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 Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave

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Raetsu Lord Pichu
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Raetsu Lord Pichu
Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle
Raetsu Lord Pichu

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Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Empty
PostSubject: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeWed Feb 03, 2010 11:23 pm

It's been awhile since I've been here hasn't it?

Either way, I decided to give this a shot, being I've been in a RPG mood as of late (given my binge on Seiken Denetsu 3 and such), this RP is something I've been toying with for a while now, being it *actually* incorperates leveling/grinding, which means you're characters will be able to Level Up in this RP. As your character continues to level they will gain new abilities, and will even be able to class change once they reach a certain level.

-Basic Information-

Keep in mind gaining levels requires you to fight in battles and WIN them (not run away), you must gain 100 Exp to level up at your first class, when you reach your second you will need 200 Exp to level up, and upon your final class change you will need to fight in 400 Exp to level up. Experience Points are calculated by means of the monster's size. This means that the larger the opponent, the larger the experience pay out will be once you manage to defeat them. As you may have guessed, defeating the things that reside in Felarya is not easy, at least not when you're alone, so if you plan to shoot big it's best to group up and aim for the target you want, especially if you're at a low level.

Monsters are pretty much the various Fauna of Felarya.

The level of the Fauna you encounter is calculated by their threat level. The higher the threat the high their level is, respectively this adds to the amount of experience you get from trying to defeat them. Which simply means that, if you run you gain a few Experience for trying, note that not ALL monsters give out extra experience (or EX EXP) as I'll list below...

Minimal = Lv. 1 -> Lv. 4
Very Low = Lv.5 -> Lv. 9
Low = Lv. 10 -> Lv. 19
Moderate = Lv. 20 -> Lv. 35
Medium = Lv. 36 -> Lv. 49 (Issues 10 EX EXP)
High = Lv. 50 -> Lv. 60 (Issues 30 EX EXP)
Very High = Lv. 70 -> Lv. 79 (Issues 45 EX EXP)
Critical = Lv. 80 -> Lv. 99 (Issues 75 EX EXP)
Extreme = Lv. 100+ (Issues 160 EX EXP)

As said before, the amount of experience a monster pays out is the same to it's size. The extra points are not given to a unit unless they run away from the battle.

HP is vital, and while at first I didn't have one, I decided to try and add one. Normal units start with 300% HP (yes we're going by percents, kinda like in that Stamina Mode in Super Smash Bros. Melee/Brawl), larger units like giant nagas and what not have a higher, their HP count being increased by 30% per 10 feet. As you class change, you gain a boost in HP gaining 100 more HP by your 2nd class change and 200 more by your final one.

For example let's try calculating a River Mermaid's HP count?

300 (default HP)+ 70 (Her overall size) + 30 (bonus for larger units) = 400% HP Total

Monsters and enemy units don't gain the bonus for larger units. That said let's try and calculate the HP count of an average Kensha Beast...

300 (defeault HP)+ 29 (It's overall size) = 329% HP Total.

Now then, we have HP but what about damage and the like? Damage is calculated by the power class of the skill you use. Skills come in 4 power types; Weak, Medium, Strong, and Almighty. The stronger the skill you use the more damage you deal to the monster. The damage counter is as follows:

Weak = 1 -> 30 damage
Medium = 31 -> 50
Strong = 51 -> 299
Almighty = 300+

However, as you use more powerful skills you'll need more Mana to fuel them, Mana being your form of MP in this game, and when you run out you'll need to wait 4 turns for it to recharge again. Each unit starts out with no more than 15 Mana at the beginning of the game, while larger units have a bonus of 5 more (which gives them about 20 Mana). Weak skills consume 5 Mana, Medium skills consume 10, Strong skills consume 20 while Almighty skills consume a whopping 40 Mana. As you class change you will gain more Mana which not only raises the potential to learn more skills but to use them more often in combat.

Monster attack patterns are a bit more static and depend on their threat level, as I listed below.

Minimal -> Low = Weak skills wiil be used
Moderate -> Medium = Medium skills will be used
High -> Very High = Strong skills will be used
Critical -> Extreme = Almighty skills will be used

Respectively, this also shows how much Mana they have.

Minimal -> Low = 1 -> 15
Moderate -> Medium = 16 -> 45
High -> Very High = 46 -> 80
Critical -> Extreme = 81+

- Map and Dungeons -

We'll be going by the recent map made by Karbo, be sure to save a copy for yourself, being we'll be using it ALOT during this RP.

Felarya Map
Look to the Location links below to see gauge where monsters are and where you should and should not go.

Most of the locations are pretty much dungeons, save for the villages and settlements, be warned that not all dungeons are player friendly, places like Deeper Felarya have monsters that are obviously too much for a novice character. However, you don't have to go into these places alone. You can team up with other players and take on the tasks together. There isn't any real limit to how many folks you can have in your party, but if you go over 4 then try to find away to keep things organized when things get hectic. Otherwise, someone's going to get lost or confused. That said, once we actually start I'm going to create several threads, one for actual RPing, and another for character locations and other misc. data you may want to add.

