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 Tommaru's Bio

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Roaming thug
Roaming thug

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PostSubject: Tommaru's Bio   Tommaru's Bio Icon_minitimeFri Mar 05, 2010 8:10 pm

Name: Tommaru Sinfu

Known as: Tammo

Age: 6

Gender: male

Height: 3 feet and 4 inches

Species: Human

Parents: Both dead causes killed by solders by the invation of impitur.

Adopted Parent: Azriela

Kin: Dead

Home: Distroyed


Likes: being out side, swiming at the beach and playing in the sand, he loves when Arcides visits him sometimes .

Dislikes: being alone, cabbage, and vegitables

Food Chain: dryed meat, apples, graps, and Arcides BAR-B-Q meats

Abilites: Tommaru can run not faster but longer then Jason in human states

Weapons: a knife that Arcide gave hime

History: he used to live a pretty normal life,his parents were always good to him. they fed him every day there was never a day that his parents where mad at him. But that all changed when the Solders came at water fall city and killed his family likes pigs to a slaughter house. he ran away and met Azriela, she took him in as if he was one of her own.

Peronality: shy but can Adapt to seroundings


Rp Style
the day Tommaru met Azriela:

"help me" the voice said showing its face and it look like a 6 year old boy but he is all covered in cuts and bluses "wh...wh...who are you" the kid said very nevuse and taking a step back "please don't hurt me"the kid said scard and has his back on a try and starts to cry
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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Age : 36

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PostSubject: Re: Tommaru's Bio   Tommaru's Bio Icon_minitimeFri Mar 05, 2010 8:20 pm

Moved to character discussion
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