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Yuurei. Empty
PostSubject: Yuurei.   Yuurei. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2009 4:04 am


Race: Unknown.
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown, but thought to be hundreds of years old.
Size: 5, 6 feet from head to ground.
Looks: Yuurei looks like a human. With brown eyes and shiny blonde hair, going down to the middle of his back. His body is slightly skinnier than normal and a little pale. At first sight he seems a lot like a girl, but a closer look will confirm he is a man, and a very attractive one at that.
Clothing: Yuurei never wears the same clothes for long. Having absorbed quite a lot of clothes, he can change whenever he feels like it.
Accessories: Yuurei wears a different ring on each finger, has four earrings in his left ear and three in his right.
Pred/Prey: Prey.

Yuurei is weak, slow, easily frightened, and he has luck that keeps changing between “Love of the gods” and “Hate of the universe” making him very good at getting into complicated situations and somehow always getting out without too much harm coming to him. When it comes to knowledge, Yuurei is like a sponge, though having forgotten just about everything he knew and being bad with people, he is not very smart at the moment, but give him some information on any subject and he won’t forget it again.

Yuurei is really bad with people, he can be with 4 or 5 persons but that’s about it, so he lives in the wild. With his character it’s a very odd choice to spend almost every moment being vary of his surroundings, but he just can’t be at peace with too many people around.

Yuurei woke up, naked, in Felarya, a good 50 years ago, without any memories of anything. He didn’t know his name, his past or even his own powers.

At first he was very cocksure, but that quickly changed after stumbling upon a tribe of angry “Cat humans?” who wanted to eat him, for entering their territory. He was lucky to get away, when two giant girls with the lower half of… “Spiders?” raided the tribe and started swallowing the “Cat humans” one by one. The same thing happened shortly after, with a tribe of “Long eared humans?” and a girl with bug wings “who kept changing size”.

Only half a day had gone by and Yuurei had been put on the menu twice and only just barely escaped. His confidence was broken, and he was now hiding all the time, taking plenty of time insuring himself, that no one was nearby before sprinting from one tree to another.

Over the years, Yuurei has started finding out about his powers one step at a time, and even then… he’s STILL a scaredy cat.

Yuurei was extremely careful due to his first experiences with Felarya and even though he’s becoming more and more secure as he learns about Felarya, he is still very careful about most things. He also has a lot of girly interests, like jewelry, clothes and hair.

Yuurei has a separate dimension inside him. He is able to absorb anything, that doesn’t come from a living being and place it in that dimension, where he can control it to his will. For instance: if he absorbed a block of steel, he would be able to make it into a sword, arrow heads, bullets and etc. He can also meld different substances together on the atomic level, as well as taking them apart. He can however NOT control the mass of an object, since mass is constant (except for fairies). He can also absorb and change magic of course.

Once Yuurei needs anything from the dimension within him, he can simply move it out. This can be used as a weapon on his side, absorbing a couple of magical attacks, melding them together to make them stronger, and then firing it back at his opponent. The speed, of which he can fire, is decided by two factors: The speed of when the object or magic, entered his dimension, and/or the speed of which he can move, whatever body part the object comes out from.

This power allows Yuurei to walk through anything, physical and magical alike, except for parts of living beings.

Last edited by Reptillian on Thu Mar 04, 2010 3:21 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Yuurei. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yuurei.   Yuurei. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2009 6:10 am

So he can transport anything to the dimensional gate within himself, except animal organic matter.
Why is this so? Is it because "meat" is to structurally complex?
Does it actually present a barrier to him?
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Yuurei. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yuurei.   Yuurei. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2009 7:36 am

I like the character concept a lot, it's differant to the norm and quite fresh. What I'm worried about is the phrasing of his power. Not being able to absorb 'meat' is a painfully obvious way of making him not invincable to predators. I think it would be better put as either cannot absorb living things or cannot absorb things that were once alive. The first means that for example, if an arrow was shot at him he could absorb the whole arrow. the second means that he could absorb the arrow head but not the shaft. If you want to be technical about it you could say he cannot absorb anything with Carbon14 in it as this a constant in all living things and is what is used in Carbon dating. This is up to you of course but I believe it seems like less of an excuse this way Very Happy.
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Temple scourge
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Yuurei. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yuurei.   Yuurei. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2009 7:50 am

