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 the bounty

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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

Posts : 210
Join date : 2009-05-13
Location : my own little world

the bounty Empty
PostSubject: the bounty   the bounty Icon_minitimeMon Oct 12, 2009 8:59 pm

(another rp i just thought of) this is for all people who have a bounty hunter characters, this rp is about a group of bounty hunters who are payed to try to kill a pred

1. who ever joins this rp must be ok with their character dying
2. the hunters must servive untill a good 5 pages of posting at the least, after that go nuts
3. at least one person must be willing to play the pred
4. you must give a bref discription of the hunter and what equipment they have
5. i will not start the rp untill we get at least one pred and three bounty hunters
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