote:
Some more great ideas here !

The adventurer guild is classic but makes sense in a world like Felarya
and the newspaper idea is great lol! I love the link to the Anna bio XD

I think the investigator is also a nice idea for a rival mage faction when we'll work in more detail in the power struggle of Negav ^^
The symbol idea is intriguing but how do you see it working exactly ?

Think of it as a funnel. (Pipe) Lines are connected to the Isolon eyes, as the eye resonates it transfers energy into each segment and delivers that power onto the symbol. From the figure magic is moved to connecting areas and sends wavelength as a source. (Haven't decided in keeping it that way or not.) The symbol in the same sense can also act a pipe, while the signals are to reached unsupported locations. At the same time the figure (symbol) stores its own source of power. By releasing a patteren its opens up to release that power. As an addition I wanted to add more to the myth to suggest that the figure may actually serve as a curse. (For the design I imagined a the upper torso of a human, as it continues the lower body would shift into the varies species, while the hair and back would stretch and alter into various wings. Though like I said undecided. The ears would come into 2 sets, between human - elves, neko - dog/other.) Maybe it would be better if I compared it to wifi buwhahaha

I would like some feedback please. (The design is unfinished as with its name.)
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Negav landmarks   Negav landmarks - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Aug 27, 2009 4:55 pm

I would think that the market district would be near the entrance of negav, and behind the market district would be the mages district. surrounding the market district would be other districts like one for any guards that exist, like a military complex, a place for different guilds, maybe a place where companies could advertise themselves, but the mages district would be distinguished since the head of government in negav are the psi'sol magiocrats.

in between the areas where the different districts meet, the teleporter net would exist. However I'm not sure whether or not it should be free, cus it might be hard to maintain all of them...

then there would be places that have access to the felaryan underground, and the place where all sorts of different temples would be, and the general living areas which would be the biggest of all districts.

thats my idea for a basic layout, all sub categories could exist within any of the main districts whatever they may be. negav would most likely have an organized layout, too.
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Negav landmarks   Negav landmarks - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Aug 27, 2009 7:57 pm

I agree Negav is probably more organized than most cities, having a limited layout.

Was Negav built all at once? I'm not sure it could survive if built gradually, as predators would keep destroying what was built. Was the eye set up first and then Negav built around it?
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PostSubject: Re: Negav landmarks   Negav landmarks - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 5:08 am

Jætte_Troll wrote:
I agree Negav is probably more organized than most cities, having a limited layout.

Was Negav built all at once? I'm not sure it could survive if built gradually, as predators would keep destroying what was built. Was the eye set up first and then Negav built around it?

Negav was built slowly. It wasn't built all at once. And it was destroyed many times over the years. It's not until fairly recently that the Magiocrats came into power and built the Eye. Although I think it's more likely they built the Eye, and then came into power.

And yes, Negav has a limited space to build on. But it's still huge. Larger than the Great Tree, it's almost as big as a mountain. But whenever there is limited space to build on, humans will always build up. Skyscrapers and towers, and buildings built on floating disks. As long as they don't go above the radius of the Eye, which would be very unlikely, they can keep building up.
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PostSubject: Belemmeren Rive   Negav landmarks - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 29, 2009 2:46 pm

Belemmeren Rive (Opposing Border)
Four signs that spread along the border walls. The symbols are divided onto the north, south, east and west gates. Each is individually based and favors the concepts, myths, and appearance for Felarya’s Guardians. As the design continues the images shift and the pictures are eclipsed by a second figure representing Alcazath, Dememchrelle, Sineria, and Notys. The remaining four are Mercreti, Trejal, Nemyra, and Quaz. In the image although Notys is still larger, she faces her guardian side to side to suggest one of the two as inheriting another’s will. In the artwork the creast of Ur-sagol reappears and the faces of the overlaying figures remain half filled. Perhaps out of extreme sense or joke someone has drawn Anna’s face under Notys illustration it is however hidden and not in the most common of places. Each act as a receiver and by responding to Isolon creates a ward for smaller predators; though incapable of damage the sign still provide an uneasy feeling. Its full name is “Belemmeren Rive - Tuteur Legende (Opposing Border - Guardian Legend).

