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 Why do I see most people carrying swords?

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Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do I see most people carrying swords?   Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 4:46 pm

Archmage_Bael wrote:

you're arguing like longswords are the best weapons ever.

each weapon is used for a different purpose, and you have to take that into account, too.
I take in account that and I never said the longsword are the best sword or something like that . I just show the katana won't be the only sword used. Katana are very effective against light armoured and with few physical resistance, but against strong heavily armoured and strong physical resistance, even if it's not cut as good as a katana but more effective against opponent who posses a solid defence.
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Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do I see most people carrying swords?   Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2010 12:36 pm

All that said, I'm still in the position we've gotta consider that predators might simply off the league as far as kinetic weapons are concerned.

After all, a 75 foot tall giant with the proportions of a 6 feet 3 man (or a 75 foot tall giantess proportioned to a 6 feet 3 woman) has 1.724 times the mass of its smaller counterpart, and if we say their speed has on the same proportion, they've got 144 times the kinetic energy per mass. Assuming they've got the same density because Felarya is nice, they're still dealing with 250.000 times the energy you are (248832 to be exact). Something like that would take a 18.7 megajoules tank gun like it were a big slingshot (around 75 J) if we use that simplification. If we instead reduce the energy they will feel 144 times for the dimensional scaling, then consider that to them it's focused over an area 144 times smaller, and then add into account that they'll feel only (1/12)^3 of the energy, that means they'll feel it like a small bullet. Can you do worse with a gun? Or with a sword?

Not saying that you can't hurt a predator with a weapon, of course. You'd just need something that was overkill 144 times over for yourself, and then consider you'll be hurting a really small area. I recommend picks. Like the ones for mining. If you use pikes, they can get swatted sidewards, or lots of other stuff. I mean, compare how fast you can swing the pick to how fast a predator can feint it's swatting you. You'll just make their day.

Swords are good, but I'm sure the preds already have thought of that. I'd recommend spiked shields, myself. If you can throw them, they also work as caltrops, and the kinetic thing is solved: the predator's own two (or more) feet will do the job.

But still, do we really have to think that much about hurting the preds? Sad What have they ever done to you?
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Cog in the Machine
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Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do I see most people carrying swords?   Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2010 7:50 pm

Stabs wrote:
After all, a 75 foot tall giant with the proportions of a 6 feet 3 man (or a 75 foot tall giantess proportioned to a 6 feet 3 woman) has 1.724 times the mass of its smaller counterpart, and if we say their speed has on the same proportion,
Personally, I am not a fan of proportional speed. Mostly because people tend to display them with human reaction times, and if we give them a speed multiplication as much as either volume or mass then we wind up with beings that would require stupidly good reaction times to be as finessed as they are.

Quote :
Something like that would take a 18.7 megajoules tank gun like it were a big slingshot (around 75 J) if we use that simplification.
Another reason I'm against it is the biological creatures with skin made out of reinforced mithril.

Stabs wrote:
If you use pikes, they can get swatted sidewards, or lots of other stuff.
Swatting's a bit more difficult when it's a real wall, and not just -----> pointing out from the end of the regiment. A more apt comparison from the

Would actually be
-->->, with - depending on the regiment - it possibly accounting for sides too and being somewhat 'rounded'.

Quote :
But still, do we really have to think that much about hurting the preds? Sad What have they ever done to you?
Killed tens of thousands of my kin in their lifetimes and thought not a single one of them was an actual life instead of OM NOMs?
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Mara's snack

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Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do I see most people carrying swords?   Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 29, 2010 12:05 pm

assuming you have a perfect square battle formation of pikes, they can still throw a massive object and kill the group anyway. they are sentient after all.
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Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do I see most people carrying swords?   Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 29, 2010 1:01 pm

Archmage_Bael wrote:
assuming you have a perfect square battle formation of pikes, they can still throw a massive object and kill the group anyway. they are sentient after all.
The square formation was developed to counter the charge of cavalry, horses in overall it works difficulty against larger mounted beast like elephant.

Indeed it will be difficult in felarya, centaurs can make an earthquake with their hoof, nagas can swing their tail, slug girl use use their sticky saliva but the funniest will be dridder will discover the joy of bowling with a large round stone she will recover with her silk to make soft and sticky lol!

Last edited by gwadahunter2222 on Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:02 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : minor rephrasing)
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Mara's snack

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Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do I see most people carrying swords?   Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 29, 2010 1:14 pm

gwadahunter2222 wrote:
Archmage_Bael wrote:
assuming you have a perfect square battle formation of pikes, they can still throw a massive object and kill the group anyway. they are sentient after all.
The square formation was developed to counter the charge of cavalry, horses in overall it works difficulty against larger mounted beast like elephant.

Indeed it will be difficult in felarya, centaurs can make an earthquake with their hoof, nagas can swing their tail, slug girl use use their sticky saliva but the funniest will be dridder will discover the joy of bowling with a large round stone she will recover with her silk to make soft and sticky lol!

well any giant pred can throw a large rock.

