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 No nuqes plz kthx

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PostSubject: No nuqes plz kthx   No nuqes plz kthx Icon_minitimeMon Mar 01, 2010 12:05 pm

Hiya. I was... oh, boy, I suck at this... so look, I don't want nukes, but I like preds, so I think if we added this to the physics section, I'd be happier. And if we PLEASE remove that quote that says "so you can't nuke Felarya from space", as if the first thing anyone wanted to do with Felarya was to nuke it from orbit... anyway, this would help explain why so many impossible things happen in the Felaryan dimension. It'd also disavow nukes completely, the way we all want them to be, and depending on how you read it, also disavows all super-duper-trooper-mighty weapons.

Here's our own Felaryan particle. It swallows photons whole and alive!

The P-force in Felarya

A recent discovery by Deluran scientists is the existence of a force that seems unique to Felarya. So far they've dubbed this the P-force (it's P for portal).

The carriers for the P-force are the P-particles. P-particles seem to permeate Felarya similarly to neutrines everywhere else. Unlike neutrines, however, P-particles have measurable macroscopic effects.

P-particles have no mass worth noting, but they have an interaction with nearly all forms of energy. The intensity of this interaction grows with the cube of the intensity of the emission; usually, P-particles don't do much. But where the energies involved would be too intense, P-particles oppose a rapidly growing resistance. Even in the strongest cases, this resistance rarely is measurable except by very sensitive equipment. Absorbing energy isn't their macroscopic manifestation.

When P-particles have absorbed too much energy in a short period of time, they perform a special function which they share with very few particles: they drain away. P-particles, when sufficiently energized, escape to another dimension and rip portals open where the disturbance is, bringing the energy and macroscopic amounts of matter with themselves. The amount of energy that P-particles require to break a portal open is inversely proportional to their concentration.

The known parts of Felarya exist in a band of (relatively) low P-particle concentration, sandwiched between two layers of extremely high concentration. Thus, if someone gets too high in Felarya, eventually even the least amount of energy would rip them out of the dimension. Same downwards, but not as pretty. In theory, there could be other bands of low P-particle concentration, if Felarya's dimensional unstability were a periodic function of height, but only this one would be inhabitable: any other layers wouldn't have the air, water, and sunlight required.

P-particles make it relatively easy to make portals: one just needs to add energy until a rift happens. However, most P-particle high concentrations are transitory, even in areas like Miragia, and they cannot be created artificially so far: a discharge of energy that sends someone into Felarya might, once inside, merely obliterate the person discharging it, despite Felarya itself is more unstable than most other realms and it was actually more likely that a strong discharge created a portal. So a bomb could send you into Felarya if it just happens to coincide with a high concentration of P-force, but once inside, a similar bomb isn't bound to get you out. Whatever the case, if there are great concentrations of force in a place, it's always a good idea to be somewhere else.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: No nuqes plz kthx   No nuqes plz kthx Icon_minitimeMon Mar 01, 2010 12:25 pm

I really don't think making some kind of specific anti-nuke law is needed.

Honestly, no one is going to bring a nuke there. The process needed to make weapons-grade nuclear weapons is extremely complex and requires a large facility and group of people to do it.

Nukes are EXTREMELY expensive, so no one is just going to sling them around like nothing.

Nukes are just not practical weapons. Even a "pocket-nuke" is larger than a hiking pack and weighs over 40 pounds. No one is going to drag along that much dead weight for no reason.

If someone discovers an ALIEN WORLD, full of magic, ludicrously valuable minerals and treasures, and an effect that creates immortality...nuking that world to ashes is not going to be high on their list of things to do. If they lose too many people, they'll just pull out and make sure to not come back.

Making some kind of "anti-nuke" clause on the dimensional physics of Felarya is just kind of excessive...and it makes us look kind of childish for including it.

No one is going to drag a nuke to Felarya. Its just not what sane people do.
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PostSubject: Re: No nuqes plz kthx   No nuqes plz kthx Icon_minitimeMon Mar 01, 2010 12:39 pm

Then we ALREADY are childish! There's a part that literally reads "so you can't nuke Felarya from orbit" in the physics section. I just want there to be something better than that, rather than just a "no nuking from space" a "no destroying everything" rule.
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PostSubject: Re: No nuqes plz kthx   No nuqes plz kthx Icon_minitimeMon Mar 01, 2010 12:43 pm

Stabs wrote:
Then we ALREADY are childish! There's a part that literally reads "so you can't nuke Felarya from orbit" in the physics section. I just want there to be something better than that, rather than just a "no nuking from space" a "no destroying everything" rule.

The no nuking from space thing is actually referring to the fact that Felarya is it's own dimensional plane. You can't nuke it from space, because there is no space around Felarya. If you go up past the atmosphere, you leave Felarya and appear in space in some random universe. Therefore it is impossible to do anything from space at Felarya, including nukes.
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PostSubject: Re: No nuqes plz kthx   No nuqes plz kthx Icon_minitimeMon Mar 01, 2010 12:52 pm

Well, then, I'll see if I can ask someone to change the word "nuke". My interpretation of Felarya was askew for months when the first thing I read about it as a whole was that it couldn't be nuked from space... seriously, guys.

Oh, they already fixed that. My bad.
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PostSubject: Re: No nuqes plz kthx   No nuqes plz kthx Icon_minitime

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