I would like some feedback please.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Negav landmarks   Negav landmarks - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 14, 2009 11:02 am

I like that, it tells a story, but there is only one main entrance to Negav, the others would probably be less well known, since a large portion of negav has a river running near the edge of it.
It also sounds like these images could be self-changing too, to represent the current situation of the guardians. Or do you want it to be more like a history kind of thing?
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Negav landmarks   Negav landmarks - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 12, 2009 4:27 pm

I have a silly idea, I dont know what people think of this but here goes:

It is a building that, as it appears naturally, is an Inn with a pub on the first floor. there are 3 or 4 floors to this building, and has a sign on the outside callling it "the bearded naga" the special pint tankards have criss-crossing nagas decorated on the outside.

It is usually full, making a good profit, and is well known as serving high quality ale, more so than the food. however, in the corner there is a hallway that leads to the bathrooms and a "staff entrance" which isn't actually a "staff entrance" it leads to a guild of people who admire certain predators, people discuss their travels and encounters here, just you would think from the adventurours guild. However, the people here actually plan trips out to visit some of the predators! As you can imagine there are few members here. a lot of them are people who have gotten really lucky, or managed to invent something special that helps them escape from a dangerous situation. There have been on a rare occasion someone come in as a friend of a predator. Such people are not discriminized against here.


so i came up with this as a lighthearted sort of thing. i want it to work out actually Razz that would be amusing.

I'm kind of unsure about the name actually, I could still change it to something like "the dridder's spool" or if you wanna go with a stereotype, "the busty naga" or perhaps for some of you anti-fairy people "the busted fairy" XD
or "the yellow-clawed chlaena" or something weird like that, I'm not too good with pub naming XD
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Negav landmarks   Negav landmarks - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 06, 2010 11:38 am

The Elven Quarter

Elves are less populous in Negav than humans or even nekos, but still present a sizable minority. Elves arrive in Negav for many reasons, though many families have simply been there since the early days of the city. However, the Elvish Quarter could be considered to be a "city within the city". It has it's own wall which surrounds it and removes it from the rest of Negav. The buildings are built very close together, often wall to wall and have a unique, organic, elvish style to them. A defining feature are the many roof gardens. The Magiocrats personally protect the district in return for support from the elvish community. The elves generally don't mind being segregated as such. The Elven Quarter has it's own mayor, police-force, courtroom and education system. Many citizens of Negav resent the Elves perceived snobbery and affluence, especially the connections these have to the Magiocrats. It should be noted that not all Elves live within the district, many taking on the habits of regular Negavians and living normal lives. Elvish Quarter Elves live as traditionally as possible.
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uber ninja
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PostSubject: Re: Negav landmarks   Negav landmarks - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 12:49 pm

The Ascarlin Slums
An towering obelisk of homes and shacks built from decaying rubble and rusting metal work stretching from what was to be at one point the most profitable business claim in the history of the great city, now a shanty town of dirt and grime clinging to the walls earth tinted green within a dimly lit cavern and stacked up on top of each other as if desperately trying to reach the sunlight just out of reach.

Time had passed after the great destruction, the grand city had began to arise anew and work apon the city skyline was booming, but many city officials feared that the gleaming towers architects sought to erect world dry up the resources they had acquired from the nearby mountain. Most citizens that would had once been employed within the mines and caverns digging away at the near endless mineral deposits of the Ascarlin mountains now found them selves high above the city with mortar and brick rather than a pick and shovel.

It was suggested that if the time it took to bring the mined materials into the refineries within the city walls could be reduced, the demand of building materials could be met. It was brought to the attention that group of excavators believed they had found a substantial deposit of ore just barely within the city walls while they worked to complete the final waterline through the east wall.

The Morkin Mining Co. was contracted to create the mineshaft; working along side those who layed the ground work for Negav's outer walls, the mine was easily integrated into the city limits. At first the mine proved to be substantial in the reconstruction, the refineries just being within mere miles down the road from the mine shaft's entrance. However, by late fall of the same year, complications arose.

Many chemicals and waste products from the refineries had been simply buried outside the city walls, deep underground where they built up over time. This build up contaminated the local deposits and depleted their actual usefulness to the reconstruction. Eventually, the Morkin Mining Co. abandoned the mine shaft after a fatal attempt to try to dig deeper through the layers of sludge and grime. When the mining charges went off, the very foundations of the mine weakened by the contaminants gave way as the mine collapsed into the cavern that is here today.

