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 Fish's (Established) Character Bios

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PostSubject: Fish's (Established) Character Bios   Fish's (Established) Character Bios Icon_minitimeMon Dec 21, 2009 1:02 pm

Yay, thread for my stuffs. For now I'm just posting this one- it's the only bio of Monty that I'm satisfied with, revised for the upteenth time. When I'm happy with any of my other character bios I'll post them in this thread as well.

Warning: It's like, long. ._.


Name: Monty
Species: Giant Naga
Age: 58
Size: 80 ft from head to ground
Hair: Shaggy and dark brown
Eyes: Brown
Scales: Light brown with darker blotches, grey underbelly scales.
Skin color: Tan
Other characteristics: Toned physique


Monty hatched to the care of his parents around northern Chidokai forest. They were both known as terribly dangerous predators to the local neko tribes. His father was feared by nearly all the denizens around, as he saw even other giants as potential food.

As a hatchling Monty lived with them for a fairly short time. He learned to speak, and very generally the basics of hunting and survival. His father left early in his life for new territory, and afterwards his mother vanished without a clue while he was sleeping. He was left to his own devices to survive in the jungle. For several years he used the 'forest of many hiding places' to the advantage of keeping out of the way of trouble, growing steadily as he had relative success hunting. He'd always go after large prey instead of small- this gluttonous diet attributed to his quick growth.

It was in his childhood that he met the slightly older dridder Nerezza, and promptly began their relationship on a sour note by shamelessly stealing and eating some prey she'd caught and stored in her web. Obviously she didn't take kindly to this and drove him off. From then on their relation consisted mostly of back-and-forth revenge schemes, jabs and pranks, though it never escalated 'too' far. Around this time, Monty met Nerezza's slug-girl friend Ariol.

When Monty was approaching a dozen feet tall, he began to become bolder in his hunting, attempting to prey on humans and nekos, sometimes succeeding. Fearful that he'd grow to be an even deadlier giant predator like his parents had been, some neko locals wanted to nip the problem in the bud if possible. Most had assumed that he'd been killed off already by happenstance as the parents had disappeared, and believed it was plain bad luck he'd survived to the point where he could prey on them.

The problem very nearly was solved on its own shortly after, as a lack of attention led the naive hunter to fall into the trap of a giant dridder. He was already being slurped up when an interruption occurred- he found himself spat back out, with flames and smoke swirling around, the dridder that almost ate him having been driven off. Locating a lone neko nearby, he approached and attempted to eat him. The confrontation ceased when the two took an unexpected great fall. As both were unable to continue their bout, the neko attempted to converse with the naga. Monty learned the neko's name was Khal Dehr, and that he was responsible for him still being alive, if not what his true intentions were.

Khal showed Monty a certain amount of respect by not attacking him while he was vulnerable, and impressed him with his cool, collected demeanor and a showy flex of magic muscle. Wishing to alter the situation for his own purpose, Khal made an offer to the young naga to travel with him and learn valuable things. Impressioniable, Monty agreed to the stranger's proposal and soon he was accompanying what he'd thought of previously as only a prey creature, far away from where he'd known as home.

The neko's influence eventually changed the way Monty saw many things, including humanoids. He was encouraged to hunt large prey, but was kept focused on hunting animals instead of sentient things. Other factors were introduced to encourage this. He was taught how to utilize tools and simple machines, and saw much more of the world than he ever could have in his native forest. He seemed to have an impact on the neko in return, as the goals changed from tackling humanoid predator nuisances, to fauna which threatened various tribes and coincided with the lessons he was teaching Monty.

For years Monty traveled with the neko, until he eventually returned to the Chidokai forest as a mid-sized giant. The locals, upon recognizing him after all the time that had passed, were again fearful that he would predate on them, but soon it was evident that he was quite different than before. Curiously he now ignored them as prey in lieu of the many creatures inhabiting the forest- regardless, as a previously ravenous man-eater, they would always be wary of him. To the dridder that he used to steal prey from for an easy meal, he didn't change so much. He went right back to snatching her food, except perhaps more annoyingly, as it was more likely he'd actually let it go than to eat it if it was a humanoid. Subsequently out of such pranks which saved lives, that he'd have a good word spread of him, and thus developed a fairly good reputation among the smaller races of the area. Other giants would tend to see him as a softie, or just a weirdo that wastes perfectly good food.


Monty has a mellow demeanor. He's honest, direct and doesn't go looking for confrontations. He's known to have a mischievous streak though, especially with Nerezza and those that minorly annoy him. He finds that a simple prank on someone unsuspecting can be very amusing, though doesn't aim to harm with them.

He's compulsory about a few things. For one, he has a nagging feeling about things that are in peril. Passing by a web with humans stuck in it or a pit trap, his consciousness would egg him to take a moment to let them go instead of leaving them to their fate. If such an action were seen by such unfortunates for granted though, he'd be much less keen on doing so. He believes that after a point, it's compeletely your own fault whether you can survive on your own or not, and if he starts to see you in such a light, his attitude towards you would become apathetic.

