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 Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)

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Mara's snack

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Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 31, 2009 9:08 am

you know, when you say "satisfied" that leaves me wondering WHO is gonna be the one satisfied here. XD
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 31, 2009 5:47 pm

The Stab-and-Slice-Proof Knife

Praised by law enforcement for its inability to cut live biological matter, adored by less-than-dexterous chefs who sliced their fingers one too many times, these blades are magically enchanted to be harmless to living beings. Unfortunately, the creator of this item was jumped and killed on the way to bank his profit. All he had to defend himself from his assailants was the last of his inventory.
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PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 31, 2009 6:15 pm

Yes, that would have it's uses. Pity about the inventor though.
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Newbie adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 07, 2009 8:57 am

Certainly being so close to the Dridder Forest the city of Negav would be filled with merchants selling insect pheromones. Small vials or sprays that would give you the scent of large and scary bugs. Perhaps one would contain Tonorion pheromones. Many shops would probably sell amulets or devices that produce bright light, useful for traveling through the dark forest and the nearby mines of the mountains. One would certainly never enter the tunnel network of the Dridder Forest without a reliable light source, unless they felt like meeting Soul Spiders.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 12, 2009 5:53 pm

there should be some scam items,

like a mirror that only works in complete darkness
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PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 27, 2009 3:09 am

Archmage_Bael wrote:
there should be some scam items,

like a mirror that only works in complete darkness
There's already a thread on that. It's mostly concerned with Gunther, since he has a monopoly on selling scam items.
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PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 27, 2009 4:23 am

Eversharp blades

Like the name suggests, Eversharp blades are ever sharp. They never lose their edge.
Eversharp blades do not have one origin or manufacturer. As such, eversharp blades can vary in quality, best ones are forged from enchanted steel that retain an unnaturally sharp edge (not "cut through diamond" sharp, more like "try to run your hand along the blade and you'll cut it off").
The next step down are the blades that retain the fresh forged edge, they never become blunt or dull.

Useful Survival Tools Inc has created a mass production version of eversharp weapons. These weapons can be dulled, but they regain their edge, sharpening themselves. The advantage of these is that they are much cheaper to manufacture and so are popular with mercenaries, guards and the like, because of their lower cost.

It is important to note that eversharp blades are not restricted to swords & daggers, eversharp axes, pikes and halberds exist and are common (among eversharp weapons).
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 27, 2009 12:32 pm


These are magic augmenting items, useful to provide a temporary boost in magic power if you cant seem to have enough magic to make a glyph/rune. You can stick a magic spike in the ground near you and it will augment the the user whos closest to it, and lock onto their magic. These are one charge only, but they can be recharged by exposing them to another source of magic; the amount of magic they're exposed to can influence how much it will spike your own magical power. (i.e. spend 10 hours charging it with pure magic and it will provide quite a powerful spike in magic. just remember, the moments of magic spiking are short!)

They are silver in appearance, with a diamond shape to it. The spikes are 10 inches in height, and activate in response to a brief exposure to magic. This turns them on, and a 5 inch long sharp pole shoots out from the bottom so they can be planted firmly in the ground.

These items are usually used by mages, and therefore can be a bit expensive.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Dec 02, 2009 12:53 pm

Some small ideas thought out of the moment.

Grocery worth ideas:

- Bitter ehnanced spices: keep them tied on your body! Gourmet predators shall spit you out in no time! Now even tobacco-flavored (people used as nicotine chewing-gums by Anna?). The producers admit that there is no guarantee that the client's life will be spared and decline from every responsability.

- Boom Beans: their higly-explosive chemical composition makes them really unstable. Handle with care. Firework-like effects in our new version! Make awesome jokes and party with the Boom Beans!

Pharmacy worth ideas:

- Bush pills: temporarily transform into a plant. Alive Mandrago seeds extract.

