Felarya's soil has a section on the front page, and we all know pretty much what it is helpful for, but some things aren't so clear about it.
We have already listed:
- Cures all diseases
-Revitalizes living beings
-Stops aging (at prime, halts further aging if past physical prime)
- Dying from illness
-Non-lethal wounds completely heal in weeks or days
-Accentuated growth
I think for one, the 'cures all diseases' needs to be elaborated on. There are many kinds of diseases. Cardiovascular or nerve-damaging disease, yeah, I could see that healing up grouped in with 'wounds and stuff'. An inherited genetic 'disease', or disorder, shouldn't go away because it's part of the organism's natural growth. And to muddle even more, what about cancers? Those are malignant growths of the creature's own cells. What if the soil actually caused cancer to become worse by causing it to grow faster? That could be one of the 'drawbacks to these effects' the wiki mentions.
Illnesses now. That covers a lot too. You're not going to get sick from the cold or the flu, so how about just going with the explanation of "Acts as a greatly boosting supplement to an organism's own immune system- it is practically impossible for microbes such as bacteria and viruses to cause infection of living tissue."
We already know microbes such as bacteria have to exist to decompose things, make alcohol (yeast fermentation), and there are plants used to help with bad breath (which bacteria causes, not so much an infection in that regard) so that should just about work fine eh? I believe that's about how Cliff explained it to me, and it seemed quite logical.
To add:
"While the soil can help guard against some types of harmful things, there are those it cannot. Among these are parasitic and fungal infections, poisons, curses*, hexes, and morning breath."
*Magical vampires don't get to blame the soil for their trouble of recruiting.
Some people weren't sure if poisons worked. Might as well deserve a mention.
I can't really think of why no one would have to worry about parasites in the water, and so boiling it would be smart like any other place. There's like, giant nematodes and dryad gut worms, so that seems to be a viable environmental threat that could get around the illness-preventing soil. That's if the protection is in the form of a supplement to the immune system as I mentioned above; parasites tend to be unaffected entirely by immune systems.
Another thought on that: I think healers could be using some rather comparably dangerous cures, such as poisons to get rid of parasites (as the damage left from non-lethal poison could likely heal up quickly).
So far, am I really off about anything?