However, I'm sure all of you are highly concearned about one thing and that is if predators like giant naga are playable as characters. Now, normally, I wouldn't allow it since this RPG was supposed to focus on characters who are 'normal' sized and depict them taking on impossible odds despite this. However, I'm being generous and will allow partakers to play as giant characters (since I'm sure half of your characters are the giant races of Felarya). However, there's a catch, since giant characters are able to easily take on the larger monsters, the experience is halved for them once they win. Basically when you defeat a monster subtract 25 from the grand total.

- Classes -
This is a class based RP, so you can expect to find a good number of them to choose from below. However, I'd like to note that each class is divided into 3 'Levels' each one being attained after you reach a certain level. I've compiled a list of skills

= Fighter/Lady Warrior: We all know what these guys do. So I won't explain too much about them aside from the fact that they use Swords pretty damn good. Go figure. Fighters are rather balanced both offensively and defensively and prove to do well in close combat but are generally weak to Magic. Lady Warriors are speedier than the males and can dodge more attacks than they can although they share the same weakness as their counterparts...

-Brigand/Imperial Freya(Lv.57)

= Strikers: You know those ass kicking, quick footed, thunder punching kung fu guys? Yeah that's what a Striker is essentially. They rely solely on their bodies as weapons, so they rarely use anything but their fists. Has the unique ability to control and manipulate Qi based Mana in battle. Strikers obviously like using their bare hands but they'll also pick up some Nunchaku, Claw weapons, Tonfas and even swords. As stated above, Strikers are the only ones who are capable of controlling and manipulating Qi which can have a variety of effects on the battle field from healing, to elemental attacks.

-God Hand(Lv.50)

= Beserker: Rage is their most prized weapon, the angrier they get the stronger they get. Probably best that they don't go to the DMV often. Berserkers love using heavy weapons to break their opponents; Axes, Pilebunkers, and Morningstars to name a few. Beserker's gain more power the more damage they takes, when they're weak watch out for their physical power skyrockets when their stats gets critcal...

-Primal Fighter(Start)
-Genocide Tyrant(Lv.58)

= Magician: These guys are all about magic obviously. While they do not have much potential in physical combat, their magical prowess is astounding and certainly a force to be recognized. A magician's Elemental Affinity defines what type of magic he or she will most often use, if they are strong to a certain element then the spell of the same element stronger, vice versa for their weakness. Magicians have a heightened prowess in magic and cast more powerful spells than any other class (damage increased by 10 and doubles as they class change).

Arch-Magus/Uber Witch(Lv.50)

= Healer: Every RP needs a Healer, these guys make for a well balanced support unit. Healers are natrually resistant to magic and elemental attacks, so they take less damage from them in battle.


= Shaman: Another branch of healers, these guys however don't rely on the powers of God to guide them for they rely on spirits and ghosts to do their bidding. Shamanism usually requires the user to be able to communicate with the spirits in order to fully access their supernatrual powers, as such this class is usually exclusive to those born with the power of spiritual communication and awareness. Shaman do well in casting Debuffs and Ailment skills.

- Shaman(Start)
- Witch Doctor(Lv. 27)
- Dark Elder(Lv. 59)

= Beast Tamer: The animal lovers of the RP. Beast Tamers...pretty much do what their name says. Beast Tamers are the only class capable of 'Taming' a monster unit. Although this is only possible if the Beast Tamer in question is a higher level than the monster and is able to subdue the creature.

-Animal Leader(Start)
-Yajuu Matser/Mistress(Lv.20)
-Beast Savior(Lv.50)

= Theif: You like stealing other folks' stuff? Then climb aboard in this class. Stealing things from opponents is far more easy when one is a theif, that said they are also fairly quick and hard to catch.

-Phantom Theif(Lv.50)

= Samurai: A speedier, and much more strict version of the Warrior class. Samurai follow the code of Bushido and take years perfecting their skill and blade mastery. Some are said to be so skilled with a blade that they can even cut things that are harder than stone. While not aas strong as Warriors, Samurai are way faster than them, they're calmness in battle is greatest when they are near death...at which point they will deal critical blows to the opponents vital areas allowing for near fatal attacks.

-Tenjin Musho(Lv.60)

= Ninja: Seriously do not fuck with them in a dark alley...you will not win. These guys are all about evasion and stealth, that said the larger the opponent, the easier it is for them to evade their attacks.

-Genin (Start)
-Chuunin (Lv.29)
-Jounin (Lv.59)

= Archers: William Tell has nothin on this class. If you like sniping your foes from a high places then this class is for you. Archers need two things to make a decent, distance and accuracy, if an Archer is further away from his or her target upon firing then you can bet that the attack will hurt alot worse than if it were up close.

