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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problems with Felarya   Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 02, 2009 8:53 pm

Now who here would be down for a FOOTJOB from a Harpy?
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Seasoned adventurer
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Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problems with Felarya   Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2009 4:39 am

ok lets look at it.

razor sharp talons + fleshy man parts / size ration = the world quickest sex change ever

yeah thats a big HELL NO!! but i would still let the harpy have me LOL
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: sure...   Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2009 8:42 am

okay im not that into the harpies yet....do any of you guys have links to topics here on this site?
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Darkstorm Zero
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Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problems with Felarya   Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 04, 2009 2:36 pm

Thats the funniest thing, in a long time.

Perepare to be turned into a red skidmark on the groin of a harpy for the sake of reproduction!

Holy shite, I think I lost my mind for a minute there....
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Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problems with Felarya   Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 11, 2009 12:58 pm

Raveolution wrote:
By the way... how does a human have sex with an 80 foot harpy....?

Two words: Total Insertion.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problems with Felarya   Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 11, 2009 1:10 pm

Oldman40k2003 wrote:
Raveolution wrote:
By the way... how does a human have sex with an 80 foot harpy....?

Two words: Total Insertion.

That's kinda how I'd figure it go.

The question is whether she'd eat him or not afterword.
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problems with Felarya   Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 11, 2009 1:51 pm

JohnDoe wrote:
Oldman40k2003 wrote:
Raveolution wrote:
By the way... how does a human have sex with an 80 foot harpy....?

Two words: Total Insertion.

That's kinda how I'd figure it go.

The question is whether she'd eat him or not afterword.

Guess it depends on if he did a good job or not =P
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problems with Felarya   Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 11, 2009 2:00 pm

Oldman40k2003 wrote:
Raveolution wrote:
By the way... how does a human have sex with an 80 foot harpy....?

Two words: Total Insertion.
XD Now you're thinking like a /d/eviant!
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Darkstorm Zero
Darkstorm Zero

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Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problems with Felarya   Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 11, 2009 2:20 pm

rcs619 wrote:
JohnDoe wrote:
Oldman40k2003 wrote:
Raveolution wrote:
By the way... how does a human have sex with an 80 foot harpy....?

Two words: Total Insertion.

That's kinda how I'd figure it go.

The question is whether she'd eat him or not afterword.

Guess it depends on if he did a good job or not =P

Just have to move around, a lot. Lol
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Great warrior
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Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Problems with Felarya   Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 11, 2009 4:57 pm

Stephiana wrote:
Hello there, forgive me if I didn't introduce myself earlier. As you all should know *points to username* That's my name. I came across Felarya by roaming around on deviantArt and I was fascinated with it. However...I still see some problems with it.

  • There doesn't seem to be enough herbivores.

It's true that herbivores seem rare in Felarya but it's very unlike Earth and so the basic consepts of nature here don't apply to Felarya. It's about as different to Earth as Jupiter except it can support life and dimensionally is very unstable.

Stephiana wrote:
  • I haven't seen much same size vore, but that's not my main concern with size. The fact that many of the giant predators don't see people as people disturbs me, and conveys a message that midgets (sorry if I insulted anyone) aren't people. The wiki entry of Tinies seems to further emphasize this. .__.

  • Okay I see how you came to the conclusion of the whole midget thing but same size vore? If you want same size vore then search somewhere else cuz five kookies says you won't find it in Felarya.

    Stephiana wrote:
  • The enormous number of females makes the whole realm seem sexist, and the slight appearance of males conveys the message that men are nothing better than food.

  • Okay Felarya is vore orientated and due to the fact that Felarya is like 90% composed of preds that can down a human (or human sized creature) whole really first of all how in the hell would they be able to clothe themselves?! And two who'd want to see a naked man?! *gags*

    Stephiana wrote:
  • Men seem to be the only ones decently clothed.

  • Again this ties into the lower portion of my answer above.

    Stephiana wrote:
  • How can the giant beings stealthily move around if they're visible to the naked eye about 500+ft away? Anything that large makes at least some noise.

  • Two words for ya. Fantasy world. They could simply be that skilled or simply use magic.

    Stephiana wrote:
  • This is a rather odd one, but it is is possible to hold a space attack. I've always pictured Felarya as either a cylinder or box (due to the fact it's a self contained plane, the side rifts lead back to Felarya while the top ones and bottom ones lead to other places) and with this model, an interdimensional space fleet could attack from the bottom of Felarya, considering how no one's been able to dig their way out of it. No one would see it coming D:

  • Okay I can't really say I uunderstand this so I won't attempt to answer that.
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    Posts : 2690
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    Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Problems with Felarya   Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 11, 2009 6:00 pm

    SuperPieGuy9 wrote:
    Stephiana wrote:
    Hello there, forgive me if I didn't introduce myself earlier. As you all should know *points to username* That's my name. I came across Felarya by roaming around on deviantArt and I was fascinated with it. However...I still see some problems with it.

    • There doesn't seem to be enough herbivores.

    It's true that herbivores seem rare in Felarya but it's very unlike Earth and so the basic consepts of nature here don't apply to Felarya. It's about as different to Earth as Jupiter except it can support life and dimensionally is very unstable.

    Stephiana wrote:
  • I haven't seen much same size vore, but that's not my main concern with size. The fact that many of the giant predators don't see people as people disturbs me, and conveys a message that midgets (sorry if I insulted anyone) aren't people. The wiki entry of Tinies seems to further emphasize this. .__.

