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 Abyssal Forest

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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Abyssal Forest   Abyssal Forest Icon_minitimeWed Feb 24, 2010 2:48 pm

Credit goes to Anime Junkie for editing, and the addition of a couple things as well.
Abyssal Forest
Danger: Very High

On the floor of Shatterock Caldera lies a massive forest, The Abyssal Forest. The trees of this ominous place are more massive than normal and very dense. The reason for this is that the Lydronite in the area was also deposited underground was well as the sky. Quantities of Lydronite are absorbed by the through the tree’s roots over time from the Lydronite deposits underground. The Lydronite concentrates the innate healing magic of Felarya, causing the trees to grow much faster and bigger than normal. Parts of the forest that extend up the caldera cliffs and around the caldera itself also grow larger than normal, although not to the extent that the trees in the caldera floor do, as the amount of Lydronite in the trees and ground rapidly decreases further away from the main deposits in the caldera floor by the point where the Abyssal forest has merged with the southern parts Driddler Forest the trees are ‘normal’ Felaryan size.. When the trees die, a trace amount of Lydronite is dispersed into the air. This airborne Lydronite is very sparse and only found in any real quantity in the caldera floor.

As the name might imply, the creatures that populate the Abyssal forest are “Abyssal” in size. That is, they are huge variants of normally much smaller creatures. It is thought (but not for certain) that the reason for this is that these creatures inhale the airborne Lydronite and like the trees in the forest around them are caused to grow much larger by its effect. Some of these creatures have escaped the confines of the caldera via a dangerous series of tunnels and caves dug over time by tunnelling abyssal creatures. These escapees then move into the Driddler forest, where they do battle with the driddlers that live there. This is in part is what has influenced the Driddlers to become so aggressive.

As stated before, a series of caves and tunnels lead up from the caldera floor to the land above. These caves are very large, being dug for the most part by Abyssal creatures. These caves are very unstable; anyone looking to venture down into caldera or up to the surrounding lands through them would face many falling rocks, tunnel collapses and pitfalls. A lot of the caves also contain plants from the forest and many other plants found only in these caves (although it is thought by some that you may find similar plants in Evernight Forest as, the tunnels and Evernight have similar conditions).

What do you think? Please comment Very Happy
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Shady Knight
Lord of the Elements
Shady Knight

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PostSubject: Re: Abyssal Forest   Abyssal Forest Icon_minitimeWed Feb 24, 2010 3:16 pm

That sound like a good idea and worth putting it. Although I have a question: is the Lydonite some form of magic amplifier?

Also, I think you might work on the behavior of the creatures there as well as the creatures themselves.
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Abyssal Forest   Abyssal Forest Icon_minitimeWed Feb 24, 2010 6:15 pm

well what happened is that eidoron was transmutated into lydronite when the massive super volcano erupted and formed the shatterock caldera. the trees have somehow learned how to "feed" off of the lydronite deposit in the ground, and since it was partially created by the innate magic of felarya it would have various other small effects as well. The trees have learned how to feed off it.

The creatures are abyssal, and would be open to interpretation. I can imagine that abyssal tonorions could be found here too.

I've written about this in the shatterock caldera post. I've deveoped this forest, the floating islands, and the people who live in it now too.
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Abyssal Forest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abyssal Forest   Abyssal Forest Icon_minitimeFri Feb 26, 2010 9:51 pm

Its a pretty good idea, however I do have one question. Will there be any new creatures for this region?
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Evil admin
Evil admin

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PostSubject: Re: Abyssal Forest   Abyssal Forest Icon_minitimeSat Feb 27, 2010 1:33 am

It's a nice idea I think, nicely described ^_^
and making sense with the rest of Shatterock Caldera
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Mara's snack

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Join date : 2009-05-05
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PostSubject: Re: Abyssal Forest   Abyssal Forest Icon_minitimeSun Feb 28, 2010 4:47 pm

Actually, this time around I was going more for making sense with the rest of felarya. I wanted the area to fit in and connect, so thats why I made the forest like I did. I know they all make sense (relatively), but I was going for a little more emphasis with the Abyssal forest to the southern edges of the felaryan map.

I hope I did that well.
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PostSubject: Re: Abyssal Forest   Abyssal Forest Icon_minitime

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