-Almanaic Sniper(Lv.20)
-Seraph Hunter(Lv.50)

= Gunslinger: *Insert Wild West cliche' here* Gunslingers are alot like Archers where in they rely on their eyes to fight. Although they are a bit tougher in body, Gunslingers are able to home in on the opponents weak point and fire a perfect shot into that area...provided they aren't moving when they do it.

-Bounty Hunter(Lv.20)

= Soilder: This class is alot like Gunners only these guys are able to drive tanks and the like. They also work very well in a group, rallying their comrades and focusing their combined power to form highly advanced strikes. For a Soldier...the higher your rank, the better you are with handling a group.

-War Hero(Lv.50)

=Mechanic: Folks who love to tinker and mess around with machinery do well in this class. Mechanics are invaluable when it comes to operating machinery and vehicles, that said they usually house a vast amount of supplies and tech to help them either fix machines or invent entirely new ones.

-Mecha Artisan(Lv.55)

= Outdoorsmen: Children of the forest, these guys are all about plants and nature. Dryads love these guys. Outdoorsmen call upon the natrual world of Felarya to help them, that said they strengthen allied units who are dryads or animals.

- Scout(Start)
- Ranger(Lv.20)
- Forest Lord(Lv.50)

= Character Sheet =

Name: (Self explanatory)
Age: (Self explanatory)
Gender: (Is your character Male or Female?)
Race: (What race are they? They can be a Felaryan Race or one you made up)
Class: (Select a class from above)
Elemental Affinity: (List what elements your character is strong or weak to; the elements are; Fire, Water, Ice, Earth, Nature, Wind, Lightning, Poison, Holy, and Dark)
-Strength: (What elements are your character strong to? No more than 3 please)
-Weakness: (What elements are they weak to? Add as many as you wish here. Your character can be neutral and have no strengths or weaknesses)
Weapons: (What weapons does your character have?)
Appearance: (What do they look like)
Personality: (What are they like around others)
Background: (Insert backstory here. No need for it to be long)

Other Information: (Anything else?)

Skill List: (List your skills below. Please scroll down and read the Skill List explanation for more info on how to create skills correctly)

=Skill List=
-Now then, skills work a bit differently than just plopping them down. In this you're going to be limited by how many skills you can have by something called Mana. At the start ALL characters have a default count of about 15 Mana. And that number will decrease as you put down skills. No need to worry, you can gain more Mana once you class change; 30 Mana for your first class and 60 for your final class change. Making skills is easy, just tell follow the template below:

Skill Name: (Name of the skill)
Type: (There are 3 types of skills; Melee, Magic and Support)
Power: (Is it Weak, Medium, Strong, or Almighty?)
Element: (Is there an Element attached to the skill? Name it here, there can only be ONE element attached to a skill.)
Range: (How many units does it effect. Max range = 6 units total.)
Description: (How does the skill work, what are it's strengths, weaknesses, limits? List them here.)

Now, please not that the skill's power depends on how much Mana it costs to make them; Weak Skills take up 5 Mana, Medium Skills take up 10 Mana, Strong Skills take up 20 Mana and lastly, Almighty Skills take up 40 Mana.


Now then do I have takers or what?

If you have questions, comments, or concearns then let me know.

Last edited by Raetsu Lord Pichu on Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:57 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeWed Feb 03, 2010 11:36 pm

I suggest extreme being more like lvl 94-100 or something, since that is a guardian-class level you may even want that to be purely 100.

one of my character's skills probably wont work because "channel life" (takes the life energy and recharges his mana, and since life energy is pretty much infinite unless severly wounded, it is a powerful back up. as you can imagine this is a pretty high level spell XD) won't work because (do you have an HP system? I might have skipped that, your entry is pretty long. XD)

also, I have a bio, should I still post all that info?
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valiant swordman
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Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 9:33 am

Name: Karian
Age: 8
Gender: Female
Race: Neko
Class: Witch
Elemental Affinity: Fire
-Strength: Fire and Water
-Weakness: Dark and wind
Weapons: A dagger with an oak handel and a blade made of Fire crysta
Personality: Karian is calm and cheerfull and can be quite responsible if need be of course she an be quite childish too at times.
Background: Karian is an orphan, she never knew her parents or her history she wanders felarya alone, trying to find a place to fit in, to call a home and is developing a control over fire, but she is quite inexperianced and tends to make mistakes often.
Other Information: For this rp Karian is not mute

HP 100%

Skill List:

Skill Name: Fire Blast
Type: Magic
Power: Medium
Element: Fire
Range: 3
Description: It casts a ball of fire at the nearest enemy it is weak against water atacks, it is strong against earth and ice

(I hope I did everything correctly in this if not just tell me where I went wrong)

Last edited by Plant_Girl_23 on Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 10:19 am

Name: Fulmina
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Class: Thief (Scout)
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
-Strength: Lightning, Dark
-Weakness: Earth

HP - 300%

Weapon: Spatha (Sword)

Personality: Fulmina is brash, arrogant and focused. However, she is incredibly smart and cunning, with a wide knowledge of the wilds.

