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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
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PostSubject: Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over   Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over Icon_minitimeSat Jan 26, 2008 3:42 pm

I thought we should have some terms describing beings or other stuff that isn't obvious to everyone, such as we don't know exactly what is a Demon and stuff like that. Since the prologue to my story, The Nine Forces will have many of these terms, I thought it would be better to make some sort of Encyclopedia of it to avoid spoiling it in the story itself. Also, I read on another forum about a game tributing Devil May Cry using very concrete terms, so I based some of mine with his since they make a lot of sense, so credits for those terms goes to Dizimz. You may also notice that the description is a bit like RPGs, sadly that's how I describe things.

Elements: The Elements are nine forces that compose worlds capable of supporting life. All nine must be present in order to give life, if one is disrupted, the world will fall apart. The Elements are Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Lightning, Ice, Wood(nature), Light and Shadow(dark). Each one is represented by one color and one aspect of every living beings. Every Element is strong against some, while weak against others and usually is useful against one with the other one being useful against him. Obviously, they do not take damage from their own element:

Fire: Red - Stamina (and willpower)
Strong against: Wind, Wood
Weak against: Water, Earth
Double-Edge: Ice

Water: Blue - Agility
Strong against: Fire, Earth
Weak against: Ice, Wood
Double-Edge: Lightning

Wind: Green - Five Senses
Strong against: Lightning, Wood
Weak against: Fire, Ice
Double-Edge: Earth

Earth: Orange - Strength (physical)
Strong against: Fire, Lightning, Ice
Weak against: Water, Wood
Double-Edge: Wind

Lightning: Yellow - Speed (determination)
Strong against: Wind, Ice
Weak against: Earth
Double-Edge: Water

Ice: Cyan - Defense
Strong against: Water, Wind, Wood
Weak against: Earth, Lightning
Double-Edge: Fire

Wood: Brown - Control (wisdom)
Strong against: Water, Earth
Weak against: Fire, Wind, Ice
Double-Edge: None

Light: White - Intelligence (analysis and calculation, often mistaken with knowledge)
Double-Edge: Shadow

Shadow: Black - Power (magical)
Double-Edge: Light

It is actually possible to harness and control the Elements, mages can harness the corresponding force to use for self-defense and protection, while those high technology can use as energy sources. The Shadow Element as been wrongfully dubbed Dark Element since many evil sorcerers used it for it's great destructive power. As a result, it is often associated with evil and Shadow became a neutral term. Every 2500 years, the nine Elements grants one mortal with a pure heart, someone who is neither guided by evil, nor good intentions, with their powers. The process however, turn the avatar into a Demi-Immortal, heightening all nine aspects beyond its race's limits, though not by much. Those avatars are dubbed Elemental Knights and serves as guardians during hours of doom. Elements left their essence in every worlds in the form of Cores for Hell magic and Stones for Heaven magic. Each elements are worshipped by creatures with an affinity to it and can be summoned by powerful elemental spellcasters, for exemple, fire dragons would be associated with Fire while Mermaids with Water.

Elemental Cores: Those are the essence of the Elements they left in each living worlds. They are about twice the size of a pearl and look like colored spheres. They contain massive Hell Elemental powers and can greatly increase the power of it's corresponding Element. Only someone with Hell oriented powers can use them and only take effect when inserted in certain Amulets or Bracelets. There's only nine of them, each with it's distinctive Element. They are sought by Elemental Knights with Hell powers as they are necessary for them to unlock their full powers. Once their powers reach maturity, the Cores are once again scattered around the world.

Elemental Stones: The counterpart of the Elemental Cores. They are the essence of the Elements as well and greatly increase the power of it's Element, but contain massive Heaven powers instead. They look like big gems about the size of a Basket-Ball and they are the same color of it's corresponding Element, but each has a different shape. The Fire Stone is shaped like a flame, Water a droplet, Wind a crescent, Earth a rock, Lightning a bolt, Ice a glacier, Wood a leaf, Light a sphere and Shadow a purple crystal with a black sphere inside. They are only useful to Heaven power users, but they don't need to be inserted into anything to take effect. Instead, the stone just seem to embed itself into your body without actually taking an atom of space. They can be extracted anytime easily, you just have to want to and it will appear in your hands. Others can extract it by wanting it themselves, but the holder of the stones must either be willing to give them, or be too weak to keep them from being stolen. Elemental Knights with Heaven oriented powers will seek the stones in order to unlock their latent Elemental powers and scatter them once again once mature.