Pretty interesting character here. Pretty diffeent from the norm and his powers seem interesting, even if a little odd. I think I agree with Wildthing though.
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Yuurei. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yuurei.   Yuurei. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2009 7:55 am

Wildthing wrote:
Not being able to absorb 'meat' is a painfully obvious way of making him not invincable to predators. I think it would be better put as either cannot absorb living things or cannot absorb things that were once alive. The first means that for example, if an arrow was shot at him he could absorb the whole arrow. the second means that he could absorb the arrow head but not the shaft. If you want to be technical about it you could say he cannot absorb anything with Carbon14 in it as this a constant in all living things and is what is used in Carbon dating. This is up to you of course but I believe it seems like less of an excuse this way Very Happy.
Exactly what I was trying to say. There needs to be a mechanism for this, otherwise it makes no sense.
I'd be happy to help work said mechanism out with you.
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Yuurei. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yuurei.   Yuurei. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2009 8:13 am

Anime-Junkie wrote:
Wildthing wrote:
Not being able to absorb 'meat' is a painfully obvious way of making him not invincable to predators. I think it would be better put as either cannot absorb living things or cannot absorb things that were once alive. The first means that for example, if an arrow was shot at him he could absorb the whole arrow. the second means that he could absorb the arrow head but not the shaft. If you want to be technical about it you could say he cannot absorb anything with Carbon14 in it as this a constant in all living things and is what is used in Carbon dating. This is up to you of course but I believe it seems like less of an excuse this way Very Happy.
Exactly what I was trying to say. There needs to be a mechanism for this, otherwise it makes no sense.
I'd be happy to help work said mechanism out with you.
i guess i still need to work with how i express thing ^^'

but the reason for not being able to absorb "meat" is that it would make him invincible. it is not made for just preds, but for any living being to be able to hurt him.

i don't know if some of you remembers that i was talking with karbo about a new guardin... but i was told that the idea might be wrong for a guardian, but excelent for a standard character, so i changed it. Yuurei is what i came up with, but he seemed like a god with his powers, so i made him unable to absorb meat, and i made him a weakling both mentaly and physicaly.

i hope that explains lol!
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Yuurei. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yuurei.   Yuurei. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2009 8:24 am

Reptillian wrote:
Anime-Junkie wrote:
Wildthing wrote:
Not being able to absorb 'meat' is a painfully obvious way of making him not invincable to predators. I think it would be better put as either cannot absorb living things or cannot absorb things that were once alive. The first means that for example, if an arrow was shot at him he could absorb the whole arrow. the second means that he could absorb the arrow head but not the shaft. If you want to be technical about it you could say he cannot absorb anything with Carbon14 in it as this a constant in all living things and is what is used in Carbon dating. This is up to you of course but I believe it seems like less of an excuse this way Very Happy.
Exactly what I was trying to say. There needs to be a mechanism for this, otherwise it makes no sense.
I'd be happy to help work said mechanism out with you.
i guess i still need to work with how i express thing ^^'

but the reason for not being able to absorb "meat" is that it would make him invincible. it is not made for just preds, but for any living being to be able to hurt him.

i don't know if some of you remembers that i was talking with karbo about a new guardin... but i was told that the idea might be wrong for a guardian, but excelent for a standard character, so i changed it. Yuurei is what i came up with, but he seemed like a god with his powers, so i made him unable to absorb meat, and i made him a weakling both mentaly and physicaly.

i hope that explains lol!
Indeed, I gathered that from your original post, he would be much to powerful if he could absorb "meat."

Quote :
Yuurei has a separate dimension inside him. He is able to absorb anything, which is not made of meat, and place it in that dimension, where he can control it to his will. For instance: if he absorbed a block of steel, he would be able to make it into a sword, a lot of arrow heads or bullets. He can also meld different substances together, as well as taking them apart. He can however NOT control the mass of the object, since mass is constant (except for fairies). He can also absorb and change magic of course.
When he "making" something from the material in his inner dimension is there a limit as to how complex the thing can be?