Background: Fulmina was born among the Storm Elves of Elifga Valley. She was cast out from her community at a young age and travelled to Central Felarya, braving the wilds. She eventually made her way to Negav, working for the Psi'ol Magiocrats in the lucrative and dangerous task of fairy-hunting.

(This link leads to more detailed information)

Skill List:


Skill Name: Flux Armour
Type: Support
Power: Medium (10)
Element: Lightning
Range: 2 Units
Description: Gives the target a medium boost to Magic Resistance. It gives a strong boost to resistance against Fairy magic.


Skill Name: Conductive Strike
Type: Melee
Power: Weak (5)
Element: Lightning
Range: 1 unit
Description: Conducts electricity through melee weapon and then strikes, giving a shock to the attack.

Last edited by Jætte_Troll on Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:21 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 10:41 am

Is this what you were looking for

Name: Trav
Age: Unknown. Appears to be an adult, but has been around for a very long time.
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Outdoorsmen (Scout)
Elemental Affinity: Nature
-Strength: Nature
-Weakness: Fire
Weapons: Sword, sling
HP 300%
Appearance: Trav is a rather tall lanky man, with light tanned skin and short, scruffy brown hair. He has blue eyes, a rather beaklike nose and a chin adorned with a short stubble of whiskers. His outfit consists of a worn, patched tunic and trousers made from a brown cloth, a wide brimmed straw hat, faded boots, and a leather belt holding several pouches and a simple scabbard. His sword, though, is unusually well made and elaborately decorated. Also, he is often seen with a recorder made from a perfectly clear crystal.
Personality: Trav is a simple man, humble, honest, gentle, and plain spoken. He is quick to lend a hand to one in need, whatever their size and species. He dislikes violence, and would sooner hide or run, or attempt to talk a predator out of eating him. He is also very forgiving, and isn’t one for grudges, to the point of pardoning the predators who have tried to eat him in the past. Trav is also very curious, and has a good deal of wanderlust in him. He is constantly trying to find out what lies beyond the next hill.

Background: Trav was once a villager in the hidden town of Thierwell, tucked away in the mountain cliffs. However, unlike many of the others in said village, Trav was born with a spark of wanderlust and an unhealthy dose of curiosity. He grew up constantly wondering what lay beyond the village’s protected borders, and when he came of age, he left to find out. He has been exploring and wandering ever since.

It should be noted that one of the first predators that Trav met was the river harpy Lenarei. Initially, she tried to eat him since he was fishing in her river. However, they met again under different circumstances that neither will willingly speak about. Whatever happened then, Lenarei became a loyal friend to Trav. What happened during that second meeting is unknown, but it did earn the dangerous ire of the Negav Magiocrats.

Other Information: Trav is skilled with his recorder, bordering on a magical ability to play it beautifully. He is also very knowledgeable about plants, herbs, and other flora that grows in Felarya.


Skill Name: Crystalline Music
Type: Support
Power: Medium
Element: None
Range: 6 units
Description: It is unknown where Trav learned to play the recorder, but the music he produces from it is so beautiful and enchanting that even the most hungry predator cannot help but be moved by its hauntingly harmonious melodies. When Trav plays his recorder, any predator or foe with a mind will stop to listen to him, and become ‘fascinated’. (The more intelligent the foe, the greater the chance they have of becoming fascinated) Any Fascinated predator will continue to listen for as long as Trav plays, so long as they, or their friends are not threatened. If Trav manages to keep an intelligent foe fascinated for a full length of a song, there is a good chance that they will become neutral to him, and will leave him be, and a slim chance that they will befriend him, and will defend him if necessary or take risks to help him. It goes without saying that if Trav stops playing, the foe will no longer be fascinated.

Skill name: Nightshade powder
Type: Support
Power: Low
Element: Nature
Range: one ally or one enemy
Description: Trav’s knowledge of herbs and roots has saved his life on more than one occasion. He has found the most poisonous ones he could, dried and ground them into a fine dust and sealed it in a glass vial. This vial can be thrown to produce a short lived poisonous cloud, or applied to his weapons or an ally’s weapons to make the next strike with them ‘poisonous’. Inhalation of the poison, or introduction into the bloodstream will cause severe nausea and vomiting, as well as malaise and fatigue.

Name: Lenarei
Age: You’d do best not to ask her. (At least a young adult)
Gender: Female
Race: Giant River Harpy
Class: Fighter (Valkryie)
Elemental Affinity: Wind
-Strength: Water Wind
-Weakness: Lightning, Ice
Weapons: Talons. Size
HP: 400% (Just copied the river mermaid example)
Appearance: Lenarei, as a river harpy, has feathers for hair, wings for arms, and reverse jointed bird legs and feet. Her plumage is an iridescent deep blue, with a series of black markings along her wings. Her hair consists of long, trailing feathers that she generally keeps pulled back in a ponytail and tied with a vine. Her legs, below the knee, and feet have charcoal grey scales, and sharp dagger like talons. She has no clothing, but wears a pouch on her hip, bound in place by two loops of vine. One goes over the opposite shoulder, and the other around her waist.