  • Okay I see how you came to the conclusion of the whole midget thing but same size vore? If you want same size vore then search somewhere else cuz five kookies says you won't find it in Felarya.

    Stephiana wrote:
  • The enormous number of females makes the whole realm seem sexist, and the slight appearance of males conveys the message that men are nothing better than food.

  • Okay Felarya is vore orientated and due to the fact that Felarya is like 90% composed of preds that can down a human (or human sized creature) whole really first of all how in the hell would they be able to clothe themselves?! And two who'd want to see a naked man?! *gags*

    Stephiana wrote:
  • Men seem to be the only ones decently clothed.
  • Pieguy, Those have already been answered a while ago.

    Again this ties into the lower portion of my answer above.

    Stephiana wrote:
  • How can the giant beings stealthily move around if they're visible to the naked eye about 500+ft away? Anything that large makes at least some noise.

  • Two words for ya. Fantasy world. They could simply be that skilled or simply use magic.

    Stephiana wrote:
  • This is a rather odd one, but it is is possible to hold a space attack. I've always pictured Felarya as either a cylinder or box (due to the fact it's a self contained plane, the side rifts lead back to Felarya while the top ones and bottom ones lead to other places) and with this model, an interdimensional space fleet could attack from the bottom of Felarya, considering how no one's been able to dig their way out of it. No one would see it coming D:

  • Okay I can't really say I uunderstand this so I won't attempt to answer that.
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    Posts : 1301
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    Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Problems with Felarya   Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 11, 2009 6:28 pm

    SuperPieGuy9 wrote:
    Stephiana wrote:
    Hello there, forgive me if I didn't introduce myself earlier. As you all should know *points to username* That's my name. I came across Felarya by roaming around on deviantArt and I was fascinated with it. However...I still see some problems with it.

    • There doesn't seem to be enough herbivores.

    It's true that herbivores seem rare in Felarya but it's very unlike Earth and so the basic consepts of nature here don't apply to Felarya. It's about as different to Earth as Jupiter except it can support life and dimensionally is very unstable.

    Stephiana wrote:
  • I haven't seen much same size vore, but that's not my main concern with size. The fact that many of the giant predators don't see people as people disturbs me, and conveys a message that midgets (sorry if I insulted anyone) aren't people. The wiki entry of Tinies seems to further emphasize this. .__.

  • Okay I see how you came to the conclusion of the whole midget thing but same size vore? If you want same size vore then search somewhere else cuz five kookies says you won't find it in Felarya.

    Stephiana wrote:
  • The enormous number of females makes the whole realm seem sexist, and the slight appearance of males conveys the message that men are nothing better than food.

  • Okay Felarya is vore orientated and due to the fact that Felarya is like 90% composed of preds that can down a human (or human sized creature) whole really first of all how in the hell would they be able to clothe themselves?! And two who'd want to see a naked man?! *gags*

    Stephiana wrote:
  • Men seem to be the only ones decently clothed.

  • Again this ties into the lower portion of my answer above.

    Stephiana wrote:
  • How can the giant beings stealthily move around if they're visible to the naked eye about 500+ft away? Anything that large makes at least some noise.

  • Two words for ya. Fantasy world. They could simply be that skilled or simply use magic.

    Stephiana wrote:
  • This is a rather odd one, but it is is possible to hold a space attack. I've always pictured Felarya as either a cylinder or box (due to the fact it's a self contained plane, the side rifts lead back to Felarya while the top ones and bottom ones lead to other places) and with this model, an interdimensional space fleet could attack from the bottom of Felarya, considering how no one's been able to dig their way out of it. No one would see it coming D:

  • Okay I can't really say I uunderstand this so I won't attempt to answer that.

    You really haven't read through many threads here, have you SuperPieGuy9?
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    Temple scourge
    Temple scourge

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    Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Problems with Felarya   Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 6:20 am

    Oldman40k2003 wrote:
    Raveolution wrote:
    By the way... how does a human have sex with an 80 foot harpy....?

    Two words: Total Insertion.
    4chan be praised!
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    Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Problems with Felarya   Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 12:27 pm

    Raveolution wrote:
    Oldman40k2003 wrote:
    Raveolution wrote:
    By the way... how does a human have sex with an 80 foot harpy....?

    Two words: Total Insertion.
    4chan be praised!
    I think Oldman40k2003 nailed the most obvious answer regarding giant harpy/human sex. Laughing
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    Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Problems with Felarya   Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 16, 2009 6:17 am

    Which opens up a new question: WHY would a human have sex with an 80-foot harpy?

    Felarya's chock-full of chicks. There are so many, that you see plenty even when some predators eat five a day to stay healthy.

    Oh, crap... chicks... pun not intended.
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    valiant swordman
    valiant swordman

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    Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Problems with Felarya   Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 16, 2009 9:11 am

    Stabs wrote:
    Which opens up a new question: WHY would a human have sex with an 80-foot harpy?

    Felarya's chock-full of chicks. There are so many, that you see plenty even when some predators eat five a day to stay healthy.

    Oh, crap... chicks... pun not intended.

    I assume its better than the alternative.

    Hell hath no fury like a harpy scorned.
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    Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Problems with Felarya   Problems with Felarya - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon Nov 16, 2009 7:01 pm

    Stabs wrote:
    Which opens up a new question: WHY would a human have sex with an 80-foot harpy?

    I think a joke answers this one: "Who does the half-ton harpy have sex with?"
    "Anyone they want."
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