He's difficult to work up to anger, but intentionally inflicting pain on something is a way to have him fired up in a short amount of time. The action of seeing prey being caught and immediately eaten whole is something that doesn't bother him so much. Seeing a predator torture their prey on purpose however, would have him reacting before he thinks about it. In addition he frowns on seeing predators tease their prey, and strongly believes against playing with your food. He doesn't like to see predators trap their prey alive, because it prolongs their struggling and fear- and with such a bountiful forest, that there isn't much of an excuse for not just finding food when you're hungry.

While some situations call for being sneaky, such as difficult prey animals, he believes in taking a direct approach to most things and in fair chances. He prefers a hunt to pose a challenge.

Monty's stance towards most smaller beings he comes across, such as a human, is that he'd expect you to try to avoid him unless you're already on good terms with him. He wouldn't think it too highly of you to be bold enough to approach him fearlessly and act as if he was harmless.

Feeding habits:

Monty sees most sentient things as people- his early experience with nearly becoming prey and subsequent lessons from Khal hammered into his psyche how things are from that point of view. It's difficult for him to push such completely out of mind as he's become rather sensitive to it. So long as he has access to enough animal prey to subsist on without eating other humanoids, he'll avoid doing so. If he has no choice and eating them alive nags at him, he might choose to kill them first.

Mostly small to medium-sized animals, such as muris and arboreal frogs, comprise the bulk of his diet. He enjoys comparably large prey, and will down most animals alive and whole. He likes the feeling of a full stomach of fresh food like most other predators. As his main stomach is in his tail, this means he'll sooner go for a creature such as a glouteux, over a smaller creature available. He has no problem eating fruits to supplement his diet and enjoys citroise especially.

Since being near his current stature, he's had some tries at capturing kensha beast pups to eat, and in the cases that he's succeeded, has found them to be one of the tastiest things he's eaten. While hunting the young of these well-armed and fearsome creatures, he can execute surprisingly well-thought-out strategies.

Perhaps most perplixingly about his views towards eating humanoids, is that he wouldn't have any qualms with eating a dead body he'd come across. He just wouldn't understand the logic of disposing of someone that's dead any other way, and would see a human that died in an accident by falling from a branch as a perfectly valid meal, despite that other humans might really disagree (If they weren't running away seeing the naga that wasn't supposed to eat humans, eating a human).


His relation with Nerezza is somewhat of a rivalry. They don't hate one another, but it seems they'd rather spend their efforts harassing each other than making amends.

He doesn't come across Ariol as often, but unlike her dridder friend, she makes an attempt to be nice to him. He likes her well enough, and on occasions has brought her food from the upper forest such as citroise.

He sees Khal Dehr as something of a father figure. He respects the neko, and values his knowledge and insight. He would gladly help if requested, and knows he could rely on the neko as well. He holds a minor grudge against him though, knowing full well that the way his conscience was tampered with when he was young was engineered for the neko's own means. He's also wizened to the fact that Khal manipulates, and is probably one of the few people that take this into account when dealing with him.

Monty has a daughter, Tuulikki. Her sudden arrival into his life activated a strongly protective parental side and he worries over her a lot. Anything that threatens her immediately invokes him to take action, and he'd go beyond his normal moral boundaries for the sake of her safety.

He tends to get along with other giants that show fairness in how they hunt, as many sphinxes exhibit. Sometimes he'll make deals with tribes and villages to deal with creatures that trouble them, in an exchange for something appealing.

Powers and abilities:

Monty completely lacks the magic-sensing predator sense that other nagas may develop, and he doesn't show much progression with developing his elemental affinity yet. He has a good feel for sensing vibrations, and can swim fairly well. Monty is quite strong, his coils especially being very powerful, and he has pretty precise control over it. He can produce a fearsome roar, which he'd do if enraged or to scare off smaller beings or animals he doesn't want around.


More to come later and stuff
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Evil admin
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Fish's (Established) Character Bios Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fish's (Established) Character Bios   Fish's (Established) Character Bios Icon_minitimeWed Jan 27, 2010 1:47 am

it's a nice and detailled bio Smile
I plan to work more on male characters so this is welcome. But.. well it's a bit long though. I hope you don't mind me cutting parts here and there. ^^;
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PostSubject: Re: Fish's (Established) Character Bios   Fish's (Established) Character Bios Icon_minitimeWed Jan 27, 2010 2:17 am

Karbo wrote:
it's a nice and detailled bio Smile
I plan to work more on male characters so this is welcome. But.. well it's a bit long though. I hope you don't mind me cutting parts here and there. ^^;

Ah, thanks.

Longish it is, so I figured as much. >>
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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PostSubject: Re: Fish's (Established) Character Bios   Fish's (Established) Character Bios Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 3:09 am

I finished it. Please tell me what you think of it ^^
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Fish's (Established) Character Bios Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fish's (Established) Character Bios   Fish's (Established) Character Bios Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 10:44 am

Karbo wrote:
I finished it. Please tell me what you think of it ^^

Sweeeeet. Looks good to me. Very Happy

I am bad at summarization. D:
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PostSubject: Re: Fish's (Established) Character Bios   Fish's (Established) Character Bios Icon_minitime

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