Basically, I have this idea for a religion:
The Circle of Gaia is a religion practiced mainly by dryads, but there are some fairies, humans, nekos, and even tinies that practice it as well. Rather than worshiping a specific god, practitioners of the Circle of Gaia worship Felarya itself. They believe that Felarya is a unifying force that joins all worlds together and acts a way of overcoming barriers between different worlds, a belief supported by the realm's ability to connect to others.
Instead of a specific afterlife, the Circle of Gaia believes in a cycle of reincarnation that gives the religion its name. People who are virtuous will be reincarnated as higher life forms, usually meaning higher in the food chain, while evil people will end up as a lower form of life. Angels have arranged for this reincarnation to happen as long as the practitioners of the religion continue to hold their beliefs, as the lack of a particular afterlife for them in heaven presents some problems.
The religion is especially common in more compassionate predators, as belief in reincarnation helps justify their diet, and those lower in the food chain may find the idea of being reincarnated as something less likely to get eaten appealing as well.