I'll be updating from time to time since I can't add them all in one go.

Last edited by Sean Okotami on Tue Feb 26, 2008 5:43 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over   Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over Icon_minitimeSat Jan 26, 2008 6:28 pm

That's an interesting approach to elements and magic ^_^
I am looking forward to see how this will develop Razz
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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
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PostSubject: Re: Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over   Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over Icon_minitimeTue Jan 29, 2008 6:03 pm

Elemental Knight: Every 2500 years, one mortal with a pure heart will be imbued with the power of the nine Elements, giving them great powers over the Elements with either Hell or Heaven as their medium. Those are dubbed Elemental Knights, and usually serves as Guardians during hours of Doom.

When a new Knight is chosen, he will partly lose his mortality, becoming a Demi-Immortal, a crossbreed between a mortal and an Immortal. The new Elemental Knight retain most of his normal appearance, but will usually be a few inches taller, having more muscle mass (not body builder like mass thankfully) but most of all, ten colored symbols on his chest. The symbols look like hands making a geometric form, those are used to "switch" between each elements by forming the appropriate seal with their hands with the tenth one to revert back to normal. The color of the signs are the same as the Knight's Aura, and are actually pigments of the skin which is why they can't be removed.

The Demi-Immortality of the Knights give them superior Stamina, Agility, Perception (5 senses), Strength, Speed, Resistance (defense), Control, Intelligence and Power than the possible limit of their race, though not to the degree where it is plain obvious. Furthermore, they can be killed by conventional means, though not easily. Being hit at the head by a metal Baseball bat for exemple, would simply cause them to flinch rather than splitting their skull open, though taking many sword slashes would eventually bring them down.

Depending on the Shade of their Aura, they will have a sub-title as either a Hell Knight for darker Shades or Heaven Knight for lighter Shades. Hell Knights can't learn any kind other kind of magic except Elemental ones, leaving them to fend on what they got at birth. They make up for this by having their nine much stronger than Heaven Knights. This usually makes Hell Knights deadly offensive forces, capable of dealing huge damage fast, while taking little damage themselves. However, given their relatively shallow offensive and supportive array of spells and attacks, they don't contribute much in groups and are rather predictable, though having nine Elements at their command, they have no trouble exploiting weaknesses and they are virtually powerless without using an element. Heaven Knights on the other hand, have their aspects stay at their usual Demi-Immortal limits. However, they can learn to use any kind of magic at all along with their Elemental powers. Unlike their usual elemental powers, the magic they learn requires mana to use and can't bypass magic protection as easily. Heaven Knights have a harder fighting time alone than Hell Knights, but they are virtually unstoppable in groups with their wide array of supportive spells. Auras with a neutral Shade give the Elemental Knight command over both Hell and Heaven, but at a lesser degree. They can learn any magic, though not as easily and have lower mana and are more powerful in each aspects as well, though only one level or two beyond the usual base power.

Switching between Elements is vital for every Elemental Knights in order to survive. Though they are powerful on their own, they usually reside in very dangerous worlds, such as Felarya, where their Demi-Immortality alone would only make them survive a few extra hours. Using an Element increase its corresponding aspect tenfold and allow the Knight to use any kind of attacks and magic of the corresponding Element, such as punching someone with its fist on fire. (You can even make a fire slash with a bladed weapon) It also gives them some supporting abilities; Fire can let them track heat signatures and immune them to hot temperatures, while water gives them perfect visibility underwater and complete freedom of movements unhindered underwater, those abilities are usually obvious. This makes choosing the correct Element crucial in any situation as determining which aspect will be the most efficient can make the difference between life and death.

When desperate, the Knight can transform into an Elemental like an overdrive, they retain the same appearance when in flesh, though most are capable of shape shifting. The Elemental will triple the power of it's corresponding Element as well as its corresponding aspect, except that every of his attacks and spells are the same as the Elemental; obviously, Hell Knights have an easier time with this. They will usually be weak to three particular Elements while being resistant to two. Taking a hit from a weakness will result in massive damage, though resistance will result in little damage. Turning into an Elemental can be done almost anytime, but it only last for a while, activating it consume energy upon activation and will continue to at a constant rate and will need time to recharge once they revert back to normal, though they can revert back anytime they want. Elemental forms also have unique abilities; Fire can supercharge, Water can solidify and liquify, Wind can fly, Earth can alternate between rock form, steel form, ground form or sand form, Lightning can enter and manipulate electronics, Ice can put beings in stasis (suspended animation), Wood can bring back plants to life, Light can freeze objects and peoples in time for a short time and Shadow possess ghost like properties such as immateriality.

