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 Crystal Naga

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PostSubject: Crystal Naga or "Diamond Naga Elaboration"   Crystal Naga Icon_minitimeSun Apr 11, 2010 9:00 pm

Basic prototypical outline for the "Diamond" or "Crystal" naga. Written from a first person perspective. The ideas presented here are merely speculation. It is up to Karbo whether or not he wishes to include these ideas in Felarya. This is just pure speculation about “Crystal Naga”. If the ideas are accepted, I fully agree to the disclaimer.

Introduction: This document and the theories contained within are the sole property of the pen name “Reyem”. I am a researcher dedicated to the study of magical beasts. These are the observation of the species of Naga known as the “Diamond” or “Crystal naga” Due to the nature of this world, termed “Felarya”, I will be unable to elaborate certain biological concepts such as lifespan and resistance to disease. These are basic theories and by no means a full study.

Crystal naga share great similarity to their “cousins” within the other parts of Felarya. From what I’ve heard from another researcher, while their bodies are the same, “Crystal naga” are a different strain of naga, similar to what this researcher referred to as “Sea Krait” and “Oceanic Naga”. Living in the magic saturated crystal forest, the bodies of the Crystal naga have responded in kind, giving them a higher capability of magic proficiency than even the oldest of their forest cousins. I call them Crystal Naga because of the various elemental attunements they take on.

Colors: Pre-attunement, a Crystal naga’s tail color varies from shades of blue, gray and white. Their human skin and hair is usually a shade of white. Their eyes tend to be a shade of blue or white. Post attunement, their colors change to help them blend into their respective environment.

Maturity and growth: Similar to other species of naga, Crystal Naga reproduce by laying eggs. Unlike other species, diamond naga mature more slowly than other species. This is most likely due to the process of attunement, in which a Crystal Naga adjusts to its environment permanently. Once hatched, the child is usually reared with the parents until approximately 60 years of age. During this time, the parents usually impart their knowledge, such as basic survival skills, and the rudimentary functions of their magical abilities. Left uninterrupted, this process continues until an age between 40 and 50 years old, when attunement occurs. After this point, the parents will usually focus on teaching the younger naga the intricacies of their more powerful magic. When the naga becomes approximately 60 years of age, the parents will leave the child on their own to find their mate and continue the cycle.

Attunement: Part of a Crystal naga’s growth process is attunement to the mana flow of their environment. At this time, they adjust permanently to the mana that flows throughout their plane. Their scale and hair composition usually change colors to those common for their environment. Also according to the elemental evironment, their proficiency at dealing with particular elements will increase and decrease. Here are a few examples.

Diamond Naga are usually the result of living in an environment with no elemental alignment. As it would imply, they have no elemental specialization and thus no elemental strength or weakness.

Lapis Naga: Lightning
Ruby Naga: Fire
Jade Naga: Nature

*As of yet, there has been no study as to what occurs if a Crystal Naga’s attunement occurs outside of the crystal forest. Perhaps they would still become a Diamond Naga, or perhaps even become accustomed to the dimensional fluxes of Felarya itself.

Ability Study: Their body radiates a small distance, dense magical field. This field acts as a barrier, deflecting magical spells from spellcasters not powerful enough to overcome it. Obviously, as the Crystal Naga ages, this ability becomes more powerful, even capable enough to deflect the mightiest of mortal magic.

A Crystal Naga’s “predator sense” ability is more refined than that of other species. With it, they can sense the basic mana composition of a spell. They can also reach out with their own magic and strike at the focal points of a spell and essentially break it, converting the spell to the mana used to cast it.

Overexposure to the crystal forest’s mana has altered their basic cellular composition. They are able to temporarily infuse parts of their body with pure mana, causing it to harden into a substance with a density approximate to that of a diamond. A side effect, is that after repeated use, a small amount of their body will harden permanently. It is unknown if this has any detrimental side effects other than altering their appearance.

From the facts mentioned above, it is apparent that their main proficiency is with transmutation magic. The aspect of this is most commonly used in conjunction with the ability listed above; Transmuting their body into spikes, blades and the like to help attack and deflect impacts.

They are also proficient at illusion magic as well. It is most commonly used to help them blend into their surroundings, though duplicate images, and illusions with physical capabilities are even possible. Though they do not like to use these too often, because the illusions are directly tied in with their life force.

Their greatest weakness that has been perceived so far is a vulnerability to psionics and other mental attacks. Magic is certainly not an option when engaging them. If used properly, modern weapons can actually scare them into believing that they’ve encountered a form of magic they are unable to absorb.

Ecosystem specifics: With humans a scarcity in the crystal forest, Crystal naga often approach them delicately. Powerful magic users are valued amongst them, and Crystal naga usually attempt to convince said humanoids quickly to stay with them and form an almost symbiotic relationship. Not only can magic proficient humanoids act as a battery for their powers, but also an additional lookout as well. Protection is a key commodity in this harsh environment, and Crystal Naga certainly offer it. Refusal of this offer, or lack of magic often leads to becoming a valued treat. It should also be noted that Crystal Naga often extend this relationship to one humanoid at a time.

More often than not, Crystal Naga feed on the various fauna running about the crystal forest. As this paper focuses on them, no elaboration on this fauna is available at this time.

Crystal naga typically prey and are preyed upon by elementals. In theory, this also lead to their magical capabilities. This seems more of a game of “Who ambushes who first” than anything else. An Elemental will certainly have an advantage over a naga of an opposite element, while an Elemental with a similar element will often find themselves victims.

While I am assured they exist, I have not been able to find a creature that was able to prey on these. The two subjects I have studied were recalcitrant to divulge this information.

Feel free to input, call BS, etc.

Last edited by Saironthis on Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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valiant swordman
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PostSubject: Re: Crystal Naga   Crystal Naga Icon_minitimeSun Apr 11, 2010 10:03 pm

Don't these already exist?

Diamond Nagas
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: Re: Crystal Naga   Crystal Naga Icon_minitimeSun Apr 11, 2010 11:48 pm

Yes, they do. It's elaboration, more or less.
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PostSubject: Re: Crystal Naga   Crystal Naga Icon_minitime

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