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 Joseph Stranger and Co.

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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Joseph Stranger and Co.   Joseph Stranger and Co. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 30, 2009 1:15 am

Well I'm having a bit of writer's block exacerbated by the fact that I am also very busy with school at the moment

So I decided to write up a quick bio for Joseph as well as a quick picture. I apologize in advance for my crime against art.

Joseph Stranger and Co. Sc005e12

Name: Joseph Stranger
Species: Werewarg
Sex: Male
Age: ???
Height: 6 Feet
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown

Joseph Stranger looks like a relatively ordinary man, the features that hint at his inhuman nature are his abnormally large canines, and the claws that often appear on his hands and feet. In truth however, Joseph is far from an ordinary man. He is much stronger, tougher, and faster than someone his size has a right to be, thanks to his extremely dense bone structure. In addition his senses are extremely sharp, particularly his sense of smell. If the wind is right he can smell potential predators and prey for miles around. But the most inhuman thing about Joseph is his all consuming hunger, and he is often known to eat up to three times his own weight daily. This causes him to scramble for food constantly, forcing him to risk his life in the Felaryan wilderness in order to keep himself fed.

And when he doesn't keep himself fed...

The Warg:

When Joseph's hunger consumes him, he transforms into the Warg, a giant, black, wolflike creature. It stands roughly 60 feet tall at the shoulder, is about 145 feet from the tip of his snout to the end of his tail, and is extremely stout. Much like Joseph, its bone and muscle are extremely dense, making it extremely strong. Where Joseph is always hungry, the Warg is outright maddened by its hunger, and it will eat anything, even Joseph's friends, so long as their made from meat. Eventually, when the Warg satiates its hunger, it becomes Joseph again. Sadly for Joseph, he can remember everything that the
Warg did, even though he'd rather not.

There is something odd, and otherworldly about the Werewarg, it never seems to be quite there, and if often seems to drain the very atmosphere of ambient energy, including magic. Because of this the Warg causes temperatures to drop around it, and has been known to actually consume any magic assault brought to bear against. It is not without its weaknesses however, and Joseph has a suspicions as to what those might be...


Little is known about Joseph's background other then at around a century ago he appeared in Negav, pedaling rare hides from various Felaryan beasts, which are worth quite a bit in other worlds. His renown as a great hunter grew and soon he found himself pursuing a different kind of prey as a bounty hunter. Again he excelled at his task, rising to the top of his field. His record is outstanding, having brought back numerous treasures, having killed many bandits and other criminals, and even taken down some predators under mysterious circumstances.

And then around fifty years ago Joseph just disappeared. No more bounties, not more furs, nothing. Only vague rumors have reached Negav about a man dressed in furs roaming the Felaryan wilderness. What he's up to now is anyone's guess.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Joseph Stranger and Co.   Joseph Stranger and Co. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 30, 2009 7:03 am

When I saw that picture, I pissed myself then laughed at how my brother might react to it.
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PostSubject: Re: Joseph Stranger and Co.   Joseph Stranger and Co. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 30, 2009 7:09 am

The picture isn't that good, but the dude seems like a pretty cool guy, he turns into a warg and doesn't afraid of anything.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Re: Joseph Stranger and Co.   Joseph Stranger and Co. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 30, 2009 2:44 pm

Stabs wrote:
The picture isn't that good, but the dude seems like a pretty cool guy, he turns into a warg and doesn't afraid of anything.

Well I did warn you before hand about the picture.

I have no artistic talent... Sad
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Joseph Stranger and Co. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joseph Stranger and Co.   Joseph Stranger and Co. Icon_minitimeTue Dec 01, 2009 5:39 am

Neither do I. There's a way around it, though... you interested? It'll only take your soul.
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PostSubject: Re: Joseph Stranger and Co.   Joseph Stranger and Co. Icon_minitime

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