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 I think therefore I am food

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Sean W
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 16, 2008 5:34 pm

You're right, there are too many variable factors to say how a culture would form. Mine is simply a probable projection.

And I'm not sure if being eaten by a naga is a bad thing. If I had to die any one way...

Hey, we all gotta die sometime!

(Okay, everyone, don't make uber-numerous posts about how painful and unpleasant the digestive system really is. I know. Trust me, that would actually be a very CRAPPY way to die. It's a fetish. If you're on this forum, you probably have it too.)
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 16, 2008 6:49 pm

Quote :
(Okay, everyone, don't make uber-numerous posts about how painful and unpleasant the digestive system really is. I know. Trust me, that would actually be a very CRAPPY way to die. It's a fetish. If you're on this forum, you probably have it too.)

Actually, logic suggests that if the digestive enzymes are powerful enough, the pain might be fairly brief and only last until the nerve endings are destroyed.

Yes, I am both a know-it-all and a deviant.
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Veteran knight
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 3:29 am

ZionAtriedes wrote:
Precisely. Humanity has "tamed" most of Earth, so we've become complacent. However, one accustomed to Felarya would probably be like a Jurdean: aggressive, strong, untrusting, and have a powerful pack mentality.

Feign brings up a good question, though. How do people survive the transfer between worlds? It'd be like War of the Worlds, the newcomers would die due to lack of antibodies against the microorganisms.

I suppose we do need to accept that Felarya is fantasy, and therefore isn't real. However, you can bet that like the fanboys we are, we'll make some kinda explanation. (However, that's another topic).
disease and aging do not exist on felarya.

as for digestion, its my least favorait part of vore, mostly because i like my hair on my head, even if i do get hurt/kilt
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 6:08 am

Quote :
disease and aging do not exist on felarya.

I believe that was the underlying point behind his post.
Meaning just about anything from Felarya that steps into our world is doomed.
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 7:09 am

No, actually, that was a good answer to my question.

Felaryan soil energizes and strengthens living creatures, theoretically it might boost their immune system. But wouldn't it also energize bacteria, too?

To Gregole's other post: True. If Crisis's is to be used as a base for a naga's digestive tract, if it can dissolve titanium, it's strong stuff. (But what about stronger alloys?)
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 8:11 am

ZionAtriedes wrote:
Felaryan soil energizes and strengthens living creatures, theoretically it might boost their immune system. But wouldn't it also energize bacteria, too?
I share this opinion, I think when you are in Falarya the soil strengthens livilng creatures, your immune system is boosted, so you recover faster than you are in your world but when you leave Felarya you lose this strenght . I think the counterpart of this advantages is the fact you are hunted by predator like nagas Very Happy
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 9:11 am

Felaryan creatures might be strengthened for the most part, but a lack of disease atrophies the immune system if it has nothing to fight. It becomes obsolete and worthless.

Unless, of course, Felaryan humans have working appendi. Of course, given the amount of raw meat Felaryan demihumans consume, I suppose the presence of an appendex is plausible.
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 9:34 am

Ah, wait, I do see the point. Yes, Gregole, anything from Felarya that goes to another world would end up like the Martians in War of the Worlds: killed by our bacteria.
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Evil admin
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 10:20 am

Mhh that's an interesting point.. That would mean extra-vitality but weaker immune system ^^

ZionAtriedes wrote:
If Crisis's is to be used as a base for a naga's digestive tract, if it can dissolve titanium, it's strong stuff. (But what about stronger alloys?)

Note that as I see them, Crisis and Menyssan are quite exceptionnal in this matter.They are definitely not the standards Smile
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 10:59 am

GREGOLE wrote:
Felaryan creatures might be strengthened for the most part, but a lack of disease atrophies the immune system if it has nothing to fight. It becomes obsolete and worthless.

Unless, of course, Felaryan humans have working appendi. Of course, given the amount of raw meat Felaryan demihumans consume, I suppose the presence of an appendex is plausible.

I see your point of view but it has never been said diseases do not exist, viruses and bacterias are living form so they can adapt to Felarya and mutate like the flu by example.
The fact you don't know illness don't mean your immune system is atrophied, no I think your immunity system is more developped. I explain there is some case of people who get rarely ill, it's not because they lack of immune system is because they have an healthy life condition. We don't train our immune system with only by getting ill but with an healthy feeding. If Crisis doesn't eat correctly she dies from disease because her body is to weak.

I agree more on your second supposition than the first.

