(i hope this idea hasn't been done before, and I apologize if it has)
Name: Digital Tarantula
Size: 1-2 feet tall. Three feet wide (with legs)
Threat: low-moderate. (moderate-high for users of machines or those weak against lightning)
These arachnids, often found in deep forests or near human areas, are small, yet feisty beings that thrive on electrical impulses whenever they can. This is due in fact because they are not physical beings, but more on the side of spider shaped bits of semi- sentient lightning combined with solid matter. Instead of an all black exterior on their exoskeletons like with many spiders and dridders, their bodies are silverish with glowing white runes all over them, which glow brighter when more electricity surges through them.
The main ability of the digital tarantula is it's innate ability to be able to interact with machines on a cyberspace level. They are able to convert themselves to pure electricity and hide within even the smallest bit of technology, much like digital fairies can. People should beware this unseen threat, because without proper shielding or protection, the tarantulas can make digital "webs" made of junk files and whatnot. Though they call this home when looking for safety, it can cause massive slowdown or even hardware failure on your processor. The only known way to keep them out is with the latest antivirus, but care should still be taken.
Without technology, the D. Tarantula is still a force to be reckoned with. If they are defending territory, they will lash out and bite into their victims with their strong fangs, which deliver not venom, but instead a massive shock of electrical surge. It's similar to being tazered for ten seconds. This can prove deadly if you're within a large group of them, so be wary of dark areas lit up by several tarantulas' glows.
Though to larger predators,they pose zero threat.