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Sexual Cannibalism for Mantoids in Felarya?
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PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 06, 2010 2:34 pm

Quote :
Which is why I'm trying to differentiate between Felarya and Earth and maintain my own bias in check.

Well there are distinct differances between Felarya and Earth. Also, as I've said before, science describes something based on how it relates to something else, science does not actually know how everything works, that is why the law "true until proven otherwise" exists. We can't explain the universe, the why and the how are two totally different things.

Basically what I'm saying is that felarya will make sense as long as it obeys it's own laws.
Just because a mantis on earth might not eat it's prey doesn't mean a felaryan one wont. They can (and probably are) different creatures, having evolved differently in mentality and physicality. I also defer to Karbo's input about the frenzied/dominant Mantoid.
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 06, 2010 8:06 pm

Archmage_Bael wrote:
Quote :
Which is why I'm trying to differentiate between Felarya and Earth and maintain my own bias in check.

Well there are distinct differances between Felarya and Earth. Also, as I've said before, science describes something based on how it relates to something else, science does not actually know how everything works, that is why the law "true until proven otherwise" exists. We can't explain the universe, the why and the how are two totally different things.

Basically what I'm saying is that felarya will make sense as long as it obeys it's own laws.
Just because a mantis on earth might not eat it's prey doesn't mean a felaryan one wont. They can (and probably are) different creatures, having evolved differently in mentality and physicality. I also defer to Karbo's input about the frenzied/dominant Mantoid.

Frenzied and dominant =/= automatic sexual cannibalism.

And on Earth, mantises eat their prey too. Else they wouldn't, you know, live.

It is precisely the fact that mantoids evolved differently that makes me think sexual cannibalism would be rare. Their humanity mixed into the evolution would make it more rare. For giant mantoids not only would it seem wrong to many of them to kill their date, it is also not as pragmatic as for a rapidly populating insectoid species.

I'm not saying that there will be no unique relation between the mantoid sexes compared to other species - it is fairly logical to say the females are larger and more assertive. Thus, more than other species, the female mantoid would be taking a domineering role.

I just don't think that something about mantises that probably isn't even true at all should survive the crossing into a tauric species. Mantises are awesome and unique in tons of ways that don't involve common myths.
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Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 4:57 pm

Oldman40k2003's solution: female mantoids don't often eat their mates, but instead tend to (harmlessly) nibble on them. This, plus the occasional occurrence of real sexual cannibalism, has given rise to the legend that they always eat their mates.

A situational example:
Male mantoid: "Hey, stop nibbling on my shoulder!" 0_0;
Female mantoid: *nom nom nom* "Your shoulder, it has flavor!" ^_^
Male mantoid: "...so cute..."
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PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 9:21 pm

Oldman40k2003 wrote:
Oldman40k2003's solution: female mantoids don't often eat their mates, but instead tend to (harmlessly) nibble on them. This, plus the occasional occurrence of real sexual cannibalism, has given rise to the legend that they always eat their mates.

A situational example:
Male mantoid: "Hey, stop nibbling on my shoulder!" 0_0;
Female mantoid: *nom nom nom* "Your shoulder, it has flavor!" ^_^
Male mantoid: "...so cute..."
This, I like this idea. It makes sense.
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PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 08, 2010 9:24 pm

I would be ok with that. Another example of causation =/= correlation. And it would give basis for the rumour. A dominant female could eat a male though if she were extremely hungry or deranged, and one or two examples would be all it would take to make the information spread like wildfire - and become 'common' knowledge.
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PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 09, 2010 2:02 am


I think we've solved this one nicley, that is if nobody has any objections.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 1:46 am

I know this is an old topic but I just feel I need to say somthing you know...

As the creator of the Mantoid race I just find it a little shocking that a discution like this went ont behind my back...Though I do blame myself on some part since I never really used the forums till recently...but I just find it odd no one told me or asked me about this...

...Ok about the cannibilizm thing with mantoids...the female eats the male after mating because the female will get pregnate...swollen with eggs to the point where she can hardly move...thus unable to hunt and get food...SO she eats the male so she can live during that time...getting all the nutriets she needs till she can lay the eggs...

This is seen in the wild by MANY insects...including mantises...so I just applied it to Mantoids you know...