You suffer from disease not for the fact your immune system is weak but more because it doesn't know how to react. Someone who has an attrophied immune system dies by the simple fact to breathe.
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 11:13 am

Quote :
I see your point of view but it has never been said diseases do not exist, viruses and bacterias are living form so they can adapt to Felarya and mutate like the flu by example.
The fact you don't know illness don't mean your immune system is atrophied, no I think your immunity system is more developped. I explain there is some case of people who get rarely ill, it's not because they lack of immune system is because they have an healthy life condition. We don't train our immune system with only by getting ill but with an healthy feeding. If Crisis doesn't eat correctly she dies from disease because her body is to weak.

I agree more on your second supposition than the first.

You suffer from disease not for the fact your immune system is weak but more because it doesn't know how to react. Someone who has an attrophied immune system dies by the simple fact to breathe.

Well, it depends on the nature of Felarya's lack of disease.

If Felarya inherently kills disease-causing organisms, then by default, the immune system of Felaryan beings atrophies.
If Felarya strengthens the immune system to the point of being literally immune to disease, then logically, that's simply how it works.

We're never really told how it works. We just know that there is no disease in Felarya. Logic would seem to point more towards the latter, though.

Considering that there is no disease in Felarya, then I suppose that explains how well humanlike beings manage to thrive, despite the fact that if we tried eating smaller people, we'd go down from disease faster than a fighter jet in a Godzilla movie.
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 12:06 pm

It might be due to the concept that Felarya strengthens organisms of a certain size (perhaps only multi-celled ones?), so bacteria would be weaker.

But this has problems, too... since bacteria are also crucial to the survival of any species...
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2008 12:07 pm

GREGOLE wrote:
Well, it depends on the nature of Felarya's lack of disease.

If Felarya inherently kills disease-causing organisms, then by default, the immune system of Felaryan beings atrophies.
If Felarya strengthens the immune system to the point of being literally immune to disease, then logically, that's simply how it works.

We're never really told how it works. We just know that there is no disease in Felarya. Logic would seem to point more towards the latter, though.

Considering that there is no disease in Felarya, then I suppose that explains how well humanlike beings manage to thrive, despite the fact that if we tried eating smaller people, we'd go down from disease faster than a fighter jet in a Godzilla movie.

It's an interesting theory but there is a problem, by example when we saw the history of many nations, the native tend to be killed by the disease brought by the invaders, because their immune system doesn't know to how to fight against it.

In my opinion the fact in Felarya the fact you don't suffer of the disease of your own world is just a security system to prevent any kind of invasion by using bacteriological weapons.

And another point, when Temi found Crisis she was seriously hurt, if Temi didn't heal her she would die from her wounds, but when you are hurt your wound can be infected by bacterias in that kind of case the immune system work a lot and when you die from injuries it's when the immune system can do nothing. Healing spell are similar to medecine, they help your immune sytem in their task.

I admit it's very strange a naga arrive to satisfy her apetite by eating small creature but I don't think they eat only humans. If we take or case by example we don't eat only meat, like the case of Vivian by example naga eat fruits and vegetable to satisfy the need of their bodies.

I don't think in Felarya disease do not exist because bacterias and viruses play an important role in the developpment of the life in general. When you come in some place you can suffer from the disease of the place. By example a disease able to kill a giant naga may kill easily an important group of humans due to the fact their immune system doesn't know how to react against it.

This logic can work in the two senses, by example you can contaminate someone by coming in his world but this person can contaminate your world by coming in your world. But another point Felarya is a crossroad between many dimensions, so many creatures come in this world with their own bacterias and viruses, the abilities of the ground to cure diseases is maybe a consequence of the different travels which may happen in this world.

Another point strange phenomenon has been noticed by example the fact of the metal of the Delurans rust very fast in the surface, there is a reason behind that, maybe there is something in Felarya atmosphere responsible.

I will be agree if there is few people who come in Felarya but there is a great variety of creatures who live and come here, the fact the world increase your immune system is a solution to allow you to meet them without risking to be infected by an unknown disease Very Happy

Last edited by on Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:11 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Sean W
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 18, 2008 3:23 pm

Hmm what does it mean to me being labeled as food?

Well the first reaction would either be "Well shit..." or "Oh fuck!"

Then you come to realize...


That's when you begin to understand that you're not as invincible as you once believed you were. I know that's more of a thing to think about when you're old and decrepid or just been through something that almost gets you killed or badly injured, but really it's when you're standing eye to eye with something that thinks you're the main course, that you think to yourself "Maybe I'm not as bad as I thought..."

