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 Story Idea, needs some help along...

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Tasty morsel

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Story Idea, needs some help along... Empty
PostSubject: Story Idea, needs some help along...   Story Idea, needs some help along... Icon_minitimeWed Jan 09, 2008 5:45 pm

Rather new to Felarya as a setting, so what exactly I'm about in trying to write for it, who knows. I've got a piece started, but where to go with it, not so sure.

Open to suggestions, will likely have plenty of questions, and generally seeking aid.

No title as of yet, of course, but heres the few paras I whipped up to get myself started:

A lot had been said about the Einherjar. The rumors that went around said that they stood resplendent in armor blacker then the heart of the void, that at the very sight of them hardened veterans would curl up and cry like children in fear.

The only thing Kaleb new for sure was that he didn't believe a lick of it. The man that accompanied the rag tag bunch didn't look the part at all, he seemed a normal man with normal things, average height, average build, black hair cut high and tight, sunglasses on his face and common sort of assault rifle over one shoulder.

Kaleb shrugged, the man was not so different from himself, Kaleb White, Brown hair, brown eyes, thin built and tall, carrying the bulk of a drum loading grenade launcher slung across his back.

he looked around at the rest of the group, so hastily assembled. There were two more humans, one male, one female, an elven woman who did not act at all like an elf, and an average looking alarian, who walked slowly in the rear, her forty-some-foot frame looming over her companions.

From what they had been told, it was a pittance compared to some of the things that lived on this...what was arguably a planet. he didn't even know what or where he was, or even really why.

He had been drafted last moment by some recruiters desperate for, "Loners, Mercenaries and Stalkers of all kinds." Kaleb fit the first two, and didn't even know what the third meant. All he knew was that he had been brought aboard a cramped vessel, never seeing the outside of it, stuffed in a cell of a room and told to go over his equipment immediately.

They dropped in the usual pods, landing in a dense area of forest, mainly deciduous, the trees massive beyond reason. What they were looking for, why, and how, where they were and how they would return...only the supposed Einherjar knew...
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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Story Idea, needs some help along... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Story Idea, needs some help along...   Story Idea, needs some help along... Icon_minitimeThu Jan 10, 2008 11:30 am

I think this start nice ^_^
I loved how you introduced the group, like how Einherjars are cool and so, with the reality less bright Razz
The characters looks intriguing as well. I am curious to see what you will do with that Smile
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Story Idea, needs some help along... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Story Idea, needs some help along...   Story Idea, needs some help along... Icon_minitimeThu Jan 10, 2008 4:50 pm

heh, I am interested what the Alarian will make of felarya XD
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Tasty morsel

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Story Idea, needs some help along... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Story Idea, needs some help along...   Story Idea, needs some help along... Icon_minitimeMon Jan 28, 2008 2:39 am

*Cough* Might start on this soon, finally. Had a nice inspirational dream last night, believe it or not. It was rather erratic as to setting, but felarya was in there somewhere...

I don't remember the details, but it at least reminded me I had this started...
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PostSubject: Re: Story Idea, needs some help along...   Story Idea, needs some help along... Icon_minitime

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