(Made from real nightmares! Yay! It was a pretty trippy nightmare, though. Peter Petrelli was on top of a skyscraper, surrounded by disembodied, floating elephant heads the size of skyscrapers... so I realized I wasn't watching Heroes anymore.)
(So if you're afraid of floating heads like I am... and afraid of completely relentless predators... those things will scare your pants off)
Size: 120 feet
Threat: High
Area: Deeper Felarya
Normogus are, put simply, weird-looking. Each of them looks like a floating, disembodied, emaciated elephant's head with bloated eyes. Normogus are a threat to both larger predators and man-sized creatures: they can dislodge their maws to swallow giant predators alive, but they prefer to suck man-sized creatures with their trunk. They usually have no stomach, being only disembodied heads, but when they have grabbed something, they secrete a layer of mucus around it, and the mucus then hardens and reddens into a makeshift, completely airtight stomach with no way out. The creepy thing is that the stomach can form anywhere on their insides, even in the middle of its trunk, in their palate, or on their eyes, creating odd-shaped lumps anywhere in its body that peek under their rough, coarse skin, which is immune to magic and regenerates...
This is not the creepiest thing about a Normogus, by far. Neither is it the trumpeting sound they can produce; the creepiest thing is that if anything meets their gaze, their eyes bloat out of their sockets, bleach, and they start MOANING, rushing towards the offender and trying to eat it to the exclusion of any other activities. Teleportation won't foil it; they've been seen rushing out of Deeper Felarya, and going anywhere trying to look for prey that's foiled it. They also slowly acellerate over time, becoming lightning-fast if foiled long enough. Every time someone teleports away from them, it buys them less and less time! Witnesses have claimed the moan is high-pitched, blood-curdling, beyond mere scariness... and sounds roughly like "I LOVE YOU!".
Sages have theoretized this is intentional on the Normogus' part, since it understands speech and wants its prey to be as creeped out as possible. No one knows how they reproduce, but everyone agrees it can't be a pretty sight.