- LiquidStone: applied on the skin, turns the tissues on the surface in heavy, affordable stone. The effect can last even more than 42 hours. Apply only over non-vital parts, keep out of the reach of kids, don't ingest nor sniffle the exhalations.
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PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 22, 2009 2:33 pm


A sword for the warrior with a flair for the dramatic and the choice of theatrical one-blow-showdowns. A defershir is an enchanted blade (Almost invariably a katana-like weapon). When the blade makes a smooth cut through an object, there is no immediate effect for a short period of time. Usually after several seconds, the postponed damage will become apparent, and the object that was sliced through will fall apart, wounds will burst open, and tree limbs will fall. The downside of using a defershir is that it postpones most injuries delivered, meaning the target will have an opportunity to counterattack before they are actually damaged. For this impracticality, serious warriors tend to laugh at you for carrying one around and they're more considered novelty.
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PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 22, 2009 7:11 pm

What if you duel-wielded one with a normal sword? Defend with the normal one, attack with the postponing blade...
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PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Dec 23, 2009 6:05 am


Felaryan Waybread Dried Stam roots ground into flour and baked into bread. Though their effect isn't as powerful as that of a fresh root, they stay potent for months. Since Stam roots are a common plant throughout Felarya, this waybread isn't as expensive as the elven one. Which is still better, by the by.

Voidcap Candy Canes
Made from the stems of particularly large and potent voidcap fungi, this small sugar-covered gummy cane is a new import from Akaptor desert. Due to the difficulty in preserving the voidcap's properties, this meal must be prepared in the desert, while the mushroom is still fresh. The preserve maintains its properties for a relatively long time, regardless of the weather: the sugar and jelly make for a rather watertight combination.
Though the sugar-covered candy is good, the center tastes the same as any voidcap and thus isn't really a delicacy. It's more of a tool; anyone eating a voidcap will be within a low-power, yet serviceable antimagic field for a while, allowing you to walk on the sand of Akaptor (though it'll do little against the creatures in the sand), or drink from the fairy pond (though the fairies may take steps to rectify the situation).

Despite they're not particularly palatable, voidcap candies are very expensive, for four reasons. One, they're a novelty item. Two, they're in limited supply. Three, it takes particularly big voidcaps for the properties to survive in any useful manner, thus the prime material is also limited. And four: there's been a fad among fairy hunters to try and use them. USEFUL NOTE: Most fairies can tell if eating something will impair their abilities, you retard!

Pickled Voidcaps
Another presentation for voidcap preserves, instead of being coated in sugar, it's boiled in vinegar and vacuum-sealed in a jar. Some say they're actually tasty that way, but if you use it for the attack of the five centimetres fairy, you'll probably be unable to open the jar in time. Nevertheless, if you gulp one down before it finds you, you'll get one (and ONLY ONE) free strike if the fairy wastes some time trying to shrink you. It will NOT try again. Unless it's really stupid... in whose case negating its magic was probably overkill.

Credits to Silent_Eric for the stam root and Tuc_135 for the voidcap.

Hey, couldn't anything be done with Planar Chlorydium? It MUST be good for something... at least feeding planar moles, dammit!
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Evil admin
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Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 27, 2009 2:23 am

Really some great ideas here !
and that Defershir is priceless XD I see I'am not the only who is puzzled about the overruse of this effect lol
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Newbie adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 27, 2009 10:07 am

What this? No healthcare products? This must be remedied at once! People still need some healthcare and hygiene in Felaryqa after all.

Sorbalier Pills: Natural remedy for insomnia. One pill gurantees a good night's sleep. Only downside is that using the pill when out in the wilds of Felarya is a great way to get eaten, since the user will have great difficulty waking up while the pill's effects are active. These are made by harvesting the leaves of the sorbalier tree and grinding them along with vegetable oils into a thick paste, to which a fixing agent is added. The pills are then made from the paste and the oil is drained out, leaving behind the finished product.

Lamiole Sap paste: A kind of toothpaste made by crushing Lamiole plant leaves, draining off the sap and then boiling it until it has the consistency of a thick syrup. Can be remixed with sufficient water to form a more watery liquid, or can be used as is with a brush. Contributes greatly to oral hygiene in either form, and sold in small jars.

Fire Flower Ointment: An ointment for sore muscles made by crushing and grinding fresh fire flowers, and then mixing it with tree sap and vegetable oil. The container is eesentially a thermos, meant to keep the heat inside the ointment. Very expensive, so not too many people can afford it., and is seen as a wate of fire flower by many.
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Evil admin
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Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 11, 2010 3:25 am

Added the Defershir, evershar blades and the MUST ^^

I think we may need a new section for medicine-type / potion producrts, there is some really interesting ideas here Smile
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Magical Tarpaulin   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 19, 2010 11:38 pm


Camuchi, known more commonly as "Magic Tarp" is a popular product on the Negavian marketplace for adventurers. Imported by more technologically advanced races, it is becoming a common purchase for those with the money.