It should be noted that the Elemental magic of Elemental Knights is different than general magic. First, they don't require mana to use, they instead use the same energy as the Elemental Forces given to the Knight at their "birth" with each element having his own separate "mana pool". Since they are closer to a cosmic force than actual magic, they are partly unaffected by magic protection, allowing them to bypass whatever neutralise common magic more easliy. If the protection is too strong for the Knight's current level of mastery, it's powers might be negated.

Upon birth, the Knight will take on it's alternate form, the one which activates every Elements at once and at full power. Hell Knights take the form of a black skinned demon with its whole body covered in patterns of the same color of his Aura. The Demon possess overall the same shape as his normal form, though is usually even more muscular (still not to body builder proportions), has sometimes horns,bat like wings on its back, hollow eyes (eyes with no pupils or iris, just blank white eyes) of varrying color and apparantly no mouth. (he an still speak without telepathy, it's more like he is wearing a mask) Heaven Knights are instead clad in battle armor with metalic wings on the back. When born, the Knight "forge" a weapon by fusing the nine Elements. The weapon is bladed capable of melee combat and is a reflexion of the Knight himself. The weapon can be anything ranging from a sword to a battle hammer, even a bow, though it will be modified to support close combat. The Knight's weapon will be an ordinary one at first when he return to his normal form and must be reforged with an extremely powerful metal, this usually serve as a test to see if the newborn is worthy and the only way to fail is to die. Once reforged, the weapon will take a vastly more elegant shape. In their alternate form, the weapon will also take on a different shape; a more bulky but intimidating appearance for Hell and a more noble appearance for Heaven.

Depending on the color of the Aura, the Knight may be more powerful with one Element, while his others will be weaker. It isn't rare that some Knights uses only one Element since the others won't be as powerful. A violet Aura means that every Elements are equal in power.

One of the Elemental Knights is Sean Okotami, a human from Earth who spend most of his time in Felarya since it's more lively, yet dangerous there. His weapon is a sword and his Aura is neutral violet, also know as the Aura of Twilight. He is the newest Knight to date.

Last edited by on Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:53 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over   Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over Icon_minitimeThu Jan 31, 2008 11:23 am

Holy Hanna! Paragraph breaks PLEASE!
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over   Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over Icon_minitimeThu Jan 31, 2008 12:12 pm

I broke it, I hope I didn't cause eye bleed ^^; It's actually the first time I do stuff like that.

Anyway, continuing...

Aura: Auras are the reflexion of a living being's personality. Every living beings possess an Aura with its color being a representation of its personality. Auras are completely invisible to the naked eye, only magic such as Soul Gaze can make them appear, though the majority of Demons can make their Auras visible or not at will. They appear as a colored light outlining the creatures body. Heightened senses such as the ones Felaryan predators possessed allows them to track other creatures by reading their Auras. Reading Auras is difficult, but handy. First off, this is the base of telepathy. Second, this can be used to detect incoming attacks while leading enemies into your own attacks, this also allow peoples to see if blinded. Third, with enough training, it is actually possible to harness Auras and use them as a devestating projectile attack, this is extremely difficult to achieve as you need perfect control and unbreakable concentration, but mastering it will make you a force to be reckoned. Tracking someone using their Auras will give you basic informations such as their size, distance from you, level of power and intents, those with intents to kill usually shocks those who sense them since they generally have high leveled powers.

Auras are presents as long as the creature is alive. They can be read anytime, though it's better to read them once the creature reach maturity since this is when the Aura will be "decided". During the growth of beings, their Auras change constantly since they are more influencal, this mean that at one point of its childhood, someone would have a dark red Aura, while one year later, he would have a neutral orange Aura. Colors determine the personality, while the Shade determine if he values the safety of himself, others, or both more.


