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 Fairy hunting 301

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PostSubject: Fairy hunting 301   Fairy hunting 301 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 17, 2010 2:20 pm

Remembering Kakuzu (the greedy zombie ninja from Naruto), the other day, he got me thinking about fairy hunting (yeah, he looked like he could pull it off, but what really got me thinking about fairy hunting was how he sold Asuma's body). We know some people get lucky and get targeted by lots of tasty fairy hunters! But there's something that I'm lost about, what happens if a hunter gets lucky and actually catches a fairy? What do they do next?

Of course, they try to survive all the way to a place where they can trade the fairy for something else. One such place is Negav, for example: fairies can't come in (I think there was a variety that could, but that's beside the point), but they can be carried in. There's enough cashflow there for you to both get lots of money and spend it in a life of luxury.

But aside from Negav, which other places are there where you can trade a fairy for something else? What can you get for a fairy in a bartering economy? Because, you know, you can only spend money at Negav, in Kortiki (well, a guy told me that you could spend money in Kortiki), and outside of Felarya; the Forest of Whispers is thus the best place to go fairy hunting if you want to survive after catching a fairy (ironic, isn't it?). But there are fairy hunters everywhere. To name some, Fulmina (by Jaette_Troll) was operating in the outskirts of Evernight. That's a LOOOONG way to Negav. Young Creepy Man Who Didn't Even Get To Introduce Himself (Ravana3k) was operating in the Fairy Kingdom. Which is... not close to Negav. Malid (Frenchsnack) was operating close to the Fairy Pond. He got eaten in the end, but Lucilya almost got herself killed! A cannier (and crueler) individual would've had a different problem, getting back to a place to sell the fairy... which was far, far away, across Tolmeshal and the Grove, unless you take the Jewel River.

I don't know what would you get for a fairy anywhere, other than a swift kick in the ass and being told to never come back with something that dangerous in your possession (something that also now knows where they live, too), except for that place Silent_Eric designed, the fairy hunter base built on the carcass of a giant insect in the outskirts of the Fairy Kingdom. But other than that, I'm guessing most fairy traders couldn't risk staying in one spot for long; they'd have to be nomadic (For some reason, now I think Gunther is an important link in the chain of fairy hunting... and not just because he looks like one of the five Kages!) or teleporters who can somehow find out who has a fairy and where (such as by scrying on some hunters every day and recalling the ones that make a successful catch. It does make me think, however, that most hunters who succeed while working for a teleporter would just get the fairy taken off their hands and themselves fed to the mage's pet (or friend, or servant). It's cheaper for the wizard, and this is Felarya; if somebody gets off the hook that easy, something's wrong).

For some reason I really feel like making a tomthumb fairy hunter now. If only I had something else than a race/class combination and a mental image... like some way it made sense for a tomthumb to put his life on the line to catch fairies AND stay alive even hunting the most dangerous game and not always succeeding, without being an UPC... just one is already above RDD*.

So in short, guys, if... let's say, X catches a fairy (Huh? X!? What's X doing in Felarya? Is Zero here too!?), where would X sell (X, that's a sentient being! You can't sell her! It's immoral!) the fairy, barring Negav? And what would X get for it, barring a ton of gold? (No, X, no, don't! That's just wrong! OH FOR GOD'S SAKE HE NOMMED HER! Eh? You... you copied her weapon? GET AWAY FROM ME! NOOOOOOOO!)
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy hunting 301   Fairy hunting 301 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 17, 2010 3:54 pm

Quote :
So in short, guys, if... let's say, X catches a fairy (Huh? X!? What's X doing in Felarya? Is Zero here too!?), where would X sell (X, that's a sentient being! You can't sell her! It's immoral!) the fairy, barring Negav? And what would X get for it, barring a ton of gold? (No, X, no, don't! That's just wrong! OH FOR GOD'S SAKE HE NOMMED HER! Eh? You... you copied her weapon? GET AWAY FROM ME! NOOOOOOOO!)
I'd post a coherent reply to your post, but I'm too busy laughing. Laughing
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Mara's snack