Reptillian wrote:
Once Yuurei needs anything from the dimension within him, he can simply move it out. This can be used as a weapon on his side, absorbing a couple of magical attacks, melding them together to make them stronger, and then firing it back at his opponent.
So he can control the velocity of anything exiting his inner dimension?
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Yuurei. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yuurei.   Yuurei. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2009 8:34 am

Reptillian wrote:
Anime-Junkie wrote:
Wildthing wrote:
Not being able to absorb 'meat' is a painfully obvious way of making him not invincable to predators. I think it would be better put as either cannot absorb living things or cannot absorb things that were once alive. The first means that for example, if an arrow was shot at him he could absorb the whole arrow. the second means that he could absorb the arrow head but not the shaft. If you want to be technical about it you could say he cannot absorb anything with Carbon14 in it as this a constant in all living things and is what is used in Carbon dating. This is up to you of course but I believe it seems like less of an excuse this way Very Happy.
Exactly what I was trying to say. There needs to be a mechanism for this, otherwise it makes no sense.
I'd be happy to help work said mechanism out with you.
i guess i still need to work with how i express thing ^^'

but the reason for not being able to absorb "meat" is that it would make him invincible. it is not made for just preds, but for any living being to be able to hurt him.

i don't know if some of you remembers that i was talking with karbo about a new guardin... but i was told that the idea might be wrong for a guardian, but excelent for a standard character, so i changed it. Yuurei is what i came up with, but he seemed like a god with his powers, so i made him unable to absorb meat, and i made him a weakling both mentaly and physicaly.

i hope that explains lol!
Anime-Junkie wrote:
Indeed, I gathered that from your original post, he would be much to powerful if he could absorb "meat."
right ^^

Quote :
Yuurei has a separate dimension inside him. He is able to absorb anything, which is not made of meat, and place it in that dimension, where he can control it to his will. For instance: if he absorbed a block of steel, he would be able to make it into a sword, a lot of arrow heads or bullets. He can also meld different substances together, as well as taking them apart. He can however NOT control the mass of the object, since mass is constant (except for fairies). He can also absorb and change magic of course.
Anime-Junkie wrote:
When he "making" something from the material in his inner dimension is there a limit as to how complex the thing can be?
that depens on his brain, i said, "he is not very smart" but he does have basic understandings of things, the more he knows about something, the more complex he can make it, and of course his imagination playes a vital role in it too.

Reptillian wrote:
Once Yuurei needs anything from the dimension within him, he can simply move it out. This can be used as a weapon on his side, absorbing a couple of magical attacks, melding them together to make them stronger, and then firing it back at his opponent.
Anime-Junkie wrote:
So he can control the velocity of anything exiting his inner dimension?
only to the extend of the speed he can move, whatever body part he fires from. it's like throwing a tennis ball, or kicking a football.
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Yuurei. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yuurei.   Yuurei. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2009 10:12 pm

Got a few issues with this.

Why would he have a Japanese name if he isn't Asian? Also, the amnesia thing is kinda done to the death, don't you think? And I'd say a person who was a blank slate when arriving in Felarya would probably be less wussy and more serious, you know? He'd almost certainly need to find a group of people or a village to live in, otherwise he'd probably get eaten very quickly.

Oh yeah. Last thing, he strikes me as incredibly and imnpossibly gay, or waaaay in the closet. I dunno if making him a giant stereotypical twink was the intent.
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Yuurei. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yuurei.   Yuurei. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2009 1:35 am

Sillysausage wrote:
Got a few issues with this.

Why would he have a Japanese name if he isn't Asian?
because it sounds cool lol!

Sillysausage wrote:
Also, the amnesia thing is kinda done to the death, don't you think?
i know, that's why i'm doing it. poeple are so scared of using the amnesia idea that it hasn't been done in a while...unless i missed some character with it^^'

Sillysausage wrote:
And I'd say a person who was a blank slate when arriving in Felarya would probably be less wussy and more serious, you know? He'd almost certainly need to find a group of people or a village to live in, otherwise he'd probably get eaten very quickly.
as it says in the descreption, he has some strange luck.

Sillysausage wrote:
Oh yeah. Last thing, he strikes me as incredibly and imnpossibly gay, or waaaay in the closet. I dunno if making him a giant stereotypical twink was the intent.
yes i tried making him seem a kinda gay, but i can asure you he is 100% straight^^

why i tried making him seem gay??? hmmm... it was interesting Laughing
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Yuurei. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yuurei.   Yuurei. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2009 8:40 am

Reptillian wrote:
Sillysausage wrote:
Got a few issues with this.

