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 Green Hell Mushrooms

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PostSubject: Green Hell Mushrooms   Green Hell Mushrooms Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 7:26 pm

Also created those on nightmare fuel, guys. If that is inappropriate, walk away now.

Land Slime
This colossal slime grows unnoticed, creeping outwards in all directions in the land under the Green Hell, digging out small veins under the land. At any given time, there's not enough Land Slime anywhere to be a hazard. However, when the Land Slime senses prey, it slowly gathers itself around it, using its channels to transport slime from afar...

At first there is no way to tell if you have its attention. But slowly, as more slime builds up, the earth starts bulging. When there is almost enough slime, the earth has moving, shifting mounds in it. And at some point, seemingly random an unmeasurably large mass of slime bursts from the ground and attempts to wash over its prey.

The thing about Land Slime is that it's not just a hunter: it's magical, and its nature is the antithesis of teleportation spells, being sensitive and reactive to them. Attempting to teleport out of its grasp only kills a truckload of slime and buys some time, but more will come to take its place. This characteristic is what keeps the Land Slime in check, too- it cannot spread past Deeper Felarya for it is an unstable zone, and it cannot thrive in them.

Magenta Bound

The Magenta Bound is a strange mold, magenta with purple stains, and a bubbly texture. It grows as man-sized patches on the bark of trees all around the Green Hell, drawing nutrients from it most of the time.

When it senses something nearby, the Magenta Bound performs a strange movement- it separates itself from its tree, and leaps towards its target. If it makes contact, it releases a powerful toxin, killing it within minutes unless something is done. If it doesn't... it keeps rebounding, powerfully, trying to steer for its target for a minute or so.

A Magenta Bound that has caught a target starts digesting as soon as the target dies- and as it digests, it becomes soft, squishy, semitransparent, and traps bubbles of gas in its structure, becoming a buoyant spore deliverer, spreading spores throughout the Green Hell. Some creatures consider the spore form a delicacy... through the rotting corpse visible inside a bubble is not for the faint of heart.
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PostSubject: Re: Green Hell Mushrooms   Green Hell Mushrooms Icon_minitimeFri Mar 26, 2010 2:16 am

You must have been on high octane nightmare fuel when you made the aspen dryad. These, to me, seem to be your Felaryan creatures with a bit of nightmare fuel, but not enough to impress me.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Green Hell Mushrooms   Green Hell Mushrooms Icon_minitimeSat Mar 27, 2010 3:05 am

Those are nice idea, especially the land slime ^^
I feel you could build an horror movie around those lol!
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French snack
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PostSubject: Re: Green Hell Mushrooms   Green Hell Mushrooms Icon_minitimeSat Mar 27, 2010 3:14 am

Felarya does need a bit of horror... And you certainly have quite a bit of imagination!
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PostSubject: Re: Green Hell Mushrooms   Green Hell Mushrooms Icon_minitimeSat Mar 27, 2010 7:42 am

Thanks, everyone. I'll make them scarier.

I got an idea for the land slime... what if when it's really hungry, like the Roll worm, it sinks small trees into the ground for it to devour, leaving large blots of swamp where the tree used to be? Blots of swamp where the land slime is already big and coming close to it will get you eaten, too. It'd make sense for a fungus to feed on vegetables.
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Grand Mecha Enthusiast
Grand Mecha Enthusiast

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PostSubject: Re: Green Hell Mushrooms   Green Hell Mushrooms Icon_minitimeSat Mar 27, 2010 12:05 pm

Meh. It sounds like a decent idea.
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Evil admin
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PostSubject: Re: Green Hell Mushrooms   Green Hell Mushrooms Icon_minitimeSun Mar 28, 2010 2:45 am

Stabs wrote:
Thanks, everyone. I'll make them scarier.

I got an idea for the land slime... what if when it's really hungry, like the Roll worm, it sinks small trees into the ground for it to devour, leaving large blots of swamp where the tree used to be? Blots of swamp where the land slime is already big and coming close to it will get you eaten, too. It'd make sense for a fungus to feed on vegetables.

hehe nice detail lol!
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PostSubject: Re: Green Hell Mushrooms   Green Hell Mushrooms Icon_minitime

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