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PostSubject: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeSun Feb 21, 2010 10:17 pm

It's occurred to me that, for anyone new here trying to wade his/her way through existing stories, there's no handy index of currently active writers. So I thought it might be useful to provide one.

The criteria here are simply
a) to have written at least three stories set in Felarya
b) to have written at least one story in 2010
c) to have received some recognition from the Felarya community.

Links are to dA pages. I've almost certainly forgotten people, for which I apologise, so if you meet the criteria, feel free to post a link to your story page.

In alphabetical order:

Abaddon87 (with the "Deluran Delusion" series):

Asuroth (characters: Ciel, Goro...):

Dante8411 (characters: Ceri, Luke, Pheobe Phobos, Arabella...):

Eric the Red 123 (Eric...):

FrenchSnack (Milly, Isham, Jissy...):

Jaette Troll (Grip & Fenja...):

Krisexy (Luniela & Dany...):

Ravana3k (Jade, Jora...):

Rythmear (Gunther...):

Shady Knight:

Synapsis77 (Thera, Raith...)

Timing2 (Marsha, Felecia, Galya...):

Turboman500 (Malika, Nina...):

Wildthing115 (Elizabeth...):

Zoekin (Katrika, Velvet...)

Honourable mentions:

MukatKiKarn. Only two Felarya stories (as far as I know), but damn good ones:

Paltiel. Very good stories, but none yet in 2010.

Prinnydood-Abides. Same as MukatKiKarn.
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeSun Feb 21, 2010 10:51 pm

Ah, this will help me catch up on my reading.

Perhaps something like this could be worked into the wiki?
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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeMon Feb 22, 2010 1:46 am

Well it's going to be a long while before I even get passed the first criteria; I may have my first story finished by next year XD

May I also put forth Kaitheguy1234 for an honourable mention.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeMon Feb 22, 2010 7:13 am

Of course, my characters lie in total obscurity. Sad
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeMon Feb 22, 2010 8:08 am

I'd also put /Fish/ and Pendragon up for honourable mentions.

Last edited by Jætte_Troll on Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeMon Feb 22, 2010 9:00 am

I expected that my stories wouldn't exactly be noticed, but I'll give you a link ^^;

Right here.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeMon Feb 22, 2010 12:09 pm

*sigh* Guess I don't matter enough. Oh well.
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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeMon Feb 22, 2010 12:36 pm

I foresee this degenerating into a popularity contest in nothing flat.

I propose something similar, but different, and a shitload more time consuming.
Karbo used to have a journal entry for this very purpose, before it spiraled out of control.

What I think should be done is a catalog of every Felarya story ever written, sorted by writer in some archive section of the wiki. It'd be a royal pain, but if you get more than one person working on it, it could be finished in a week.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeMon Feb 22, 2010 12:52 pm

GREGOLE wrote:
I foresee this degenerating into a popularity contest in nothing flat.

I propose something similar, but different, and a shitload more time consuming.
Karbo used to have a journal entry for this very purpose, before it spiraled out of control.

What I think should be done is a catalog of every Felarya story ever written, sorted by writer in some archive section of the wiki. It'd be a royal pain, but if you get more than one person working on it, it could be finished in a week.

I agree with Gregole!

There could be some potential for tension about some popularity contest, and that never is a good thing.
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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeMon Feb 22, 2010 1:32 pm

Hmm, let's see:

AndurilWielder (Mara, Bael, Janev)
Blazbaros (Scala)
Kaiman123 (Kaiten, Sheska)
racemaster7 (Lehem, Lacey)

I see Kaiman123 was already mentioned. Sheska's bio was posted this year. Smile
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French snack
French snack

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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeMon Feb 22, 2010 2:15 pm

GREGOLE wrote:
I foresee this degenerating into a popularity contest in nothing flat.

I propose something similar, but different, and a shitload more time consuming.
Karbo used to have a journal entry for this very purpose, before it spiraled out of control.

What I think should be done is a catalog of every Felarya story ever written, sorted by writer in some archive section of the wiki. It'd be a royal pain, but if you get more than one person working on it, it could be finished in a week.

That would be ideal. But, indeed, a massive workload.

I had the idea, a while back, of having the wiki's articles (on characters, places, etc...) contain links to pictures and stories on their topic. It's an idea I'd like to put forward again - although that, too, would involve a lot of work, in terms of selection and so on.

Ideally, we could do both. It would certainly be more convenient for people arriving here and uncertain where to find stories.

