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 Mond-Myriad River

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Mara's snack

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myriad - Mond-Myriad River Empty
PostSubject: Mond-Myriad River   myriad - Mond-Myriad River Icon_minitimeFri Nov 27, 2009 3:18 pm

Mond-Myriad River:

threat level: low.

This is the river that runs along the edge of negav, acting as a large moat in the front. there are a lot of reeds and plants along the edges of the river, which can sometimes hide small critters. Even though its a low danger level near Negav, it is more dangerous along the southern edge that stretches all the way down past the marshes.

This river is interesting because it contains at one part, a small under-water channel that connects the river on the other side of the ascarlin mountains to this river. At the bottom of the river there is a long thin crevice that is hard to get through unless done so by a smaller creature. There is a gaping hole in the crevice, making a trench that leads to a massive undersea bubble which is said to contain creatures that are incredibly dangerous.

No one has ever traveled down below there. It is referred to as the Nedden Myriad Zone. (description of it is pending, unless someone has an epic idea for it)
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myriad - Mond-Myriad River Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mond-Myriad River   myriad - Mond-Myriad River Icon_minitimeFri Nov 27, 2009 6:37 pm

Archmage_Bael wrote:
Mond-Myriad River:

threat level: low.

This is the river that runs along the edge of negav, acting as a large moat in the front. there are a lot of reeds and plants along the edges of the river, which can sometimes hide small critters. Even though its a low danger level near Negav, it is more dangerous along the southern edge that stretches all the way down past the marshes.

This river is interesting because it contains at one part, a small under-water channel that connects the river on the other side of the ascarlin mountains to this river. At the bottom of the river there is a long thin crevice that is hard to get through unless done so by a smaller creature. There is a gaping hole in the crevice, making a trench that leads to a massive undersea bubble which is said to contain creatures that are incredibly dangerous.

No one has ever traveled down below there. It is referred to as the Nedden Myriad Zone. (description of it is pending, unless someone has an epic idea for it)

Hmmmm, I'm afraid that I don't see why there would be creatures contained in a bubble underground, connected only by a thin crevice. Also, under where is this bubble located? Your phrasing is kinda ambiguous, at least to me, especially when you talk about the "undersea" bubble, when there is no sea or ocean anywhere nearby.. (There are also could be water-flow problems if you connect two rivers like that, but we could probably hand-wave it away with some reasonable sounding explanation.)

I do have a suggestion on how to fix most of this though. Here is my suggestion:
"Mond-Myriad River
Threat level: Low

This is the river that surrounds Nergav on it's west, north, and east sides, acting as a large moat. The river edge is cluttered with reeds and plants, favorite hiding places of small critters. The river gets more and more dangerous the closer it gets to the Great Marshes.

As the river passes close to the Ascarlin mountains many small caves, often half-filled with silt and rocks, connect to it. If you were brave enough to explore them, you would find that they connect to many of the tunnels and caves found in the deeper parts of the Ascarlin mountains... and water in those caves is just as infested with strange, dangerous, and hungry creatures as are the dry caves. If you were lucky enough to survive, eventually you would find the caves connect to the Lake Of Illusions."

I think this is better because it doesn't require a new zone, but instead ties the caves into a zone that already exists and is full of dangerous creatures. The reason I had the caves connect to the lake instead of the river is because the lake is deeper, so there is more room for caves to be hidden from sight... although if the caves were near the surface of the lake, and the height difference between the Lake of Illusions and the river near Negav isn't that large, then there shouldn't be a strong current through those caves.
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Mara's snack

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myriad - Mond-Myriad River Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mond-Myriad River   myriad - Mond-Myriad River Icon_minitimeFri Nov 27, 2009 7:18 pm

no, i specifically want a thin crevice to line the bottom of the river, but near the great marshes, the crevice is large at some point, leading to a massive sea underneath.
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myriad - Mond-Myriad River Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mond-Myriad River   myriad - Mond-Myriad River Icon_minitimeFri Nov 27, 2009 7:24 pm

Archmage_Bael wrote:
no, i specifically want a thin crevice to line the bottom of the river, but near the great marshes, the crevice is large at some point, leading to a massive sea underneath.