...and there is an exseption...though it is commonly perfered in the Mantoid race to eat the male...there is the case where the female decides not to...its her choice (but instincts urges her to so they have to manage to fight that off) but this proves a problem since she will need ALOT of food in order to survive pregnancy...so its up to the male (or friends) to provide an constant stream of food...

This is very uncommon since insticts (as well as mantoid culture) urges them to...there are cases where the female dosent eat the male...

In fact...I have a mantoid OC name Vanessa who is the older sister of Hitomi (Who is the first Mantoid character btw) who decided not to eat her mate and Hitomi agreed to help her get food while she was pregnat...

I know this information wasnt in the wiki...and I have no Idea why it isnt...I mean I told this information to the person who rewrote the Mantoid bio...

I guess the info got lost somewhere and I apologies for the chaos...I just felt that I need to clarify the real reason to the eating of the males...

if any questions please let me know ok... ^w^
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PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 2:24 am

kikijonson wrote:
This is seen in the wild by MANY insects...including mantises...so I just applied it to Mantoids you know...
Well actually, if you read this thread I believe it was raised that there's only one mantis species in our reality that engages in sexual cannibalism. The majority of mantis species do not.

What has happened is that in people have taken "there's a species of mantis that engages in sexual cannibalism" and turned it into "all mantises are sexual cannibals."
I regard this with the same status as one of those "factual" urban myths, along with "the harvestman has the most deadly venom of any spider" and all that.

If anything, only one species of Felaryan Mantiods should engage in sexual cannibalism, the rest, like mantises in our reality, don't.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 2:49 am

Well I do not think that anyone was trying to "talk behind your back" here. But the truth is, honestly, I do not like the mantoid sexual cannibalism. This topic has come up a few times in discussion though and to be honest, its rather unpopular. Also to be honest the budding effect for male reproduction that you have honestly made no sense what so ever, all it did was give the males no reason what so ever for them to ever breed with females. Also in nature, sexual cannibalism is rather rare with mantis species.
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Felarya cartographer
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Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 7:33 am

asaenvolk wrote:
Well I do not think that anyone was trying to "talk behind your back" here. But the truth is, honestly, I do not like the mantoid sexual cannibalism. This topic has come up a few times in discussion though and to be honest, its rather unpopular. Also to be honest the budding effect for male reproduction that you have honestly made no sense what so ever, all it did was give the males no reason what so ever for them to ever breed with females. Also in nature, sexual cannibalism is rather rare with mantis species.

Yeah, the whole mantoid sexual cannibalism thing is largely just ignored by everyone, or just assumed to not be canon as it is not mentioned in the wiki at all. It just doesn't make much sense, and the actual act would be very unpleasent, since it is someone killing and eating another person their own size. We're talking about true, brutal, gory cannibalism between two same-sized individuals here, its not something that can just be glossed over or joked around with.

Some animal traits just do not translate well to a humanoid hybrid species, and should not be used.

There's also the fact that real preying mantises don't actually do that, unless outside forces stress them out. It isn't a naturally occurng thing. Its kind of like how most people assume that lemmings run off cliffs, when they really don't.

Quote :
I know this information wasnt in the wiki...and I have no Idea why it isnt...I mean I told this information to the person who rewrote the Mantoid bio...

Im glad it isn't in the wiki. It just isn't a good idea, Kiki. It could always be, like, a rumor or something...but it just doesn't work as a serious idea. It may be better if you just drop that aspect of mantoids.
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Temple scourge
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Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 7:58 am

I just like how everyone always remembers that mantises may be sexual cannibals, but the fact male spiders can very well end like this in a lot of species is unheard of. If anything that might be a shtick of Dridders, depending on how civilized they are
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Black Aquila
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Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 8:38 am

Slimetoad wrote:
I just like how everyone always remembers that mantises may be sexual cannibals, but the fact male spiders can very well end like this in a lot of species is unheard of. If anything that might be a shtick of Dridders, depending on how civilized they are

In fact... in some cases the male spider actually tries to get himself eaten.

Hmmm... would Male Mantoids then be the ones to have an instinctual urge to have their mate consume them?
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Friend of the Jotun
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PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 9:59 am

I just don't like the sexual cannibalism thing because its based of something that's so much just a myth.