Nearly all miners working at the shaft were evacuated before the charges went off as per safety regulations, however they were still out of a job. Having no physical income and many lossing their homes due to bills that were now simply imposible to pay, many former miners simply migrated into their former place of work and built a new life there.

For years after, the poor of Negav have flocked to this sludge filled shanty town to try and live through another day. Years of discarded metal sheet, shattered wood, layers of filth and rust held together with duck tape and prayers have been haphazardly pieced together into something resembling the mad nightmares of an architect.

Needless to say, the slum has been known by the city guards as one of the most dangerous areas of Negav to even be near, shoot outs between local gangs and criminal elements are an every day occurrence as the death toll rises reach morning. Dark corners of the slum are said to hide fight clubs between forgotten hero's and champions now on the last leg of their lives, illegal arenas between the tratiors and rebels of forgotten armies, and many a deprived cult has had its seeds sown here.
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Negav landmarks   Negav landmarks - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 1:03 pm

uber ninja wrote:
The Ascarlin Slums
An towering obelisk of homes and shacks built from decaying rubble and rusting metal work stretching from what was to be at one point the most profitable business claim in the history of the great city, now a shanty town of dirt and grime clinging to the walls earth tinted green within a dimly lit cavern and stacked up on top of each other as if desperately trying to reach the sunlight just out of reach.

Time had passed after the great destruction, the grand city had began to arise anew and work apon the city skyline was booming, but many city officials feared that the gleaming towers architects sought to erect world dry up the resources they had acquired from the nearby mountain. Most citizens that would had once been employed within the mines and caverns digging away at the near endless mineral deposits of the Ascarlin mountains now found them selves high above the city with mortar and brick rather than a pick and shovel.

It was suggested that if the time it took to bring the mined materials into the refineries within the city walls could be reduced, the demand of building materials could be met. It was brought to the attention that group of excavators believed they had found a substantial deposit of ore just barely within the city walls while they worked to complete the final waterline through the east wall.

The Morkin Mining Co. was contracted to create the mineshaft; working along side those who layed the ground work for Negav's outer walls, the mine was easily integrated into the city limits. At first the mine proved to be substantial in the reconstruction, the refineries just being within mere miles down the road from the mine shaft's entrance. However, by late fall of the same year, complications arose.

Many chemicals and waste products from the refineries had been simply buried outside the city walls, deep underground where they built up over time. This build up contaminated the local deposits and depleted their actual usefulness to the reconstruction. Eventually, the Morkin Mining Co. abandoned the mine shaft after a fatal attempt to try to dig deeper through the layers of sludge and grime. When the mining charges went off, the very foundations of the mine weakened by the contaminants gave way as the mine collapsed into the cavern that is here today.

Nearly all miners working at the shaft were evacuated before the charges went off as per safety regulations, however they were still out of a job. Having no physical income and many lossing their homes due to bills that were now simply imposible to pay, many former miners simply migrated into their former place of work and built a new life there.

For years after, the poor of Negav have flocked to this sludge filled shanty town to try and live through another day. Years of discarded metal sheet, shattered wood, layers of filth and rust held together with duck tape and prayers have been haphazardly pieced together into something resembling the mad nightmares of an architect.

Needless to say, the slum has been known by the city guards as one of the most dangerous areas of Negav to even be near, shoot outs between local gangs and criminal elements are an every day occurrence as the death toll rises reach morning. Dark corners of the slum are said to hide fight clubs between forgotten hero's and champions now on the last leg of their lives, illegal arenas between the tratiors and rebels of forgotten armies, and many a deprived cult has had its seeds sown here.

It's an interesting idea and well described but, and not to blow my own horn, it really seems like a pretty close copy of the Pit. Really close, in fact.

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uber ninja
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PostSubject: Re: Negav landmarks   Negav landmarks - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 1:23 pm

uber ninja wrote:
The Ascarlin Slums
It's an interesting idea and well described but, and not to blow my own horn, it really seems like a pretty close copy of the Pit. Really close, in fact.

Sorry, I didn't read much of the other posts, I just kinda saw what the thread was about and posted, my fault there.
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PostSubject: Re: Negav landmarks   Negav landmarks - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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