Personality: Lenarei is not the sort of person you’d want to meet alone. She is brash, aggressive, foul mouthed, and enjoys a good fight. She is also a little vain, and appreciates her beautiful plumage, and often enjoys being praised for it. Like most harpies, her usual speech consists of insults, threats, and curses, though this has been tempered somewhat by Trav’s constant presence. On the flipside, she is loyal to those she calls friends, and brave in the face of danger.

Background: Lenarei, so far has led a simple life, moving from river to river, living off of fish and the occasional diver or fisherman, and generally taking it easy. This hasn’t changed too much since meeting trav, though it has led to her getting into more fights with the other predators who try to eat him on occasion. Not that she particularly minds though. She also appreciates his curiosity, and often goes exploring with him.

It should be noted that one of the first predators that Trav met was the river harpy Lenarei. Initially, she tried to eat him since he was fishing in her river. However, they met again under different circumstances that neither will willingly speak about. Whatever happened then, Lenarei became a loyal friend to Trav. What happened during that second meeting is unknown, but it did earn the dangerous ire of the Negav Magiocrats.

Other Information: Lenarei is at home in the water as she is in the air. Being a river harpy, she can swim quite well and hold her breath for a very long time.


Skill Name: Taunt
Type: Support
Power: Low
Element: None
Range: one enemy
Description: Through a combination of verbal taunting, needling, berating, and occasionally a talon swipe in an embarrassing location, Lenarei can enrage an opponent into attacking her and attacking her alone, to the exclusion of all others and often abandoning strategy and tactics as they focus on attacking her.

Skill name: Intimidate
Type: Support
Power: Low
Element: None
Range: one enemy
Description: Thanks to her verbal skill as a harpy, Lenarei can strike fear and dread in opponents, whether through a show of force, a display of strength, or a detailed and extremely gory description of what awaits her doomed opponents once she is through with them. The target of this skill has a chance of fleeing combat or cowering motionless for a time. If they neither cower nor flee, they are ‘shaken’ for a time, and do not attack as well for a while.

Skill name: Dive Bomb
Type: Melee
Power: Medium
Element: Wind
Range: one to two enemies
Description: Lenarei can grab a foe in her talons and fly high into the air. She then dives back down at the battle and either send the grabbed opponent plummeting into the ground to do severe damage, or aim them at another foe, doing a lesser amount of damage to the two of them.

Last edited by Tuc135 on Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:29 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Updated HP and Lenarei's skills)
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Raetsu Lord Pichu
Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle
Raetsu Lord Pichu

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Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Empty
PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 11:21 am

You all look straight to me, so no worries. Sorry, if I made this too complicated, I just wanted to try something a bit different from the usual RPs we have here and stuff ^^;

Also, I've done some changes to the basic information section, wherein I added an HP system and fleshed out things concearning Monster attack patterns and Skill-Mana consumption. So be sure to post how much HP you have by using the newly implemented 'HP system in the basic information section of the OP' if you don't feel like looking through all my gobbldy-gook then:

Quote :
HP is vital, and while at first I didn't have one, I decided to try and add one. Normal units start with 300% HP (yes we're going by percents, kinda like in that Stamina Mode in Super Smash Bros. Melee/Brawl), larger units like giant nagas and what not have a higher, their HP count being increased by 30% per 10 feet. As you class change, you gain a boost in HP gaining 100 more HP by your 2nd class change and 200 more by your final one.

For example let's try calculating a River Mermaid's HP count?

300 (default HP)+ 70 (Her overall size) + 30 (bonus for larger units) = 400% HP Total

Monsters and enemy units don't gain the bonus for larger units. That said let's try and calculate the HP count of an average Kensha Beast...

300 (defeault HP)+ 29 (It's overall size) = 329% HP Total.

The last note is used to calculate Monster HP.

All this said, be sure you post the level and HP of the monster you face as well as your own so we can all keep track of what's going on and what not. Basically a normal monster encounter post should go something like this;

Quote :
Lv. 36 Kensha Beast
329% HP

Guy McDude Lv. 34 Gladiator
400% HP

Make sense?


Quote :
I suggest extreme being more like lvl 94-100 or something, since that is a guardian-class level you may even want that to be purely 100.

one of my character's skills probably wont work because "channel life" (takes the life energy and recharges his mana, and since life energy is pretty much infinite unless severly wounded, it is a powerful back up. as you can imagine this is a pretty high level spell XD) won't work because (do you have an HP system? I might have skipped that, your entry is pretty long. XD)

also, I have a bio, should I still post all that info?