Red: Hot-headed
Blue: Optimist
Green: Instinctive
Orange: Cocky
Yellow: Brash
Cyan: Harsh (not by much)
Brown: Calm
White: Logical
Black: Independant
Violet: Emotional (not the exagerated type where the person burst in tears all the time)


Dark: Himself first
Light: Others first
Neutral: Situational

Note: Dark White Auras appear as white with a slight hue of black, Light White appear as white with a slight hue of yellow. Neutral is pure white. Dark Black Auras appear as black with a slight hue of red, Light Black as black with a slight hue of white. Neutral is pure black.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over   Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over Icon_minitimeThu Jan 31, 2008 12:23 pm

Interesting system you imagined here ^_^
I especially liked the part with auras. it allows many possibilities Smile
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over   Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over Icon_minitimeThu Jan 31, 2008 1:17 pm

I updated the Element page to give them strength and weaknesses.

Aura of Twilight: The rarest of all Auras is the Neutral Violet Aura, also know as the Aura of Twilight. It symbolize the perfect balance between Light and Shadow, with its color reminiscent of a lighted up night sky. This Aura represent Innocence and only very few creatures reach maturity with this Aura. Every newborns possess this Aura, but once it's shade or color change, it will never return to neutral violet since you can be innocent only once. Obviously, almost every fairies possess it, though some such as Lily can lose it after traumatic experiences.

Elemental Knights with this Aura are the most powerful of them, as well as the most unstable during infant stages. Once they lose their full-mortailty, their soul is split in two, a pure dark one and a pure noble one. They can learn any magic like Heaven Knights and their powers as well as their learning curve are the same as Hell Knights. If they are critically angered, exposed to extreme raw power or suffer from an emotional surge, their dark soul kicks in and takes on their demonic forms, causing them to destroy everything they see. This doesn't last too long, but they are totally oblivious of what they are doing. Once they reach maturity, this no longer happens.

Notable persons with this Aura:

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PostSubject: Re: Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over   Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over Icon_minitimeThu Jan 31, 2008 2:54 pm

So this the answer about your universal term.

You did a very interesting concept but there are many things I think unfair and unbalanced.
1- the fact you see things are black or white, with heaven force and evil force or the fact the Elemental knight must have a pure heart. Because it's possible to imagine there will be a classical rival who use the power of the darkness. Or the bad guy is a former good guy.

2-The perfect balance between Light and Shadow is the humanity itself, in clear we are both evil and god it just depends of our actions.

3-The fact you developp many auras and you make one powerfull to the others is good way to sum the developpment of your stories by the guy who has the strongest aura who win.

Quote :
If they are critically angered, exposed to extreme raw power or suffer from an emotional surge, their dark soul kicks in and takes on their demonic forms, causing them to destroy everything they see. This doesn't last too long, but they are totally oblivious of what they are doing. Once they reach maturity, this no longer happens.
We call that the adrenaline rush, it's something natural and common to any creature in a stressful situation.

To conclude, your system is very interesting but if it's a way to justify why your character is so powerfull it's not good. I don't say you don't have the right to give your character power but his ability should make him normal and not superior to everyone.

If you think to make your character the most original by fueling him with huge ability, it's the best way to make him classical and generic because this kind of things exist already. When we look Felarya in general what it make the character original is there personnality and not their huge ability Very Happy

I hope I don't hurt you Sad
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over   Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over Icon_minitimeThu Jan 31, 2008 3:03 pm

You almost succeeded in hurting me, I was expecting that. Those are simply terms used during my stories. I was done with the more character specific terms and was about to start with more generic ones such as Demon and Mortal. It's actually the first time I do stuff related to RPing, and I like characters with potential, but can't pull it all off.

Just wait until I can introduce him, I'll try not to make him a godmodder.
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PostSubject: Re: Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over   Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over Icon_minitimeThu Jan 31, 2008 3:13 pm

If you post it on the forum is the fact you want feedbacks to have a first opinion of your idea and see what is right or wrong. So everything I tell you it's what I feel when I read it. I know it's uncomplete, I don't know nothing about your story because it doesn't start.

I hope you will prove me I was wrong Wink
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over   Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over Icon_minitimeFri Feb 01, 2008 6:14 am

Now for more generic terms applied to all sorts of creatures. From this point on, you can add your own terms to the list.