On the flipside however, it is possible for the underdog of the foodchain to win at times. There have been times with a rabbit has out run a python or hawk. There've been times when a mighty ape when brought to his knees by a hungry croc then turned the game around in its favor. And even our primitive ancestors have bested many a predators of old.

So on the bright side, the predator can be just as vulnerable as the prey. It's just more of a challenge for the prey, but it's not impossible. Plus adrenaline is a crazy thing sometimes...

But I digress, good thing too 'cause I think I rambled my way through that whole post... =D;;
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 18, 2008 4:34 pm

Sean W wrote:
Hmm what does it mean to me being labeled as food?

Well the first reaction would either be "Well shit..." or "Oh fuck!"

Then you come to realize...


That's when you begin to understand that you're not as invincible as you once believed you were. I know that's more of a thing to think about when you're old and decrepid or just been through something that almost gets you killed or badly injured, but really it's when you're standing eye to eye with something that thinks you're the main course, that you think to yourself "Maybe I'm not as bad as I thought..."

On the flipside however, it is possible for the underdog of the foodchain to win at times. There have been times with a rabbit has out run a python or hawk. There've been times when a mighty ape when brought to his knees by a hungry croc then turned the game around in its favor. And even our primitive ancestors have bested many a predators of old.

So on the bright side, the predator can be just as vulnerable as the prey. It's just more of a challenge for the prey, but it's not impossible. Plus adrenaline is a crazy thing sometimes...

But I digress, good thing too 'cause I think I rambled my way through that whole post... =D;;

I understand Felarya si not different from the wild life in our world both the predator and the prey fight for the only goal to survive Very Happy

Last edited by on Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 18, 2008 5:14 pm

But here's the wrench in the gears:

...What of sentience?
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Naga food

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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 11, 2008 11:54 pm

What people have to remember is that the reasons why humans will eventually dominate is because they either destroy, or bend to their will, whatever opposes them. The status quo, if not in the favor of a group of people, will inevitably be changed.
In this case, you have Nagas and such that are content with the way things are. They aren't organized, and they really don't do much other than wander around eating. That's what all the predators tend to do here.

Humans on the other hand, will find a way to up end the natural order. At one time we were on the bottom of the food chain. We learned that by destroying what our enemies needed to survive, we could destroy our enemies. Consider how wolves and such have often been eradicated inderictely by hunting out all fo the deer. Or consider what we did to our fellow humans. The native americans relied on the buffalo as a food source. Being that on the individual level they were superior warriors to our soldiers, the most efficient way to deal with them was to exterminate their food supply. This forced them into submission.

Humans need only do the same thing on Felarya. Exterminate every living thing that is large enough to sustain the major predators. Naga can't live off of mice. Make it so that the predators have to compete with each other over an ever dwindling food supply. This helps humans by causing predators to kill each other off, when often times they'd more or less avoid each other. Our strength is that we can learn to survive anywhere, and are omnivores who can live off of almost anything. The higher up the food chain you are, the more vulnerable you are to attacks to the lower food chain. Why do you think the health of ecosystems are almost always based on the number of alpha-predators seen. Its because those predators need far more life to support them.

Humans have the benefits of having the capabilities of an alpha-predator(i.e. being able to kill anything we please), without having the drawback of a restricted diet(wolves can't live off of fruit and nuts). While naga are known to eat plants, most are not able to sustain themselves on a diet of vegetation and require constant ingestion of meat. This is our secret weapon, and it is easier to pull off than is otherwise imaginable. We don't wage warfare on equal terms with a naga or other super predator, we wage them by using the food chain to our advantage.

Steps to human victory.
1. Organize. Massed humans that are disciplined and organized can take on any predator.
2. Learn what foods the major predators need to survive. Humans are not a need typically, merely a desired food, and are not numerous enough to by themselves support the existing predators.
3. Learn of the Habitats and ranges of the predators.
4. Learn where the ecosystem is weakest, and how it can most easily disrupt the food supply of the top tier predators.
5. Enact the disruption.This is done for example, by say burning the grasslands. This prevents a species of grazing animals from being able to feed, and thus causes them to die in droves, thereby reducing the food available to the big predators.
6. While doing this, exert pressure on the predator species. Continue hunting them, and continue to destroy their sources of food.
7. Utilize a specific species weakness in hunting them. For naga, ignore tracking females, and place top priority on killing the males. Only about 10% of the population is male, but they are required for the procreation of their species. Killing the males means that the naga can't breed. No new nag = eventual extinction.
8. Do not ever stop until the threat is eliminated. When you drive the predators from a region, literally salt the earth. Make it so that they cannot easily survive in that region should they come back. An example here on earth would be the destruction of rainforests, and converting them to farmland. Species that required the rainforest habitat could no longer survive, and any predators that depended on those species would now be even more limited as far as available food thus makign it harder for them to survive.
9.Repeat with all other predator threats until they are eliminated.