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PostSubject: Re: Fairy hunting 301   Fairy hunting 301 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 18, 2010 4:50 pm

Quote :
Remembering Kakuzu (the greedy zombie ninja from Naruto), the other day, he got me thinking about fairy hunting (yeah, he looked like he could pull it off, but what really got me thinking about fairy hunting was how he sold Asuma's body). We know some people get lucky and get targeted by lots of tasty fairy hunters! But there's something that I'm lost about, what happens if a hunter gets lucky and actually catches a fairy? What do they do next?

Of course, they try to survive all the way to a place where they can trade the fairy for something else. One such place is Negav, for example: fairies can't come in (I think there was a variety that could, but that's beside the point), but they can be carried in. There's enough cashflow there for you to both get lots of money and spend it in a life of luxury.

Well you made the point of catching a fairy being luck, so it would happen extremely rarely, thus if someone wanted to bring a fairy anywhere to do anything with, it would either be very gruesome, or the buyer would need some way to cancel out their ability to use magic, and make them a slave of some sort.

Quote :
But aside from Negav, which other places are there where you can trade a fairy for something else? What can you get for a fairy in a bartering economy? Because, you know, you can only spend money at Negav, in Kortiki (well, a guy told me that you could spend money in Kortiki), and outside of Felarya; the Forest of Whispers is thus the best place to go fairy hunting if you want to survive after catching a fairy (ironic, isn't it?). But there are fairy hunters everywhere. To name some, Fulmina (by Jaette_Troll) was operating in the outskirts of Evernight. That's a LOOOONG way to Negav. Young Creepy Man Who Didn't Even Get To Introduce Himself (Ravana3k) was operating in the Fairy Kingdom. Which is... not close to Negav. Malid (Frenchsnack) was operating close to the Fairy Pond. He got eaten in the end, but Lucilya almost got herself killed! A cannier (and crueler) individual would've had a different problem, getting back to a place to sell the fairy... which was far, far away, across Tolmeshal and the Grove, unless you take the Jewel River.

There are other places far off, non-canon wise, but yes, the isolon eye negates most preds, you'd have to get even luckier after you catch said fairy.
Dusk Nymphs are the fairies that can get past the barriers, because they travel as a shadow, which negav probably a counter-defense against, but I cant think of anything.

Quote :
I don't know what would you get for a fairy anywhere, other than a swift kick in the ass and being told to never come back with something that dangerous in your possession (something that also now knows where they live, too), except for that place Silent_Eric designed, the fairy hunter base built on the carcass of a giant insect in the outskirts of the Fairy Kingdom. But other than that, I'm guessing most fairy traders couldn't risk staying in one spot for long; they'd have to be nomadic (For some reason, now I think Gunther is an important link in the chain of fairy hunting... and not just because he looks like one of the five Kages!) or teleporters who can somehow find out who has a fairy and where (such as by scrying on some hunters every day and recalling the ones that make a successful catch. It does make me think, however, that most hunters who succeed while working for a teleporter would just get the fairy taken off their hands and themselves fed to the mage's pet (or friend, or servant). It's cheaper for the wizard, and this is Felarya; if somebody gets off the hook that easy, something's wrong).

As I stated previously, you'd need to neutralize their magic, and hope they dont have friends nearby. Taking off their wings of course helps this problem, but negav is really the only place you'd take such a possession, and since the eye prevents most preds from entering, and that felarya has extreme regenerative properties, taking a fairy (even a wingless one) to negav, or any other populated area is a huge liability (regenerating wings after a period of time). Only extremely wealthy people could remotely find any use and/or tradeable items.

On second thought, I imagine cruel breeding experiments due to fairies' magic being really potent.

