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 Wolx Moonknight's Bio

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Tasty morsel

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Wolx Moonknight's Bio Empty
PostSubject: Wolx Moonknight's Bio   Wolx Moonknight's Bio Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 1:14 pm

Personal information

Name: Wolx Moonknight
Age: Unknown -Looks to be 19
Gender: Male
Hair: Silvery-white
Eyes: Red
Species: 5'3" (Hispo), 5'7" (Hume), 6'2" (Anthro)
Marital Status: Taken by Celene
Kin: Lady Sierra,
Orientation: Straight
Occupation: S Eilte Solider
Home: Impitur Kingdom


Likes: Zeke(z), his friends and food
Dislikes: Alcoholic drinks
Hobbies: Eating, playing cards, fighting
Food: Eats anything


Crused: Immortality
Immune: Electricity (Lighting)
Abosrbs: Fire
Contorl: Five Elements of Fire

  • Red = Burns
    Green = Heals & Restores
    Blue = Freeze & Petrifys
    Black = Decays
    White =

Other Characteristics

Green mouth & pads - in Hispo and Anthro forum

Fake skin
Left arm it covers over the his automail arm. The fake skin is black middle way of his arm. He got tattoo desgin on his sholder to match with it.

  • Automail
    Automail is basically an 'artificial limb', and they help people that have missing body parts like arms and legs, so that they can still lead a normal life. They are not called 'automail' though. Sometimes these artificial limbs are also called 'prosthetic limbs'.

Blood Flame - in Hispo and Anthro forum
His body warm to the touch but when his blood touch anything it flames up. Causing anything around it to burn. (Ex: If you seen the moive "Rage" the dragons Saliva is same as his blood

Acid Saliva - in Hispo and Anthro forum
He has the ability to control his saliva into acid which case massive damage and melt(eats) threw anything. (Ex: If you seen any of the moive "Aliens" you know how there insides/Blood works)


Wolx is a polite, friendly and well-mannered and who does not back down from a challenge. He is selfless, willing to sacrifice himself for someone he does not know very well or even like. He is also very loyal to those he loves, doing anything to save them, and is devoted to his cause almost to the point of self-harm. He treasures all life, vowing to save both humans and demons, but this often puts him at odds with others.

He eats vast amounts of food, to the point where it's more comical than anything else. This necessity often leads him to thinking about it even in serious situations.

The way he views the world is different then any other. Instead of letting the bad things get him down he remains optimistic in any situation, largely due to his vow to keep moving forward. No matter what obstacles he encounters, he will never give up.

Personality Bar

Education - 3
Affinity - 5
Battle Ability - 5
Mental - 5
Flexibility - 4
Rescuse - 5
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Wolx Moonknight's Bio Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wolx Moonknight's Bio   Wolx Moonknight's Bio Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 2:10 pm

Hmm, work this will need, yes it will.

First, you mention a lot of things. Such as cursed: immortality, or a vow to keep always moving forward. Now listen carefully, because that was frankly... Suspect

How can anyone just write "Cursed: Immortality"? Is that all that there is to the curse? Is that all it means to you, he's cursed so that he can't die? Are you so sure you want to take such a thing in a manner this shallow? There's no such thing as simply being cursed with immortality. You've either decided it was not important, or not to tell, why was he cursed, by whom, or when.

"Taken by Celene." You might want to elaborate a little on that. Why taken, why not engaged, why not married? If you're going to use a different way of expressing a relationship, you'll want to elaborate on it. We aren't even aware of who this Celene is.

Now, here it says that he treasures demons' lives as much as human lives. This is of no consequence in Felarya, as there aren't enough demons for it to be more than a footnote. However, we don't know anything about his position on predation, which is a more serious matter in Felarya.

Also, you say he's vowed to never give up, and taken this seriously. So we'd like more details.

In short, add a background.
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Wolx Moonknight's Bio Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wolx Moonknight's Bio   Wolx Moonknight's Bio Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 8:05 pm

Stabs wrote:
Hmm, work this will need, yes it will.
Quoting Stabs out of habit.

This character reads, to me, like one of the better fantasy character bios from neopets (In ages past I was a member).
The ability to change into an anthro, the clichéd magic abilities and the anime-derived characteristics.
Quote :
Contorl: Five Elements of Fire
Also, fire does not have multiple elements! Seriously, that hurts my science.

Quote :
Species: 5'3" (Hispo), 5'7" (Hume), 6'2" (Anthro)
3 Different heights? Human, anthro and... "Hispo?"
Also, you allude to the fact that he has an anthro form. Please elaborate on this.

Lastly, while your overall spelling and grammar is ok, the mistakes you do make really stand out.
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Temple scourge
Temple scourge

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Wolx Moonknight's Bio Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wolx Moonknight's Bio   Wolx Moonknight's Bio Icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 11:49 am

This looks to me like a character profile designed sheerly for roleplay. Smells of Ekas portal, but that's just a blind throw based of immediate knowledge of roleplay sites.

As for my two cents on the subject, I would have to just point upwards at the posts made by Anime-Junkie and Stabs.

This is all.
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Wolx Moonknight's Bio Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wolx Moonknight's Bio   Wolx Moonknight's Bio Icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 9:32 pm

Wolx wrote:
Fake skin
Left arm it covers over the his automail arm. The fake skin is black middle way of his arm. He got tattoo desgin on his sholder to match with it.

  • Automail
    Automail is basically an 'artificial limb', and they help people that have missing body parts like arms and legs, so that they can still lead a normal life. They are not called 'automail' though. Sometimes these artificial limbs are also called 'prosthetic limbs'.
Seriously. Automail. When he can change form? BAD IDEA. The change of form would alter bone structure, not to mention the changes that the muscle would undergo. This would ruin the nerve connections, making the automail uncontrollable. And the changes to muscles would probably dislodge the socket, making it extremely painful.

In short, get rid of it.

Wolx wrote:
Blood Flame - in Hispo and Anthro forum
His body warm to the touch but when his blood touch anything it flames up. Causing anything around it to burn. (Ex: If you seen the moive "Rage" the dragons Saliva is same as his blood
This just seems a bit tacked on. Not to mention ripped from a movie or countless books. Normally it's demons who have this. mainly because they can handwave having their insides burned out because they're demons.
Wolx wrote:
Acid Saliva - in Hispo and Anthro forum
He has the ability to control his saliva into acid which case massive damage and melt(eats) threw anything. (Ex: If you seen any of the moive "Aliens" you know how there insides/Blood works)
Wolx wrote:
(Ex: If you seen any of the moive "Aliens" you know how there insides/Blood works)
I think that CauldronBorn's reaction covers this:
Quote :
[17:31:35] CauldronBorn24 : He has the ability to control his saliva into acid which case massive damage and melt(eats) threw anything. (Ex: If you seen any of the moive "Aliens" you know how there insides/Blood works)
[17:31:46] Anime-Junkie : yeah
[17:32:21] CauldronBorn24 : I'm sorry but if he knew anything about chemistry that just wouldn't work
[17:32:39] Anime-Junkie : I know
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PostSubject: Re: Wolx Moonknight's Bio   Wolx Moonknight's Bio Icon_minitime

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