As was mentioned previous here, mantises in real life actually have elaborate sexual rituals.

As well... if the reason for it is because the female can't get food... well, that actually doesn't make sense. What would make sense is simply the male going out and collecting food for the female. (This also gives an interesting social interaction where male mantises are subservient to females.)

"Factual" urban myths and "common knowledge" things just bother me. Like the lemmings thing Cliff mentioned.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 10:54 am

To be fair- the parts about the sexual cannibalism was included in the draft presented for the wiki (I had shown it to Kiki before posting here, it can be found on page 2 of the undescribed wiki entries). Saving a link and some time though...


Questions were raised then about the budding aspect, to which I responded that Kiki would be the one to talk about it as I couldn't find specific details and that's about as far as the discussion went at that time. So things were just dropped or changed in the long run (such as the arms things also modified for the wiki, it was another point brought up that she wanted clarified) when it got posted up so I had only guessed a private discussion sorted out in between.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 11:05 am

Anime-Junkie wrote:
kikijonson wrote:
This is seen in the wild by MANY insects...including mantises...so I just applied it to Mantoids you know...
Well actually, if you read this thread I believe it was raised that there's only one mantis species in our reality that engages in sexual cannibalism. The majority of mantis species do not.

What has happened is that in people have taken "there's a species of mantis that engages in sexual cannibalism" and turned it into "all mantises are sexual cannibals."
I regard this with the same status as one of those "factual" urban myths, along with "the harvestman has the most deadly venom of any spider" and all that.

If anything, only one species of Felaryan Mantiods should engage in sexual cannibalism, the rest, like mantises in our reality, don't.

As I stated...I wwasnt going by the fact that mantsses do it or not...I stated I added it due the fact that it is commonly done in the insect kingdom as a whole...

so I just perfer to keep the race how I left it you know...
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 11:10 am

asaenvolk wrote:
Well I do not think that anyone was trying to "talk behind your back" here. But the truth is, honestly, I do not like the mantoid sexual cannibalism. This topic has come up a few times in discussion though and to be honest, its rather unpopular. Also to be honest the budding effect for male reproduction that you have honestly made no sense what so ever, all it did was give the males no reason what so ever for them to ever breed with females. Also in nature, sexual cannibalism is rather rare with mantis species.

I decided to scrap the budding thing enirely and stated the males are born normally a while back...thing were just getting weird...so I added that they are born along with the rest of the mantoid swarm...

also...as I recall the mantoid race isnt even that popular yet...just kinda one of those side races...and no one really complained to me about it and it seems to me that they are kinda "Known" for it...I understand that it;s not your thing but it's what I intended it to be,...I was basing it from what I've seen and what I studied about insects...
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Felarya cartographer
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Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 11:14 am

kikijonson wrote:
Anime-Junkie wrote:
kikijonson wrote:
This is seen in the wild by MANY insects...including mantises...so I just applied it to Mantoids you know...
Well actually, if you read this thread I believe it was raised that there's only one mantis species in our reality that engages in sexual cannibalism. The majority of mantis species do not.

What has happened is that in people have taken "there's a species of mantis that engages in sexual cannibalism" and turned it into "all mantises are sexual cannibals."
I regard this with the same status as one of those "factual" urban myths, along with "the harvestman has the most deadly venom of any spider" and all that.

If anything, only one species of Felaryan Mantiods should engage in sexual cannibalism, the rest, like mantises in our reality, don't.

As I stated...I wwasnt going by the fact that mantsses do it or not...I stated I added it due the fact that it is commonly done in the insect kingdom as a whole...

so I just perfer to keep the race how I left it you know...

The idea doesn't work though, Kiki.

Mantises don't really eat their mates. Its more common amongst spiders, which aren't even insects.

Not to mention, since they're the same size...and mantoids aren't like nagas and dridders, and don't have any natural adaptations to eat someone their own size...you would actually have them killing and then subsequently eating another creature their own size. They'd have to cut the body up, and so on. It is a very gruesome thing, and just adds a needlessly ugly trait to an otherwise fine species. I mean, it would basically turn Mantoids into a whole species of Hannibal Lecters.

It would make a decent rumor amongst humans that know nothing about Mantoid culture, but as a real, racial trait? No, it just doesn't work.