Mortal/Humanoid: Mortals or humanoids are the most common life form on any worlds. Their are many different species and races of humanoids with humans (how ironic) being the most well known. Humanoids generally possess four protruding limbs and a head. They are capable of adaptation in about every situations and are very ingenious. Some are well versed in magical arts, while others are more advanced technologically. Their diet must comport protein, iron, calcium, glucid, potassium, mineral salt, lipid and other kinds of vitamin in order to stay alive and healthy. They are called mortals because they die rather easily. They usually need every of their organs to stay alive, there is sometime two of the same organ and can sometime survive with just one of them, though they usually need them all. Weapons can end the life of humanoids easily and dies if beaten up too much. Furthermore, their life span is rather short, but the longevity depend on the specie and they are vulnerable to many disease. Animals and other creatures are also considered humanoids since their diets is composed of the same nutriments and are rather frail in their own league.

Demon: A demon is an otherwordly creature who surpasses mortals in almost every domain. Demons are much more powerful physically, more potent magically, much more resilient to injuries and lives considerably longer. In appearance, they tend to look like other humanoids, but with more animal traits. Some looking more like animals while others looking more like humans. Their sizes differs between each races, but given their nature of being born spell casters in the league of mortals, we can assume that most o them know size shifting magic. They usually lives in Hell or Heaven, but nothing stops them coming to mortal planes of existance. It's unknown what their diet comports, let alone if they even need food to stay alive. Many of them are depicted as soul eaters, consumming the souls of the damned, but nothing stops them of eating living beings. Contrary to popular belief, Angels are actually demons since an average Angel the same size of an average human outclass him in almost everything. The reason peoples doesn't consider them as demons is because the word Demon comes from Daemon, which can be roughly translated as Devil. The actual difference between demons and devils is the devils are much rarer and are born evil, while demons are born innocent, all they do in Hell is their jobs, you can't call someone evil because of their jobs. Furthermore, angels have come to Felarya from time to time to feast on random humans, though no humans knows about it yet. This proves that angels are capable of both right and wrong, shattering most religious depiction of them. Ironnically, the most powerful demons are usually the ones with a human shape.

Immortal: The term Immortal refers to a being above a demon. As their name implies, they can't die by simply taking a beating like demons can. The only way to kill an Immortal is to destroy their heart (not referring to the organ) or their core. This is easier said than done, as they can place their heart anywhere in their body, even outside the body or in another universe. Furthermore, not every weapons can destroy their heart; it must both be very powerful and pure enough. Immortals are usually extremely powerful, but are also extremely rare. Some possess god like powers because of their near endless life span, but most have abilities above average demons. It is possible for an Immortal to breed with a mortal, they simply leave a fraction of their power in a female mortal, but she will pass away after her child is born. The newborn is called a Demi-Immortal, although he can perish the same way as mortals, he possess abilities surpassing his own race. Immortals are not to be confused with Gods as their powers are not as wide. It is possible for a demon to become an Immortal like Khallisti did, (although she is now above Immortals) but it's very rare. The Guardians of Felarya and the Elemental Avatars are notable Immortals.
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PostSubject: Re: Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over   Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over Icon_minitimeSat Mar 01, 2008 6:12 pm

I just have a few slight problems with this:

1) Good and Evil is a view point. Nothing can be truly based on good or evil. For example, we see eating chickens as harmless, and good, as they provide us with food. The chickens, on the other hand, probably see us as beings sent from the very depths of hell, killing them for fun. I realize that a chicken does not have that kind of brain capacity, but still... So, personally, I would base it more on offense (demonic) and defense (angelic). In fact, the only way one can be evil is if they do something willingly, even though they view it as evil.

2) Immortals. "Some possess god like powers because of their near endless life span, but most have abilities above average demons".

Definition of Immortal from dictionary.reference.com:

1. not mortal; not liable or subject to death; undying: our immortal souls.
2. remembered or celebrated through all time: the immortal words of Lincoln.
3. not liable to perish or decay; imperishable; everlasting.
4. perpetual; lasting; constant: an immortal enemy.
5. of or pertaining to immortal beings or immortality.
6. (of a laboratory-cultured cell line) capable of dividing indefinitely.

Erm, Immortals don't have a near endless life span. They have an endless life span
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PostSubject: Re: Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over   Requesting Deletion - Must Start Over Icon_minitimeSat Mar 01, 2008 6:19 pm

Icalasari wrote:
Erm, Immortals don't have a near endless life span. They have an endless life span
Immortal don't mean eternal Very Happy
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