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 New parasidic race. what are the thoughts

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Tasty morsel

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Join date : 2008-08-27

New parasidic race. what are the thoughts Empty
PostSubject: New parasidic race. what are the thoughts   New parasidic race. what are the thoughts Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2009 8:09 pm


A parasitic being that feeds off of a living entity’s life-force, these parasites can live for hundreds of years determining how sick they get of life or of their moral choices. All promifodites need some form of live to feed off of to live, though they do not necessarily need a intelligent life to feast off of. There are 2 kinds of promifodites, the male and females, yes their sexes. But what makes the two different is not that they need each other to make life but the fact that the male of the species has to have constant life around him to feed. The females however need to feed off of a full lifespan of an entity only once every 10 years or if they chose parts of a lifespan over a number of years being sure to not die off. The other major difference is that females have no actual form; the form they chose to take purely depends on the life-force they chose to absorb. The thing being that if the female promifodites want to be social creatures they would have to absorb a being that is in felarya that can move about. The thing about males that is troublesome to them is that they have to take a full life, not necessarily through eating but could be through contact if they wish. The fact is that there are no living promifodites recorded to be living at this time. The reason this is because they could either be in the shape of someone you care deeply about or a tree. Its hard to say. Another thing about males is that they do have an absolute form, yet can mold it to nearly be anything they chose. The only things they can't try to be is females, the only reason for this is that their bodies can't mold into having breasts, tits or anything to that effect so they aren’t able to mimic a female even if they wanted. Promifodites are not known to be isolated to one place, and the only reason that we know of their existence is form dead promifodites.

Most promifodites enjoy moist climates and average to cold locations. Nobody is truly sure why this is, maybe it has to do with a fear of melting.

The one thing that scares a promifodites is the fear of killing a friend or family member on contact, for most promifodites absorb through contact because of being imparsal to Vore.
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