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 Siafu789's Story Thread (Old Prologue up, Affairs of Ants)

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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Siafu789's Story Thread (Old Prologue up, Affairs of Ants) Empty
PostSubject: Siafu789's Story Thread (Old Prologue up, Affairs of Ants)   Siafu789's Story Thread (Old Prologue up, Affairs of Ants) Icon_minitimeSun Jan 13, 2008 7:21 pm

This thread will be reserved for announcements of my creative undertakings set in Felarya. While my primary project is The Affairs of Ants, I also plan some smaller works and stories. While some are related to the main work, most will be some standard vore stories and a few tribute songs based on popular tunes. One such is a tribute of Vivian, to the tune of Killer Queen by...well, Queen.

As posted, this page will be edited as things develop.

Last edited by Siafu789 on Fri May 16, 2008 1:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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Siafu789's Story Thread (Old Prologue up, Affairs of Ants) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Siafu789's Story Thread (Old Prologue up, Affairs of Ants)   Siafu789's Story Thread (Old Prologue up, Affairs of Ants) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 14, 2008 2:30 am

Can't wait to see where it will go ! Razz
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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Siafu789's Story Thread (Old Prologue up, Affairs of Ants) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Siafu789's Story Thread (Old Prologue up, Affairs of Ants)   Siafu789's Story Thread (Old Prologue up, Affairs of Ants) Icon_minitimeFri May 16, 2008 1:35 pm

**Disclaimer: This is based on the world of Felarya, created by Karbo. As such, the setting and creatures are not mine.**
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Prologue – A Day in the Life

The storm raged over Felarya, imprisoning the sky behind clouds heavy with rain. Branches as thick as trees kowtowed to the storm, bending and even breaking for the torrent, cascades of rain and debris falling down to the soaked forest floor. Predator and prey alike ran together, desperately seeking shelter from the rain, only to be blocked by the lucky few that made it to caves; that, or crushed by falling branches. Only the diamond-winged stormseekers were in their element: piercing the sheets of rain effortlessly, the downpour seemed to fall past their thin, bony bodies; only from the side did they seem to have dimension. The flawless streamline of their silver beaks were only interrupted by a thick, pointy crest; lightning struck it like a lightning rod, absorbed by it's natural capacitance. They stood out against the storm clouds; red splashes against the soggy gray.

One of them glided towards a swaying tree, intending to rest a moment to catch its breath. Beyond that tree lay Deeper Felarya, one of the most dangerous regions; even the thick trees below it were drenched mercilessly. Blue sparks trailed behind from its beak: a blue comet with a red core. The electricity leaped in intermittent arcs, bathing the beak in a blue corona. No sooner than having dived through a gap in the leaves that it happened; its short neck jerked back slightly as it landed into the callused, soil caked hands of its assailant. A blow dart was lodged in its neck, the poisoned tip instantaneously killing it.

The hunter was a human, approximately six feet tall with a chiseled physique and a military issue backpack on his back. Though aching, his jungle patterned BDU trousered legs hugged the branch for dear life as he griped the bamboo dart barrel in his teeth; he reached into his pocket deliberately for one all important tool; a light bulb. Placing the bulb's contact on the crest, it drew the stored electric potential, illuminating the hunter's face. His eyes lacked that instinctive, predatory quality found in nature; they were the steady, patient eyes of a trained killer. His face was caked with mud, his thick hair and beard strewn with dirt and twigs. When the light finally faded, he placed the bulb back in his pocket, and pressed a finger against his ear, triggering a radio.

“This is Private Mendel, calling the Anthill. Please respond.”

A female voice came over the airwaves.“This is the Anthill. What's your mission status? You went silent three weeks ago in the swamps; I thought you bought it!”

Finally, a grin appeared on the bearded face. His fiancé was the one who picked up! “Not a fucking chance, honey. Finally bagged me a 'seeker; I finished the “Good Doctor's” little scavenger hunt.”

“Yeah, fucking weirdo. Weren't there 'seekers in the swamps? You know, where you got those herbs and bark?”

“Yeah, but it's a dumb idea; killing them, I mean. Starts a goddamn chain reaction.”

“Good point. Smart move; that happened to the Miratan once, right?.”

“Yep. I'll tell you more when I get back; can't stay still forever. I'm but a few yards from a hatch, 200 feet above. Out.”