Also, you can probably still have Channel Life, albeit as an Almighty class support skill (which means you may have to weight for the 2nd or final class change to actually learn it). If you have a bio then you can post it, just plug in the information into the character sheet I made and work your way through it from there.

I'll post my characters in a bit. I'm going to use someone a bit different from Don for a change...
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 11:27 am

Is there any practical difference between the classes at all?
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Raetsu Lord Pichu
Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle
Raetsu Lord Pichu

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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 12:40 pm

In fact yes, although most of these differences are rather subtle at best and don't stand out as much.

To name a few examples; Mages have stronger Magic that most other classes (obviously), Healers are resistant to magic attacks (although not completely immune mind you), and Mechanics are the only class that are able to create or repair machines, vehicles and technology.

I'll be sure to list them now though, so every one will know this sorta thing.

Edit: Added said details to classes, check'em out~
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 12:34 am

Name: Meirin Shiisa
Age: ~150, but appears 17
Gender: Female
Race: Shisa
Class: Striker (Bareknuckle)
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
-Strength: Fire
-Weakness: Ice
Weapons: Power Mittens
Appearance: Meirin is actually rather petite for her age, having practically no chest but still nicely toned legs (great for kicking and speed). She has medium length, blond hair that is rather curly. Her attire consists of a lime green chinese vest, with a black undershirt. She also wears black pants and brown mary janes. Has a fluffy tail that is about the same color as her hair but transitions to brown at the tip.

Personality: Meirin is energetic, impulsive and most of all battle crazy. She loves the thrill of an 'uphill battle' so to fuel this she often challenges bigger and stronger opponents. However, because of this need to fight strong foes, she is blinded by the fact that she may have bitten off alot more than she can chew, getting back up even when she's been mortally wounded just so she can defeat the opponent she's challenged. Her tenacity can also be directed into being a trustworthy and dependable ally, willing to fight for any thing that might go against them. This being said, Meirin values friendship and usually doesn't take kindly to those who 'use' or 'manipulate' other folks. One of Meirin's biggest goals is to go toe to toe with a top Felarya Predator and defeat them with her bare hands...although given the immense size difference, that's probably more insanity than far fetched...

Background: Meirin was born into a rich and prosperous family of living Koma-Inus that hail from a small village known as Koba. Meirin has always been spoiled and pampered by her parents, the both of them seeing her as the heir to the Shiisa family, to which she actually was, however Meirin disliked the copious amounts of attention they were showering her with and took far more interest in the martial arts. As her childhood passed her by, Meirin would spend each day secretly training in the basement of the large mansion her parents owned trying to perfect and master the ways of the fist. Of course there were two glaring problems with this...

For one, Meirin's parents were strong against her partaking in anything that would involve physical exertion or her actually injuring herself. Since Meirin was the only child of the family her parents went to great lengths to make sure nothing happened to her that would jepordize the odds of Meirin growing up and having children of her own. The 2nd problem was something a bit more complicated than over protective parents, for this involved finding a master that would teach her how to truly become a master of martial arts...at least she believed that was the case. Unfortunately, with parents that only thought she should never pursue the arts of fighting going out and finding a master to train under would be very difficult...so in the late of the night, Meirin packed her things and left her home in search of a master that would help her become a fighting master...however in doing so, Meirin also opened the door to her freedom as well as to the many dangers Felarya had waiting for her...

Other Information: Meirin likes sweets, although her favorite food is jelly-filled donuts.

= Skill List =

Skill Name: Speedster Shishi
Type: Melee
Power: Medium
Element: Lightning
Range: 1 unit (Enemy)
Description: Meirin's signature move, and her first perfected martial arts attack. As it's name implies, it's a rather speedy skill that requires the user to be quick on their feet in order for it to work properly. The start up is blindingly fast, as the user bursts forward toward the opponent and however midway through the attack the user leaps off towards a wall or other solid object and springs off of it using the added momentum of their speed and the leap off the wall the user comes to hit the opponent with added force from both those factors. This attack can be quite damaging and is usually tough to follow unless the opponent is fast enough to do so. The attack may leave the opponent paralyzed if they are hit critically enough.

Skill Name: Energy Trigger
Type: Support
Power: Weak
Element: None
Range: 1 unit (Self or Ally)
Description: Meirin's support skill, and a basic technique that exists in all novice Strikers. Meirin takes a moment to focus her mind and call upon the Qi from all around her and using it to power up her attack strength signifigantly. While the skill may seem like it only works on Meirin, she actually can use it on other people, namely her allies who need a quick boost in power. The effects of Energy Trigger only lasts for several minutes and usually wears off after that alloted amount of time, however it can be layed for added length and greater effect.