Perhaps we could start by having a dedicated thread here in which each person posts links to all his/her stories, with a single post per writer? To keep it clutter-free, there would be no posts other than posts containing links to stories.

Just floating ideas.
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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeMon Feb 22, 2010 6:09 pm

GREGOLE wrote:
I foresee this degenerating into a popularity contest in nothing flat.

I suppose it all depends on how "c) to have received some recognition from the Felarya community." is handled. I think this thread could serve a purpose even if that requirement was entirely removed.

GREGOLE wrote:
I propose something similar, but different, and a shitload more time consuming.

What I think should be done is a catalog of every Felarya story ever written, sorted by writer in some archive section of the wiki. It'd be a royal pain, but if you get more than one person working on it, it could be finished in a week.

The wiki might be a good place for it, probably better than the forum. The major problem is simply locating every single Felarya story ever written. I mean, where to even begin?
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Great warrior
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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeMon Feb 22, 2010 6:26 pm

Frenchsnack! So I'm an outcast huh?! What'd I do to deserve this?! I've got as much right to be on that list as anybody else! Back me up Aisu!

Okay sorry I just had to do that, lol. If you played Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story you should recognize that. *ahem* In all seriousness I think it's just going to turn into a popularity contest and possibly force some horrible Felarya stories.
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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeTue Feb 23, 2010 9:05 am

Quote :
Perhaps we could start by having a dedicated thread here in which each person posts links to all his/her stories, with a single post per writer? To keep it clutter-free, there would be no posts other than posts containing links to stories.

I think that sounds like an excellent idea. We'd have to spread word around the community to make sure all writers do it, but it would probably work.

We could also open another thread for submission of links to new stories, or stories that've been missed, so as to keep it up to date.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeTue Feb 23, 2010 9:36 am

Quote :
Perhaps we could start by having a dedicated thread here in which each person posts links to all his/her stories, with a single post per writer? To keep it clutter-free, there would be no posts other than posts containing links to stories.
You mean I'd have to dig all the stories I want to be here?
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French snack
French snack

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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeTue Feb 23, 2010 1:56 pm

GREGOLE wrote:

I think that sounds like an excellent idea. We'd have to spread word around the community to make sure all writers do it, but it would probably work.

Thanks; I've started the thread here.

Quote :

We could also open another thread for submission of links to new stories, or stories that've been missed, so as to keep it up to date.

Indeed; good thinking. Perhaps this thread itself could be used, but I suppose, for the sake of clarity it's better to have a separate thread, yes.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeTue Feb 23, 2010 2:13 pm

What about stories that aren't posted on DA, but rather written here?

Also, Pendragon, you deserve to be among the actives. All of you who ignored him, you all suck.
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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeTue Feb 23, 2010 2:24 pm

Sean Okotami wrote:
What about stories that aren't posted on DA, but rather written here?
You can post links to those as well.

There are numerous authors who were overlooked. I'd refrain from telling people they suck because they don't know every active writer.
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French snack
French snack

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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeTue Feb 23, 2010 2:34 pm

Sean Okotami wrote:
What about stories that aren't posted on DA, but rather written here?

Those can be added, of course. Any story at all.

Quote :

Also, Pendragon, you deserve to be among the actives.

Indeed. The new thread will hopefully be a comprehensive reference point listing all writers.
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Shady Knight
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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeTue Feb 23, 2010 3:05 pm

Hey French, can you critique the rest of my stories soon?
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeTue Feb 23, 2010 3:28 pm

I'm trying to get around to finishing my "Sphynx's Gauntlet" story, but recent tragedies have made it hard for me to do anything.
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French snack
French snack

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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeTue Feb 23, 2010 9:44 pm

Sean Okotami wrote:
Hey French, can you critique the rest of my stories soon?

Uhm... I don't know about "soon", but yes, when I find time.

If you don't hear from me in a week or so, send me a PM to remind me.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeWed Feb 24, 2010 2:17 pm

Wow, two recommendations? I'm honored^^ In all seriousness though, that writers thread sounds like a VERY good idea. Will help people be more organized all around.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeThu Feb 25, 2010 8:31 am

I have a question about stories.

Would comics count, since they do technically tell stories and require some degree of writing?
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French snack
French snack

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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitimeThu Feb 25, 2010 9:13 am

G-Man1989 wrote:
I have a question about stories.

Would comics count, since they do technically tell stories and require some degree of writing?

Yes, why not... As long as they form a series, rather than a single page.
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PostSubject: Re: Active Felarya writers   Active Felarya writers Icon_minitime

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