Quote :
also...as I recall the mantoid race isnt even that popular yet...just kinda one of those side races...and no one really complained to me about it and it seems to me that they are kinda "Known" for it...I understand that it;s not your thing but it's what I intended it to be,...I was basing it from what I've seen and what I studied about insects...

A race not being "popular" has nothing to do with the discussion.

They aren't "known" for it either, because whenever someone asks that question, we all direct them to the wiki article, which has no mention of sexual cannibalism, and then explain that its a trait that just never worked for their species. Most of the community either ignores the sexual cannibalism, or agrees that it was never made canon because it just doesn't work.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 11:22 am

rcs619 wrote:
kikijonson wrote:
Anime-Junkie wrote:
kikijonson wrote:
This is seen in the wild by MANY insects...including mantises...so I just applied it to Mantoids you know...
Well actually, if you read this thread I believe it was raised that there's only one mantis species in our reality that engages in sexual cannibalism. The majority of mantis species do not.

What has happened is that in people have taken "there's a species of mantis that engages in sexual cannibalism" and turned it into "all mantises are sexual cannibals."
I regard this with the same status as one of those "factual" urban myths, along with "the harvestman has the most deadly venom of any spider" and all that.

If anything, only one species of Felaryan Mantiods should engage in sexual cannibalism, the rest, like mantises in our reality, don't.

As I stated...I wwasnt going by the fact that mantsses do it or not...I stated I added it due the fact that it is commonly done in the insect kingdom as a whole...

so I just perfer to keep the race how I left it you know...

The idea doesn't work though, Kiki.

Mantises don't really eat their mates. Its more common amongst spiders, which aren't even insects.

Not to mention, since they're the same size...and mantoids aren't like nagas and dridders, and don't have any natural adaptations to eat someone their own size...you would actually have them killing and then subsequently eating another creature their own size. They'd have to cut the body up, and so on. It is a very gruesome thing, and just adds a needlessly ugly trait to an otherwise fine species. I mean, it would basically turn Mantoids into a whole species of Hannibal Lecters.

It would make a decent rumor amongst humans that know nothing about Mantoid culture, but as a real, racial trait? No, it just doesn't work.

Quote :
also...as I recall the mantoid race isnt even that popular yet...just kinda one of those side races...and no one really complained to me about it and it seems to me that they are kinda "Known" for it...I understand that it;s not your thing but it's what I intended it to be,...I was basing it from what I've seen and what I studied about insects...

A race not being "popular" has nothing to do with the discussion.

They aren't "known" for it either, because whenever someone asks that question, we all direct them to the wiki article, which has no mention of sexual cannibalism, and then explain that its a trait that just never worked for their species. Most of the community either ignores that aspect, or agrees that it was never made canon because it just doesn't work.

Ugh...all I said the males were smaller...in fact...even small enough to be swallowed somewhat...they dont need all the blood and guts and stuff...though most mantoids are violent so...it could happen you know

and it is common amoungs insects as well...not just siders so It's not jus limited to them you know...

the only reason they do it is because they need to actually survive the pregnacy....and like saed before...they dont HAVE t do it...

...I just dont really want my idea being change...or having people not even ask me my reasoning for adding it and such you know...
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Felarya cartographer
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Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 11:30 am

Quote :
Ugh...all I said the males were smaller...in fact...even small enough to be swallowed somewhat...they dont need all the blood and guts and stuff...though most mantoids are violent so...it could happen you know

Then you're going to need to revise the idea if that's the case.

Humans are about the size of a predator's finger. Anything much bigger than that would be impossible for a pred to swallow whole.

If a male Mantoid is that small, small enough to be swallowed, then he is far too small to mate with a female. That'd be like a human being able to go and mate with a giantess. It just doesn't work that way. The male's genetic material would be too small to fertilize the female.

I could see the males being maybe a head and shoulder smaller than the females...but small enough to swallow? No, that just doesn't work.

Quote :
the only reason they do it is because they need to actually survive the pregnacy....and like saed before...they dont HAVE t do it...

