Excuse me while I correct your grammar and spelling:
Spelling errors in
Red, Grammar errors in
Green. Terminology correction in
Cyan. Sentence Structure/Flow needs revising in
Other in
"⊙" denotes that the following text is about the correction in the corresponding colour.
This caught a
Succbi's named Malahkeeté's;
⊙Succubi is the plural of Succubus. So that Should be:
This caught a
Succubus' named Malahkeeté's;
sympathetic but mischevious pattern
[u]Not really described well. I can't offer suggestions without talking to you.
She told Averie that Victor was in hell and had commited sins while on his "war cause" and was stuck there but regrets doing his sins and wanted to meet Averie for a last time (which was a Lie) and said she had the possibility of meeting him in hell when ever she wanted, so long as she signed and agreed to make a deal with her.Really long sentence is reeeeally long. That would be far better broken up into 2 or 3 sentences.
for he died on
active duty near
⊙This depends, but died in action means he was killed by the enemy.
for he died in
action near
Both ended up having something they wanted and not want. Averie gets to visit hell but Assimilated Malahkeete and her demon traits. Malahkeete got a Mortal body but not the way she intended. becoming a part of Averie and stuck to her as a nunsance, often playing/messing with Averies emotions and regular habits.Uh... That's weird. You don't explain how that works or why Malahkeete would want a mortal body.
Mocking or pissing off of numerous predators,people,and demons in hell.⊙Mocking doesn't need to be capitalised and you forgot to put spaces between teh commas .
⊙That's not really needed
She often
mocks predators, people, and demons.Averie is highly intelligent and has a
habit to try and
Scrutinize all the details on a person.⊙ Just a sentence flow correction
⊙ A 50/50 terminology/flow correction here. Also, scrutinise doesn'r need to be capitalised.
⊙ What details? It's not clear. Is it details of personality, emotional details, physical details or something else?
Averie is highly intelligent and has a
habit of trying to
study all the details on a person.If you try and hide stuff intentionally from her it makes her a little
(define a little as alot in a human sense and not a demon sense) ticked.
⊙Well unless specified I'm sure people assume that it's in a human sense. Anyway, I'm sure the levels of "ticked" are similar. (It's not like she's a rage demon).
⊙ Adding "off" for sentence flow.
If you try and hide stuff intentionally from her it makes her a little ticked
probably enough to set the person's
but on fire till they put it out or
suggestively play with them out out of boredom of stalling and wastingtime or another way to challenge her intelligence.⊙"Probably" needs capitalisation. [color:4daa=red⊙] Wrong "butt."
⊙ That's assumed, isn't it?
⊙ Are you saying there that she'll play with them out or boredom? And what's that about challenging her intelligence?
⊙ You need a space between "wasting" and "time."
Probably enough to set the person's
butt on fire or suggestively play with them out out of boredom of stalling and
wasting time or another way to challenge her intelligence.
There are more mistakes but It is late here and my internet is playing up. I'll have to finish tomorrow.
However I will say that this character is triggering my mary-sue senses. The base concept is fine, but you need work to remove the sue-ishness and polish this character in some other areas. That said, I think she has potential.
One thing more:
- Quote :
- people who try to control someones will.