Why would he have a Japanese name if he isn't Asian?
because it sounds cool lol!

Far too many characters have unneccesary Japanese names. Can't you use a bit of creativity? When was the last time someone used a German, Chinese or even ANY other language to abuse, other that ZOMGJapanese?

Reptillian wrote:
Sillysausage wrote:
Also, the amnesia thing is kinda done to the death, don't you think?
i know, that's why i'm doing it. poeple are so scared of using the amnesia idea that it hasn't been done in a while...unless i missed some character with it^^'

There's a reason most writers steer clear from Amnesia as a backstory. It's lazy, it's dull, it's overused and it sets the stage for mediocre storytelling. I mean, half of writing is the characters past, what shaped them into what they are. If you cut that out because of Amnesia, all you end up with is a story that looks either rushed or half-assed, and to be honest, that's what most stories with Amnesia-suffering characters are.

Reptillian wrote:
Sillysausage wrote:
Oh yeah. Last thing, he strikes me as incredibly and imnpossibly gay, or waaaay in the closet. I dunno if making him a giant stereotypical twink was the intent.
yes i tried making him seem a kinda gay, but i can asure you he is 100% straight^^

why i tried making him seem gay??? hmmm... it was interesting Laughing

Not really. The 'effeminate but ttly straight pretty-boi' is pretty much a staple of anime and all the crap it spawned, nothing very original, loveable or interesting there, I'm afraid. And frankly, you'll just get people rolling their eyes at the '100% straight' comment. This guy has more gay stereotypes in him than most actual gays. And it's, you know, kinda tasteless to have a Twink stereotype as a serious character.
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Yuurei. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yuurei.   Yuurei. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2009 8:47 am

Sillysausage wrote:
Reptillian wrote:
Sillysausage wrote:
Got a few issues with this.

Why would he have a Japanese name if he isn't Asian?
because it sounds cool lol!

Far too many characters have unneccesary Japanese names. Can't you use a bit of creativity? When was the last time someone used a German, Chinese or even ANY other language to abuse, other that ZOMGJapanese?

Reptillian wrote:
Sillysausage wrote:
Also, the amnesia thing is kinda done to the death, don't you think?
i know, that's why i'm doing it. poeple are so scared of using the amnesia idea that it hasn't been done in a while...unless i missed some character with it^^'

There's a reason most writers steer clear from Amnesia as a backstory. It's lazy, it's dull, it's overused and it sets the stage for mediocre storytelling. I mean, half of writing is the characters past, what shaped them into what they are. If you cut that out because of Amnesia, all you end up with is a story that looks either rushed or half-assed, and to be honest, that's what most stories with Amnesia-suffering characters are.

Reptillian wrote:
Sillysausage wrote:
Oh yeah. Last thing, he strikes me as incredibly and imnpossibly gay, or waaaay in the closet. I dunno if making him a giant stereotypical twink was the intent.
yes i tried making him seem a kinda gay, but i can asure you he is 100% straight^^

why i tried making him seem gay??? hmmm... it was interesting Laughing

Not really. The 'effeminate but ttly straight pretty-boi' is pretty much a staple of anime and all the crap it spawned, nothing very original, loveable or interesting there, I'm afraid. And frankly, you'll just get people rolling their eyes at the '100% straight' comment. This guy has more gay stereotypes in him than most actual gays. And it's, you know, kinda tasteless to have a Twink stereotype as a serious character.
how can it be that every thing i do gets chopped down by you T_T'
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Yuurei. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yuurei.   Yuurei. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2009 9:08 am

Sillysausage wrote:
Reptillian wrote:
Sillysausage wrote:
Got a few issues with this.

Why would he have a Japanese name if he isn't Asian?
because it sounds cool lol!

Far too many characters have unneccesary Japanese names. Can't you use a bit of creativity? When was the last time someone used a German, Chinese or even ANY other language to abuse, other that ZOMGJapanese?
Who cares about the name, it's only a name... besides, it might be a nickname.