Thats all I can really think of atm.
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Felarya cartographer
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy hunting 301   Fairy hunting 301 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 18, 2010 9:08 pm

Anime-Junkie wrote:
Quote :
So in short, guys, if... let's say, X catches a fairy (Huh? X!? What's X doing in Felarya? Is Zero here too!?), where would X sell (X, that's a sentient being! You can't sell her! It's immoral!) the fairy, barring Negav? And what would X get for it, barring a ton of gold? (No, X, no, don't! That's just wrong! OH FOR GOD'S SAKE HE NOMMED HER! Eh? You... you copied her weapon? GET AWAY FROM ME! NOOOOOOOO!)
I'd post a coherent reply to your post, but I'm too busy laughing. Laughing

lol Fairy hunting 301 57271 X nommed a Fairy.... thats about as unnatural as that seven ate (eight) nine joke...
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Veteran knight
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PostSubject: No   Fairy hunting 301 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 19, 2010 5:18 am

Lets just leave it at this: Fairy hunting is NOT reccomended.
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy hunting 301   Fairy hunting 301 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 19, 2010 11:16 am


Last edited by FalconJudge on Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:23 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy hunting 301   Fairy hunting 301 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 19, 2010 11:18 am

alliance wrote:
Lets just leave it at this: Fairy hunting is NOT reccomended.

Yeah, I wasn't sure if that was a misfire or something. Merged it into the current fairy hunting thread in General Discussion.
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy hunting 301   Fairy hunting 301 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 19, 2010 11:23 am

Oh, yeah, I know what happened. I've done that a few times.
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy hunting 301   Fairy hunting 301 Icon_minitimeSat May 08, 2010 2:00 pm

Well, back on topic, where can you sell fairies? And what can you get for them?
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy hunting 301   Fairy hunting 301 Icon_minitimeSat May 08, 2010 2:20 pm

Stabs wrote:
Well, back on topic, where can you sell fairies? And what can you get for them?
I'd imagine the wings are fantastic for mages as a magical booster. Not the most powerful booster nor the easiest to get, but hey beggars can't be choosers. Plus, it's probably easier to use Fairy Wings as a spell component than other objects (perhaps they're a natural ingredient in shrinking potions, as an example).

For the most part, there isn't much use in capturing Fairies other than as an attempt at pest removal (because, let's face it, for anything that a Fairy doesn't consider a peer that's pretty much what they are: Something that you do not want in your area). There's the obvious issues with taking a potent magic caster as a slave, and reducing their magical capabilities (often via removing their flight capabilities too) greatly devalues their use for labor. You could probably try a geas, but it's only a matter of time before they twist it.

Selling them? There is no reason: The effort put into capturing a Fairy for anything more than spell components (in which case you don't necessarily need them alive) would be both cost-inefficient in terms of payback and in terms of what else you could have done with those funds (attempted to find a jewel fish, for instance).

As such, it basically comes down to "If you're hunting Fairies, you're doing it for one of three reasons: The thrill (see: The people who tend to last all of three hunts at best), the spell component market (which becomes either very tedious as you're hunting a large amount of small ones, or very risky as you're hunting individual huge ones), and pest removal (which, if they're a "pest", means they're already dangerous as fuck)." None of which really necessitate catching the Fairy alive or in one piece.
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valiant swordman
valiant swordman

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PostSubject: Re: Fairy hunting 301   Fairy hunting 301 Icon_minitimeSat May 08, 2010 11:37 pm

I suppose some individuals might find a shrunken fairy a divine delicacy?

Perhaps a wealthy neko would be willing to purchase one? It have a flavor of revenge certainly enough.
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Temple scourge
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy hunting 301   Fairy hunting 301 Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 2:03 am

Somehow, I think there will be a few people like Jacob Halter (trh7323's character) are willing to purchase a fairy and release her later (don't ask me why, it's just the way those characters are: Caring about others first before thinking for themselves)
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Seasoned adventurer
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy hunting 301   Fairy hunting 301 Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 2:22 am

JohnDoe wrote:
I suppose some individuals might find a shrunken fairy a divine delicacy?