Mantoids are a tauric species that lays eggs. Egg laying preds don't experience a pregnancy the same way humans do, for precisely that reason. Because their eggs are much smaller than a baby would be, the mother would barely feel her pregnancy and still be perfectly able to move around and take care of herself. Nagas, Dridders, Mermaids and nearly all other egg-laying predators behave this way.

I think part of the problem is that you never hung out on the forums much. You were never there for the discussions about predator reproduction, and even the prior discussions on whether Mantoids actually ate their mates, among other things. Unfortunately, when you don't pay attention to things on the forum, your ideas tend to be out of date with the canon, or contradict it in some way. Just part of being part of a community like this.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
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PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 11:45 am

rcs619 wrote:
Quote :
Ugh...all I said the males were smaller...in fact...even small enough to be swallowed somewhat...they dont need all the blood and guts and stuff...though most mantoids are violent so...it could happen you know

Then you're going to need to revise the idea if that's the case.

Humans are about the size of a predator's finger. Anything much bigger than that would be impossible for a pred to swallow whole.

If a male Mantoid is that small, small enough to be swallowed, then he is far too small to mate with a female. That'd be like a human being able to go and mate with a giantess. It just doesn't work that way. The male's genetic material would be too small to fertilize the female.

I could see the males being maybe a head and shoulder smaller than the females...but small enough to swallow? No, that just doesn't work.

Quote :
the only reason they do it is because they need to actually survive the pregnacy....and like saed before...they dont HAVE t do it...

Mantoids are a tauric species that lays eggs. Egg laying preds don't experience a pregnancy the same way humans do, for precisely that reason. Because their eggs are much smaller than a baby would be, the mother would barely feel her pregnancy and still be perfectly able to move around and take care of herself. Nagas, Dridders, Mermaids and nearly all other egg-laying predators behave this way.

I think part of the problem is that you never hung out on the forums much. You were never there for the discussions about predator reproduction, and even the prior discussions on whether Mantoids actually ate their mates, among other things. Unfortunately, when you don't pay attention to things on the forum, your ideas tend to be out of date with the canon, or contradict it in some way. Just part of being part of a community like this.

I guess I didnt exsplain the swallowing thing...

the male is about half...or a little lesss than half the female size...I was saying like...I was stating that the females can swallow somewhat large objects....nothing their own size but decent...I think the term is Macro vore...

and with the egg...the female layes alot of eggs...ranging from 45-80 eggs...and each egg hold a baby mantoid which is roughly...3-4 feet tall...so the egg needs to caccoon around them...thus...each egg is about...6-8 feet in diameter...no stry sticking about 6 of those inside the adomin of a manoid...

and yes I do blame myself alot withthis because I only recently took part of the forum and my ideas are all based on when I was only ike...16 years old or somthing...before the forum was even made...
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Felarya cartographer
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Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 11:51 am

Quote :
I guess I didnt exsplain the swallowing thing...

the male is about half...or a little lesss than half the female size...I was saying like...I was stating that the females can swallow somewhat large objects....nothing their own size but decent...I think the term is Macro vore...

Yeah... That's what I was worried about.

Sorry, but that just isn't going to work. The only reason Nagas can do that is because snakes can swallow large prey. No other predator species is capable of that, and Mantoids have stretchy bodies for no apparently reason just seems needless and tacked on.

Quote :
and with the egg...the female layes alot of eggs...ranging from 45-80 eggs...and each egg hold a baby mantoid which is roughly...3-4 feet tall...so the egg needs to caccoon around them...thus...each egg is about...6-8 feet in diameter...no stry sticking about 6 of those inside the adomin of a manoid...

Honestly, 45-80 eggs is a bit too much. No other pred lays that many. I wouldn't go with more than a dozen per pregnancy, honestly.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 11:56 am

rcs619 wrote:
Quote :
I guess I didnt exsplain the swallowing thing...

the male is about half...or a little lesss than half the female size...I was saying like...I was stating that the females can swallow somewhat large objects....nothing their own size but decent...I think the term is Macro vore...

Yeah... That's what I was worried about.

Sorry, but that just isn't going to work. The only reason Nagas can do that is because snakes can swallow large prey. No other predator species is capable of that, and Mantoids have stretchy bodies for no apparently reason just seems needless and tacked on.