I think that should be called a dridder rice cake though :3
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Cog in the Machine
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Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do I see most people carrying swords?   Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 29, 2010 2:28 pm

The Predators can throw large rocks, yes. However, that leaves them comparatively little for dinner. At least, unless they like scraping the food off the ground with a gigantic spatula. lol!
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Mara's snack

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Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do I see most people carrying swords?   Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 29, 2010 2:48 pm

what would they use for a spatula? O.o

their tongue?
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Running Scared
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Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do I see most people carrying swords?   Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 15, 2010 2:41 am

Okay I'm going to get off topic here, I think(Sorry if I haven't gotten everything of what you all have said^^).

First, I think that these people would try to go at their own style that would be best against the preds and their environment. They would need different equipment for different campaigns in different places in Felarya(I'm excluding any other kinds of missions they would do). The use of weapons would be more to me like the use of tools for the common situations.

However, against the numerous species and sub-species of preds they would need something more than just a sword or axe. Something specific, they would have to specialize for one area if they really wanted to survive long. They would need to research their intended missions/jobs as well come up with tactics to deal with various scenarios.

As the pred has the obvious advantage of size, it would be near impossible for a handful of people to protect themselves much less fight off a pred. Especially, when they're roughly 1/10 scale to the pred and when the pred could go on a feeding frenzy since the healing factor of Felarya could null out any damage in due time. These guys would have to balance out all their necessary supplies in addition to their weapons just to have a shot in hell.

I'm sort of biased that magic-related, negative plane, anti-magic imbued weapons/relics, or even these powers alone would be better than normal weapons. If it was something they would try to use if they didn't already or if they couldn't. What about the use of species specific trap magic/physical traps and equipment that would deal with the most likely and most deadly preds. Also, the weapons like a pike, sword or mace won't help in the chance one of these guys falls into one of the many carnivorous flora that exist in Felarya.

These guys would need to balance alot of things to even get started on their merry band like the capital to get their stuff, the planning, and managing of their supplies and weapons for where and what they're going to be at. I'm just looking at the general picture.

On the note of weapons how about the Ono, a spear gun with barbed and poisoned spears(perhaps with the neurotoxic venom of the Nihlmarreths)? How about even a shovel? Heck even going Green and using the many different plant-based weapons that already exist in Felarya as plants?

Just my two cents on this.
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Roaming thug
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Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do I see most people carrying swords?   Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 01, 2010 4:06 pm

The Gun vs Sword debate can be solved by sticking a bayonet on a rifle. Then you have a rifle that still works like a rifle and can also pass as a sword.
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Roaming thug
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Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do I see most people carrying swords?   Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 02, 2010 2:29 pm


"You can use them to cut your way out of a Predator's stomac-

-wait a minute..."


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Cog in the Machine
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Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do I see most people carrying swords?   Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 02, 2010 7:57 pm

ambrose-euanthe wrote:

"You can use them to cut your way out of a Predator's stomac-

-wait a minute..."


For some reason I can imagine Gunther selling quality Katanas under the promise that they really can cut through anything. Cue people being pissed when they can't escape Giant Predator stomachs, things wider than the blade's long, or, my personal favorite, people in full plate. lol!

Scifidork: You mean spear, not sword. Never, ever field a gun like a sword.
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Roaming thug
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Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do I see most people carrying swords?   Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 06, 2010 12:41 am

Malahite wrote:
You mean spear, not sword. Never, ever field a gun like a sword.
Jukendo disagrees somewhat. It started with spear techniques, then got sword techniques as bayonets improved.

Advantages of a bayoneted rifle: you have a rifle, it can function as a melee weapon, and the bayonet is very useful on its own.
Disadvantages: heavier than a sword/spear of the same length, harder to aim(due to bayonet shifting and adding weight at the end), due to the second the bayonet is left off until melee combat is imminent and thus may not be mounted in time.
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Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do I see most people carrying swords?   Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 06, 2010 2:50 am

scifidork wrote:
Malahite wrote:
You mean spear, not sword. Never, ever field a gun like a sword.
Jukendo disagrees somewhat. It started with spear techniques, then got sword techniques as bayonets improved.

Advantages of a bayoneted rifle: you have a rifle, it can function as a melee weapon, and the bayonet is very useful on its own.
Disadvantages: heavier than a sword/spear of the same length, harder to aim(due to bayonet shifting and adding weight at the end), due to the second the bayonet is left off until melee combat is imminent and thus may not be mounted in time.
Quote wikipedia:
"Jukendo techniques are based on sojutsu (spear fighting)"
It has been "likened to kendo". Doesn't mean it uses sword techniques. Of course, it doesn't mean it doesn't either, but it's probably still mostly spear techniques due to the fact that a rifle with bayonet in melee combat is basically a spear with a really heavy shaft.
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Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do I see most people carrying swords?   Why do I see most people carrying swords? - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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