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 Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism

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Sexual Cannibalism for Mantoids in Felarya?
Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 7 Vote_lcap35%Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 7 Vote_rcap
 35% [ 12 ]
Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 7 Vote_lcap50%Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 7 Vote_rcap
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Temple scourge
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Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 7 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 29, 2011 1:25 pm

rcs619 wrote:
Well, at least this thread has helped to set the boundries on what is morally acceptable in Felarya.

Adding a rape trait to dolphin mermaids is a no-no, since rape is bad, offensive, and that real-world animal trait just doesn't transfer well to a hybrid species.

Adding in mantoids murdering, cutting up, and eating their mates is perfectly fine though.

Good to know. Rape bad, murder and mutilation good.

Cliff, even I agreed that the whole thing about rape was going a bit too far, and I was the one that brought it up to begin with. Why are you bringing this up now? It's not really the same thing as what we're discussing here

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Evil admin
Evil admin

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Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 7 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 29, 2011 1:27 pm

rcs619 wrote:
Well, at least this thread has helped to set the boundries on what is morally acceptable in Felarya.

Adding a rape trait to dolphin mermaids is a no-no, since rape is bad, offensive, and that real-world animal trait just doesn't transfer well to a hybrid species.

Adding in mantoids murdering, cutting up, and eating their mates is perfectly fine though.

Good to know. Rape bad, murder and mutilation good.

Rolling Eyes

You should listen to Stabs'advice and know when to stop.
You are making a total ass of yourself and this behavior is certainly NOT helping Felarya like you claim to be doing.

Jasconius wrote:
I suggested this on ventrilo and they told me to post it here. Perhaps this can be added to the end of the mantoid article. Possibly also adding that females enjoy playfully nibbling their mates as well.

"There are a few rare members of Mantoids that, at times, will eat their mates should either the male be sick and/or weakly, or if the female is starving. Male Mantoids do their best to avoid this by either offering the female food and/or performing an elaborate mating ritual in order to get her mindset off hunting."

That seems pretty reasonnable to me.
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PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 7 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 29, 2011 1:35 pm

Everyone stop. Hammertime.
Seriously, this is getting a little out of hand. Stab's break wasn't long enough.
People need to start really talking to each other. Forums are great, but it is a little too detached sometimes. People tend to forget that they're talking to a real person. It's much easier to reason with someone when you can have responses in realtime. It's also hard to forget that you're actually talking to a person.

So, I'm requesting that people start really talking rather than pushing the same thing over and over.
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PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 7 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 29, 2011 1:39 pm

By the way, I called him an imbecile on vent. Yelling. I figure I should admit it right now.

I take it he's self-assured enough not to take that as anything but indication he's doing the right thing. And I want you to know, no, we're not impressed. I take it you're arrogant enough that nothing will change your mind, that you're fair enough to try to do the right thing. So I'll give you a fair warning.

After what I did, I can't be relied on to moderate you, I'm obviously emotionally compromised. I'll leave that to a different person from here on. But unless you're the first to moderate yourself, Cliff, it won't make any difference.

EDIT- I took some advice from a third party and decided to lock the thread. I trust this party- I hope I'm doing the right thing.
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