Oldman's suggestion makes a lot of sense. I'm not really understanding what you're getting at though, with the 'massive sea underneath' and whatnot.
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Mara's snack

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myriad - Mond-Myriad River Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mond-Myriad River   myriad - Mond-Myriad River Icon_minitimeFri Nov 27, 2009 7:34 pm

"Mond-Myriad River
Threat level: Low

This is the river that surrounds Nergav on it's west, north, and east sides, acting as a large moat. The river edge is cluttered with reeds and plants, favorite hiding places of small critters. The river gets more and more dangerous the closer it gets to the Great Marshes.

As the river passes close to the Ascarlin mountains many small caves, often half-filled with silt and rocks, connect to it. If you were brave enough to explore them, you would find that they connect to many of the tunnels and caves found in the deeper parts of the Ascarlin mountains... and water in those caves is just as infested with strange, dangerous, and hungry creatures as are the dry caves. If you were lucky enough to survive, eventually you would find the caves connect to the Lake Of Illusions."

On the other side of negav, there is a long thin crevice running along the base of the river all the way too the Great Marshes. If you travel deep enough you can find a gap linking the river to a massive underground sea with incredibly dangerous creatures that love to lurk in the deep. There are rumours about it, but no one has ever returned from this "Nedden Myriad" zone.

I still prefer it like that.

It's just a massive sea thats hidden underneath the river, protected by an incredibly thick wall of stone. in a 5 second drawing on MS pain, this is kind of how i imagine it to look (roughly):

myriad - Mond-Myriad River Side_v10
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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myriad - Mond-Myriad River Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mond-Myriad River   myriad - Mond-Myriad River Icon_minitimeFri Nov 27, 2009 10:42 pm

I just don't know if an underground sea would work on the mainland, especially under an area like the Negav area. It would make the ground less stable, and less suitable for city building. Now, something like this would be really cool out in the ocean. Steve Alten had a similar concept in his novel "Meg: Hell's Aquarium"...an ancient sea beneath the ocean, seperated by rock besides a couple openings, where creatures long thought extinct could still live.

I just don't know if it would work well on the mainland.

A while back I proposed the idea for a tunnel and cave network that would criss-cross the continent, connecting various bodies of water. I think that would be more plausible, and the relatively small tunnels, at the depths they go to, would not severely weaken the surface.

Here's the thread, if anyone is interested.

-----> https://felarya.forumotion.com/new-ideas-f2/underwater-caves-and-passageways-t773.htm?
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Mara's snack

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myriad - Mond-Myriad River Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mond-Myriad River   myriad - Mond-Myriad River Icon_minitimeSat Nov 28, 2009 12:22 am

well the area where I thought the passage would be is quite far from negav.

myriad - Mond-Myriad River Locati10

thats around the area i had in mind, and if the sea goes east, then it wont conflict with the stability of the ground near negav.

would that work?
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Evil admin
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myriad - Mond-Myriad River Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mond-Myriad River   myriad - Mond-Myriad River Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 12:03 pm

I also think that having an underground sea may be a bit too big of a change ^^;
But I like the idea of the crevice going into a underground network of sort, like Oldman suggested Smile
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Mara's snack

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myriad - Mond-Myriad River Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mond-Myriad River   myriad - Mond-Myriad River Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 4:08 pm

sure karbo, but i definately want SOMETHING under there >_<
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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myriad - Mond-Myriad River Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mond-Myriad River   myriad - Mond-Myriad River Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 11:53 pm

Yhea the cthonic horrors that could fit in a place like that would be great, but it would probably be like under the "core" in Star Wars ep 1.
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Evil admin
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myriad - Mond-Myriad River Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mond-Myriad River   myriad - Mond-Myriad River Icon_minitimeSun Dec 13, 2009 2:26 am

Well I imagine there is two rivers actually. They take source from the Chanossa mangrove, and from there, one go to the east toward the swamps, and the other to the west, toward Negav.
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Mara's snack

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myriad - Mond-Myriad River Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mond-Myriad River   myriad - Mond-Myriad River Icon_minitimeSun Dec 13, 2009 4:36 pm

i can think of a few interesting plants that would grow down there too. as the network gets deeper, there would be more interesting plant life, some that even the larger preds would have to look out for...
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myriad - Mond-Myriad River Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mond-Myriad River   myriad - Mond-Myriad River Icon_minitime

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