Alright that's my character, if you guys are ready and willing I'll make the other two threads for Story posts and locations. Besure to use this thread to keep up with all the character infor that may change such as class changes, learning new skills and other basic junk.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 8:01 am

I'm ready, though it seemed Bael had an interest in this topic.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 11:09 am

Name: Bael Tûrsidhion
Age: 273 (naturally ageless)
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Class: Wizard (i guess he'll have to NOT be an archmage for this one XD)
Elemental Affinity: Fire, Earth
-Weapons: Hands (for spells)
-Two fighting knives and a bow from his homeworld (that are cased up at his home)
Appearance: Medium tall elf, brown hair, fuschia eyes, wears a mage coat, and semi-fancy mage clothes

Health: 306%
Mana: 15

Personality: He thinks about the land he comes from quite often, and sometimes gets emotional or the urge to tell stories about it. He's quite friendly, and also quite accepting ever since he met Mara, his current girlfriend.
Background: He was born in middle earth in the second age. He's visited numenor before it drowned (although he was just a kid at the time) and fought in the last alliance battle under elrond.

Other Information: He has a friend who is currently a captain in the negav guard. This person saved Bael's life almost 100 years ago when he first arrived, and since have gotten to know each other pretty well. His girlfriend, Mara, is a fairy who is overprotective of him as a result from her past.

Skill List:

Name: Ex-Soldier
Type: (support?)
Power: Weak
Range: N/A
Description: This person gains a small health and attack bonus due to years of military experience. Passive. (is this legitimate? i wasn't sure how do this one XD)

Name: Ley Magic
Type: (support?)
Power: Weak
Range: N/A
Description: This is a passive ability that allows the spell user to tap into the magical ley lines and alter a spell's nature. This effect's strength is proportional to that of the Mage's. (basically so i cant use this to turn a weak fireball into an almighty firebal at a low level)

Name: Modified Fire Projection
Type: Magic
Power: Weak (10)
Range: 1 or 2 depending on variation
Description: It can change forms from a fireball, to tendrils, or a small beam. Variations only effect the number of enemies it can hit, strength of the spell decreases the more the range is.

Name: Stun Current
Type: Magic
Power: Weak (5)
Range: 1
Description: A single light bolt of electricity that damages the nervous system into a temporary paralysis.


I think that's pretty much it. I'm only going to use one actual spell here because I think it would be cheap otherwise since I have 2 passive abilities. I wasn't sure how to make those, so I just guessed. That's ok right?

Last edited by Archmage_Bael on Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeSun Feb 07, 2010 1:37 am

I too am ready for this.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeSun Feb 07, 2010 1:53 am

Do people mind if I hop in? I want to at least give it a go.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeSun Feb 07, 2010 1:56 pm

I don't mind. You're welcome to join NovusWolf.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeSun Feb 07, 2010 2:13 pm

Tuc135 wrote:
I don't mind. You're welcome to join NovusWolf.

Nice to know, but I'd rather not write a charecter without the Thread Creator's permission. It's a bit rude.
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Raetsu Lord Pichu
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeSun Feb 07, 2010 9:35 pm

Anyone's free to join at anytime. I'm not strict on new folks wanting to get in on the action, so I don't mind if you want to come in and give things a whirl. If you have questions the OP can't resolve for you, be sure to call on me and I'll answer'em
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeSun Feb 07, 2010 11:41 pm

Thank you. Now then, I only had one OC up until now - who'd just be too powerful from HP count alone.

Raetsu Lord Pichu wrote:
For example let's try calculating Numa's HP count?

300 (default HP)+ 200 (Her overall size) + 60 (bonus for larger units?) = 560% HP Total

Far too strong. Working on the assumption we can't be a giant monster anyway, I dug up one of my Freedom Force heroes and converted him.

= Character Sheet =

Name: Gerald Reigneer
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Fighter (Since there's no Paladin class)
Elemental Affinity: Holy
-Strength: Mixes Holy Magic and swordfighting together, versitile, hates the unnatural
-Weakness: Vulnerable to Unholy attacks, often suffers from indecision, can enter a berzerk rage
Weapons: Longsword, Large Shield
Appearance: Wears a suit of full plate armour, which he hasn't taken off since arriving. Naturally, his skin has taken on a vampishly pale hue, contrasting with his blue eyes and white hair.
Personality: Zealous, kind and somewhat quick to anger
Background: Gerald is a paladin, a holy warrior of heaven. It is a duty he's taken to fanatically. Since showing up in Felarya (though an act of fell sorcery) he's constantly ducked, dodged and weaved danger.

Other Information: So yeah, he's a Paladin. What'cha gonna do?

Skill List:

Skill Name: Thrust
Type: Melee
Power: Weak
Element: None
Range: 1
Description: A basic sword attack.

Skill Name: Shield Bash
Type: Melee
Power: Weak
Element: None
Range: 2
Description: A basic shield attack. Can stun man sized targets.

Skill Name: Mercy
Type: Magic
Power: Special
Element: Holy
Range: 1
Description: A healing spell. Gerald uses 50% of his remaining health to heal that many hit points of his target - or harm Dark creatures.

