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 Flower dryads

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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Flower dryads   Flower dryads Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2009 5:10 pm

Had this fun idea from an rp I did with a friend

Flower dryads

Size - About half that of a human, full sized ones are twice the size of a human
Appearance- Children can look like a young girl to an adult looking like a human female in their prime
Their basic appearance is much like a regular dryad, any color of green skin that root themselves into the ground, however, there is one main difference, flower dryads have flowers growing on their heads as the names suggests, what kind of flower it is depends on its personality

Habits- They live in large groups, burrying into the ground to disguise themselves as a field of beautiful flowers, they only attack prey that is slightly larger then a human or anything smaller then that.
They dont attack unless the prey tries to pick their flowers or they are extremly hungry. They will attack by popping up out of the ground up to their waist and try to pull the prey down into the earth, suffocating him and leaving him underground to have their bodily nutrients to be absorbed by the group, leaving the prey as a dried up skeleton in only hours.

If someone comes by to admire them they will pop out of the ground and let out little squeaks of joy to greet their new found friend, sometimes giving them their special honey made from the extra nutrients they absorb, it is very rare and sweet, a delicacy that many people have heard of but not tried.

If the same person comes back to the same group of flower dryads each day for a while, they will eventually grow very attached with that person and help them hide from predetors.

Protection- Normally they will just sink back into the ground to hide from predetors they are scared of or too big for them to handle, but sometimes their predetors will pull them up by their flowers or try to dig them up, if this happens they will all emmit an extremly high pitched scream, which will either effectively deafen and stun the predetor long enough for the flower dryads to pull them down and drain them of nutriends, alert their larger friends to their danger, or attracting a larger predetor to eat the smaller one while they hide in the ground

Extras- It is said that groups of flower dryads can sing a beautiful chorus, enough to make even a naga shed tears

-crosses fingers-
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PostSubject: Re: Flower dryads   Flower dryads Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2009 5:53 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Flower dryads   Flower dryads Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2009 7:24 pm

We kind of have these, Bloom Dryads. http://felarya.com/wiki/index.php?title=Elementals#Flora_Elementals
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PostSubject: Re: Flower dryads   Flower dryads Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2009 7:29 pm

... ... ...you have GOT to be kidding me...

-sigh- alright, Ill have to think of something else... thanks for the notice about this
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PostSubject: Re: Flower dryads   Flower dryads Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2009 7:46 pm

This is still relatively unique though, for a Felaryan Mandrake conversion. Don't give up, just differentiate it from what we already have. ^^
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PostSubject: Re: Flower dryads   Flower dryads Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2009 7:56 pm

This happened to me alot... a few months (or years) before I found Felarya, I had an idea for giant snake women... who can mate with males from any human sized humanoid to produce a child... even though the child is born looking like a human and undergoes metamorphosis at puberty, there are males (though they are smaller and rare), and their propensity for mating with human sized beings and the fact that their kids are very humanlike, they don't eat people, they're a bit too similar to harpies and nagas to be considered origional...
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Flower dryads   Flower dryads Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 1:16 am

@FalconJudge: Meh, it was just a coincidence. Besides, snake women or harpies (or any other monster-girls for that matter) mating with humans is nothing new, especially with the monster-girl lovers

@pirostyle: This would work as a Felaryan version of the Mandrake/Mandragora especially with the deafenin/stunning screaming bit. Of course some writer might want to pull a Humans are Bastards in their stories so I'll suggest that they could be used to make potions, medecines or drugs. Exactly what kind, I don't know.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Flower dryads   Flower dryads Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 3:14 am

Its kinda creepy how much I kinda mimiced... like I subconciously read the future
Ok... so Ill have to change up, appearance, habbits...

alright, so I fixed the bit in habits about when people come to admire and added the part about the potion bit
dont know what to do about appearance, they arent covered in flowers but its still too similar to be a separate thing

Flower dryads

Size - About half that of a human, full sized ones are twice the size of a human
Appearance- Children can look like a young girl to an adult looking like a human female in their prime
Their basic appearance is much like a regular dryad, any color of green skin that root themselves into the ground, however, there is one main difference, flower dryads have flowers growing on their heads as the names suggests, what kind of flower it is depends on its personality

Habits- They live in large groups, burrying into the ground to disguise themselves as a field of beautiful flowers, they only attack prey that is slightly larger then a human or anything smaller then that.
They dont attack unless the prey tries to force them out of the ground or they are extremly hungry. They will attack by popping up out of the ground up to their waist and try to pull the prey down into the earth, suffocating him and leaving him underground to have their bodily nutrients to be absorbed by the group, leaving the prey as a dried up skeleton in only hours.