Sillysausage wrote:
Reptillian wrote:
Sillysausage wrote:
Oh yeah. Last thing, he strikes me as incredibly and imnpossibly gay, or waaaay in the closet. I dunno if making him a giant stereotypical twink was the intent.
yes i tried making him seem a kinda gay, but i can asure you he is 100% straight^^

why i tried making him seem gay??? hmmm... it was interesting Laughing

Not really. The 'effeminate but ttly straight pretty-boi' is pretty much a staple of anime and all the crap it spawned, nothing very original, loveable or interesting there, I'm afraid. And frankly, you'll just get people rolling their eyes at the '100% straight' comment. This guy has more gay stereotypes in him than most actual gays. And it's, you know, kinda tasteless to have a Twink stereotype as a serious character.
Nothing is original, everything thought up by every member of this site has been done before.

Nothing wrong with a character with gay stereotypes, as long as they are not being used to make a stereotypical gay character. Feminine behaviour isn't limited to gay men.
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Yuurei. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yuurei.   Yuurei. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2009 8:06 pm

Reptillian: You're a grown man. Deal with it. If you don't want feedback, don't post it on the net.

Vegeta002: Using 'nothing is original anymore' is a weak and desparate excuse for being A) a bad writer or B) completely and utterly dull. And I bet people would be pissed off if someone made a character comprised of nothing but racist stereotypes, this isn't very different from that.
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Yuurei. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yuurei.   Yuurei. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 05, 2009 3:13 am

Sillysausage wrote:
Reptillian: You're a grown man. Deal with it. If you don't want feedback, don't post it on the net.
oh i love getting CONSTRUCTIVE feedback... but all you're doing is chopping down my ideas one after another. if you don't like them, just keep quiet about it, please.

Sillysausage wrote:
Vegeta002: Using 'nothing is original anymore' is a weak and desparate excuse for being A) a bad writer or B) completely and utterly dull. And I bet people would be pissed off if someone made a character comprised of nothing but racist stereotypes, this isn't very different from that.
hey, vegeta is an excellent writer... and the dull comment doesn't seem to fit in anywhere T_T'
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Yuurei. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yuurei.   Yuurei. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 05, 2009 7:14 am

Sillysausage wrote:
Reptillian: You're a grown man. Deal with it. If you don't want feedback, don't post it on the net.
Now try talking without your head up your ass... Or you could just learn what 'constructive critism' is, because your the only one who replied that seems to have missed the 'constructive' part.

Sillysausage wrote:
And I bet people would be pissed off if someone made a character comprised of nothing but racist stereotypes, this isn't very different from that.
A character made of stereotypes and a guy that is feminine isn't the same thing... Almost sounds like you're saying a straight character must act like you think a straight guy acts...
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Yuurei. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yuurei.   Yuurei. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 05, 2009 1:53 pm

Reptillian, Kitty, Veggie, several people eating popcorn while waiting for a flame war to crop up, quit being cunts.

Kitty, I hate bishounen more than most folks, but at the end of the day, telling him what to like isn't going to make him stop liking it, or stop writing about it. And I think this sort of thing has gone on for long enough to stamp out any doubts as to whether or not this is true. You've made your criticisms candidly and with plenty of backup. Not much more can be said without an unnecessary backlash.

Reptillian, it's alright. Nothing special, but if I were you, instead of posting threads for new characters and letting people judge them. how about writing an actual story for them and letting people make their judgments after seeing them in action. It's SO much more rewarding.
I would also recommend checking out TVtropes. I find it gives me a better and ultimately very useful grasp of fiction and helps me figure out precisely what I want from a story.

Veggie...................................... who are you again?
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PostSubject: Re: Yuurei.   Yuurei. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 11, 2009 2:29 pm

GREGOLE wrote:
Reptillian, it's alright. Nothing special, but if I were you, instead of posting threads for new characters and letting people judge them. how about writing an actual story for them and letting people make their judgments after seeing them in action. It's SO much more rewarding.
oh, but i am gonna include this guy in the stories of my sktizo neko lol!, though it will be at a later time XD

though i might make a special with him... we'll see.

EDIT: i made some minor changes, changes to the words i choose and added some further explenations, to make it easier to understand what i mean... at least i hope it makes it easier ^^'
and i am now sure that i will write a special for him... as soon as my inspiration comes back T_T' i have hit a SERIOUS block, both as writer and creator... my brain is screwed at the time XD
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Yuurei. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yuurei.   Yuurei. Icon_minitimeSat Nov 14, 2009 4:38 am

added a little something at the very bottom of the first post.
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Yuurei. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yuurei.   Yuurei. Icon_minitime

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