Now don't think that I'm absolutely pro-human, as the series of short stories I was going to write were going to take place when Naga are nearly extinct, as are most non-human large predators. In my series, I was planning on the Naga being the underdogs. In fact, a large part of it is going to be a reverse take on the existing predator relations we have on earth. How we now value wolves, where before we exterminated them because they inconvenienced us. We desire their existance because we at some level do desire things to be "untainted" by human disruption. This does not mean humans like Naga, but what I plan on it meaning is that humans might eventually respect the rights of Naga to exist.

However that is a post for another day.
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valiant swordman
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2008 10:11 am

Dommo wrote:
wall of text

so what your sayng is to kill off the food supply...i say we start with the humans as they are most likely the largest group
this may work

xenoside of our own species ftw

edited due to an error
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Cog in the Machine
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2008 10:48 am

dreadis wrote:
i say we start with the humans as they are most likely the largest group
I agree, and as such, I say we start with Dreadis.
*Several seconds and an equal number of gunshots later...*
Actually, this is a poor idea. Natural Selection has worked well enough the past few millenia. Why try and take its job? Let's focus on the other prey species for now.
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Evil admin
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2008 11:46 am

Dommo wrote:

Steps to human victory.

Well you forgot the guardian factor here ^^
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2008 11:55 am

Malahite wrote:

seems i forgot to /sarcasm that

(limps towards bag with the medkit)
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2008 12:28 pm

Dommo wrote:
What people have to remember is that the reasons why humans will eventually dominate is because they either destroy, or bend to their will, whatever opposes them. The status quo, if not in the favor of a group of people, will inevitably be changed.
In this case, you have Nagas and such that are content with the way things are. They aren't organized, and they really don't do much other than wander around eating. That's what all the predators tend to do here.

Humans on the other hand, will find a way to up end the natural order. At one time we were on the bottom of the food chain. We learned that by destroying what our enemies needed to survive, we could destroy our enemies. Consider how wolves and such have often been eradicated inderictely by hunting out all fo the deer. Or consider what we did to our fellow humans. The native americans relied on the buffalo as a food source. Being that on the individual level they were superior warriors to our soldiers, the most efficient way to deal with them was to exterminate their food supply. This forced them into submission.

Humans need only do the same thing on Felarya. Exterminate every living thing that is large enough to sustain the major predators. Naga can't live off of mice. Make it so that the predators have to compete with each other over an ever dwindling food supply. This helps humans by causing predators to kill each other off, when often times they'd more or less avoid each other. Our strength is that we can learn to survive anywhere, and are omnivores who can live off of almost anything. The higher up the food chain you are, the more vulnerable you are to attacks to the lower food chain. Why do you think the health of ecosystems are almost always based on the number of alpha-predators seen. Its because those predators need far more life to support them.

Humans have the benefits of having the capabilities of an alpha-predator(i.e. being able to kill anything we please), without having the drawback of a restricted diet(wolves can't live off of fruit and nuts). While naga are known to eat plants, most are not able to sustain themselves on a diet of vegetation and require constant ingestion of meat. This is our secret weapon, and it is easier to pull off than is otherwise imaginable. We don't wage warfare on equal terms with a naga or other super predator, we wage them by using the food chain to our advantage.

Steps to human victory.
1. Organize. Massed humans that are disciplined and organized can take on any predator.
2. Learn what foods the major predators need to survive. Humans are not a need typically, merely a desired food, and are not numerous enough to by themselves support the existing predators.
3. Learn of the Habitats and ranges of the predators.
4. Learn where the ecosystem is weakest, and how it can most easily disrupt the food supply of the top tier predators.
5. Enact the disruption.This is done for example, by say burning the grasslands. This prevents a species of grazing animals from being able to feed, and thus causes them to die in droves, thereby reducing the food available to the big predators.
6. While doing this, exert pressure on the predator species. Continue hunting them, and continue to destroy their sources of food.
7. Utilize a specific species weakness in hunting them. For naga, ignore tracking females, and place top priority on killing the males. Only about 10% of the population is male, but they are required for the procreation of their species. Killing the males means that the naga can't breed. No new nag = eventual extinction.
8. Do not ever stop until the threat is eliminated. When you drive the predators from a region, literally salt the earth. Make it so that they cannot easily survive in that region should they come back. An example here on earth would be the destruction of rainforests, and converting them to farmland. Species that required the rainforest habitat could no longer survive, and any predators that depended on those species would now be even more limited as far as available food thus makign it harder for them to survive.
9.Repeat with all other predator threats until they are eliminated.