“If...when we get married...I want to leave this awful place.”

“You know as well as me, we can't; we're probably so whacked out...”

“Screw that! Who cares what some shrink says! SHE DOESN'T KNOW JACK SHIT!”

“C-calm down! You know as well as I do we wouldn't be able to hack it...not after this.”

“I DON'T GIVE A FUCKING DAMN! What about if we have kids?”

He was silent. He listened as she started to sob.

“Even if they're near as smart or strong as you, they'll be eaten for sure!”

“Shhh. It's okay...we'll leave, no matter what the shrink says! We'll have that Tuscan wedding; that house in the country. I promise.”

“Promise?” She sniffed.

“I promise. I love you. Over and out.”

He removed his finger, slowly crawling to the trunk, grabbing a vine. He released the hollow bamboo chute from his hands, letting it fall to the ground below. With the bird's neck in his mouth, he rappelled cautiously, looking all around. Abruptly, getting a bad feeling, he swung to a branch, squinting through the downpour. One of the 'branches' seemed to moved; sure enough, it reached for him. A girlish giggle above him: a dryad's face above him licked her forest-green lips in anticipation. As he looked up, she waved innocently.

“Hi there!”

Her head seemed level with his previous perch; she was watching him the whole time!

He instinctively twisted himself away, but her hand still got a hold of his filthy black shirt. As she pulled him up, he tore out of it, falling against a barrage of branches to the ground below like a rag doll. As he hit the ground, his whole chest slashed and bruised, he jerked himself upright, and dashed madly on his broken legs; so full of adrenaline, he barely noticed the jagged bits of bone poking through his legs. Every broken rib felt like knives against his lungs; that heavy pack straining his battered spine. These distant sensations were secondary to his headlong drive towards a thorny bush, concealing a hatch; his last hope.

Mendel dived through, screaming as the left leg bone jutted through his aching flesh. He radioed in, banging on the metal dome.


“Gotcha! Mmm, you're a strong one...lotsa protein!”

He didn't respond, pulling back with all his might; his struggles were amusingly feeble in her grasp, but she humored him with a little tug of war 'game'. He thought for the briefest moment he has free; then another tug. Then it hit him: he wasn't gonna make it. The hatch opened, the last person he wanted to see this emerged; Ema, his fiancé. He held for dear life, trying to hold back whimpers of pain and defeat.

“S-sorry Ema...I-I'm sorry.”

“No! You're not fucking giving up on me! You're tougher than this!”

The endorphins were already clouding his system, no longer feeling anything; he no longer had any desire to resist the inevitable. Nonetheless, he pulled forward; he could hear one of his legs rip off.

“Ema, don't bullshit this; even if you manage to get me down there, I've probably lost too much blood; not even that 'doctor' could save me. And...its better that one die than two. Please,” He managed to dislodge the backpack from his shoulders, and tossed the bird down the shaft. “Get these to the bastard; I accomplished my mission. And take this; to remember me.” He handed her his only identification; his dog tag.

She was still, her cerulean eyes welling up with tears. “GODAMMIT, HONEY! JUST GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!”

With almost perfect timing, the dryad tiring of this little game, Private David Mandel was snatched away out of her sight. Ema closed the hatch, streaming with tears. As the dryad popped the barely conscious soldier into her mouth, she briefly savored him before swallowing; a round bulge passed down her throat, disappearing into her body. She then looked at her hand, smeared with his blood.

“Hmph. Not exactly the cleanest meal I've had. But...” She burped politely. “still a nice one; strange, I never noticed that hatch there before...”

And the sky, still raining in a torrent, watched silently; followed by its thundering applause.

****Author's Note****
Not the best beginning, I haven't really undertook fiction on this scale before. But, in any case, I will soon write the real 'Chapter One' which will provide something more substantial. Until then...take care of yourselves; Felarya doesn't take kindly to those caught unawares.
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Master cartographer
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Siafu789's Story Thread (Old Prologue up, Affairs of Ants) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Siafu789's Story Thread (Old Prologue up, Affairs of Ants)   Siafu789's Story Thread (Old Prologue up, Affairs of Ants) Icon_minitimeFri May 16, 2008 2:59 pm

Interesting begining Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Siafu789's Story Thread (Old Prologue up, Affairs of Ants)   Siafu789's Story Thread (Old Prologue up, Affairs of Ants) Icon_minitime

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