Camuchi is a heavy synthetic, waterproof , though breathable, substance with the consistency of tarp used to contruct makeshift shelters. One side of Camuchi is fitted with the active fabric, giving it a glossy, shifting look. More often than not, it is purchased as a whole Camuchi tent. It has multiple properties that are highly advantageous to not getting found and eaten.

Firstly, Camuchin has advanced image mirroring technology that causes it to blend in with it's surroundings. After a few moments, Camuchi can melt into any sort of landscape, a whole Camuchi tent being able to disappear in seconds. Camuchi also works like a one way mirror - those inside can see out, but not the other way round. The remarkable thing is that it works in this way for other things - including sound, light and smell. All these are blocked from exiting the fabric barrier, preventing the occupants from giving away their position.

If a Camuchi shelter is sealed fairly tightly and erected in a well thought out location, it drastically increases one's chance of surviving the night. One could even get by with just a Camuchi Tarp covering if they are cunning enough in setting it up. Some adventurers wear clothes made out of Camuchi to further befuddle predators - however, it is too heavy to be really used for a full outfit, though there are Camuchi cloaks for sale. It is, however, still most effective in it's intended role as a sheltering material and using it as a cloak only really fully tricks those predators that overly rely on their eyesight.

(Warning - do not light fires inside your Camuchi Tents! Prolonged exposure to concentrated heat sources has been shown to compromise the integrity of the substance!)

Last edited by Jætte_Troll on Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:05 am; edited 2 times in total
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 20, 2010 12:07 am

health potion:

makes the skin of the drinker absorb the magical healing atmosphere quicker, focusing it on the injuries, such as cuts and bruises.

other variants of the health potion contain ingredients that focus the healing properties to specific locations of the body, such as muscles, organs, or bones. these potent health potions are extremely expensive and although CAN be found with enough searching, are still quite rare.

Over exposure to too many health potions in too short a time can lead to side effects, such as over growth of organs and bones, and excessive bleeding. It's best to wait a while before ingesting a second potion.

Stamina Potion:

Stamina potions can be found everywhere. They are used in high labor jobs such as blacksmithing, and constructing, or anything that can give you a boost of energy. It's advised to purchase from an authorized mage, since restaraunts and other public vendors have been investigated for selling cheap knock-offs and false stamina potions as overly-potent energy drinks.

Stamina poitions increases performance rates, and physical endurance capabilities, the only side effect is the fact that you feel "tired" after using it. The tired effect is actually the few minutes your body takes to re-adjust to a slower working speed.

Stamina potions will increase the ability cast more spells sequentially if you drinker is a mage.

(thats what i have as a basic idea for potions. i have ideas on other things potions can do, but im not sure how to explain it XD)
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PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 20, 2010 12:45 am

Jætte_Troll wrote:
Firstly, Camuchin has advanced image mirroring technology that causes it to blend in with it's surroundings. After a few moments, Camuchi can melt into any sort of landscape, a whole Camuchi tent being able to disappear in seconds. Camuchi also works like a one way mirror - those inside can see out, but not the other way round. The remarkable thing is that it works in this way for other things - including sound, light and smell. All these are blocked from exiting the fabric barrier, preventing the occupants from giving away their position.

(Warning - do not light fires inside your Camuchi Tents! Prolonged exposure to concentrated heat sources has been shown to compromise the integrity of the substance!)
Also try not have any lamps or any light source inside. You'll roast yourself as the heat and light will be unable to escape.
It is also wise to vent the tent at regular intervals. Apart from getting rid of built up smells, you'll need to flush out the built up carbon-dioxide.

Jætte_Troll wrote:
Some adventurers wear clothes made out of Camuchi to further befuddle predators - however, it is too heavy to be really used for a full outfit, though there are Camuchi cloaks for sell.
Not to mention you'll roast yourself in your own trapped body heat if you keep it zipped up for too long.
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 2:38 am

Anime-Junkie wrote:
Jætte_Troll wrote:
Firstly, Camuchin has advanced image mirroring technology that causes it to blend in with it's surroundings. After a few moments, Camuchi can melt into any sort of landscape, a whole Camuchi tent being able to disappear in seconds. Camuchi also works like a one way mirror - those inside can see out, but not the other way round. The remarkable thing is that it works in this way for other things - including sound, light and smell. All these are blocked from exiting the fabric barrier, preventing the occupants from giving away their position.