Now don't think that I'm absolutely pro-human, as the series of short stories I was going to write were going to take place when Naga are nearly extinct, as are most non-human large predators. In my series, I was planning on the Naga being the underdogs. In fact, a large part of it is going to be a reverse take on the existing predator relations we have on earth. How we now value wolves, where before we exterminated them because they inconvenienced us. We desire their existance because we at some level do desire things to be "untainted" by human disruption. This does not mean humans like Naga, but what I plan on it meaning is that humans might eventually respect the rights of Naga to exist.

However that is a post for another day.

I will be agree with you but there is a little details most of the species of Felarya can easiliy take down humans and another point we don't how many the naga are. All the characters you see in the wiki are just creature among their races. They are the most powerfull and the weakiest Very Happy
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Cog in the Machine
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2008 12:54 pm

I agree with you, Gwada. Lone Human < Felaryan Predator in all but the most absurd scenarios.

However, he implied a well trained, organized, and equipped Civilization against them.

Civilizations are almost always better at killing stuff then Random Mooks. The same would hold true if it was Neko's in the scenario, Dridders, Saurotans, heck, any Felaryan Beastie that I can think of that could possibly work together for a prolonged time.
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Master cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2008 1:12 pm

Malahite wrote:
I agree with you, Gwada. Lone Human < Felaryan Predator in all but the most absurd scenarios.

However, he implied a well trained, organized, and equipped Civilization against them.

Civilizations are almost always better at killing stuff then Random Mooks. The same would hold true if it was Neko's in the scenario, Dridders, Saurotans, heck, any Felaryan Beastie that I can think of that could possibly work together for a prolonged time.
It can work but the humans won't never dominate because they won't be able to kill al the predators in the entire world.

This civilisation need always to train and developp new weapon and fighting skills, but the most important they need to know their limit.

Why I say that, it's because when we look our situation many countries have enough powers to destroy the world in blink of eyes.

The goal when you choice this way is not become more powerfull than the predators but as dangerous as them. A predator never attack a creature if it knows this creature can kill it, but the problem is the fact the predator need to become strong to survive and it's the case of the prey too Very Happy

The concept of the guardians it's clear for me, no one will become as strong as the guardians for one reason they are the limit you shall not pass. In clear they are the force humans always want to control but won't never dominate, if a human try to go further the only thing it will face is his own end.

In clear the humans can do everything in Felarya but in the one and only reason to survive Very Happy
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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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Join date : 2008-02-11
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I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I think therefore I am food   I think therefore I am food - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 12, 2008 1:22 pm

Well that was a fascinating 7 pages to read in one go Laughing

I would presume that most prey (whether they be Human, Neko, Elven et al) DO NOT label themselves as food at all, most probably each considers themselves as somewhat the dominant species in Felarya, when safe in thier cities behind the walls and magical barriers.
The moment when you realise you took a wrong turning on the way back home and are now lost in a part of the forest you dont recognise facing a 90 foot tall Naga, all pre-thoughts quickly vanish. Much like sailing your Yatch happily off the south coast of Australia, content that you are the master of the waves shortly before hitting a rock, sinking and finding yourself swimming in shark infested waters.

I dont think Humans will ever become the dominant species in Felarya though, the natives are simply to big, too numerous and too lethal to ever let that happen. But I dont see any reason why Humans cant flourish there either, Im sure species like the Elves have existed in Felarya far longer than Humans have been around, they seem to be doing alrite.

Someone mentioned about what it would be like for a person who has lived in Felarya to return to a normal world. I would imagine they would find it difficult and be something like soldiers that have spent extended periods of time in a hostile war zone returning home. Wary of any corner, choke point, eyeballing upstair windows for signs of a sniper, sleeping with one eye open cradling your rifle and waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat hearing the screams of your lost pals who never made it back...
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