Quote :
and with the egg...the female layes alot of eggs...ranging from 45-80 eggs...and each egg hold a baby mantoid which is roughly...3-4 feet tall...so the egg needs to caccoon around them...thus...each egg is about...6-8 feet in diameter...no stry sticking about 6 of those inside the adomin of a manoid...

Honestly, 45-80 eggs is a bit too much. No other pred lays that many. I wouldn't go with more than a dozen per pregnancy, honestly.
well I can lower the egg count to 30....this is mearly because the baby mantoids use swarm tatics in order to srvive and they are really small so other predators find them as easy meals...so some have to live...inects lay alou of eggs for the same reason...

and dont other insec predaors have the ability to swallow somewhat large pray..I seen in happen in some stories and such...if not then the female would have to chew...and again I rather not change anything about the race I made >.<

(I'm stubborn)
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 12:01 pm

Quote :
well I can lower the egg count to 30....this is mearly because the baby mantoids use swarm tatics in order to srvive and they are really small so other predators find them as easy meals...so some have to live...inects lay alou of eggs for the same reason...

All egg-born preds are really tiny at birth, and really vulnerable. Most baby predators don't make it to maturity, or else we'd be overrun with them. Nagas, Dridders, Mermaids, and many others have those same kinds of problems.

Quote :
and dont other insec predaors have the ability to swallow somewhat large pray..I seen in happen in some stories and such...if not then the female would have to chew...and again I rather not change anything about the race I made >.<

Nope. Only Nagas (and, I think Slug girls) can swallow larger prey.

Events in stories should not be considered canon, since most of them directly contradict it.

We've all had to tweak, change or even completely drop ideas to make them fit in with the canon. Its a normal part of the process. Look at Cauldronborn, he's had to change is ideas several times to keep up with changes in the canon.
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Marauder of the deep jungle
Marauder of the deep jungle

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Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 12:03 pm

rcs619 wrote:
Quote :
well I can lower the egg count to 30....this is mearly because the baby mantoids use swarm tatics in order to srvive and they are really small so other predators find them as easy meals...so some have to live...inects lay alou of eggs for the same reason...

All egg-born preds are really tiny at birth, and really vulnerable. Most baby predators don't make it to maturity, or else we'd be overrun with them. Nagas, Dridders, Mermaids, and many others have those same kinds of problems.

Quote :
and dont other insec predaors have the ability to swallow somewhat large pray..I seen in happen in some stories and such...if not then the female would have to chew...and again I rather not change anything about the race I made >.<

Nope. Only Nagas (and, I think Slug girls) can swallow larger prey.

Events in stories should not be considered canon, since most of them directly contradict it.

We've all had to tweak, change or even completely drop ideas to make them fit in with the canon. Its a normal part of the process. Look at Cauldronborn, he's had to change is ideas several times to keep up with changes in the canon.

but I dont want to change i that's the thing...I kinda want them to be "known for it" ..and I honestly dont really see a reason it's a problem...like I said nt all Mantoids eat the male...and I am even ok with tha it's a 50/50 thing...
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Felarya cartographer
Felarya cartographer

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Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism   Mantoids and Sexual Cannibalism - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 28, 2011 12:09 pm

Quote :
but I dont want to change i that's the thing...I kinda want them to be "known for it" ..and I honestly dont really see a reason it's a problem...like I said nt all Mantoids eat the male...and I am even ok with tha it's a 50/50 thing...

We've all had to change ideas. Its just the way this kind of stuff works.

They aren't "known for it" though. Most of us just tried to ignore it, since it wasn't in the wiki, and just didn't work as an idea.

Reasons Mantoid sexual cannibalism is a problem:
1: Mantises don't do it in nature all that much. It is an exaggerated myth about them.

2: Mantoids are sentient. When spiders and mantises do it in nature, it is because they are stupid, and mistake the much smaller male for prey. Mantoids are smart, and I just cannot see a sentient race being fine with cannibalism.

3: In order to make it possible, you want males to be less than half the size of the females.

4: In order to make it possible, you want mantoids to have stretchy jaws, necks and chests to accomodate eating something half their size. Nagas are the only race that can do this.

5: The female Mantoid, since she lays eggs, would have a very mild pregnancy, and be perfectly able to move around and care for herself.

6: The species is needlessly decreasing its population and genetic diversity.
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