(Warning - do not light fires inside your Camuchi Tents! Prolonged exposure to concentrated heat sources has been shown to compromise the integrity of the substance!)
Also try not have any lamps or any light source inside. You'll roast yourself as the heat and light will be unable to escape.
It is also wise to vent the tent at regular intervals. Apart from getting rid of built up smells, you'll need to flush out the built up carbon-dioxide.

Jætte_Troll wrote:
Some adventurers wear clothes made out of Camuchi to further befuddle predators - however, it is too heavy to be really used for a full outfit, though there are Camuchi cloaks for sell.
Not to mention you'll roast yourself in your own trapped body heat if you keep it zipped up for too long.

Good points my friend! Obviously a skilled adventurer here.

Now, something I thought up with all this talk of weapons.

The Vishmitali Pike

Named after the people it was developed by, the Vishmitali Pike is a close combat weapon designed specifically for the Felaryan Jungle. It's is based on "flip pikes" carried by many of the native tribes, especially nekos.

A flip pike is a long spear that is able to be folding in half. When unslung from the back and put in front of you, the momentum causes the folded half to extend and then lock into place. This means it can be carried in a smaller form, but still used as a long spear when needed.

The Vishmitali Pike is an improvement on this design. Designed by the Vishmitals it appears to only be a small, average tube. However, by activating it, it can extends from both ends into a long, metal pike - sometimes as long as 20 feet, although smaller versions are more common. This pike is more durable then the wooden flip-pikes and is easier to "disarm", with a separate control. The pike ends are extremely sharp, serrated and nearly always coated in some sort of irritating poison.

These weapons have met with large success when used properly. Even a predator attacking a caravan armed with these will think twice when suddenly faced with a hedge of these. Their concealable nature also allows for surprise maneuvers - there are reports of soldiers who are picked up too fast to react, activating their pikes inside the throats of predators, often to great discomfort on the part of the predator.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 3:03 am

Stam Root Deodorant: New from Old Axe, a deodorant infused with nauseating essence of stam root leaves! Men, haven't you ever wanted to keep those young, buxom and most off all hungry predators away from you? Now you can! Just apply this deodorant daily and those humongous beauties will avoid you like the plague, just like their normal sized counterparts! Buy some today, and avoid being eaten the Old Axe way!
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PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat May 01, 2010 2:12 am

hahahaha Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 9:15 am

Flesh-pink bathroom curtains.

Come on. You know you want one.
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PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 6:16 pm

Stabs wrote:
Flesh-pink bathroom curtains.

Come on. You know you want one.

... Actually, yeah, a little...
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PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 7:33 pm

Taken from the weapons thread:

0-VN Nova rifle.

The Nova rifle is a heavily modified Vishmital V-20MA 20mm single shot bolt action anti material rifle. The discovery of the nova crystals, a highly energetic but soft mineral, led several Vishmital gunsmiths to experiment using nova crystals as ammunition; if was found when enough energy was applied to the crystal such as firing it out a gun barrel, the crystal would ignite; burning at the temperature similar to white phosphorous. However while they were able to create the ammunition to fit the V-20MA rifle, selected because it was the only firearm capable of firing a sizeable round without destroying it, the extreme temperatures produced by the nova crystal projectiles melted the barrel after one shot. The gunsmiths set to work to create a barrel to withstand the high temperatures using alloys found on Felarya, the completed project was called the Nova rifle. The soft crystal however lacks the penetration to cause deep wounds, usually fragmenting into small shards just beneath the skin. Once imbedded in the flesh of a predator, or anything else, the shards would continue to burn intensely for a few seonds causing serve thermal damage around the initial wound. While effective the Nova rifle soon fell out of favour with the introduction of such weapons like the 0-VM Hot Rifle due to its bulk, weight and only been able to fire one shot at a time. Nova rifles are still in service in some Vishmital units but many have been sold off to adventurers and other groups.

The Nova ammunition is rare and can even be more expensive than the rifle itself, though one could use standard ammunition.
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PostSubject: Re: Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell)   Items for sale! (What Negav merchants might sell) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 7:34 pm

Stabs wrote:
Flesh-pink bathroom curtains.

Come on. You know you want one.
I lol'd Laughing
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