Skill Name: Berzerk
Type: Special
Power: N/A
Element: None
Range: 1
Description: Occasionly, Gerald will enter a berzerk rage. His attack power (but not Mana consumption) is doubled, but must attack the nearest target, heedless of any danger - even if it's a friend!

Skill notes: The last skill is what I would call a charecter flaw. Usual triggers for this particular flaw include being struck (hard) or if he's losing badly. He can be snapped out by a friend, but he should come out of the state automatically when the fight ends.

I also assume we can learn new skills later?

Also, Freedom Force FTW.
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Raetsu Lord Pichu
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 10:49 am

Quote :
I also assume we can learn new skills later?
Yes, when you class change you gain the mana needed to add on more skills to your repitore if you so desire.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 10:49 am

Raetsu Lord Pichu wrote:
Quote :
I also assume we can learn new skills later?
Yes, when you class change you gain the mana needed to add on more skills to your repitore if you so desire.

kk, just checking.

Also, how does percent chance work in this?
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 12:29 pm

Heh, this RP looks interesting... ill consider joining eventually... but im unable to do much for posting at the time... so don't wait on me...

Also, what if the person's weapons consist of changes in their person? say like for example the person i planned to use uses crystals and such to make weapons with his arm, say like a blade or something like that... how would that work? i had an idea since it would basically fall under the support category and gives him something to use to fight... then i would make a few individual forms of his weapons with different benefits... -_-" i haven't actually done an RP like this in a long long while so im trying to refresh on everything...
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Raetsu Lord Pichu
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 6:48 pm

Quote :
Also, how does percent chance work in this?
Percent chance? I assume you mean the basic probablity things happen like encountering a monster or finding an item, yes? If not correct me, I have some experience in RPs but these are fairly new to me. Although I know a thing or two about them just not alot ^^;

Quote :
Also, what if the person's weapons consist of changes in their person? say like for example the person i planned to use uses crystals and such to make weapons with his arm, say like a blade or something like that... how would that work? i had an idea since it would basically fall under the support category and gives him something to use to fight... then i would make a few individual forms of his weapons with different benefits... -_-" i haven't actually done an RP like this in a long long while so im trying to refresh on everything...
Well, you have most of it right so far.

The description you gave me is rather interesting, being it can be classed as both a weapon AND an skill. However, having it as a weapon would require it to have the skill that activates the attribute to be seperate. Such a thing would be murder on your Mana consumption when just starting out. So it's best to simply have it as a skill that makes weaponrary for your guy but the weapon you have lasts outside of battle until it is destroyed, at which point you'll have to make a new one which uses up Mana.

And don't worry this is my first time actually hosting these sort of RPs...well 2nd time, but I'm still rather new at this format as well.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 6:54 pm

Ok, but i had another solution for it, seeing as if you know Coda, you know how lazy he is... but he specializes in earth element and uses crystals for his weaponry and other things.. but my solution was to put something like a tmer until he can do things, like the first thing he would do is to choose his weapon skill, but for it to not drain any mana, and that ends his first turn (if its turn based) then he actually starts next turn... say like if he decided to use a heavy type of weapon, his current person's traits and skills would be set to that, and he would remain with those changes to his person unless he changed it (which that time would actually take mana to do) or until the end of the battle...

Im just trying to make it work...

Il send you a PM with some of the examples...
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 11:34 pm

Raetsu Lord Pichu wrote:
Quote :
Also, how does percent chance work in this?
Percent chance? I assume you mean the basic probablity things happen like encountering a monster or finding an item, yes? If not correct me, I have some experience in RPs but these are fairly new to me. Although I know a thing or two about them just not alot ^^;

Pretty much, it's also how Berzerk works. Would be easier if Felarya actually used the dice roll function.
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2010 12:37 am

NovusWolf wrote:
Raetsu Lord Pichu wrote:
Quote :
Also, how does percent chance work in this?
Percent chance? I assume you mean the basic probablity things happen like encountering a monster or finding an item, yes? If not correct me, I have some experience in RPs but these are fairly new to me. Although I know a thing or two about them just not alot ^^;

Pretty much, it's also how Berzerk works. Would be easier if Felarya actually used the dice roll function.
Yeah, doesn't forumotion have the option too add a "dice roll" thing to forums?

I may join this, but keep in mind I have never done an RPG before.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave   Felarya RPG ~ Primal Rave Icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2010 12:48 am

Anime-Junkie wrote:
NovusWolf wrote:
Raetsu Lord Pichu wrote:
Quote :
Also, how does percent chance work in this?
Percent chance? I assume you mean the basic probablity things happen like encountering a monster or finding an item, yes? If not correct me, I have some experience in RPs but these are fairly new to me. Although I know a thing or two about them just not alot ^^;

Pretty much, it's also how Berzerk works. Would be easier if Felarya actually used the dice roll function.
Yeah, doesn't forumotion have the option too add a "dice roll" thing to forums?

It does, but it has to be an admin who enables it (so a petition to Karbo or something)
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