Name: Mario Henkel
Race: Human (Alternate Earth)
Age: "I'm always young!" (34)
Gender: Male
Profession: Engineer (Decision-making engineer, not technical one)
Height: 6' 1" barefoot (unless a fairy, gerridi, naxyla dridder, dimensional succubus, or whomever it may concern decides to take measures about it)
Weight: 170 pounds
Eye color: Pale brown
Hair color: Yellow
Skin color: Fairly swarthy
Likes: Making jokes about being a plumber.
Dislikes: Others doing the same thing.
Description: Mario's a fairly tall man with raised cheekbones, a manly jaw and thin eyes, short hair and a little goatee. He's also quite skinny, often dressed with long black pants and a long buttoned white shirt, whose texture is decorated with lacy (it's considered very masculine in the alternate earth where he's from). He's wearing pretty standard shoes, and a submersible analogic steel wrist watch. He looks like he's ready to dance.
Personality: Mario's a very flirty guy, even though he's not really as charming as he seems to think he is. (He knows this, but finds it fun anyway even if it never leads anywhere). Aside from that, he likes jokes, commenting on good works of engineering, and dancing.
Situation: Most of Mario's background is pretty generic for a human, containing only things that haven't really made the man. The important part are the last two months.
Mario was in some island in Asia, he'd been hired to oversee a large lumbering operation. He went out into the woods alone to smoke a cigarette. When he finished his cigarette, all the trees looked bigger. You do the maths. He blames those lousy Chinese cigarettes.
So far, Mario's still clueless as to where he is. He's also the right blend of smart and arrogant not to believe it at first. We'll see what happens with him...