Perhaps a wealthy neko would be willing to purchase one? It have a flavor of revenge certainly enough.

That's actually funny now that ya mention it. For awhile now in developing one of my characters, she likes to eat Fairies, especially their wings. I say that different colored wings should represent a variety of flavors. I just thought it would be an interesting idea.
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy hunting 301   Fairy hunting 301 Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 4:59 am

I had some other thoughts on the issue myself, too.

Maybe neko tribes can share some trinkets they "picked up" if you allow the girls to lick a fairy so as to know the smell and better escape from them? For your payment, you might instead get your choice of a hawt catgirl for a... let's just say "marriage" and let you reflect on what did I mean by that. I was planning on something like that for the Sokkiz Personality Test. Also, if you're a neko, you get to be the chief of your tribe (and you get the older girls who dun' look older to bleeeeep your brains out to change your mind, too, it's win/win here).

Jaette-Troll stablished that you can put fairy wings in a belt, then give it to a wizard to cast the spells required, and that'll get you the power to gulp down Grip if he gives you trouble (and get eaten by chlaenas if you give him trouble). Grip is human, by the way. Frankly, I like the idea. Gives chlaenas something to eat, gives the growth fans something to fap to, and it gives people like me, who like seeing things used smart, a smile, knowing that hunting a fairy gives you something that'll endure forever if used carefully rather than an ego boost for a wizard. (I'm also a growth fan. And a chlaena).

Also, what would you think of a group of absolutely elite guys who look for fairies to make a weapon for their leader? We can call them the Bakatsuki.
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Cog in the Machine
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy hunting 301   Fairy hunting 301 Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 7:10 am

Stabs wrote:
Also, what would you think of a group of absolutely elite guys who look for fairies to make a weapon for their leader? We can call them the Bakatsuki.
Personally, it's too much effort for too little reward. If you're already hunting down fairies, you're probably good enough that whatever weapon you can make from Fairy parts is a downgrade (unless something like "The blade of a 1000 Fairy Wings", which would both probably draw a few Guardians' ire for depopulating a city of Fairies and because you have a weapon imbued with pretty much the power to gib anything).
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy hunting 301   Fairy hunting 301 Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 1:41 pm

Malahite wrote:
Personally, it's too much effort for too little reward. If you're already hunting down fairies, you're probably good enough that whatever weapon you can make from Fairy parts is a downgrade (unless something like "The blade of a 1000 Fairy Wings", which would both probably draw a few Guardians' ire for depopulating a city of Fairies and because you have a weapon imbued with pretty much the power to gib anything).

Malahite, when something starts with Baka, answer with a joke.

Besides, if it could be fun, it's not a downgrade.
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Cog in the Machine
Cog in the Machine

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PostSubject: Re: Fairy hunting 301   Fairy hunting 301 Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 3:34 pm

Stabs wrote:
Malahite, when something starts with Baka, answer with a joke.
I'm sorry, I don't speak dutch.
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy hunting 301   Fairy hunting 301 Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 4:44 pm

Stabs wrote:

Jaette-Troll stablished that you can put fairy wings in a belt, then give it to a wizard to cast the spells required, and that'll get you the power to gulp down Grip if he gives you trouble (and get eaten by chlaenas if you give him trouble). Grip is human, by the way. Frankly, I like the idea. Gives chlaenas something to eat, gives the growth fans something to fap to, and it gives people like me, who like seeing things used smart, a smile, knowing that hunting a fairy gives you something that'll endure forever if used carefully rather than an ego boost for a wizard. (I'm also a growth fan. And a chlaena).

Yesh. Fairy-Wing belts are expensive, rare as well popular among those who Felarya gives an inferiority complex. Also, one belt probably costs hundreds of lives, both fairy and prey, to make, if you're into that sort of stuff.

I wonder if Lesona has one stashed away somewhere...
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PostSubject: Re: Fairy hunting 301   Fairy hunting 301 Icon_minitime

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