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 And karaoke?

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And karaoke? Empty
PostSubject: And karaoke?   And karaoke? Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 2:40 pm

I just realized that Felarya is supposed to be saturated by magic, and thus have really strong magic. However, we forgot to do the same thing for technology. I wanted to ask, is this intentional?

Because if it's not, then we better start rhyming in latin and making up new laws and devices which take advantage of those laws.

Atoms in Felarya
One recent discovery by Delurians is that matter in Felarya is completely non-atomic in structure. Rather than being composed of atoms, matter in Felarya has a continuous structure and composition.

There's also a strange effect that has been observed on solids; Felaryan solids have a certain vibration to themselves, a certain "tone". As solids of larger size are examined, laws of square and cube relations should dictate it becomes closer to being unable to support its own weight. However, this "tone" actually makes the solid stronger the larger it is. It's believed some great predators have hearts that mimic this frequency, thus making the predator even more difficult to destroy, but Delurians have ALWAYS had problems with field testing.

(Also, all attempts at studying this effect on inanimate objects have ended up in explosions, usually followed up by full bellies. And screaming.)

This also explains why Delurian steel rusts this quickly; its discontinuous structure is easier to affect with Felaryan dephlogiston (not to be mistaken for oxygen as dephlogiston does not form atoms), which operates as a completely formless and volumeless fluid. The dephlogiston rusts and breaks down the steel several times faster than oxygen does, as it can simultaneously affect every surface in the solid.
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PostSubject: Re: And karaoke?   And karaoke? Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 3:35 pm

This thread's title is misleading. I was expecting karaoke. Boo.
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Age : 31
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PostSubject: Re: And karaoke?   And karaoke? Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 3:43 pm

I agree with fish here, title is misleading, but the idea is a good one.
I'll post a more extensive reply when I have time
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PostSubject: Re: And karaoke?   And karaoke? Icon_minitime

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