If someone comes by them, they will pop out of the ground and let out little squeaks of joy to greet their new found friend, sometimes giving them their special honey made from the extra nutrients they absorb, it is very rare and sweet, a delicacy that many people have heard of but not tried.

If the same person comes back to the same group of flower dryads each day for a while, they will eventually grow very attached with that person and help them hide from predetors.

Protection- Normally they will just sink back into the ground to hide from predetors they are scared of or too big for them to handle, but sometimes their predetors will pull them up by their flowers or try to dig them up to use them for a recipie or powerful potion, if this happens they will all emmit an extremly high pitched scream, which will either effectively deafen and stun the predetor long enough for the flower dryads to pull them down and drain them of nutriends, alert their larger friends to their danger, or attracting a larger predetor to eat the smaller one while they hide in the ground

Extras- It is said that groups of flower dryads can sing a beautiful chorus, enough to make even a naga shed tears
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PostSubject: Re: Flower dryads   Flower dryads Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 6:22 am

pirostyle wrote:

Extras- It is said that groups of flower dryads can sing a beautiful chorus, enough to make even a naga shed tears

What you mean "even a naga?" Crisis is known for her love of music.
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PostSubject: Re: Flower dryads   Flower dryads Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 6:46 am

Anime-Junkie wrote:
pirostyle wrote:

Extras- It is said that groups of flower dryads can sing a beautiful chorus, enough to make even a naga shed tears

What you mean "even a naga?" Crisis is known for her love of music.

Crisis is only one naga. Plenty of nagas like and don't like music. I think it would be better to say 'even a dridder' since they hardly have a reputation for being crybabies.

In any case, it's my opinion that most sentient preds, and even many of the beasts enjoy music to one extent or another. It's the whole theme behind my Rosic Nekos. You don't eat your song bird, you eat your chicken, know what I mean? ^^
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Re: Flower dryads   Flower dryads Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 8:04 am

A bouquet of these dryads must be a wonderful thing to experience.
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Flower dryads   Flower dryads Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 8:08 am

ok, will change that to 'even a dridder'

I still need to think of someway to change appearance and perfered location

I guess I could have a group of them sit at the base of large trees instead of IN the trees
maybe put large pedals on the top half of their body so they just look like large flowers when their above ground?
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PostSubject: Re: Flower dryads   Flower dryads Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 8:48 am

pirostyle wrote:
'even a dridder'

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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Flower dryads   Flower dryads Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 9:36 am

Pendragon wrote:
A bouquet of these dryads must be a wonderful thing to experience.

I agree, they look lovely Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Flower dryads   Flower dryads Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 9:44 am

A singing field of flower girls... Lovely idea. I very much like both their means of defence, and the fact that they're mostly friendly and become attached to admirers. Good work!
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Flower dryads   Flower dryads Icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2009 10:23 am

alright, hopefully this will be the final draft of my idea

Root dryads

Size - About half that of a human, full sized ones are twice the size of a human
Appearance- Children can look like a young girl to an adult looking like a human female in their prime
Their basic appearance is much like a regular dryad, any color of green skin that root themselves into the ground, however, there is one main difference, root dryads have have large pedals growing on the upper halves of their bodies to help disguise them as plants

Habits- They live in large groups, burrying into the ground to disguise themselves as large flowers at the bases trees, they only attack prey that is slightly larger then a human or anything smaller then that.
They dont attack unless the prey tries to force them out of the ground or they are extremly hungry. They will attack by popping up out of the ground up to their waist and try to pull the prey down into the earth, suffocating him and leaving him underground to have their bodily nutrients to be absorbed by the group, leaving the prey as a dried up skeleton in only hours.

If someone comes by them, they will pop out of the ground and let out little squeaks of joy to greet their new found friend, sometimes giving them their special honey made from the extra nutrients they absorb, it is very rare and sweet, a delicacy that many people have heard of but not tried.

If the same person comes back to the same group of root dryads each day for a while, they will eventually grow very attached with that person and help them hide from predetors.

Protection- Normally they will just sink back into the ground to hide from predetors they are scared of or too big for them to handle, but sometimes their predetors will try to dig them up to use them for a recipie or powerful potion, if this happens they will all emmit an extremly high pitched scream, which will either effectively deafen and stun the predetor long enough for the root dryads to pull them down and drain them of nutriends, alert their larger friends to their danger, or attracting a larger predetor to eat the smaller one while they hide in the ground

Extras- It is said that groups of root dryads can sing a beautiful chorus that can be heard for miles
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PostSubject: Re: Flower dryads   Flower dryads Icon_minitime

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